/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ENCODER_LOGF(level, encoder, text, ...) \ AWS_LOGF_##level(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: " text, (void *)encoder->current_stream, __VA_ARGS__) #define ENCODER_LOG(level, encoder, text) ENCODER_LOGF(level, encoder, "%s", text) #define MAX_ASCII_HEX_CHUNK_STR_SIZE (sizeof(uint64_t) * 2 + 1) #define CRLF_SIZE 2 /** * Scan headers to detect errors and determine anything we'll need to know later (ex: total length). */ static int s_scan_outgoing_headers( struct aws_h1_encoder_message *encoder_message, const struct aws_http_message *message, size_t *out_header_lines_len, bool body_headers_ignored, bool body_headers_forbidden) { size_t total = 0; bool has_body_stream = aws_http_message_get_body_stream(message); bool has_content_length_header = false; bool has_transfer_encoding_header = false; const size_t num_headers = aws_http_message_get_header_count(message); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_headers; ++i) { struct aws_http_header header; aws_http_message_get_header(message, &header, i); /* Validate header field-name (RFC-7230 3.2): field-name = token */ if (!aws_strutil_is_http_token(header.name)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Header name is invalid"); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_NAME); } /* Validate header field-value. * The value itself isn't supposed to have whitespace on either side, * but we'll trim it off before validation so we don't start needlessly * failing requests that used to work before we added validation. * This should be OK because field-value can be sent with any amount * of whitespace around it, which the other side will just ignore (RFC-7230 3.2): * header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS */ struct aws_byte_cursor field_value = aws_strutil_trim_http_whitespace(header.value); if (!aws_strutil_is_http_field_value(field_value)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Header '" PRInSTR "' has invalid value", AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(header.name)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } enum aws_http_header_name name_enum = aws_http_str_to_header_name(header.name); switch (name_enum) { case AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION: { if (aws_byte_cursor_eq_c_str(&field_value, "close")) { encoder_message->has_connection_close_header = true; } } break; case AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH: { has_content_length_header = true; if (aws_byte_cursor_utf8_parse_u64(field_value, &encoder_message->content_length)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Invalid Content-Length"); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } } break; case AWS_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING: { has_transfer_encoding_header = true; if (0 == field_value.len) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Transfer-Encoding must include a valid value"); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } struct aws_byte_cursor substr; AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(substr); while (aws_byte_cursor_next_split(&field_value, ',', &substr)) { struct aws_byte_cursor trimmed = aws_strutil_trim_http_whitespace(substr); if (0 == trimmed.len) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Transfer-Encoding header whitespace only " "comma delimited header value"); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } if (encoder_message->has_chunked_encoding_header) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Transfer-Encoding header must end with \"chunked\""); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } if (aws_byte_cursor_eq_c_str(&trimmed, "chunked")) { encoder_message->has_chunked_encoding_header = true; } } } break; default: break; } /* header-line: "{name}: {value}\r\n" */ int err = 0; err |= aws_add_size_checked(header.name.len, total, &total); err |= aws_add_size_checked(header.value.len, total, &total); err |= aws_add_size_checked(4, total, &total); /* ": " + "\r\n" */ if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } } if (!encoder_message->has_chunked_encoding_header && has_transfer_encoding_header) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Transfer-Encoding header must include \"chunked\""); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } /* Per RFC 7230: A sender MUST NOT send a Content-Length header field in any message that contains a * Transfer-Encoding header field. */ if (encoder_message->has_chunked_encoding_header && has_content_length_header) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding are set. Only one may be used"); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } if (encoder_message->has_chunked_encoding_header && has_body_stream) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Both Transfer-Encoding chunked header and body stream is set. " "chunked data must use the chunk API to write the body stream."); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_BODY_STREAM); } if (body_headers_forbidden && (encoder_message->content_length > 0 || has_transfer_encoding_header)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length headers may not be present in such a message"); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_FIELD); } if (body_headers_ignored) { /* Don't send body, no matter what the headers are */ encoder_message->content_length = 0; encoder_message->has_chunked_encoding_header = false; } if (encoder_message->content_length > 0 && !has_body_stream) { return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_MISSING_BODY_STREAM); } *out_header_lines_len = total; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static int s_scan_outgoing_trailer(const struct aws_http_headers *headers, size_t *out_size) { const size_t num_headers = aws_http_headers_count(headers); size_t total = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_headers; i++) { struct aws_http_header header; aws_http_headers_get_index(headers, i, &header); /* Validate header field-name (RFC-7230 3.2): field-name = token */ if (!aws_strutil_is_http_token(header.name)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Header name is invalid"); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_NAME); } /* Validate header field-value. * The value itself isn't supposed to have whitespace on either side, * but we'll trim it off before validation so we don't start needlessly * failing requests that