package NYql; option java_package = ""; import "yql/essentials/protos/clickhouse.proto"; /////////////////////////////// common /////////////////////////////// message TActivationByHour { required uint32 Hour = 1; required uint32 Percentage = 2; } message TActivationPercentage { optional uint32 Percentage = 1 [default = 0]; repeated TActivationByHour ByHour = 2; repeated string IncludeUsers = 3; repeated string ExcludeUsers = 4; optional bool ExcludeRobots = 5 [default = true]; repeated string Tags = 6; repeated string IncludeGroups = 7; repeated string ExcludeGroups = 8; repeated string IncludeRevisions = 9; repeated string ExcludeRevisions = 10; } message TAttr { required string Name = 1; required string Value = 2; optional TActivationPercentage Activation = 3; } message TRemoteFilePattern { required string Pattern = 1; // regexp to match required string Cluster = 2; // replacement string for YT server required string Path = 3; // replacement string for remote file path } enum EYtLogLevel { YL_NONE = -1; YL_FATAL = 0; YL_ERROR = 1; YL_INFO = 2; YL_DEBUG = 3; }; enum EHostScheme { HS_HTTP = 0; HS_HTTPS = 1; }; enum ETokenType { IAM = 0; OAUTH = 1; BLACKBOX = 2; CREDENTIALS = 3; }; /////////////////////////////// HTTP GATEWAY ////////////////////// message TExplicitDNSRecord { enum ProtocolVersion { ANY = 0; IPV4 = 1; IPV6 = 2; }; optional string Address = 1 [default = ""]; optional uint32 Port = 2 [default = 443]; optional string ExpectedIP = 3 [default = ""]; optional ProtocolVersion Protocol = 4 [default = ANY]; } message TDnsResolverConfig { optional uint32 RefreshMs = 1 [default = 60000]; repeated TExplicitDNSRecord ExplicitDNSRecord = 100; } message THttpGatewayConfig { optional uint32 MaxInFlightCount = 1; optional uint64 MaxSimulatenousDownloadsSize = 2; optional uint32 BuffersSizePerStream = 3; optional uint64 ConnectionTimeoutSeconds = 4; optional uint64 BytesPerSecondLimit = 5; optional uint64 DownloadBufferBytesLimit = 6; optional uint64 RequestTimeoutSeconds = 7; optional uint64 LowSpeedTimeSeconds = 8; optional uint64 LowSpeedBytesLimit = 9; optional TDnsResolverConfig DnsResolverConfig = 10; optional uint64 MaxRetries = 11; } /////////////////////////////// YT /////////////////////////////// message TYtClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name optional string Cluster = 2; // Real cluster server name with port optional bool Default = 3 [default = false]; // Default cluster optional string YTToken = 4; // token to use at YT servers optional string YTName = 5; // YT cluster name optional bool EnabledYtQlQueries = 6 [default = true]; // Allow to handle YtQl queries repeated TAttr Settings = 100; } message TFileWithMd5 { optional string File = 1; optional string Md5 = 2; } message TYtGatewayConfig { optional uint32 GatewayThreads = 1 [default = 0]; // Number of gateway MtpQueue threads. The adaptive MtpQueue will be used for 0 value optional EYtLogLevel YtLogLevel = 2 [default = YL_ERROR]; // The verbosity level of YT log optional string PerfToolsPath = 4; // Path to perftools libraries optional bool PerfToolsFromPackage = 5; // Use perftools from package optional string MrJobBin = 6; // Path to mrjob executable. If not set then main executable will be used optional string MrJobBinMd5 = 13; // MD5 checksum of mrjob executable. Should not be specified directly optional string MrJobUdfsDir = 7; // Path to linux udfs. If not set then loaded into main executable will be used optional bool ExecuteUdfLocallyIfPossible = 8; // Turns on local execution mode for calc job with UDF. optional bool LocalChainTest = 9 [default = false]; // Chain local execution jobs for test purpose. optional string YtDebugLogFile = 10; // File for full YT debug log optional uint64 YtDebugLogSize = 11 [default = 0]; // Max YT debug log size optional bool YtDebugLogAlwaysWrite = 12 [default = false]; // Write YT debug log always or on error only optional string LocalChainFile = 14; // File to dump table contet in test mode repeated TFileWithMd5 MrJobSystemLibsWithMd5 = 15; // Paths to linux dynamic libraries required for running mrjob. repeated TRemoteFilePattern RemoteFilePatterns = 100; repeated TYtClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 101; // Accepted cluster shortcuts. All names not from this list will be rejected repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 102; } /////////////////////////////// Grut /////////////////////////////// message TYtOrmClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; // Examples: grut_testing, grut_stable, grut_dev optional string Cluster = 2; // Examples: sas, vla, etc optional bool Enabled = 3 [default = true]; // Allow to handle YTORM queries optional string EndpointSetId = 4; // Examples: grut-stable.object_api, grut-testing.object_api, etc } message TYtOrmGatewayConfig { repeated TYtOrmClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; } /////////////////////////////// Kikimr /////////////////////////////// message THostPort { required string Host = 1; required uint32 Port = 2; optional uint64 TotalTimeoutMs = 3; } message TKikimrGrpcData { repeated string Locators = 1; optional uint64 TimeoutMs = 2; optional uint64 MaxMessageSizeBytes = 3; optional uint32 MaxInFlight = 4; optional bool EnableEndpointDiscovery = 5; optional bool UseLegacyApi = 6; } message TKikimrClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; optional bool Default = 2 [default = false]; repeated THostPort MessageBus = 3; optional TKikimrGrpcData Grpc = 4; optional string Database = 5; optional uint32 TvmId = 6 [default = 0]; optional string Token = 7; optional string ProxyUrl = 8; optional string Location = 9; optional bool IsFromMvp = 10; optional ETokenType TokenType = 11; repeated TAttr Settings = 101; } message TKikimrGatewayConfig { repeated TKikimrClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2; } /////////////////////////////// Kikimr MVP /////////////////////////////// message TKikimrMvpProxyConfig { optional string Host = 1; optional uint32 Port = 2; optional string BasePath = 3; optional uint32 TvmId = 4 [default = 0]; } message TKikimrMvpGatewayConfig { repeated TKikimrMvpProxyConfig ProxyMapping = 1; } ///////////////////////////// Ydb ///////////////////////////// message TYdbClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; optional string Endpoint = 2; optional string Token = 3; optional TKikimrGrpcData Grpc = 4; optional uint32 TvmId = 5 [default = 0]; optional string Database = 6; optional string Id = 7; optional bool Secure = 8; optional string ServiceAccountId = 9; optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 10; optional bool AddBearerToToken = 11; // whether to use prefix "Bearer " in token repeated TAttr Settings = 100; } message TYdbGatewayConfig { repeated TYdbClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; optional string DefaultEndpoint = 2; optional string DefaultToken = 3; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 4; } ///////////////////////////// ClickHouse ///////////////////////////// message TClickHouseClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; optional bool Default = 2 [default = false]; optional string Cluster = 3; optional string CHToken = 4; repeated TAttr Settings = 101; optional EHostScheme HostScheme = 5; optional uint32 HostPort = 6; optional string CHTokenYavSecretId = 7; optional string CHTokenYavVersionId = 8; optional string CHTokenYavKey = 9; optional NYql.NProto.TClickHouseRunnerConfig Runner = 10; optional uint32 NativeHostPort = 11 [default = 9000]; optional bool NativeSecure = 12 [default = false]; optional string Id = 13; repeated string GroupAllowed = 14; } message TClickHouseGatewayConfig { repeated TClickHouseClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2; } ///////////////////////////// RTMR ///////////////////////////// enum EYfArtifactType { AT_NONE = 0; AT_FILE = 1; AT_LAYER = 2; }; enum ERtmrOperationType { OT_NONE = 0; OT_LF_PARSE = 1; OT_YDB_OUT = 2; OT_SOLOMON_OUT = 3; OT_PQ_OUT = 4; }; message TYfArtifactLink { optional EYfArtifactType Type = 1; optional string Url = 2; // in any format suitable for file storage optional string TargetFilePath = 3; // ignored for Type=AT_LAYER }; message TRtmrOperationArtifactsInfo { optional ERtmrOperationType Type = 1; repeated TYfArtifactLink Links = 2; }; message TRtmrPqConsumerInfo { optional string Cluster = 1; optional string Consumer = 2; } message TRtmrClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; optional bool Default = 2 [default = false]; optional string Cluster = 3; optional string RemoteName = 4; optional string YfCluster = 5; optional string S3TokenPath = 6; optional string S3FileCachePath = 7; optional uint32 TvmId = 8 [default = 0]; optional string TvmSecretPath = 9; repeated string Users = 10; optional bool UploadViaYfClient = 11 [default = false]; optional string MdsTorrentUrl = 