Registering pre-existing tables onek int4_tbl INT4_TBL tenk1 text_tbl road TEXT_TBL int8_tbl -- -- SUBSELECT -- SELECT 1 AS one WHERE 1 IN (SELECT 1); SELECT 1 AS zero WHERE 1 NOT IN (SELECT 1); SELECT 1 AS zero WHERE 1 IN (SELECT 2); -- Check grammar's handling of extra parens in assorted contexts SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS x) ss; SELECT * FROM ((SELECT 1 AS x)) ss; (SELECT 2) UNION SELECT 2; ((SELECT 2)) UNION SELECT 2; SELECT ((SELECT 2) UNION SELECT 2); SELECT (((SELECT 2)) UNION SELECT 2); SELECT (SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3])[1]; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 360 SELECT (SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3])[1]; ^ SELECT ((SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3]))[2]; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 360 SELECT ((SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3]))[2]; ^ SELECT (((SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3])))[3]; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:3:18: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 138 WHERE (f1, f2) NOT IN (SELECT f2, CAST(f3 AS int4) FROM SUBSELECT_TBL ^ -- Correlated subselects SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field", f2 AS "Second Field" FROM SUBSELECT_TBL upper WHERE f1 IN (SELECT f2 FROM SUBSELECT_TBL WHERE f1 = upper.f1); SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field", f3 AS "Second Field" FROM SUBSELECT_TBL upper WHERE f1 IN (SELECT f2 FROM SUBSELECT_TBL WHERE CAST(upper.f2 AS float) = f3); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: AssumeColumnOrder, At function: PgReplaceUnknown, At function: OrderedMap, At function: OrderedFilter, At function: OrderedMap, At function: EquiJoin SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field", f3 AS "Second Field" ^ -stdin-:
:3:12: Error: At function: Aggregate WHERE f1 IN ^ -stdin-:/lib/yql/aggregate.yql:644:18: Error: At function: AggregationTraits ^ -stdin-:/lib/yql/aggregate.yql:678:111: Error: At function: SafeCast ^ -stdin-:
:3:12: Error: At function: FromPg, At function: PgResolvedOp WHERE f1 IN ^ -stdin-:
:3:9: Error: At function: Member WHERE f1 IN ^ -stdin-:
:3:9: Error: Member not found: _yql_join_sublink_0__alias_upper.f1. Did you mean _yql_join_sublink_0__alias_upper.f2? WHERE f1 IN ^ SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field", f3 AS "Second Field" FROM SUBSELECT_TBL upper WHERE f3 IN (SELECT upper.f1 + f2 FROM SUBSELECT_TBL WHERE f2 = CAST(f3 AS integer)); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: AssumeColumnOrder, At function: PgReplaceUnknown, At function: OrderedMap, At function: OrderedFilter, At function: OrderedMap, At function: EquiJoin SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field", f3 AS "Second Field" ^ -stdin-:
:3:12: Error: At function: Aggregate WHERE f3 IN (SELECT upper.f1 + f2 FROM SUBSELECT_TBL ^ -stdin-:/lib/yql/aggregate.yql:644:18: Error: At function: AggregationTraits ^ -stdin-:/lib/yql/aggregate.yql:678:111: Error: At function: SafeCast ^ -stdin-:
:3:12: Error: At function: FromPg, At function: PgResolvedOp WHERE f3 IN (SELECT upper.f1 + f2 FROM SUBSELECT_TBL ^ -stdin-:
:3:9: Error: At function: Member WHERE f3 IN (SELECT upper.f1 + f2 FROM SUBSELECT_TBL ^ -stdin-:
:3:9: Error: Member not found: _yql_join_sublink_0__alias_upper.f3. Did you mean _yql_join_sublink_0__alias_upper.f1? WHERE f3 IN (SELECT upper.f1 + f2 FROM SUBSELECT_TBL ^ SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field" FROM SUBSELECT_TBL WHERE (f1, f2) IN (SELECT f2, CAST(f3 AS int4) FROM SUBSELECT_TBL WHERE f3 IS NOT NULL); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:3:18: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 138 WHERE (f1, f2) IN (SELECT f2, CAST(f3 AS int4) FROM SUBSELECT_TBL ^ -- -- Use some existing tables in the regression test -- SELECT ss.f1 AS "Correlated Field", ss.f3 AS "Second Field" FROM SUBSELECT_TBL ss WHERE f1 NOT IN (SELECT f1+1 FROM INT4_TBL WHERE f1 != ss.f1 AND f1 < 2147483647); select q1, float8(count(*)) / (select count(*) from int8_tbl) from int8_tbl group by q1 order by q1; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Optimization -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/common_opt/yql_co_pgselect.cpp:3637 ExpandPgSelectImpl(): requirement order failed select q1, float8(count(*)) / (select count(*) from int8_tbl) ^ -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/common_opt/yql_co_pgselect.cpp:727 RewriteSubLinksPartial(): requirement status.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error failed -- Unspecified-type literals in output columns should resolve as text SELECT *, pg_typeof(f1) FROM (SELECT 'foo' AS f1 FROM generate_series(1,3)) ss ORDER BY 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem -- Unspecified-type literals in output columns should resolve as text ^ -stdin-:
:2:21: Error: Star is incompatible to column reference SELECT *, pg_typeof(f1) FROM ^ -- ... unless there's context to suggest differently explain (verbose, costs off) select '42' union all select '43'; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ... unless there's context to suggest differently ^ explain (verbose, costs off) select '42' union all select 43; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) select '42' union all select 43; ^ -- check materialization of an initplan reference (bug #14524) explain (verbose, costs off) select 1 = all (select (select 1)); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- check materialization of an initplan reference (bug #14524) ^ select 1 = all (select (select 1)); -- -- Check EXISTS simplification with LIMIT -- explain (costs off) select * from int4_tbl o where exists (select 1 from int4_tbl i where i.f1=o.f1 limit null); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ explain (costs off) select * from int4_tbl o where not exists (select 1 from int4_tbl i where i.f1=o.f1 limit 1); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (costs off) ^ explain (costs off) select * from int4_tbl o where exists (select 1 from int4_tbl i where i.f1=o.f1 limit 0); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (costs off) ^ -- -- Test cases to catch unpleasant interactions between IN-join processing -- and subquery pullup. -- select count(*) from (select 1 from tenk1 a where unique1 IN (select hundred from tenk1 b)) ss; select count(distinct ss.ten) from (select ten from tenk1 a where unique1 IN (select hundred from tenk1 b)) ss; select count(*) from (select 1 from tenk1 a where unique1 IN (select distinct hundred from tenk1 b)) ss; select count(distinct ss.ten) from (select ten from tenk1 a where unique1 IN (select distinct hundred from tenk1 b)) ss; -- -- Test cases to check for overenthusiastic optimization of -- "IN (SELECT DISTINCT ...)" and related cases. Per example from -- Luca Pireddu and Michael Fuhr. -- CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (id integer); CREATE TEMP TABLE bar (id1 integer, id2 integer); INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1); INSERT INTO bar VALUES (1, 1); INSERT INTO bar VALUES (2, 2); INSERT INTO bar VALUES (3, 1); -- These cases require an extra level of distinct-ing above subquery s SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id2 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id1, id2 FROM bar) AS s); SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id2 FROM (SELECT id1,id2 FROM bar GROUP BY id1,id2) AS s); SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id2 FROM (SELECT id1, id2 FROM bar UNION SELECT id1, id2 FROM bar) AS s); -- These cases do not SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id2 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (id2) id1, id2 FROM bar) AS s); SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id2 FROM (SELECT id2 FROM bar GROUP BY id2) AS s); SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id2 FROM (SELECT id2 FROM bar UNION SELECT id2 FROM bar) AS s); -- -- Test case to catch problems with multiply nested sub-SELECTs not getting -- recalculated properly. Per bug report from Didier Moens. -- CREATE TABLE orderstest ( approver_ref integer, po_ref integer, ordercanceled boolean ); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (1, 1, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (66, 5, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (66, 6, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (66, 7, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (66, 1, true); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (66, 8, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (66, 1, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (77, 1, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (1, 1, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (66, 1, false); INSERT INTO orderstest VALUES (1, 1, false); CREATE VIEW orders_view AS SELECT *, (SELECT CASE WHEN ord.approver_ref=1 THEN '---' ELSE 'Approved' END) AS "Approved", (SELECT CASE WHEN ord.ordercanceled THEN 'Canceled' ELSE (SELECT CASE WHEN ord.po_ref=1 THEN (SELECT CASE WHEN ord.approver_ref=1 THEN '---' ELSE 'Approved' END) ELSE 'PO' END) END) AS "Status", (CASE WHEN ord.ordercanceled THEN 'Canceled' ELSE (CASE WHEN ord.po_ref=1 THEN (CASE WHEN ord.approver_ref=1 THEN '---' ELSE 'Approved' END) ELSE 'PO' END) END) AS "Status_OK" FROM orderstest ord; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: expected at least one target column CREATE VIEW orders_view AS ^ SELECT * FROM orders_view; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.orders_view DROP TABLE orderstest cascade; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: CASCADE is not implemented DROP TABLE orderstest cascade; ^ -- -- Test cases to catch situations where rule rewriter fails to propagate -- hasSubLinks flag correctly. Per example from Kyle Bateman. -- create temp table parts ( partnum text, cost float8 ); create temp table shipped ( ttype char(2), ordnum int4, partnum text, value float8 ); create temp view shipped_view as select * from shipped where ttype = 'wt'; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: expected at least one target column create temp view shipped_view as ^ create rule shipped_view_insert as on insert to shipped_view do instead insert into shipped values('wt', new.ordnum, new.partnum, new.value); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 265 create rule shipped_view_insert as on insert to shipped_view do instead ^ insert into parts (partnum, cost) values (1, 1234.56); insert into shipped_view (ordnum, partnum, value) values (0, 1, (select cost from parts where partnum = '1')); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:2:19: Error: SubLinks are not allowed in: VALUES values (0, 1, (select cost from parts where partnum = '1')); ^ select * from shipped_view; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.shipped_view create rule shipped_view_update as on update to shipped_view do instead update shipped set partnum = new.partnum, value = new.value where ttype = new.ttype and ordnum = new.ordnum; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 265 create rule shipped_view_update as on update to shipped_view do instead ^ update shipped_view set value = 11 from int4_tbl a join int4_tbl b on (a.f1 = (select f1 from int4_tbl c where c.f1=b.f1)) where ordnum = a.f1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:3:18: Error: SubLinks are not allowed in: JOIN ON on (a.f1 = (select f1 from int4_tbl c where c.f1=b.f1)) ^ select * from shipped_view; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.shipped_view select f1, ss1 