used to work before we added validation. * This should be OK because field-value can be sent with any amount * of whitespace around it, which the other side will just ignore (RFC-7230 3.2): * header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS */ struct aws_byte_cursor field_value = aws_strutil_trim_http_whitespace(header.value); if (!aws_strutil_is_http_field_value(field_value)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Header '" PRInSTR "' has invalid value", AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(header.name)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE); } enum aws_http_header_name name_enum = aws_http_str_to_header_name(header.name); if (name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_HOST || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_PRAGMA || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_RANGE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_TE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_TRAILER || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_COOKIE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_AGE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_DATE || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_VARY || name_enum == AWS_HTTP_HEADER_WARNING) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Trailing Header '" PRInSTR "' has invalid value", AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(header.name)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_FIELD); } int err = 0; err |= aws_add_size_checked(header.name.len, total, &total); err |= aws_add_size_checked(header.value.len, total, &total); err |= aws_add_size_checked(4, total, &total); /* ": " + "\r\n" */ if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } } if (aws_add_size_checked(2, total, &total)) { /* "\r\n" */ return AWS_OP_ERR; } *out_size = total; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static bool s_write_crlf(struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { AWS_PRECONDITION(aws_byte_buf_is_valid(dst)); struct aws_byte_cursor crlf_cursor = AWS_BYTE_CUR_INIT_FROM_STRING_LITERAL("\r\n"); return aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(dst, crlf_cursor); } static void s_write_headers(struct aws_byte_buf *dst, const struct aws_http_headers *headers) { const size_t num_headers = aws_http_headers_count(headers); bool wrote_all = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_headers; ++i) { struct aws_http_header header; aws_http_headers_get_index(headers, i, &header); /* header-line: "{name}: {value}\r\n" */ wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(dst, header.name); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(dst, ':'); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(dst, ' '); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(dst, header.value); wrote_all &= s_write_crlf(dst); } AWS_ASSERT(wrote_all); (void)wrote_all; } int aws_h1_encoder_message_init_from_request( struct aws_h1_encoder_message *message, struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_http_message *request, struct aws_linked_list *pending_chunk_list) { AWS_PRECONDITION(aws_linked_list_is_valid(pending_chunk_list)); AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*message); message->body = aws_input_stream_acquire(aws_http_message_get_body_stream(request)); message->pending_chunk_list = pending_chunk_list; struct aws_byte_cursor method; int err = aws_http_message_get_request_method(request, &method); if (err) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Request method not set"); aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_METHOD); goto error; } /* RFC-7230 3.1.1: method = token */ if (!aws_strutil_is_http_token(method)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Request method is invalid"); aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_METHOD); goto error; } struct aws_byte_cursor uri; err = aws_http_message_get_request_path(request, &uri); if (err) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Request path not set"); aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_PATH); goto error; } if (!aws_strutil_is_http_request_target(uri)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=static: Request path is invalid"); aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_PATH); goto error; } struct aws_byte_cursor version = aws_http_version_to_str(AWS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); /** * Calculate total size needed for outgoing_head_buffer, then write to buffer. */ size_t header_lines_len; err = s_scan_outgoing_headers( message, request, &header_lines_len, false /*body_headers_ignored*/, false /*body_headers_forbidden*/); if (err) { goto error; } /* request-line: "{method} {uri} {version}\r\n" */ size_t request_line_len = 4; /* 2 spaces + "\r\n" */ err |= aws_add_size_checked(method.len, request_line_len, &request_line_len); err |= aws_add_size_checked(uri.len, request_line_len, &request_line_len); err |= aws_add_size_checked(version.len, request_line_len, &request_line_len); /* head-end: "\r\n" */ size_t head_end_len = 2; size_t head_total_len = request_line_len; err |= aws_add_size_checked(header_lines_len, head_total_len, &head_total_len); err |= aws_add_size_checked(head_end_len, head_total_len, &head_total_len); if (err) { goto error; } err = aws_byte_buf_init(&message->outgoing_head_buf, allocator, head_total_len); if (err) { goto error; } bool wrote_all = true; wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(&message->outgoing_head_buf, method); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(&message->outgoing_head_buf, ' '); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(&message->outgoing_head_buf, uri); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(&message->outgoing_head_buf, ' '); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(&message->outgoing_head_buf, version); wrote_all &= s_write_crlf(&message->outgoing_head_buf); s_write_headers(&message->outgoing_head_buf, aws_http_message_get_const_headers(request)); wrote_all &= s_write_crlf(&message->outgoing_head_buf); (void)wrote_all; AWS_ASSERT(wrote_all); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; error: aws_h1_encoder_message_clean_up(message); return AWS_OP_ERR; } int aws_h1_encoder_message_init_from_response( struct aws_h1_encoder_message *message, struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_http_message *response, bool body_headers_ignored, struct