import argparse import os import sys import tarfile import collections import subprocess import re GCDA_EXT = '.gcda' GCNO_EXT = '.gcno' def suffixes(path): """ >>> list(suffixes('/a/b/c')) ['c', 'b/c', '/a/b/c'] >>> list(suffixes('/a/b/c/')) ['c', 'b/c', '/a/b/c'] >>> list(suffixes('/a')) ['/a'] >>> list(suffixes('/a/')) ['/a'] >>> list(suffixes('/')) [] """ path = os.path.normpath(path) def up_dirs(cur_path): while os.path.dirname(cur_path) != cur_path: cur_path = os.path.dirname(cur_path) yield cur_path for x in up_dirs(path): yield path.replace(x + os.path.sep, '') def recast(in_file, out_file, probe_path, update_stat): PREFIX = 'SF:' probed_path = None any_payload = False with open(in_file, 'r') as input, open(out_file, 'w') as output: active = True for line in input: line = line.rstrip('\n') if line.startswith('TN:'): output.write(line + '\n') elif line.startswith(PREFIX): path = line[len(PREFIX) :] probed_path = probe_path(path) if probed_path: output.write(PREFIX + probed_path + '\n') active = bool(probed_path) else: if active: update_stat(probed_path, line) output.write(line + '\n') any_payload = True return any_payload def print_stat(da, fnda, teamcity_stat_output): lines_hit = sum(map(bool, da.values())) lines_total = len(da.values()) lines_coverage = 100.0 * lines_hit / lines_total if lines_total else 0 func_hit = sum(map(bool, fnda.values())) func_total = len(fnda.values()) func_coverage = 100.0 * func_hit / func_total if func_total else 0 print >> sys.stderr, '[[imp]]Lines[[rst]] {: >16} {: >16} {: >16.1f}%'.format( lines_hit, lines_total, lines_coverage ) print >> sys.stderr, '[[imp]]Functions[[rst]] {: >16} {: >16} {: >16.1f}%'.format( func_hit, func_total, func_coverage ) if teamcity_stat_output: with open(teamcity_stat_output, 'w') as tc_file: tc_file.write("##teamcity[blockOpened name='Code Coverage Summary']\n") tc_file.write( "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsLTotal\' value='{}']\n".format(lines_total) ) tc_file.write( "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsLCovered\' value='{}']\n".format(lines_hit) ) tc_file.write( "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsMTotal\' value='{}']\n".format(func_total) ) tc_file.write( "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsMCovered\' value='{}']\n".format(func_hit) ) tc_file.write("##teamcity[blockClosed name='Code Coverage Summary']\n") def chunks(l, n): """ >>> list(chunks(range(10), 3)) [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]] >>> list(chunks(range(10), 5)) [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]] """ for i in xrange(0, len(l), n): yield l[i : i + n] def combine_info_files(lcov, files, out_file): chunk_size = 50 files = list(set(files)) for chunk in chunks(files, chunk_size): combine_cmd = [lcov] if os.path.exists(out_file): chunk.append(out_file) for trace in chunk: assert os.path.exists(trace), "Trace file does not exist: {} (cwd={})".format(trace, os.getcwd()) combine_cmd += ["-a", os.path.abspath(trace)] print >> sys.stderr, '## lcov', ' '.join(combine_cmd[1:]) out_file_tmp = "combined.tmp" with open(out_file_tmp, "w") as stdout: subprocess.check_call(combine_cmd, stdout=stdout) if os.path.exists(out_file): os.remove(out_file) os.rename(out_file_tmp, out_file) def probe_path_global(path, source_root, prefix_filter, exclude_files): if path.endswith('_ut.cpp'): return None for suff in reversed(list(suffixes(path))): if (not prefix_filter or suff.startswith(prefix_filter)) and ( not exclude_files or not exclude_files.match(suff) ): full_path = source_root + os.sep + suff if os.path.isfile(full_path): return full_path return None def update_stat_global(src_file, line, fnda, da): if line.startswith("FNDA:"): visits, func_name = line[len("FNDA:") :].split(',') fnda[src_file + func_name] += int(visits) if line.startswith("DA"): line_number, visits = line[len("DA:") :].split(',') if visits == '=====': visits = 0 da[src_file + line_number] += int(visits) def gen_info_global(cmd, cov_info, probe_path, update_stat, lcov_args): print >> sys.stderr, '## geninfo', ' '.join(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) if recast(cov_info + '.tmp', cov_info, probe_path, update_stat): lcov_args.append(cov_info) def init_all_coverage_files( gcno_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info, prefix_filter, exclude_files ): with as gcno_tf: for gcno_item in gcno_tf: if gcno_item.isfile() and gcno_tf.extract(gcno_item) gcno_name = source_fname = gcno_name[: -len(GCNO_EXT)] if prefix_filter and not source_fname.startswith(prefix_filter): sys.stderr.write("Skipping {} (doesn't match prefix '{}')\n".format(source_fname, prefix_filter)) continue if exclude_files and sys.stderr.write( "Skipping {} (matched exclude pattern '{}')\n".format(source_fname, exclude_files.pattern) ) continue fname2gcno[source_fname] = gcno_name if os.path.getsize(gcno_name) > 0: coverage_info = source_fname + '.' + str(len(fname2info[source_fname])) + '.info' fname2info[source_fname].append(coverage_info) geninfo_cmd = [ geninfo_executable, '--gcov-tool', gcov_tool, '-i', gcno_name, '-o', coverage_info + '.tmp', ] gen_info(geninfo_cmd, coverage_info) def process_all_coverage_files(gcda_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info): with as gcda_tf: for gcda_item in gcda_tf: if gcda_item.isfile() and gcda_name = source_fname = gcda_name[: -len(GCDA_EXT)] for suff in suffixes(source_fname): if suff in fname2gcno: gcda_new_name = suff + GCDA_EXT = gcda_new_name gcda_tf.extract(gcda_item) if os.path.getsize(gcda_new_name) > 0: coverage_info = suff + '.' + str(len(fname2info[suff])) + '.info' fname2info[suff].append(coverage_info) geninfo_cmd = [ geninfo_executable, '--gcov-tool', gcov_tool, gcda_new_name, '-o', coverage_info + '.tmp', ] gen_info(geninfo_cmd, coverage_info) def gen_cobertura(tool, output, combined_info): cmd = [tool, combined_info, '-b', '#hamster#', '-o', output] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise Exception( 'lcov_cobertura failed with exit code {}\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}'.format(p.returncode, out, err) ) def main( source_root, output, gcno_archive, gcda_archive, gcov_tool, prefix_filter, exclude_regexp, teamcity_stat_output, coverage_report_path, gcov_report, lcov_cobertura, ): exclude_files = re.compile(exclude_regexp) if exclude_regexp else None fname2gcno = {} fname2info = collections.defaultdict(list) lcov_args = [] geninfo_executable = os.path.join(source_root, 'devtools', 'lcov', 'geninfo') def probe_path(path): return probe_path_global(path, source_root, prefix_filter, exclude_files) fnda = collections.defaultdict(int) da = collections.defaultdict(int) def update_stat(src_file, line): update_stat_global(src_file, line, da, fnda) def gen_info(cmd, cov_info): gen_info_global(cmd, cov_info, probe_path, update_stat, lcov_args) init_all_coverage_files( gcno_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info, prefix_filter, exclude_files ) process_all_coverage_files(gcda_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info) if coverage_report_path: output_dir = coverage_report_path else: output_dir = output + '.dir' if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) teamcity_stat_file = None if teamcity_stat_output: teamcity_stat_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'teamcity.out') print_stat(da, fnda, teamcity_stat_file) if lcov_args: output_trace = "" combine_info_files(os.path.join(source_root, 'devtools', 'lcov', 'lcov'), lcov_args, output_trace) cmd = [ os.path.join(source_root, 'devtools', 'lcov', 'genhtml'), '-p', source_root, '--ignore-errors', 'source', '-o', output_dir, output_trace, ] print >> sys.stderr, '## genhtml', ' '.join(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) if lcov_cobertura: gen_cobertura(lcov_cobertura, gcov_report, output_trace) with, 'w') as tar: tar.add(output_dir, arcname='.') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--source-root', action='store') parser.add_argument('--output', action='store') parser.add_argument('--gcno-archive', action='store') parser.add_argument('--gcda-archive', action='store') parser.add_argument('--gcov-tool', action='store') parser.add_argument('--prefix-filter', action='store') parser.add_argument('--exclude-regexp', action='store') parser.add_argument('--teamcity-stat-output', action='store_const', const=True) parser.add_argument('--coverage-report-path', action='store') parser.add_argument('--gcov-report', action='store') parser.add_argument('--lcov-cobertura', action='store') args = parser.parse_args() main(**vars(args))