/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "tls/extensions/s2n_server_renegotiation_info.h" #include "error/s2n_errno.h" #include "stuffer/s2n_stuffer.h" #include "tls/s2n_connection.h" #include "tls/s2n_tls.h" #include "tls/s2n_tls_parameters.h" #include "utils/s2n_safety.h" /** * s2n-tls servers do NOT support renegotiation. * * We implement this extension to handle clients that require secure renegotiation support: *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#4.3 *# In order to enable clients to probe, even servers that do not support *# renegotiation MUST implement the minimal version of the extension *# described in this document for initial handshakes, thus signaling *# that they have been upgraded. */ static bool s2n_renegotiation_info_should_send(struct s2n_connection *conn); static int s2n_renegotiation_info_send(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *out); static int s2n_renegotiation_info_recv(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *extension); static int s2n_renegotiation_info_if_missing(struct s2n_connection *conn); const s2n_extension_type s2n_server_renegotiation_info_extension = { .iana_value = TLS_EXTENSION_RENEGOTIATION_INFO, .send = s2n_renegotiation_info_send, .recv = s2n_renegotiation_info_recv, .should_send = s2n_renegotiation_info_should_send, .if_missing = s2n_renegotiation_info_if_missing, /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.6 *# Note that sending a "renegotiation_info" extension in response to a *# ClientHello containing only the SCSV is an explicit exception to the *# prohibition in RFC 5246, Section, on the server sending *# unsolicited extensions and is only allowed because the client is *# signaling its willingness to receive the extension via the *# TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV SCSV. * * This extension is technically a response extension, but doesn't * follow any of the usual response extension rules. * s2n-tls will therefore not treat it as a response extension. */ .is_response = false, }; /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.6 *# o If the secure_renegotiation flag is set to TRUE, the server MUST *# include an empty "renegotiation_info" extension in the ServerHello *# message. */ static bool s2n_renegotiation_info_should_send(struct s2n_connection *conn) { return conn && conn->secure_renegotiation && s2n_connection_get_protocol_version(conn) < S2N_TLS13; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.6 *# o If the secure_renegotiation flag is set to TRUE, the server MUST *# include an empty "renegotiation_info" extension in the ServerHello *# message. */ static int s2n_renegotiation_info_send_initial(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *out) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint8(out, 0)); return S2N_SUCCESS; } static int s2n_renegotiation_info_send_renegotiation(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *out) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(conn); /* s2n-tls servers do not support renegotiation. * We add the renegotiation version of this logic only for testing. */ POSIX_ENSURE(s2n_in_unit_test(), S2N_ERR_NOT_IN_UNIT_TEST); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.7 *# This text applies if the connection's "secure_renegotiation" flag is *# set to TRUE (if it is set to FALSE, see Section 4.4). */ POSIX_ENSURE(conn->secure_renegotiation, S2N_ERR_NO_RENEGOTIATION); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.7 *# o The server MUST include a "renegotiation_info" extension *# containing the saved client_verify_data and server_verify_data in *# the ServerHello. */ const uint8_t verify_data_len = conn->handshake.finished_len; POSIX_ENSURE_GT(verify_data_len, 0); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint8(out, verify_data_len * 2)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(out, conn->handshake.client_finished, verify_data_len)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(out, conn->handshake.server_finished, verify_data_len)); return S2N_SUCCESS; } static int s2n_renegotiation_info_send(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *out) { if (s2n_handshake_is_renegotiation(conn)) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_renegotiation_info_send_renegotiation(conn, out)); } else { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_renegotiation_info_send_initial(conn, out)); } return S2N_SUCCESS; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.4 *# o When a ServerHello is received, the client MUST check if it *# includes the "renegotiation_info" extension: */ static int s2n_renegotiation_info_recv_initial(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *extension) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(conn); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.4 *# * The client MUST then