12; repeated TRtmrOperationArtifactsInfo ArtifactOverrides = 13; // override CommonArtifacts by ERtmrOperationType optional string PqConsumer = 14; repeated TRtmrPqConsumerInfo PqConsumerMapping = 15; optional uint32 MaxPqPartitions = 16; optional uint32 PreviewCollectTimeoutMs = 17; optional string SbdTvmSecretFile = 18; optional uint64 SbdTvmClientId = 19; optional uint64 SbdTvmServerId = 20 [default = 2021848]; repeated TAttr Settings = 101; } message TRtmrGatewayConfig { repeated TRtmrClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2; optional string YqlRtmrDynLib = 3; // path to optional bool UseFakeYfUpload = 4 [default = false]; // use in tests only to speedup upload repeated string Artifacts = 5; /// default artifacts to put into every function repeated TRtmrOperationArtifactsInfo CommonArtifacts = 6; // common artifacts for all clusters optional uint32 MaxPqPartitions = 7 [default = 10]; optional uint32 PreviewCollectTimeoutMs = 8 [default = 2000]; optional bool KeepActiveProcess = 9 [default = false]; } ///////////////////////////// Pq ////////////////////////////// message TPqClusterConfig { enum EClusterType { CT_UNSPECIFIED = 0; CT_PERS_QUEUE = 1; CT_DATA_STREAMS = 2; } optional string Name = 1; optional EClusterType ClusterType = 2 [default = CT_PERS_QUEUE]; optional string Endpoint = 3; optional string ConfigManagerEndpoint = 4; optional string Token = 5; optional string Database = 6 [default = "/Root"]; optional uint32 TvmId = 7 [default = 0]; optional bool UseSsl = 8; // grpcs optional string ServiceAccountId = 9; optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 10; optional bool AddBearerToToken = 11; // whether to use prefix "Bearer " in token optional string DatabaseId = 12; repeated TAttr Settings = 100; optional bool SharedReading = 101; optional string ReconnectPeriod = 102; // disabled by default, example of a parameter: 5m optional string ReadGroup = 103; } message TPqGatewayConfig { repeated TPqClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; optional string DefaultToken = 2; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 100; } ///////////////////////////// Stat ///////////////////////////// message TStatClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name optional string Cluster = 2; // Real cluster server name with port optional bool Default = 3 [default = false]; // Default cluster optional string StatToken = 4; // token to use in communication with Statface optional string StatName = 5; // Stat cluster name repeated TAttr Settings = 100; } message TStatGatewayConfig { optional uint32 GatewayThreads = 1 [default = 0]; // Number of gateway MtpQueue threads. The adaptive MtpQueue will be used for 0 value repeated TStatClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 101; // Accepted cluster shortcuts. All names not from this list will be rejected repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 102; } ///////////////////////////// CHYT ///////////////////////////// message TChytClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name optional string YtCluster = 2; // Name of the corresponding YT cluster. } message TChytGatewayConfig { repeated TChytClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; } ///////////////////////////// S3 ///////////////////////////// message TS3ClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name optional string Url = 2; optional string Token = 3; optional string ServiceAccountId = 4; optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 5; repeated TAttr Settings = 100; } message TS3FormatSizeLimit { optional string Name = 1; // Format name i.e. csv_with_names optional uint64 FileSizeLimit = 2; // Max allowed size for this format } message TS3GatewayConfig { repeated TS3ClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; optional uint64 FileSizeLimit = 2; // Global limit repeated TS3FormatSizeLimit FormatSizeLimit = 6; // Format limits (override FileSizeLimit) optional uint64 BlockFileSizeLimit = 10; // Global limit for block readers (overrides FormatSizeLimit) optional uint64 MaxFilesPerQuery = 3; optional uint64 MaxReadSizePerQuery = 4; optional uint64 MaxDiscoveryFilesPerQuery = 5; optional uint64 MaxInflightListsPerQuery = 7; optional uint64 MaxDirectoriesAndFilesPerQuery = 8; optional uint64 MinDesiredDirectoriesOfFilesPerQuery = 9; optional bool AllowConcurrentListings = 11 [default = false]; optional uint64 ListingCallbackThreadCount = 