#include #include #if defined(_unix_) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "factory.h" #include "pool.h" namespace { class TThreadNamer { public: TThreadNamer(const IThreadPool::TParams& params) : ThreadName(params.ThreadName_) , EnumerateThreads(params.EnumerateThreads_) { } explicit operator bool() const { return !ThreadName.empty(); } void SetCurrentThreadName() { if (EnumerateThreads) { Set(TStringBuilder() << ThreadName << (Index++)); } else { Set(ThreadName); } } private: void Set(const TString& name) { TThread::SetCurrentThreadName(name.c_str()); } private: TString ThreadName; bool EnumerateThreads = false; std::atomic Index{0}; }; } TThreadFactoryHolder::TThreadFactoryHolder() noexcept : Pool_(SystemThreadFactory()) { } class TThreadPool::TImpl: public TIntrusiveListItem, public IThreadFactory::IThreadAble { using TTsr = IThreadPool::TTsr; using TJobQueue = TFastQueue; using TThreadRef = THolder; public: inline TImpl(TThreadPool* parent, size_t thrnum, size_t maxqueue, const TParams& params) : Parent_(parent) , Blocking(params.Blocking_) , Catching(params.Catching_) , Namer(params) , ShouldTerminate(true) , MaxQueueSize(0) , ThreadCountExpected(0) , ThreadCountReal(0) , Forked(false) { TAtforkQueueRestarter::Get().RegisterObject(this); Start(thrnum, maxqueue); } inline ~TImpl() override { try { Stop(); } catch (...) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } TAtforkQueueRestarter::Get().UnregisterObject(this); Y_ASSERT(Tharr.empty()); } inline bool Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) { if (ShouldTerminate.load()) { return false; } if (Tharr.empty()) { TTsr tsr(Parent_); obj->Process(tsr); return true; } with_lock (QueueMutex) { while (MaxQueueSize > 0 && Queue.Size() >= MaxQueueSize && !ShouldTerminate.load()) { if (!Blocking) { return false; } QueuePopCond.Wait(QueueMutex); } if (ShouldTerminate.load()) { return false; } Queue.Push(obj); } QueuePushCond.Signal(); return true; } inline size_t Size() const noexcept { auto guard = Guard(QueueMutex); return Queue.Size(); } inline size_t GetMaxQueueSize() const noexcept { return MaxQueueSize; } inline size_t GetThreadCountExpected() const noexcept { return ThreadCountExpected; } inline size_t GetThreadCountReal() const noexcept { return ThreadCountReal; } inline void AtforkAction() noexcept Y_NO_SANITIZE("thread") { Forked = true; } inline bool NeedRestart() const noexcept { return Forked; } private: inline void Start(size_t num, size_t maxque) { ShouldTerminate.store(false); MaxQueueSize = maxque; ThreadCountExpected = num; try { for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { Tharr.push_back(Parent_->Pool()->Run(this)); ++ThreadCountReal; } } catch (...) { Stop(); throw; } } inline void Stop() { ShouldTerminate.store(true); with_lock (QueueMutex) { QueuePopCond.BroadCast(); } if (!NeedRestart()) { WaitForComplete(); } Tharr.clear(); ThreadCountExpected = 0; MaxQueueSize = 0; } inline void WaitForComplete() noexcept { with_lock (StopMutex) { while (ThreadCountReal) { with_lock (QueueMutex) { QueuePushCond.Signal(); } StopCond.Wait(StopMutex); } } } void DoExecute() override { THolder tsr(new TTsr(Parent_)); if (Namer) { Namer.SetCurrentThreadName(); } while (true) { IObjectInQueue* job = nullptr; with_lock (QueueMutex) { while (Queue.Empty() && !ShouldTerminate.load()) { QueuePushCond.Wait(QueueMutex); } if (ShouldTerminate.load() && Queue.Empty()) { tsr.Destroy(); break; } job = Queue.Pop(); } QueuePopCond.Signal(); if (Catching) { try { try { job->Process(*tsr); } catch (...) { Cdbg << "[mtp queue] " << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl; } } catch (...) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } } else { job->Process(*tsr); } } FinishOneThread(); } inline void FinishOneThread() noexcept { auto guard = Guard(StopMutex); --ThreadCountReal; StopCond.Signal(); } private: TThreadPool* Parent_; const bool Blocking; const bool Catching; TThreadNamer Namer; mutable TMutex QueueMutex; mutable TMutex StopMutex; TCondVar QueuePushCond; TCondVar QueuePopCond; TCondVar StopCond; TJobQueue Queue; TVector Tharr; std::atomic ShouldTerminate; size_t MaxQueueSize; size_t ThreadCountExpected; size_t ThreadCountReal; bool Forked; class TAtforkQueueRestarter { public: static TAtforkQueueRestarter& Get() { return *SingletonWithPriority(); } inline void RegisterObject(TImpl* obj) { auto guard = Guard(ActionMutex); RegisteredObjects.PushBack(obj); } inline void