as relabel from (select *, (select sum(f1) from int4_tbl b where f1 >= a.f1) as ss1 from int4_tbl a) ss; -- -- Test cases involving PARAM_EXEC parameters and min/max index optimizations. -- Per bug report from David Sanchez i Gregori. -- select * from ( select max(unique1) from tenk1 as a where exists (select 1 from tenk1 as b where b.thousand = a.unique2) ) ss; select * from ( select min(unique1) from tenk1 as a where not exists (select 1 from tenk1 as b where b.unique2 = 10000) ) ss; -- -- Test that an IN implemented using a UniquePath does unique-ification -- with the right semantics, as per bug #4113. (Unfortunately we have -- no simple way to ensure that this test case actually chooses that type -- of plan, but it does in releases 7.4-8.3. Note that an ordering difference -- here might mean that some other plan type is being used, rendering the test -- pointless.) -- create temp table numeric_table (num_col numeric); insert into numeric_table values (1), (1.000000000000000000001), (2), (3); create temp table float_table (float_col float8); insert into float_table values (1), (2), (3); select * from float_table where float_col in (select num_col from numeric_table); select * from numeric_table where num_col in (select float_col from float_table); -- -- Test case for bug #4290: bogus calculation of subplan param sets -- create temp table ta (id int primary key, val int); insert into ta values(1,1); insert into ta values(2,2); create temp table tb (id int primary key, aval int); insert into tb values(1,1); insert into tb values(2,1); insert into tb values(3,2); insert into tb values(4,2); create temp table tc (id int primary key, aid int); insert into tc values(1,1); insert into tc values(2,2); select ( select min( from tb where tb.aval = (select ta.val from ta where = tc.aid) ) as min_tb_id from tc; -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem, At function: PgResultItem select ^ -stdin-:
:2:3: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgSelect ( select min( from tb ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:2:3: Error: At function: PgWhere ( select min( from tb ^ -stdin-:
:3:19: Error: At function: PgOp where tb.aval = (select ta.val from ta where = tc.aid) ) as min_tb_id ^ -stdin-:
:3:21: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem where tb.aval = (select ta.val from ta where = tc.aid) ) as min_tb_id ^ -stdin-:
:3:58: Error: No such column: aid where tb.aval = (select ta.val from ta where = tc.aid) ) as min_tb_id ^ -- -- Test case for 8.3 "failed to locate grouping columns" bug -- create temp table t1 (f1 numeric(14,0), f2 varchar(30)); select * from (select distinct f1, f2, (select f2 from t1 x where x.f1 = up.f1) as fs from t1 up) ss group by f1,f2,fs; -- -- Test case for bug #5514 (mishandling of whole-row Vars in subselects) -- create temp table table_a(id integer); insert into table_a values (42); create temp view view_a as select * from table_a; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: expected at least one target column create temp view view_a as select * from table_a; ^ select view_a from view_a; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.view_a select (select view_a) from view_a; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.view_a select (select (select view_a)) from view_a; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.view_a select (select (a.*)::text) from view_a a; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.view_a -- -- Check that whole-row Vars reading the result of a subselect don't include -- any junk columns therein -- select q from (select max(f1) from int4_tbl group by f1 order by f1) q; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Execution -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: Execution of node: Pull -- ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: ERROR: input of anonymous composite types is not implemented -- ^ with q as (select max(f1) from int4_tbl group by f1 order by f1) select q from q; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Execution -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: Execution of node: Pull with q as (select max(f1) from int4_tbl group by f1 order by f1) ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: ERROR: input of anonymous composite types is not implemented with q as (select max(f1) from int4_tbl group by f1 order by f1) ^ -- -- Test case for sublinks pulled up into joinaliasvars lists in an -- inherited update/delete query -- begin; -- this shouldn't delete anything, but be safe delete from road where exists ( select 1 from int4_tbl cross join ( select f1, array(select q1 from int8_tbl) as arr from text_tbl ) ss where = ss.f1 ); -stdin-:
: Fatal: Pre type annotation -stdin-:
: Fatal: tools/enum_parser/enum_serialization_runtime/enum_runtime.cpp:70: Key 'pg_delete' not found in enum NYql::EYtSettingType. Valid options are: 'initial', 'infer_scheme', 'force_infer_schema', 'do_not_fail_on_invalid_schema', 'direct_read', 'view', 'mode', 'scheme', 'weak_concat', 'anonymous', 'with_qb', 'inline', 'sample', 'joinLabel', 'ignore_non_existing', 'warn_non_existing', 'xlock', 'unordered', 'nonUnique', 'userschema', 'usercolumns', 'statcolumns', 'syscolumns', 'ignoretypev3', 'memUsage', 'itemsCount', 'rowFactor', 'ordered', 'keyFilter', 'keyFilter2', 'take', 'skip', 'limit', 'sortLimitBy', 'sortBy', 'reduceBy', 'reduceFilterBy', 'forceTransform', 'weakFields', 'sharded', 'combineChunks', 'jobCount', 'joinReduce', 'firstAsPrimary', 'flow', 'keepSorted', 'keySwitch', 'uniqueBy', 'opHash', 'mapOutputType', 'reduceInputType', 'noDq', 'split', 'compression_codec', 'erasure_codec', 'expiration', 'replication_factor', 'user_attrs', 'media', 'primary_medium', 'keep_meta', 'monotonic_keys', 'mutationid'. rollback; -- -- Test case for sublinks pushed down into subselects via join alias expansion -- select (select sq1) as qq1 from (select exists(select 1 from int4_tbl where f1 = q2) as sq1, 42 as dummy from int8_tbl) sq0 join int4_tbl i4 on dummy = i4.f1; -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: OrderedFlatMap, At function: EquiJoin, At function: OrderedFlatMap, At function: EquiJoin, At function: OrderedFlatMap, At function: EquiJoin -- ^ -stdin-:
:7:11: Error: At function: Aggregate, At function: OrderedMap, At function: EquiJoin (select exists(select 1 from int4_tbl where f1 = q2) as sq1, 42 as dummy ^ -stdin-:
:7:11: Error: Cannot compare key columns (a._alias_int4_tbl.f1 has type: pgint4, b._alias_int8_tbl.q2 has type: pgint8) (select exists(select 1 from int4_tbl where f1 = q2) as sq1, 42 as dummy ^ -- -- Test case for subselect within UPDATE of INSERT...ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE -- create temp table upsert(key int4 primary key, val text); insert into upsert values(1, 'val') on conflict (key) do update set val = 'not seen'; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: InsertStmt: not supported onConflictClause insert into upsert values(1, 'val') on conflict (key) do update set val = 'not seen'; ^ insert into upsert values(1, 'val') on conflict (key) do update set val = 'seen with subselect ' || (select f1 from int4_tbl where f1 != 0 limit 1)::text; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: InsertStmt: not supported onConflictClause insert into upsert values(1, 'val') on conflict (key) do update set val = 'seen with subselect ' || (select f1 from int4_tbl where f1 != 0 limit 1)::text; ^ select * from upsert; with aa as (select 'int4_tbl' u from int4_tbl limit 1) insert into upsert values (1, 'x'), (999, 'y') on conflict (key) do update set val = (select u from aa) returning *; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: InsertStmt: not supported onConflictClause with aa as (select 'int4_tbl' u from int4_tbl limit 1) ^ -- -- Test case for cross-type partial matching in hashed subplan (bug #7597) -- create temp table outer_7597 (f1 int4, f2 int4); insert into outer_7597 values (0, 0); insert into outer_7597 values (1, 0); insert into outer_7597 values (0, null); insert into outer_7597 values (1, null); create temp table inner_7597(c1 int8, c2 int8); insert into inner_7597 values(0, null); select * from outer_7597 where (f1, f2) not in (select * from inner_7597); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:41: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 138 select * from outer_7597 where (f1, f2) not in (select * from inner_7597); ^ -- -- Similar test case using text that verifies that collation -- information is passed through by execTuplesEqual() in nodeSubplan.c -- (otherwise it would error in texteq()) -- create temp table outer_text (f1 text, f2 text); insert into outer_text values ('a', 'a'); insert into outer_text values ('b', 'a'); insert into outer_text values ('a', null); insert into outer_text values ('b', null); create temp table inner_text (c1 text, c2 text); insert into inner_text values ('a', null); insert into inner_text values ('123', '456'); select * from outer_text where (f1, f2) not in (select * from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:41: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 138 select * from outer_text where (f1, f2) not in (select * from inner_text); ^ -- -- Another test case for cross-type hashed subplans: comparison of -- inner-side values must be done with appropriate operator -- explain (verbose, costs off) select 'foo'::text in (select 'bar'::name union all select 'bar'::name); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select 'foo'::text in (select 'bar'::name union all select 'bar'::name); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: AssumeColumnOrder, At function: PgReplaceUnknown, At function: OrderedMap, At function: AsStruct select 'foo'::text in (select 'bar'::name union all select 'bar'::name); ^ -stdin-:
:1:20: Error: At function: ToPg, At function: SqlIn select 'foo'::text in (select 'bar'::name union all select 'bar'::name); ^ -stdin-:
:1:20: Error: Can't lookup pgtext in collection of pgname: types pgtext and pgname are not comparable select 'foo'::text in (select 'bar'::name union all select 'bar'::name); ^ -- -- Test that we don't try to hash nested records (bug #17363) -- (Hashing could be supported, but for now we don't) -- explain (verbose, costs off) select row(row(row(1))) = any (select row(row(1))); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select row(row(row(1))) = any (select row(row(1))); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:25: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 138 select row(row(row(1))) = any (select row(row(1))); ^ -- -- Test case for premature memory release during hashing of subplan output -- select '1'::text in (select '1'::name union all select '1'::name); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: AssumeColumnOrder, At function: PgReplaceUnknown, At function: OrderedMap, At function: AsStruct -- ^ -stdin-:
:4:18: Error: At function: ToPg, At function: SqlIn select '1'::text in (select '1'::name union all select '1'::name); ^ -stdin-:
:4:18: Error: Can't lookup pgtext in collection of pgname: types pgtext and pgname are not comparable select '1'::text in (select '1'::name union all select '1'::name); ^ -- -- Test that we don't try to use a hashed subplan if the simplified -- testexpr isn't of the right shape -- -- this fails by default, of course select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect -- ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: PgWhere -- ^ -stdin-:
:6:33: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgOp select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
