#include "job_counters.h" namespace NYT { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { ui64 CountTotal(const TNode& data) { if (data.IsMap()) { if (auto totalPtr = data.AsMap().FindPtr("total")) { return data["total"].IntCast(); } else { ui64 total = 0; for (const auto& keyVal: data.AsMap()) { total += CountTotal(keyVal.second); } return total; } } else { return data.IntCast(); } } TNode GetNode(const TNode& data, const TStringBuf& key) { if (auto resPtr = data.AsMap().FindPtr(key)) { return *resPtr; } return TNode(); } } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TJobCounter::TJobCounter(TNode data) : Data_(std::move(data)) { if (Data_.HasValue()) { Total_ = CountTotal(Data_); } } TJobCounter::TJobCounter(ui64 total) : Total_(total) { } ui64 TJobCounter::GetTotal() const { return Total_; } ui64 TJobCounter::GetValue(const TStringBuf key) const { if (Data_.HasValue()) { return CountTotal(Data_[key]); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TJobCounters::TJobCounters(const TNode& counters) : Total_(0) { if (!counters.IsMap()) { ythrow yexception() << "TJobCounters must be initialized with Map type TNode"; } auto abortedNode = GetNode(counters, "aborted"); if (abortedNode.HasValue()) { Aborted_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(abortedNode, "total")); AbortedScheduled_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(abortedNode, "scheduled")); AbortedNonScheduled_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(abortedNode, "non_scheduled")); } auto completedNode = GetNode(counters, "completed"); if (completedNode.HasValue()) { Completed_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(completedNode, "total")); CompletedNonInterrupted_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(completedNode, "non-interrupted")); CompletedInterrupted_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(completedNode, "interrupted")); } Lost_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(counters, "lost")); Invalidated_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(counters, "invalidated")); Failed_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(counters, "failed")); Running_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(counters, "running")); Suspended_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(counters, "suspended")); Pending_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(counters, "pending")); Blocked_ = TJobCounter(GetNode(counters, "blocked")); Total_ = CountTotal(counters); } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetAborted() const { return Aborted_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetAbortedScheduled() const { return AbortedScheduled_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetAbortedNonScheduled() const { return AbortedNonScheduled_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetCompleted() const { return Completed_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetCompletedNonInterrupted() const { return CompletedNonInterrupted_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetCompletedInterrupted() const { return CompletedInterrupted_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetLost() const { return Lost_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetInvalidated() const { return Invalidated_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetFailed() const { return Failed_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetRunning() const { return Running_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetSuspended() const { return Suspended_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetPending() const { return Pending_; } const TJobCounter& TJobCounters::GetBlocked() const { return Blocked_; } ui64 TJobCounters::GetTotal() const { return Total_; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace NYT