select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$';
select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '1';
select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.a.b';
select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.b';
select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.a + 2';
select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.b + 2';
select jsonb '{"a": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.a.a';
select jsonb '{"a": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.*.a';
select jsonb '{"b": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.*.a';
select jsonb '{"b": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.*.b';
select jsonb '{"b": {"a": 12}}' @? 'strict $.*.b';
select jsonb '{}' @? '$.*';
select jsonb '{"a": 1}' @? '$.*';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? 'lax $.**{1}';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? 'lax $.**{2}';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? 'lax $.**{3}';
select jsonb '[]' @? '$[*]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[*]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[1]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? 'strict $[1]';
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[1]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[1]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[1]', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[1]', silent => true);
select jsonb '[1]' @? 'lax $[10000000000000000]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? 'strict $[10000000000000000]';
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[10000000000000000]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[10000000000000000]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[10000000000000000]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[10000000000000000]');
select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0.3]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0.5]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0.9]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[1.2]';
select jsonb '[1]' @? 'strict $[1.2]';
select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,5]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] > @.b[*])';
select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,5]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])';
select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,"5"]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])';
select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,"5"]}' @? 'strict $ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])';
select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,null]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])';
select jsonb '1' @? '$ ? ((@ == "1") is unknown)';
select jsonb '1' @? '$ ? ((@ == 1) is unknown)';
select jsonb '[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]' @? '$[0 to 1] ? (@.a > 1)';
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax $[*].a', silent => false);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 118
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax $[*].a', silent => false);
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax $[*].a', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 118
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax $[*].a', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => false);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 118
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => false);
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: alternative is not implemented yet : 118
select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $.a');
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.a');
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.*');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.*');
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.a', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.a', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.*', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.*', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'lax $.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'lax $.a');
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.a');
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.a', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.a', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'lax $.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'lax $.a');
select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'strict $.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'strict $.a');
select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'strict $.a', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'strict $.a', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[1]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[1]');
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[*]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[*]');
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[1]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[1]');
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $["a"]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $["a"]');
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[1]', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[1]', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[*]', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[*]', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[1]', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[1]', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $["a"]', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $["a"]', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.a');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.b');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.b');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.*');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.*');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', 'lax $.*.a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', 'lax $.*.a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[*].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[*].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[*].*');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[*].*');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[1].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[1].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[2].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[2].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0,1].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0,1].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0 to 10].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0 to 10].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0 to 10 / 0].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0 to 10 / 0].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}, "ccc", true]', '$[2.5 - 1 to $.size() - 2]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}, "ccc", true]', '$[2.5 - 1 to $.size() - 2]');
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $[0]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $[0]');
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $[*]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $[*]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[0]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[0]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[*]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[*]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'lax $[*]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'lax $[*]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'strict $[*].a');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'strict $[*].a');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$[last]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$[last]');
select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$[last ? (exists(last))]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$[last ? (exists(last))]');
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[last]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[last]');
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[last]', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[last]', silent => true);
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', '$[last]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1]', '$[last]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last - 1]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last - 1]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "number")]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "number")]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "string")]');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "string")]');
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "string")]', silent => true);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "string")]', silent => true);
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$');
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)');
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '1');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '1');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '1');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '1');
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '[{"value" : 13}]');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '[{"value" : 13}]');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '[{"value" : 13}]');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '[{"value" : 13}]');
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 8}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 8}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 8}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 8}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$.a ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$.a ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$.a ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$.a ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[*] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[*] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[*] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[*] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0,1] ? (@ < $x.value)', '{"x": {"value" : 13}}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0,1] ? (@ < $x.value)', '{"x": {"value" : 13}}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0,1] ? (@ < $x.value)', '{"x": {"value" : 13}}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0,1] ? (@ < $x.value)', '{"x": {"value" : 13}}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0 to 2] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 15}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0 to 2] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 15}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0 to 2] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 15}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0 to 2] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 15}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == "1")');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == "1")');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == "1")');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == "1")');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : "1"}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : "1"}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : "1"}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : "1"}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : null}');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : null}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : null}');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : null}');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ != null)');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ != null)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ != null)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ != null)');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ == null)');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ == null)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ == null)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ == null)');
select * from jsonb_path_query('{}', '$ ? (@ == @)');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('{}', '$ ? (@ == @)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('{}', '$ ? (@ == @)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('{}', '$ ? (@ == @)');
select * from jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $ ? (@ == @)');
-stdin-:: Error: Type annotation
-stdin-::1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PgSelect, At function: PgSetItem
select * from jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $ ? (@ == @)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: At function: PgCall
select * from jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $ ? (@ == @)');
-stdin-::1:15: Error: Unable to find an overload for proc jsonb_path_query with given argument types: (unknown,unknown)
select * from jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $ ? (@ == @)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{2}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{2}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{2 to last}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{2 to last}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{3 to last}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{3 to last}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{last}');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{last}');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to 2}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to 2}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{0}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{0}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1 to 2}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1 to 2}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{2 to 3}.b ? (@ > 0)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{2 to 3}.b ? (@ > 0)');
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{0}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{1}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{0 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{1 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{1 to 2}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{0}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{1}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{0 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{1 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{1 to 2}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{2 to 3}.b ? ( @ > 0)';
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.x))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.x))');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.y))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.y))');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.x ? (@ >= 2) ))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.x ? (@ >= 2) ))');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? (exists (@.x))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? (exists (@.x))');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? (exists (@.x + "3"))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? (exists (@.x + "3"))');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? ((exists (@.x + "3")) is unknown)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? ((exists (@.x + "3")) is unknown)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g[*] ? (exists (@.x))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g[*] ? (exists (@.x))');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g[*] ? ((exists (@.x)) is unknown)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g[*] ? ((exists (@.x)) is unknown)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g ? (exists (@[*].x))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g ? (exists (@[*].x))');
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g ? ((exists (@[*].x)) is unknown)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g ? ((exists (@[*].x)) is unknown)');
--test ternary logic
x, y,
'[true, false, null]',
'$[*] ? (@ == true && ($x == true && $y == true) ||
@ == false && !($x == true && $y == true) ||
@ == null && ($x == true && $y == true) is unknown)',
jsonb_build_object('x', x, 'y', y)
) as "x && y"
(values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) x(x),
(values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) y(y);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::4:2: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
x, y,
'[true, false, null]',
'$[*] ? (@ == true && ($x == true || $y == true) ||
@ == false && !($x == true || $y == true) ||
@ == null && ($x == true || $y == true) is unknown)',
jsonb_build_object('x', x, 'y', y)
) as "x || y"
(values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) x(x),
(values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) y(y);
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::3:2: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb '{"a": 1, "b":1}' @? '$ ? (@.a == @.b)';
select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$ ? (@.a == @.b)';
select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.c ? (@.a == @.b)';
select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.c ? ($.c.a == @.b)';
select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.* ? (@.a == @.b)';
select jsonb '{"a": 1, "b":1}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == @.b)';
select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == @.b)';
select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == 1 + 1)');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == 1 + 1)');
select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == (1 + 1))');
-stdin-:: Error: Parse Sql
-stdin-::1:8: Error: Generator functions are not allowed in: SELECT
select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == (1 + 1))');