12; optional uint64 ListingCallbackPerThreadQueueSize = 13; optional uint64 RegexpCacheSize = 14; optional uint64 GeneratorPathsLimit = 15; optional uint64 MaxListingResultSizePerPartition = 16; optional uint64 RowsInBatch = 17; // Default = 1000 optional uint64 MaxInflight = 18; // Default = 20 optional uint64 DataInflight = 19; // Default = 200 MB optional bool AllowLocalFiles = 20; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 100; } ///////////////////////////// Solomon ///////////////////////////// message TSolomonClusterConfig { enum ESolomonClusterType { SCT_UNSPECIFIED = 0; SCT_SOLOMON = 1; SCT_MONITORING = 2; } message TShardPath { required string Project = 1; // CloudId for YC required string Cluster = 2; // FolderId for YC } optional string Name = 1; optional string Cluster = 2; optional bool UseSsl = 3; optional ESolomonClusterType ClusterType = 4 [default = SCT_SOLOMON]; optional string Token = 5; optional string ServiceAccountId = 6; optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 7; optional TShardPath Path = 8; repeated TAttr Settings = 100; } message TSolomonGatewayConfig { repeated TSolomonClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2; } message TFileStorageAdditionalConfig { message TUrlPattern { required string Pattern = 1; optional string Alias = 2; } message TSchemeTranslate { required string Pattern = 1; // regexp to match required string TargetUrl = 2; // replacement string for target URL } repeated TUrlPattern AllowedUrls = 2; // Whitelist of url regexps; disabled if empty repeated TUrlPattern ExternalAllowedUrls = 3; // Whitelist of url regexps for external users; disabled if empty repeated TSchemeTranslate CustomSchemes = 4; } /////////////////////////////// Postgresql ///////////////////////////// message TPostgresqlClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; optional string Cluster = 2; optional string PGtoken = 3; optional string TargetServerType = 4; optional uint64 MaxResultBufferSize = 5 [default = 1000000]; // Zero value disables adaptiveFetch } message TPostgresqlGatewayConfig { repeated TPostgresqlClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; optional uint64 MaxResultBufferSize = 2 [default = 1000000]; // Zero value disables adaptiveFetch by default } /////////////////////////////// Mysql ///////////////////////////// message TMysqlClusterConfig { optional string Name = 1; optional string Cluster = 2; optional string MysqlToken = 3; } message TMysqlGatewayConfig { repeated TMysqlClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1; } /////////////////////////////// Dq ///////////////////////////////////// message TDqGatewayConfig { message TDefaultAutoByHourPercentage { required uint32 Hour = 1; required uint32 Percentage = 2; } optional uint32 DefaultAutoPercentage = 1 [default = 0]; // Probability of 'DqEngine="auto"' repeated TDefaultAutoByHourPercentage DefaultAutoByHour = 2; repeated string NoDefaultAutoForUsers = 3; repeated string DefaultAnalyzeQueryForUsers = 4; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 102; optional uint32 WithHiddenPercentage = 5 [default = 0]; // Depricated. TODO: remove repeated TDefaultAutoByHourPercentage WithHiddenByHour = 6; // Depricated. TODO: remove repeated string NoWithHiddenForUsers = 7; // Depricated. TODO: remove repeated string WithHiddenForUsers = 8; // Depricated. TODO: remove optional TActivationPercentage HiddenActivation = 9; } /////////////////////////////// Yql Core /////////////////////////////// message TCoreAttr { required string Name = 1; repeated string Args = 2; optional TActivationPercentage Activation = 3; } message TYqlCoreConfig { repeated TCoreAttr Flags = 1; optional TActivationPercentage QPlayerActivation = 2; } /////////////////////////////// Sql Core /////////////////////////////// message TWarnAsErrorByHourPercentage { required uint32 Hour = 1; required uint32 Percentage = 2; } message TSqlCoreConfig { optional uint32 V0SyntaxWarnAsErrorPercentage = 1 [default = 0]; // Probability of 'deprecated syntax' // warning to become an error repeated TWarnAsErrorByHourPercentage V0SyntaxWarnAsErrorByHour = 2; repeated string NoV0SyntaxErrorForUsers = 3; repeated string TranslationFlags = 4; } /////////////////////////////// Db Tool /////////////////////////////// message TUserException { required string Login = 1; optional uint32 ExpireDays = 2 [default = 0]; // 0 - don't delete history at all } message TDbToolConfig { optional uint32 DefaultExpireDays = 1; optional string RobotPattern = 2; repeated string DeleteQueryRunner = 3; repeated TUserException UserException = 4; } /////////// Generic gateway for the external data sources //////////// // TGenericEndpoint represents the network address of a generic data source instance message TGenericEndpoint { optional string host = 1; optional uint32 port = 2; } // TGenericCredentials represents various ways of user authentication in the data source instance message TGenericCredentials { message TBasic { optional string username = 1; optional string password = 2; } message TToken { optional string type = 1; optional string value = 2; } oneof payload { TBasic basic = 1; TToken token = 2; } } // EGenericDataSourceKind enumerates the external data sources // supported by the federated query system enum EGenericDataSourceKind { DATA_SOURCE_KIND_UNSPECIFIED = 0; CLICKHOUSE = 1; POSTGRESQL = 2; S3 = 3; YDB = 4; MYSQL = 5; MS_SQL_SERVER = 6; GREENPLUM = 7; ORACLE = 8; LOGGING = 9; MONGO_DB = 10; } // EGenericProtocol generalizes various kinds of network protocols supported by different databases. enum EGenericProtocol { PROTOCOL_UNSPECIFIED = 0; NATIVE = 1; // CLICKHOUSE, POSTGRESQL HTTP = 2; // CLICKHOUSE, S3 } // TPostgreSQLDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to PostgreSQL message TPostgreSQLDataSourceOptions { // PostgreSQL schema optional string schema = 1; } // TClickhouseDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Clickhouse message TClickhouseDataSourceOptions { } // TS3DataSourceOptions represents settings specific to S3 (Simple Storage Service) message TS3DataSourceOptions { // the region where data is stored optional string region = 1; // the bucket the object belongs to optional string bucket = 2; } // TGreenplumDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Greenplum message TGreenplumDataSourceOptions { // Greenplum schema optional string schema = 1; } // TOracleDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Oracle message TOracleDataSourceOptions { // Oracle service_name - alias to SID of oracle INSTANCE, or SID, or PDB. // More about connection options in Oracle docs: // optional string service_name = 1; } // TLoggingDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Logging message TLoggingDataSourceOptions { optional string folder_id = 1; } // TMongoDbDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to MongoDB message TMongoDbDataSourceOptions { enum EReadingMode { READING_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Returns each top level field of the document deserialized into the corresponding YQL type; if the type of some field is ambiguous / inconsistent across several documents it is returned serialized as an YQL Utf8 value TABLE = 1; }; // Ways of dealing with values read in ReadSplit whose types are inconsistent with types that were deduced in DescribeTable enum EUnexpectedTypeDisplayMode { UNEXPECTED_UNSPECIFIED = 0; UNEXPECTED_AS_NULL = 1; UNEXPECTED_AS_STRING = 2; }; // Ways of dealing with unsupported data types enum EUnsupportedTypeDisplayMode { UNSUPPORTED_UNSPECIFIED = 0; UNSUPPORTED_OMIT = 1; UNSUPPORTED_AS_STRING = 2; }; optional EReadingMode reading_mode = 1; optional EUnexpectedTypeDisplayMode unexpected_type_display_mode = 2; optional EUnsupportedTypeDisplayMode unsupported_type_display_mode = 3; } // TGenericDataSourceInstance helps to identify the instance of a data source to redirect request to. message TGenericDataSourceInstance { // Data source kind optional EGenericDataSourceKind kind = 1; // Network address optional TGenericEndpoint endpoint = 2; // Database name optional string database = 3; // Credentials to access database optional TGenericCredentials credentials = 4; // If true, Connector server will use secure connections to access remote data sources. // Certificates will be obtained from the standard system paths. optional bool use_tls = 5; // Allows to specify network protocol that should be used between // during the connection between Connector and the remote data source optional EGenericProtocol protocol = 6; // Options specific to various data sources oneof options { TPostgreSQLDataSourceOptions pg_options = 7; TClickhouseDataSourceOptions ch_options = 8; TS3DataSourceOptions s3_options = 9; TGreenplumDataSourceOptions gp_options = 10; TOracleDataSourceOptions oracle_options = 11; TLoggingDataSourceOptions logging_options = 