#include "logger.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace NUnifiedAgent { namespace { TString FormatLogLine(ELogPriority logLevel, const TStringBuf message, const TString& scope) { TString result; { TStringOutput output(result); output << FormatIsoLocal(TClock::Now()) << " " << GetPID() << " " << TThread::CurrentThreadId() << " " << logLevel; if (!scope.empty()) { output << " " << scope; } output << " " << message << "\n"; } return result; } } TLogger::TThrottlerWithLock::TThrottlerWithLock(size_t rateLimitBytes) : Throttler(rateLimitBytes, rateLimitBytes / 2) , Lock() { } bool TLogger::TThrottlerWithLock::TryConsume(double tokens) { with_lock(Lock) { return Throttler.TryConsume(tokens); } } TLogger::TLogger(TLog& log, TFMaybe rateLimitBytes) : DefaultLogContext{log, log.IsNullLog() ? ELogPriority::TLOG_EMERG : log.FiltrationLevel()} , TracingLogContexts() , CurrentLogContext_() , Errors(nullptr) , DroppedBytes(nullptr) , Throttler(rateLimitBytes.Defined() ? MakeHolder(*rateLimitBytes) : nullptr) , Lock() { SetCurrentLogContext(DefaultLogContext); } void TLogger::SetCurrentLogContext(TLogContext& logContext) { CurrentLogContext_.store(logContext.Log.IsNullLog() ? nullptr : &logContext, std::memory_order_release); } void TLogger::Log(TLog& log, ELogPriority logPriority, const TStringBuf message, const TString& scope) const { try { const auto logLine = FormatLogLine(logPriority, NUnifiedAgent::NPrivate::ReplaceNonUTF(message).Data, scope); if (Throttler && &log == &DefaultLogContext.Log && !Throttler->TryConsume(logLine.size())) { if (DroppedBytes) { DroppedBytes->Add(logLine.size()); } return; } log.Write(logPriority, logLine); } catch (...) { } } void TLogger::StartTracing(ELogPriority logPriority) noexcept { with_lock(Lock) { auto& logContext = GetOrCreateTracingLogContext(logPriority); SetTracing(logContext, "started"); } } void TLogger::FinishTracing() noexcept { with_lock(Lock) { SetTracing(DefaultLogContext, "finished"); } } void TLogger::SetTracing(TLogContext& logContext, const char* action) { // Lock must be held SetCurrentLogContext(logContext); Log(logContext.Log, TLOG_INFO, Sprintf("tracing %s, log priority is set to [%s]", action, ToString(logContext.Priority).c_str()), ""); } auto TLogger::GetOrCreateTracingLogContext(ELogPriority logPriority) -> TLogContext& { // Lock must be held for (const auto& c: TracingLogContexts) { if (c->Priority == logPriority) { return *c; } } auto newLogContext = MakeHolder(); newLogContext->Log = TLog("cerr", logPriority); newLogContext->Priority = logPriority; auto* result = newLogContext.Get(); TracingLogContexts.push_back(std::move(newLogContext)); return *result; } TScopeLogger::TScopeLogger() : Logger(nullptr) , Scope() , Errors(nullptr) { } TScopeLogger::TScopeLogger(TLogger* logger, const TString& scope, NMonitoring::TDeprecatedCounter* errors) : Logger(logger) , Scope(scope) , Errors(errors) { } }