UnregisterObject(TImpl* obj) { auto guard = Guard(ActionMutex); obj->Unlink(); } private: void ChildAction() { TTryGuard guard{ActionMutex}; // If you get an error here, it means you've used fork(2) in multi-threaded environment and probably created thread pools often. // Don't use fork(2) in multi-threaded programs, don't create thread pools often. // The mutex is locked after fork iff the fork(2) call was concurrent with RegisterObject / UnregisterObject in another thread. Y_VERIFY(guard.WasAcquired(), "Failed to acquire ActionMutex after fork"); for (auto it = RegisteredObjects.Begin(); it != RegisteredObjects.End(); ++it) { it->AtforkAction(); } } static void ProcessChildAction() { Get().ChildAction(); } TIntrusiveList RegisteredObjects; TMutex ActionMutex; public: inline TAtforkQueueRestarter() { #if defined(_bionic_) //no pthread_atfork on android libc #elif defined(_unix_) pthread_atfork(nullptr, nullptr, ProcessChildAction); #endif } }; }; TThreadPool::~TThreadPool() = default; size_t TThreadPool::Size() const noexcept { if (!Impl_.Get()) { return 0; } return Impl_->Size(); } size_t TThreadPool::GetThreadCountExpected() const noexcept { if (!Impl_.Get()) { return 0; } return Impl_->GetThreadCountExpected(); } size_t TThreadPool::GetThreadCountReal() const noexcept { if (!Impl_.Get()) { return 0; } return Impl_->GetThreadCountReal(); } size_t TThreadPool::GetMaxQueueSize() const noexcept { if (!Impl_.Get()) { return 0; } return Impl_->GetMaxQueueSize(); } bool TThreadPool::Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) { Y_ENSURE_EX(Impl_.Get(), TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("mtp queue not started")); if (Impl_->NeedRestart()) { Start(Impl_->GetThreadCountExpected(), Impl_->GetMaxQueueSize()); } return Impl_->Add(obj); } void TThreadPool::Start(size_t thrnum, size_t maxque) { Impl_.Reset(new TImpl(this, thrnum, maxque, Params)); } void TThreadPool::Stop() noexcept { Impl_.Destroy(); } static std::atomic MtpQueueCounter = 0; class TAdaptiveThreadPool::TImpl { public: class TThread: public IThreadFactory::IThreadAble { public: inline TThread(TImpl* parent) : Impl_(parent) , Thread_(Impl_->Parent_->Pool()->Run(this)) { } inline ~TThread() override { Impl_->DecThreadCount(); } private: void DoExecute() noexcept override { THolder This(this); if (Impl_->Namer) { Impl_->Namer.SetCurrentThreadName(); } { TTsr tsr(Impl_->Parent_); IObjectInQueue* obj; while ((obj = Impl_->WaitForJob()) != nullptr) { if (Impl_->Catching) { try { try { obj->Process(tsr); } catch (...) { Cdbg << Impl_->Name() << " " << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl; } } catch (...) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } } else { obj->Process(tsr); } } } } private: TImpl* Impl_; THolder Thread_; }; inline TImpl(TAdaptiveThreadPool* parent, const TParams& params) : Parent_(parent) , Catching(params.Catching_) , Namer(params) , ThrCount_(0) , AllDone_(false) , Obj_(nullptr) , Free_(0) , IdleTime_(TDuration::Max()) { sprintf(Name_, "[mtp queue %ld]", ++MtpQueueCounter); } inline ~TImpl() { Stop(); } inline void SetMaxIdleTime(TDuration idleTime) { IdleTime_ = idleTime; } inline const char* Name() const noexcept { return Name_; } inline void Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) { with_lock (Mutex_) { while (Obj_ != nullptr) { CondFree_.Wait(Mutex_); } if (Free_ == 0) { AddThreadNoLock(); } Obj_ = obj; Y_ENSURE_EX(!AllDone_, TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("adding to a stopped queue")); } CondReady_.Signal(); } inline void AddThreads(size_t n) { with_lock (Mutex_) { while (n) { AddThreadNoLock(); --n; } } } inline size_t Size() const noexcept { return ThrCount_.load(); } private: inline void IncThreadCount() noexcept { ++ThrCount_; } inline void DecThreadCount() noexcept { --ThrCount_; } inline void AddThreadNoLock() { IncThreadCount(); try { new TThread(this); } catch (...) { DecThreadCount(); throw; } } inline void Stop() noexcept { Mutex_.Acquire(); AllDone_ = true; while (ThrCount_.load()) { Mutex_.Release(); CondReady_.Signal(); Mutex_.Acquire(); } Mutex_.Release(); } inline IObjectInQueue* WaitForJob() noexcept { Mutex_.Acquire(); ++Free_; while (!Obj_ && !AllDone_) { if (!CondReady_.WaitT(Mutex_, IdleTime_)) { break; } } IObjectInQueue* ret = Obj_; Obj_ = nullptr; --Free_; Mutex_.Release(); CondFree_.Signal(); return ret; } private: TAdaptiveThreadPool* Parent_; const bool Catching; TThreadNamer Namer; std::atomic