12; TMongoDbDataSourceOptions mongodb_options = 13; } } message TGenericClusterConfig { // Cluster name optional string Name = 1; // Data source kind optional EGenericDataSourceKind Kind = 8; // Location represents the network address of a data source instance we want to connect oneof Location { // Endpoint must be used for on-premise deployments. TGenericEndpoint Endpoint = 9; // DatabaseId must be used when the data source is deployed in cloud. // Data source FQDN and port will be resolved by MDB service. string DatabaseId = 4; } // Credentials used to access data source instance optional TGenericCredentials Credentials = 10; // Credentials used to access managed databases APIs. // When working with external data source instances deployed in clouds, // one should either set (ServiceAccountId, ServiceAccountIdSignature) pair // that will be resolved into IAM Token via Token Accessor, // or provide IAM Token directly. optional string ServiceAccountId = 6; optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 7; optional string Token = 11; // If true, the generic provider will ask connector server to use secure connections // to access remote data sources. optional bool UseSsl = 12; // Name of a particular database within a database cluster optional string DatabaseName = 13; // Transport protocol used to establish a network connection with database optional EGenericProtocol Protocol = 14; // Data source options specific to various data sources map DataSourceOptions = 15; reserved 2, 3, 5; } message TGenericConnectorConfig { // There are two options to configure Connector network address: // 1. Set address statically via `Endpoint.Host` and `Endpoint.Port`; // 2. Ask YDB to set `Endpoint.Port` to the value of expression `./ydbd --ic-port + OffsetFromIcPort`, // while Connector's hostname will still be taken from `Endpoint.Host` (with 'localhost' as a default value). optional TGenericEndpoint Endpoint = 3; optional uint32 OffsetFromIcPort = 6; // If true, Connector GRPC Client will use TLS encryption. optional bool UseSsl = 4; // Path to the custom CA certificate to verify Connector's certs. // If empty, the default system CA certificate pool will be used. optional string SslCaCrt = 5; reserved 1, 2; } message TGenericGatewayConfig { // Connector service network endpoint // TODO: replace with map optional TGenericConnectorConfig Connector = 5; // Database clusters supported by this particular instance repeated TGenericClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 3; // MDB API endpoint (no need to fill in case of on-prem deployment). optional string MdbGateway = 4; // YDB MVP API endpoint (no need to fill in case of on-prem deployment). // Expected format: // [http|https]://host:port/ydbc/cloud-prod/ optional string YdbMvpEndpoint = 7; repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 6; reserved 1, 2; } /////////////////////////////// Db Resolver /////////////////////////////////// message TDbResolverConfig { // Ydb / Yds MVP endpoint. // Expected format: // [http|https]://host:port/ydbc/cloud-prod/ optional string YdbMvpEndpoint = 2; } /////////////////////////////// Revision filter /////////////////////////////// message TRevisionException { repeated string Revisions = 1; repeated string IncludeUsers = 2; repeated string ExcludeUsers = 3; } message TRevisionFilterConfig { repeated TRevisionException RevisionException = 1; } /////////////////////////////// Root /////////////////////////////// message TGatewaysConfig { optional TYtGatewayConfig Yt = 1; optional TKikimrGatewayConfig Kikimr = 2; optional TClickHouseGatewayConfig ClickHouse = 3; optional TRtmrGatewayConfig Rtmr = 4; optional TKikimrMvpGatewayConfig KikimrMvp = 5; optional TStatGatewayConfig Stat = 6; optional TChytGatewayConfig Chyt = 7; optional TSolomonGatewayConfig Solomon = 8; optional TFileStorageAdditionalConfig Fs = 9; optional TYqlCoreConfig YqlCore = 10; optional TPostgresqlGatewayConfig Postgresql = 11; optional TSqlCoreConfig SqlCore = 12; optional TDqGatewayConfig Dq = 13; optional TMysqlGatewayConfig Mysql = 14; optional TYdbGatewayConfig Ydb = 15; optional TPqGatewayConfig Pq = 16; optional TS3GatewayConfig S3 = 17; optional THttpGatewayConfig HttpGateway = 18; optional TYtOrmGatewayConfig YtOrm = 19; optional TDbToolConfig DbTool = 20; optional TGenericGatewayConfig Generic = 21; optional TRevisionFilterConfig RevisionFilter = 22; optional TDbResolverConfig DbResolver = 23; }