verify that the length of the *# "renegotiated_connection" field is zero, and if it is not, MUST *# abort the handshake (by sending a fatal handshake_failure alert). */ uint8_t renegotiated_connection_len = 0; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_read_uint8(extension, &renegotiated_connection_len)); POSIX_ENSURE(s2n_stuffer_data_available(extension) == 0, S2N_ERR_NON_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO); POSIX_ENSURE(renegotiated_connection_len == 0, S2N_ERR_NON_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.4 *# * If the extension is present, set the secure_renegotiation flag to TRUE. */ conn->secure_renegotiation = 1; return S2N_SUCCESS; } static int s2n_renegotiation_info_recv_renegotiation(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *extension) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(conn); uint8_t verify_data_len = conn->handshake.finished_len; POSIX_ENSURE_GT(verify_data_len, 0); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.5 *# This text applies if the connection's "secure_renegotiation" flag is *# set to TRUE (if it is set to FALSE, see Section 4.2). */ POSIX_ENSURE(conn->secure_renegotiation, S2N_ERR_NO_RENEGOTIATION); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.5 *# o The client MUST then verify that the first half of the *# "renegotiated_connection" field is equal to the saved *# client_verify_data value, and the second half is equal to the *# saved server_verify_data value. If they are not, the client MUST *# abort the handshake. */ uint8_t renegotiated_connection_len = 0; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_read_uint8(extension, &renegotiated_connection_len)); POSIX_ENSURE(verify_data_len * 2 == renegotiated_connection_len, S2N_ERR_BAD_MESSAGE); uint8_t *first_half = s2n_stuffer_raw_read(extension, verify_data_len); POSIX_ENSURE_REF(first_half); POSIX_ENSURE(s2n_constant_time_equals(first_half, conn->handshake.client_finished, verify_data_len), S2N_ERR_BAD_MESSAGE); uint8_t *second_half = s2n_stuffer_raw_read(extension, verify_data_len); POSIX_ENSURE_REF(second_half); POSIX_ENSURE(s2n_constant_time_equals(second_half, conn->handshake.server_finished, verify_data_len), S2N_ERR_BAD_MESSAGE); return S2N_SUCCESS; } /** * Note that this extension must also work for SSLv3: *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#4.5 *# Clients that support SSLv3 and offer secure renegotiation (either via SCSV or *# "renegotiation_info") MUST accept the "renegotiation_info" extension *# from the server, even if the server version is {0x03, 0x00}, and *# behave as described in this specification. */ static int s2n_renegotiation_info_recv(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *extension) { if (s2n_handshake_is_renegotiation(conn)) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_renegotiation_info_recv_renegotiation(conn, extension)); } else { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_renegotiation_info_recv_initial(conn, extension)); } return S2N_SUCCESS; } static int s2n_renegotiation_info_if_missing(struct s2n_connection *conn) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(conn); if (s2n_handshake_is_renegotiation(conn)) { /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.5 *# o When a ServerHello is received, the client MUST verify that the *# "renegotiation_info" extension is present; if it is not, the *# client MUST abort the handshake. */ POSIX_BAIL(S2N_ERR_NO_RENEGOTIATION); } else { /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#3.4 *# * If the extension is not present, the server does not support *# secure renegotiation; set secure_renegotiation flag to FALSE. *# In this case, some clients may want to terminate the handshake *# instead of continuing; see Section 4.1 for discussion. */ conn->secure_renegotiation = false; /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5746#4.1 *= type=exception *= reason=Avoid interoperability problems *# If clients wish to ensure that such attacks are impossible, they need *# to terminate the connection immediately upon failure to receive the *# extension without completing the handshake. Such clients MUST *# generate a fatal "handshake_failure" alert prior to terminating the *# connection. However, it is expected that many TLS servers that do *# not support renegotiation (and thus are not vulnerable) will not *# support this extension either, so in general, clients that implement *# this behavior will encounter interoperability problems. * * TODO: https://github.com/aws/s2n-tls/issues/3528 */ return S2N_SUCCESS; } } /* Old-style extension functions -- remove after extensions refactor is complete */ int s2n_recv_server_renegotiation_info_ext(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *extension) { return s2n_extension_recv(&s2n_server_renegotiation_info_extension, conn, extension); }