-- -- HOROLOGY -- SET DateStyle = 'Postgres, MDY'; -- should fail in mdy mode: SELECT timestamp with time zone '27/12/2001 04:05:06.789-08'; ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "27/12/2001 04:05:06.789-08" LINE 1: SELECT timestamp with time zone '27/12/2001 04:05:06.789-08'... ^ HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. set datestyle to dmy; reset datestyle; SET DateStyle = 'German'; SET DateStyle = 'ISO'; -- As of 7.4, allow time without time zone having a time zone specified SELECT time without time zone '040506.789+08'; time -------------- 04:05:06.789 (1 row) SELECT time without time zone '040506.789-08'; time -------------- 04:05:06.789 (1 row) SELECT time without time zone 'T040506.789+08'; time -------------- 04:05:06.789 (1 row) SELECT time without time zone 'T040506.789-08'; time -------------- 04:05:06.789 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone '040506.789+08'; timetz ----------------- 04:05:06.789+08 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone '040506.789-08'; timetz ----------------- 04:05:06.789-08 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone 'T040506.789+08'; timetz ----------------- 04:05:06.789+08 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone 'T040506.789-08'; timetz ----------------- 04:05:06.789-08 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone 'T040506.789 +08'; timetz ----------------- 04:05:06.789+08 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone 'T040506.789 -08'; timetz ----------------- 04:05:06.789-08 (1 row) SET DateStyle = 'Postgres, MDY'; -- Shorthand values -- Not directly usable for regression testing since these are not constants. -- So, just try to test parser and hope for the best - thomas 97/04/26 SELECT (timestamp without time zone 'today' = (timestamp without time zone 'yesterday' + interval '1 day')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone 'today' = (timestamp without time zone 'tomorrow' - interval '1 day')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone 'today 10:30' = (timestamp without time zone 'yesterday' + interval '1 day 10 hr 30 min')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone '10:30 today' = (timestamp without time zone 'yesterday' + interval '1 day 10 hr 30 min')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone 'tomorrow' = (timestamp without time zone 'yesterday' + interval '2 days')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone 'tomorrow 16:00:00' = (timestamp without time zone 'today' + interval '1 day 16 hours')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone '16:00:00 tomorrow' = (timestamp without time zone 'today' + interval '1 day 16 hours')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone 'yesterday 12:34:56' = (timestamp without time zone 'tomorrow' - interval '2 days - 12:34:56')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone '12:34:56 yesterday' = (timestamp without time zone 'tomorrow' - interval '2 days - 12:34:56')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone 'tomorrow' > 'now') as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp with time zone 'today' = (timestamp with time zone 'yesterday' + interval '1 day')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp with time zone 'today' = (timestamp with time zone 'tomorrow' - interval '1 day')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp with time zone 'tomorrow' = (timestamp with time zone 'yesterday' + interval '2 days')) as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp with time zone 'tomorrow' > 'now') as "True"; True ------ t (1 row) -- timestamp with time zone, interval arithmetic around DST change -- (just for fun, let's use an intentionally nonstandard POSIX zone spec) SET TIME ZONE 'CST7CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0'; RESET TIME ZONE; SELECT CAST(interval '02:03' AS time) AS "02:03:00"; 02:03:00 ---------- 02:03:00 (1 row) SELECT time '01:30' + interval '02:01' AS "03:31:00"; 03:31:00 ---------- 03:31:00 (1 row) SELECT time '01:30' - interval '02:01' AS "23:29:00"; 23:29:00 ---------- 23:29:00 (1 row) SELECT time '02:30' + interval '36:01' AS "14:31:00"; 14:31:00 ---------- 14:31:00 (1 row) SELECT time '03:30' + interval '1 month 04:01' AS "07:31:00"; 07:31:00 ---------- 07:31:00 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone '01:30-08' - interval '02:01' AS "23:29:00-08"; 23:29:00-08 ------------- 23:29:00-08 (1 row) SELECT time with time zone '02:30-08' + interval '36:01' AS "14:31:00-08"; 14:31:00-08 ------------- 14:31:00-08 (1 row) -- These two tests cannot be used because they default to current timezone, -- which may be either -08 or -07 depending on the time of year. -- SELECT time with time zone '01:30' + interval '02:01' AS "03:31:00-08"; -- SELECT time with time zone '03:30' + interval '1 month 04:01' AS "07:31:00-08"; -- Try the following two tests instead, as a poor substitute SELECT CAST(CAST(date 'today' + time with time zone '05:30' + interval '02:01' AS time with time zone) AS time) AS "07:31:00"; 07:31:00 ---------- 07:31:00 (1 row) SELECT CAST(cast(date 'today' + time with time zone '03:30' + interval '1 month 04:01' as timestamp without time zone) AS time) AS "07:31:00"; 07:31:00 ---------- 07:31:00 (1 row) -- SQL9x OVERLAPS operator -- test with time zone SELECT (timestamp with time zone '2000-11-27', timestamp with time zone '2000-11-28') OVERLAPS (timestamp with time zone '2000-11-27 12:00', timestamp with time zone '2000-11-30') AS "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp with time zone '2000-11-26', timestamp with time zone '2000-11-27') OVERLAPS (timestamp with time zone '2000-11-27 12:00', timestamp with time zone '2000-11-30') AS "False"; False ------- f (1 row) -- test without time zone SELECT (timestamp without time zone '2000-11-27', timestamp without time zone '2000-11-28') OVERLAPS (timestamp without time zone '2000-11-27 12:00', timestamp without time zone '2000-11-30') AS "True"; True ------ t (1 row) SELECT (timestamp without time zone '2000-11-26', timestamp without time zone '2000-11-27') OVERLAPS (timestamp without time zone '2000-11-27 12:00', timestamp without time zone '2000-11-30') AS "False"; False ------- f (1 row) -- test time and interval SELECT (time '00:00', time '01:00') OVERLAPS (time '00:30', time '01:30') AS "True"; True ------ t (1 row) CREATE TABLE TEMP_TIMESTAMP (f1 timestamp with time zone); -- get some candidate input values INSERT INTO TEMP_TIMESTAMP (f1) SELECT d1 FROM TIMESTAMP_TBL WHERE d1 BETWEEN '13-jun-1957' AND '1-jan-1997' OR d1 BETWEEN '1-jan-1999' AND '1-jan-2010'; DROP TABLE TEMP_TIMESTAMP; -- -- Comparisons between datetime types, especially overflow cases --- SELECT '2202020-10-05'::date::timestamp; -- fail ERROR: date out of range for timestamp SELECT '2202020-10-05'::date > '2020-10-05'::timestamp as t; t --- t (1 row) SELECT '2020-10-05'::timestamp > '2202020-10-05'::date as f; f --- f (1 row) SELECT '2202020-10-05'::date::timestamptz; -- fail ERROR: date out of range for timestamp SELECT '2202020-10-05'::date > '2020-10-05'::timestamptz as t; t --- t (1 row) SELECT '2020-10-05'::timestamptz > '2202020-10-05'::date as f; f --- f (1 row) SET TimeZone = 'UTC-2'; SELECT '4714-11-24 BC'::date < '2020-10-05'::timestamptz as t; t --- t (1 row) SELECT '2020-10-05'::timestamptz >= '4714-11-24 BC'::date as t; t --- t (1 row) SELECT '4714-11-24 BC'::timestamp < '2020-10-05'::timestamptz as t; t --- t (1 row) SELECT '2020-10-05'::timestamptz >= '4714-11-24 BC'::timestamp as t; t --- t (1 row) RESET TimeZone; -- -- Formats -- SET DateStyle TO 'US,Postgres'; SET DateStyle TO 'US,ISO'; SELECT d1 AS us_iso FROM TIMESTAMP_TBL; us_iso ------------------------ -infinity infinity 1970-01-01 00:00:00 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:02 1997-02-10 17:32:01.4 1997-02-10 17:32:01.5 1997-02-10 17:32:01.6 1997-01-02 00:00:00 1997-01-02 03:04:05 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-06-10 17:32:01 2001-09-22 18:19:20 2000-03-15 08:14:01 2000-03-15 13:14:02 2000-03-15 12:14:03 2000-03-15 03:14:04 2000-03-15 02:14:05 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:00 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-06-10 18:32:01 1997-02-10 17:32:01 1997-02-11 17:32:01 1997-02-12 17:32:01 1997-02-13 17:32:01 1997-02-14 17:32:01 1997-02-15 17:32:01 1997-02-16 17:32:01 0097-02-16 17:32:01 BC 0097-02-16 17:32:01 0597-02-16 17:32:01 1097-02-16 17:32:01 1697-02-16 17:32:01 1797-02-16 17:32:01 1897-02-16 17:32:01 1997-02-16 17:32:01 2097-02-16 17:32:01 1996-02-28 17:32:01 1996-02-29 17:32:01 1996-03-01 17:32:01 1996-12-30 17:32:01 1996-12-31 17:32:01 1997-01-01 17:32:01 1997-02-28 17:32:01 1997-03-01 17:32:01 1997-12-30 17:32:01 1997-12-31 17:32:01 1999-12-31 17:32:01 2000-01-01 17:32:01 2000-12-31 17:32:01 2001-01-01 17:32:01 (65 rows) SET DateStyle TO 'US,SQL'; SET DateStyle TO 'European,Postgres'; SET DateStyle TO 'European,ISO'; SET DateStyle TO 