/* syntax version 1 */ /* postgres can not */ -- Accessing absent object member will cause empty result in lax mode $json = CAST("{}" as Json); SELECT JSON_VALUE($json, "lax $.key"), -- defaults to NULL ON EMPTY JSON_VALUE($json, "lax $.key" NULL ON EMPTY), JSON_VALUE($json, "lax $.key" DEFAULT "*** empty ***" ON EMPTY); -- Null as a default value SELECT JSON_VALUE($json, "lax $.key" RETURNING Uint16 DEFAULT NULL ON EMPTY); -- Check that default value is casted to the target type SELECT JSON_VALUE($json, "lax $.key" RETURNING Int16 DEFAULT "123" ON EMPTY), JSON_VALUE($json, "lax $.key" RETURNING Int16 DEFAULT 123.456 ON EMPTY); -- Here JsonPath engine returns empty result and ON EMPTY section must be used. -- But default value in ON EMPTY section is -123 and casting it to Uint16 will fail. -- In this case ON ERROR section must be returned. SELECT JSON_VALUE( $json, "lax $.key" RETURNING Uint16 DEFAULT -123 ON EMPTY DEFAULT 456 ON ERROR );