:6:33: Error: Unable to find an overload for operator = with given argument type(s): (int8,text) select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ begin; -- make an operator to allow it to succeed create function bogus_int8_text_eq(int8, text) returns boolean language sql as 'select $1::text = $2'; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 261 -- make an operator to allow it to succeed ^ create operator = (procedure=bogus_int8_text_eq, leftarg=int8, rightarg=text); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 255 create operator = (procedure=bogus_int8_text_eq, leftarg=int8, rightarg=text); ^ explain (costs off) select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (costs off) ^ select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: PgWhere select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
:1:33: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgOp select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
:1:33: Error: Unable to find an overload for operator = with given argument type(s): (int8,text) select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -- inlining of this function results in unusual number of hash clauses, -- which we can still cope with create or replace function bogus_int8_text_eq(int8, text) returns boolean language sql as 'select $1::text = $2 and $1::text = $2'; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 261 -- inlining of this function results in unusual number of hash clauses, ^ explain (costs off) select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (costs off) ^ select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: PgWhere select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
:1:33: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgOp select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
:1:33: Error: Unable to find an overload for operator = with given argument type(s): (int8,text) select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -- inlining of this function causes LHS and RHS to be switched, -- which we can't cope with, so hashing should be abandoned create or replace function bogus_int8_text_eq(int8, text) returns boolean language sql as 'select $2 = $1::text'; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 261 -- inlining of this function causes LHS and RHS to be switched, ^ explain (costs off) select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (costs off) ^ select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: PgWhere select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
:1:33: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgOp select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ -stdin-:
:1:33: Error: Unable to find an overload for operator = with given argument type(s): (int8,text) select * from int8_tbl where q1 in (select c1 from inner_text); ^ rollback; -- to get rid of the bogus operator -- -- Test resolution of hashed vs non-hashed implementation of EXISTS subplan -- explain (costs off) select count(*) from tenk1 t where (exists(select 1 from tenk1 k where k.unique1 = t.unique2) or ten < 0); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select count(*) from tenk1 t where (exists(select 1 from tenk1 k where k.unique1 = t.unique2) or ten < 0); explain (costs off) select count(*) from tenk1 t where (exists(select 1 from tenk1 k where k.unique1 = t.unique2) or ten < 0) and thousand = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (costs off) ^ select count(*) from tenk1 t where (exists(select 1 from tenk1 k where k.unique1 = t.unique2) or ten < 0) and thousand = 1; -- It's possible for the same EXISTS to get resolved both ways create temp table exists_tbl (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int) partition by list (c1); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: PARTITION BY clause not supported -- It's possible for the same EXISTS to get resolved both ways ^ create temp table exists_tbl_null partition of exists_tbl for values in (null); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: table inheritance not supported create temp table exists_tbl_null partition of exists_tbl for values in (null); ^ create temp table exists_tbl_def partition of exists_tbl default; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: table inheritance not supported create temp table exists_tbl_def partition of exists_tbl default; ^ insert into exists_tbl select x, x/2, x+1 from generate_series(0,10) x; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.exists_tbl analyze exists_tbl; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 275 analyze exists_tbl; ^ explain (costs off) select * from exists_tbl t1 where (exists(select 1 from exists_tbl t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c2) or c3 < 0); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (costs off) ^ select * from exists_tbl t1 where (exists(select 1 from exists_tbl t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c2) or c3 < 0); -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.exists_tbl -- -- Test case for planner bug with nested EXISTS handling -- select a.thousand from tenk1 a, tenk1 b where a.thousand = b.thousand and exists ( select 1 from tenk1 c where b.hundred = c.hundred and not exists ( select 1 from tenk1 d where a.thousand = d.thousand ) ); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect -- ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: PgWhere -- ^ -stdin-:
:6:3: Error: At function: PgAnd and exists ( select 1 from tenk1 c where b.hundred = c.hundred ^ -stdin-:
:6:7: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgSelect and exists ( select 1 from tenk1 c where b.hundred = c.hundred ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:6:7: Error: At function: PgWhere and exists ( select 1 from tenk1 c where b.hundred = c.hundred ^ -stdin-:
:7:20: Error: At function: PgAnd and not exists ( select 1 from tenk1 d ^ -stdin-:
:7:24: Error: At function: PgNot and not exists ( select 1 from tenk1 d ^ -stdin-:
:7:28: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem and not exists ( select 1 from tenk1 d ^ -stdin-:
:8:43: Error: No such column: thousand where a.thousand = d.thousand ) ); ^ -- -- Check that nested sub-selects are not pulled up if they contain volatiles -- explain (verbose, costs off) select x, x from (select (select now()) as x from (values(1),(2)) v(y)) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ explain (verbose, costs off) select x, x from (select (select random()) as x from (values(1),(2)) v(y)) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ explain (verbose, costs off) select x, x from (select (select now() where y=y) as x from (values(1),(2)) v(y)) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ explain (verbose, costs off) select x, x from (select (select random() where y=y) as x from (values(1),(2)) v(y)) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ -- -- Test rescan of a hashed subplan (the use of random() is to prevent the -- sub-select from being pulled up, which would result in not hashing) -- explain (verbose, costs off) select sum(ss.tst::int) from onek o cross join lateral ( select i.ten in (select f1 from int4_tbl where f1 <= o.hundred) as tst, random() as r from onek i where i.unique1 = o.unique1 ) ss where o.ten = 0; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select sum(ss.tst::int) from onek o cross join lateral ( select i.ten in (select f1 from int4_tbl where f1 <= o.hundred) as tst, random() as r from onek i where i.unique1 = o.unique1 ) ss where o.ten = 0; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RangeSubselect: unsupported lateral select sum(ss.tst::int) from ^ -- -- Test rescan of a SetOp node -- explain (costs off) select count(*) from onek o cross join lateral ( select * from onek i1 where i1.unique1 = o.unique1 except select * from onek i2 where i2.unique1 = o.unique2 ) ss where o.ten = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select count(*) from onek o cross join lateral ( select * from onek i1 where i1.unique1 = o.unique1 except select * from onek i2 where i2.unique1 = o.unique2 ) ss where o.ten = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RangeSubselect: unsupported lateral select count(*) from ^ -- -- Test rescan of a RecursiveUnion node -- explain (costs off) select sum(o.four), sum(ss.a) from onek o cross join lateral ( with recursive x(a) as (select o.four as a union select a + 1 from x where a < 10) select * from x ) ss where o.ten = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select sum(o.four), sum(ss.a) from onek o cross join lateral ( with recursive x(a) as (select o.four as a union select a + 1 from x where a < 10) select * from x ) ss where o.ten = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RangeSubselect: unsupported lateral select sum(o.four), sum(ss.a) from ^ -- -- Check we don't misoptimize a NOT IN where the subquery returns no rows. -- create temp table notinouter (a int); create temp table notininner (b int not null); insert into notinouter values (null), (1); select * from notinouter where a not in (select b from notininner); -- -- Check we behave sanely in corner case of empty SELECT list (bug #8648) -- create temp table nocolumns(); select exists(select * from nocolumns); -- -- Check behavior with a SubPlan in VALUES (bug #14924) -- select val.x from generate_series(1,10) as s(i), lateral ( values ((select s.i + 1)), (s.i + 101) ) as val(x) where s.i < 10 and (select val.x) < 110; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RangeSubselect: unsupported lateral -- ^ -- another variant of that (bug #16213) explain (verbose, costs off) select * from (values (3 not in (select * from (values (1), (2)) ss1)), (false) ) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- another variant of that (bug #16213) ^ select * from (values (3 not in (select * from (values (1), (2)) ss1)), (false) ) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:3:6: Error: SubLinks are not allowed in: VALUES (3 not in (select * from (values (1), (2)) ss1)), ^ -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: Recursive query does not have the form non-recursive-term UNION [ALL] recursive-term select * from ^ -- -- Check sane behavior with nested IN SubLinks -- explain (verbose, costs off) select * from int4_tbl where (case when f1 in (select unique1 from tenk1 a) then f1 else null end) in (select ten from tenk1 b); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select * from int4_tbl where (case when f1 in (select unique1 from tenk1 a) then f1 else null end) in (select ten from tenk1 b); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from int4_tbl where ^ -stdin-:
: Error: At function: PgSetItem -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: PgWhere select * from int4_tbl where ^ -stdin-:
:2:73: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgOp (case when f1 in (select unique1 from tenk1 a) then f1 else null end) in ^ -stdin-:
:2:4: Error: At function: If, At function: Coalesce, At function: FromPg (case when f1 in (select unique1 from tenk1 a) then f1 else null end) in ^ -stdin-:
:2:17: Error: Expected computable data, but got: Unit (case when f1 in (select unique1 from tenk1 a) then f1 else null end) in ^ -stdin-:
:2:17: Error: Computable required. Atom, key, world, datasink, datasource, type, lambda are not computable (case when f1 in (select unique1 from tenk1 a) then f1 else null end) in ^ -- -- Check for incorrect optimization when IN subquery contains a SRF -- explain (verbose, costs off) select * from int4_tbl o where (f1, f1) in (select f1, generate_series(1,50) / 10 g from int4_tbl i group by f1); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select * from int4_tbl o where (f1, f1) in (select f1, generate_series(1,50) / 10 g from int4_tbl i group by f1); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:41: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 138 select * from int4_tbl o where (f1, f1) in ^ -- -- check for over-optimization of whole-row Var referencing an Append plan -- select (select q from (select 1,2,3 where f1 > 0 union all select 4,5,6.0 where f1 <= 0 ) q ) from int4_tbl; -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem, At function: PgResultItem -- ^ -stdin-:
:4:8: Error: At function: PgSubLink, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem, At function: PgSelect select (select q from ^ -stdin-:
:4:8: Error: At function: PgSetItem select (select q from ^ -stdin-:
:5:30: Error: Column reference can't be used without FROM (select 1,2,3 where f1 > 0 ^ -stdin-:
:4:8: Error: At function: PgSetItem select (select q from ^ -stdin-:
:7:32: Error: Column reference can't be used without FROM select 4,5,6.0 where f1 <= 0 ^ -- -- Check for sane handling of a lateral reference in a subquery's quals -- (most of the complication here is to prevent the test case from being -- flattened too much) -- explain (verbose, costs off) select * from int4_tbl i4, lateral ( select i4.f1 > 1 as b, 1 as id from (select random() order by 1) as t1 union all select true as b, 2 as id ) as t2 where b and f1 >= 0; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ select * from int4_tbl i4, lateral ( select i4.f1 > 1 as b, 1 as id from (select random() order by 1) as t1 union all select true as b, 2 as id ) as t2 where b and f1 >= 0; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RangeSubselect: unsupported lateral select * from ^ -- -- Check that volatile quals aren't pushed down past a DISTINCT: -- nextval() should not be called more than the nominal number of times -- create temp sequence ts1; -stdin-:
: Error: Pre type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: Unexpected tag: pgObject -- ^ select * from (select distinct ten from tenk1) ss where ten < 10 + nextval('ts1') order by 1; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Execution -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: Execution of node: YtMapReduce! select * from ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: ERROR: relation "ts1" does not exist select * from ^ select nextval('ts1'); -stdin-:
: Fatal: Execution -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: Execution of node: Result select nextval('ts1'); ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Fatal: ERROR: relation "ts1" does not exist select nextval('ts1'); ^ -- -- Check that volatile quals aren't pushed down past a set-returning function; -- while a nonvolatile qual can be, if it doesn't reference the SRF. -- create function tattle(x int, y int) returns bool volatile language plpgsql as $$ begin raise notice 'x = %, y = %', x, y; return x > y; end$$; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 261 -- ^ explain (verbose, costs off) select * from (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss where tattle(x, 8); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ select * from (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss where tattle(x, 8); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:2:19: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss ^ -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: Recursive query does not have the form non-recursive-term UNION [ALL] recursive-term select * from ^ -- if we pretend it's stable, we get different results: alter function tattle(x int, y int) stable; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 262 -- if we pretend it's stable, we get different results: ^ explain (verbose, costs off) select * from (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss where tattle(x, 8); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ select * from (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss where tattle(x, 8); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:2:19: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss ^ -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: Recursive query does not have the form non-recursive-term UNION [ALL] recursive-term select * from ^ -- although even a stable qual should not be pushed down if it references SRF explain (verbose, costs off) select * from (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss where tattle(x, u); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- although even a stable qual should not be pushed down if it references SRF ^ select * from (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss where tattle(x, u); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:2:19: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT (select 9 as x, unnest(array[1,2,3,11,12,13]) as u) ss ^ -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect select * from ^ -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: Recursive query does not have the form non-recursive-term UNION [ALL] recursive-term select * from ^ drop function tattle(x int, y int); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: DropStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 386 drop function tattle(x int, y int); ^ -- -- Test that LIMIT can be pushed to SORT through a subquery that just projects -- columns. We check for that having happened by looking to see if EXPLAIN -- ANALYZE shows that a top-N sort was used. We must suppress or filter away -- all the non-invariant parts of the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output. -- create table sq_limit (pk int primary key, c1 int, c2 int); insert into sq_limit values (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3), (4, 4, 4), (5, 1, 1), (6, 2, 2), (7, 3, 3), (8, 4, 4); create function explain_sq_limit() returns setof text language plpgsql as $$ declare ln text; begin for ln in explain (analyze, summary off, timing off, costs off) select * from (select pk,c2 from sq_limit order by c1,pk) as x limit 3 loop ln := regexp_replace(ln, 'Memory: \S*', 'Memory: xxx'); return next ln; end loop; end; $$; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 261 create function explain_sq_limit() returns setof text language plpgsql as ^ select * from explain_sq_limit(); -stdin-:
: Error: Type annotation -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem select * from explain_sq_limit(); ^ -stdin-:
:1:15: Error: At function: PgCall select * from explain_sq_limit(); ^ -stdin-:
:1:15: Error: No such proc: explain_sq_limit select * from explain_sq_limit(); ^ select * from (select pk,c2 from sq_limit order by c1,pk) as x limit 3; drop function explain_sq_limit(); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: DropStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 386 drop function explain_sq_limit(); ^ drop table sq_limit; -- -- Ensure that backward scan direction isn't propagated into -- expression subqueries (bug #15336) -- begin; declare c1 scroll cursor for select * from generate_series(1,4) i where i <> all (values (2),(3)); -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 304 declare c1 scroll cursor for ^ move forward all in c1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 259 move forward all in c1; ^ fetch backward all in c1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 259 fetch backward all in c1; ^ commit; -- -- Tests for CTE inlining behavior -- -- Basic subquery that can be inlined explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select * from (select f1 from subselect_tbl) ss) select * from x where f1 = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- ^ -- Explicitly request materialization explain (verbose, costs off) with x as materialized (select * from (select f1 from subselect_tbl) ss) select * from x where f1 = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Explicitly request materialization ^ -- Stable functions are safe to inline explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select * from (select f1, now() from subselect_tbl) ss) select * from x where f1 = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Stable functions are safe to inline ^ -- Volatile functions prevent inlining explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select * from (select f1, random() from subselect_tbl) ss) select * from x where f1 = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Volatile functions prevent inlining ^ -- SELECT FOR UPDATE cannot be inlined explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select * from (select f1 from subselect_tbl for update) ss) select * from x where f1 = 1; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- SELECT FOR UPDATE cannot be inlined ^ -- Multiply-referenced CTEs are inlined only when requested explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select * from (select f1, now() as n from subselect_tbl) ss) select * from x, x x2 where x.n = x2.n; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Multiply-referenced CTEs are inlined only when requested ^ explain (verbose, costs off) with x as not materialized (select * from (select f1, now() as n from subselect_tbl) ss) select * from x, x x2 where x.n = x2.n; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ -- Multiply-referenced CTEs can't be inlined if they contain outer self-refs explain (verbose, costs off) with recursive x(a) as ((values ('a'), ('b')) union all (with z as not materialized (select * from x) select z.a || z1.a as a from z cross join z as z1 where length(z.a || z1.a) < 5)) select * from x; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Multiply-referenced CTEs can't be inlined if they contain outer self-refs ^ with recursive x(a) as ((values ('a'), ('b')) union all (with z as not materialized (select * from x) select z.a || z1.a as a from z cross join z as z1 where length(z.a || z1.a) < 5)) select * from x; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.z explain (verbose, costs off) with recursive x(a) as ((values ('a'), ('b')) union all (with z as not materialized (select * from x) select z.a || z.a as a from z where length(z.a || z.a) < 5)) select * from x; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ with recursive x(a) as ((values ('a'), ('b')) union all (with z as not materialized (select * from x) select z.a || z.a as a from z where length(z.a || z.a) < 5)) select * from x; -stdin-:
: Fatal: Table metadata loading -stdin-:
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.cpp:44: Table not found: plato.z -- Check handling of outer references explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select * from int4_tbl) select * from (with y as (select * from x) select * from y) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Check handling of outer references ^ explain (verbose, costs off) with x as materialized (select * from int4_tbl) select * from (with y as (select * from x) select * from y) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 explain (verbose, costs off) ^ -- Ensure that we inline the currect CTE when there are -- multiple CTEs with the same name explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select 1 as y) select * from (with x as (select 2 as y) select * from x) ss; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Ensure that we inline the currect CTE when there are ^ -- Row marks are not pushed into CTEs explain (verbose, costs off) with x as (select * from subselect_tbl) select * from x for update; -stdin-:
: Error: Parse Sql -stdin-:
:1:1: Error: RawStmt: alternative is not implemented yet : 276 -- Row marks are not pushed into CTEs ^