'European,SQL'; RESET DateStyle; SELECT to_timestamp('97/Feb/16', 'YYMonDD'); ERROR: invalid value "/Feb/16" for "Mon" DETAIL: The given value did not match any of the allowed values for this field. SELECT to_timestamp('2011-12-18 11:38 PST', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH12:MI TZ'); -- NYI ERROR: formatting field "TZ" is only supported in to_char SELECT to_timestamp('2000 + + JUN', 'YYYY MON'); ERROR: invalid value "+" for "MON" DETAIL: The given value did not match any of the allowed values for this field. SELECT to_date('2011 x12 x18', 'YYYYxMMxDD'); ERROR: invalid value "x1" for "MM" DETAIL: Value must be an integer. -- -- Check errors for some incorrect usages of to_timestamp() and to_date() -- -- Mixture of date conventions (ISO week and Gregorian): SELECT to_timestamp('2005527', 'YYYYIWID'); ERROR: invalid combination of date conventions HINT: Do not mix Gregorian and ISO week date conventions in a formatting template. -- Insufficient characters in the source string: SELECT to_timestamp('19971', 'YYYYMMDD'); ERROR: source string too short for "MM" formatting field DETAIL: Field requires 2 characters, but only 1 remain. HINT: If your source string is not fixed-width, try using the "FM" modifier. -- Insufficient digit characters for a single node: SELECT to_timestamp('19971)24', 'YYYYMMDD'); ERROR: invalid value "1)" for "MM" DETAIL: Field requires 2 characters, but only 1 could be parsed. HINT: If your source string is not fixed-width, try using the "FM" modifier. -- We don't accept full-length day or month names if short form is specified: SELECT to_timestamp('Friday 1-January-1999', 'DY DD MON YYYY'); ERROR: invalid value "da" for "DD" DETAIL: Value must be an integer. SELECT to_timestamp('Fri 1-January-1999', 'DY DD MON YYYY'); ERROR: invalid value "uary" for "YYYY" DETAIL: Value must be an integer. -- Value clobbering: SELECT to_timestamp('1997-11-Jan-16', 'YYYY-MM-Mon-DD'); ERROR: conflicting values for "Mon" field in formatting string DETAIL: This value contradicts a previous setting for the same field type. -- Non-numeric input: SELECT to_timestamp('199711xy', 'YYYYMMDD'); ERROR: invalid value "xy" for "DD" DETAIL: Value must be an integer. -- Input that doesn't fit in an int: SELECT to_timestamp('10000000000', 'FMYYYY'); ERROR: value for "YYYY" in source string is out of range DETAIL: Value must be in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647. -- Out-of-range and not-quite-out-of-range fields: SELECT to_timestamp('2016-06-13 25:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016-06-13 25:00:00" SELECT to_timestamp('2016-06-13 15:60:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016-06-13 15:60:00" SELECT to_timestamp('2016-06-13 15:50:60', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016-06-13 15:50:60" SELECT to_timestamp('2016-06-13 15:50:55', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'); ERROR: hour "15" is invalid for the 12-hour clock HINT: Use the 24-hour clock, or give an hour between 1 and 12. SELECT to_timestamp('2016-13-01 15:50:55', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016-13-01 15:50:55" SELECT to_timestamp('2016-02-30 15:50:55', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016-02-30 15:50:55" SELECT to_timestamp('2015-02-29 15:50:55', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2015-02-29 15:50:55" SELECT to_timestamp('2015-02-11 86400', 'YYYY-MM-DD SSSS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2015-02-11 86400" SELECT to_timestamp('2015-02-11 86400', 'YYYY-MM-DD SSSSS'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2015-02-11 86400" SELECT to_date('2016-13-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016-13-10" SELECT to_date('2016-02-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016-02-30" SELECT to_date('2015-02-29', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2015-02-29" SELECT to_date('2015 366', 'YYYY DDD'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2015 366" SELECT to_date('2016 367', 'YYYY DDD'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2016 367" -- -- Check behavior with SQL-style fixed-GMT-offset time zone (cf bug #8572) -- SET TIME ZONE 'America/New_York'; SET TIME ZONE '-1.5'; SELECT to_char('2012-12-12 12:00'::timestamptz, 'YYYY-MM-DD SSSS'); to_char ------------------ 2012-12-12 43200 (1 row) SELECT to_char('2012-12-12 12:00'::timestamptz, 'YYYY-MM-DD SSSSS'); to_char ------------------ 2012-12-12 43200 (1 row) RESET TIME ZONE;