ThrCount_; TMutex Mutex_; TCondVar CondReady_; TCondVar CondFree_; bool AllDone_; IObjectInQueue* Obj_; size_t Free_; char Name_[64]; TDuration IdleTime_; }; TThreadPoolBase::TThreadPoolBase(const TParams& params) : TThreadFactoryHolder(params.Factory_) , Params(params) { } #define DEFINE_THREAD_POOL_CTORS(type) \ type::type(const TParams& params) \ : TThreadPoolBase(params) \ { \ } DEFINE_THREAD_POOL_CTORS(TThreadPool) DEFINE_THREAD_POOL_CTORS(TAdaptiveThreadPool) DEFINE_THREAD_POOL_CTORS(TSimpleThreadPool) TAdaptiveThreadPool::~TAdaptiveThreadPool() = default; bool TAdaptiveThreadPool::Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) { Y_ENSURE_EX(Impl_.Get(), TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("mtp queue not started")); Impl_->Add(obj); return true; } void TAdaptiveThreadPool::Start(size_t, size_t) { Impl_.Reset(new TImpl(this, Params)); } void TAdaptiveThreadPool::Stop() noexcept { Impl_.Destroy(); } size_t TAdaptiveThreadPool::Size() const noexcept { if (Impl_.Get()) { return Impl_->Size(); } return 0; } void TAdaptiveThreadPool::SetMaxIdleTime(TDuration interval) { Y_ENSURE_EX(Impl_.Get(), TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("mtp queue not started")); Impl_->SetMaxIdleTime(interval); } TSimpleThreadPool::~TSimpleThreadPool() { try { Stop(); } catch (...) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } } bool TSimpleThreadPool::Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) { Y_ENSURE_EX(Slave_.Get(), TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("mtp queue not started")); return Slave_->Add(obj); } void TSimpleThreadPool::Start(size_t thrnum, size_t maxque) { THolder tmp; TAdaptiveThreadPool* adaptive(nullptr); if (thrnum) { tmp.Reset(new TThreadPoolBinder(this, Params)); } else { adaptive = new TThreadPoolBinder(this, Params); tmp.Reset(adaptive); } tmp->Start(thrnum, maxque); if (adaptive) { adaptive->SetMaxIdleTime(TDuration::Seconds(100)); } Slave_.Swap(tmp); } void TSimpleThreadPool::Stop() noexcept { Slave_.Destroy(); } size_t TSimpleThreadPool::Size() const noexcept { if (Slave_.Get()) { return Slave_->Size(); } return 0; } namespace { class TOwnedObjectInQueue: public IObjectInQueue { private: THolder Owned; public: TOwnedObjectInQueue(THolder owned) : Owned(std::move(owned)) { } void Process(void* data) override { THolder self(this); Owned->Process(data); } }; } void IThreadPool::SafeAdd(IObjectInQueue* obj) { Y_ENSURE_EX(Add(obj), TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("can not add object to queue")); } void IThreadPool::SafeAddAndOwn(THolder obj) { Y_ENSURE_EX(AddAndOwn(std::move(obj)), TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("can not add to queue and own")); } bool IThreadPool::AddAndOwn(THolder obj) { auto owner = MakeHolder(std::move(obj)); bool added = Add(owner.Get()); if (added) { Y_UNUSED(owner.Release()); } return added; } using IThread = IThreadFactory::IThread; using IThreadAble = IThreadFactory::IThreadAble; namespace { class TPoolThread: public IThread { class TThreadImpl: public IObjectInQueue, public TAtomicRefCount { public: inline TThreadImpl(IThreadAble* func) : Func_(func) { } ~TThreadImpl() override = default; inline void WaitForStart() noexcept { StartEvent_.Wait(); } inline void WaitForComplete() noexcept { CompleteEvent_.Wait(); } private: void Process(void* /*tsr*/) override { TThreadImplRef This(this); { StartEvent_.Signal(); try { Func_->Execute(); } catch (...) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } CompleteEvent_.Signal(); } } private: IThreadAble* Func_; TSystemEvent CompleteEvent_; TSystemEvent StartEvent_; }; using TThreadImplRef = TIntrusivePtr; public: inline TPoolThread(IThreadPool* parent) : Parent_(parent) { } ~TPoolThread() override { if (Impl_) { Impl_->WaitForStart(); } } private: void DoRun(IThreadAble* func) override { TThreadImplRef impl(new TThreadImpl(func)); Parent_->SafeAdd(impl.Get()); Impl_.Swap(impl); } void DoJoin() noexcept override { if (Impl_) { Impl_->WaitForComplete(); Impl_ = nullptr; } } private: IThreadPool* Parent_; TThreadImplRef Impl_; }; } IThread* IThreadPool::DoCreate() { return new TPoolThread(this); } THolder CreateThreadPool(size_t threadsCount, size_t queueSizeLimit, const TThreadPoolParams& params) { THolder queue; if (threadsCount > 1) { queue.Reset(new TThreadPool(params)); } else { queue.Reset(new TFakeThreadPool()); } queue->Start(threadsCount, queueSizeLimit); return queue; }