aws_linked_list *pending_chunk_list) { AWS_PRECONDITION(aws_linked_list_is_valid(pending_chunk_list)); AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*message); message->body = aws_input_stream_acquire(aws_http_message_get_body_stream(response)); message->pending_chunk_list = pending_chunk_list; struct aws_byte_cursor version = aws_http_version_to_str(AWS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); int status_int; int err = aws_http_message_get_response_status(response, &status_int); if (err) { return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS_CODE); } /* Status code must fit in 3 digits */ AWS_ASSERT(status_int >= 0 && status_int <= 999); /* aws_http_message should have already checked this */ char status_code_str[4] = "XXX"; snprintf(status_code_str, sizeof(status_code_str), "%03d", status_int); struct aws_byte_cursor status_code = aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(status_code_str); struct aws_byte_cursor status_text = aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(aws_http_status_text(status_int)); /** * Calculate total size needed for outgoing_head_buffer, then write to buffer. */ size_t header_lines_len; /** * no body needed in the response * RFC-7230 section 3.3 Message Body */ body_headers_ignored |= status_int == AWS_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_304_NOT_MODIFIED; bool body_headers_forbidden = status_int == AWS_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_204_NO_CONTENT || status_int / 100 == 1; err = s_scan_outgoing_headers(message, response, &header_lines_len, body_headers_ignored, body_headers_forbidden); if (err) { goto error; } /* valid status must be three digital code, change it into byte_cursor */ /* response-line: "{version} {status} {status_text}\r\n" */ size_t response_line_len = 4; /* 2 spaces + "\r\n" */ err |= aws_add_size_checked(version.len, response_line_len, &response_line_len); err |= aws_add_size_checked(status_code.len, response_line_len, &response_line_len); err |= aws_add_size_checked(status_text.len, response_line_len, &response_line_len); /* head-end: "\r\n" */ size_t head_end_len = 2; size_t head_total_len = response_line_len; err |= aws_add_size_checked(header_lines_len, head_total_len, &head_total_len); err |= aws_add_size_checked(head_end_len, head_total_len, &head_total_len); if (err) { goto error; } err = aws_byte_buf_init(&message->outgoing_head_buf, allocator, head_total_len); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } bool wrote_all = true; wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(&message->outgoing_head_buf, version); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(&message->outgoing_head_buf, ' '); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(&message->outgoing_head_buf, status_code); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(&message->outgoing_head_buf, ' '); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(&message->outgoing_head_buf, status_text); wrote_all &= s_write_crlf(&message->outgoing_head_buf); s_write_headers(&message->outgoing_head_buf, aws_http_message_get_const_headers(response)); wrote_all &= s_write_crlf(&message->outgoing_head_buf); (void)wrote_all; AWS_ASSERT(wrote_all); /* Success! */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; error: aws_h1_encoder_message_clean_up(message); return AWS_OP_ERR; } void aws_h1_encoder_message_clean_up(struct aws_h1_encoder_message *message) { aws_input_stream_release(message->body); aws_byte_buf_clean_up(&message->outgoing_head_buf); aws_h1_trailer_destroy(message->trailer); AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*message); } void aws_h1_encoder_init(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_allocator *allocator) { AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*encoder); encoder->allocator = allocator; } void aws_h1_encoder_clean_up(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder) { AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*encoder); } int aws_h1_encoder_start_message( struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_h1_encoder_message *message, struct aws_http_stream *stream) { AWS_PRECONDITION(encoder); AWS_PRECONDITION(message); if (encoder->message) { ENCODER_LOG(ERROR, encoder, "Attempting to start new request while previous request is in progress."); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); } encoder->current_stream = stream; encoder->message = message; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static bool s_write_chunk_size(struct aws_byte_buf *dst, uint64_t chunk_size) { AWS_PRECONDITION(dst); AWS_PRECONDITION(aws_byte_buf_is_valid(dst)); char ascii_hex_chunk_size_str[MAX_ASCII_HEX_CHUNK_STR_SIZE] = {0}; snprintf(ascii_hex_chunk_size_str, sizeof(ascii_hex_chunk_size_str), "%" PRIX64, chunk_size); return aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(dst, aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(ascii_hex_chunk_size_str)); } static bool s_write_chunk_extension(struct aws_byte_buf *dst, struct aws_http1_chunk_extension *chunk_extension) { AWS_PRECONDITION(chunk_extension); AWS_PRECONDITION(aws_byte_buf_is_valid(dst)); bool wrote_all = true; wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(dst, ';'); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(dst, chunk_extension->key); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_u8(dst, '='); wrote_all &= aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_cursor(dst, chunk_extension->value); return wrote_all; } static size_t s_calculate_chunk_line_size(const struct aws_http1_chunk_options *options) { size_t chunk_line_size = MAX_ASCII_HEX_CHUNK_STR_SIZE + CRLF_SIZE; for (size_t i = 0; i < options->num_extensions; ++i) { struct aws_http1_chunk_extension *chunk_extension = options->extensions + i; chunk_line_size += sizeof(';'); chunk_line_size += chunk_extension->key.len; chunk_line_size += sizeof('='); chunk_line_size += chunk_extension->value.len; } return chunk_line_size; } static void s_populate_chunk_line_buffer( struct aws_byte_buf *chunk_line, const struct aws_http1_chunk_options *options) { bool wrote_chunk_line = true; wrote_chunk_line &= s_write_chunk_size(chunk_line, options->chunk_data_size); for (size_t i = 0; i < options->num_extensions; ++i) { wrote_chunk_line &= s_write_chunk_extension(chunk_line, options->extensions + i); } wrote_chunk_line &= s_write_crlf(chunk_line); AWS_ASSERT(wrote_chunk_line); (void)wrote_chunk_line; } struct aws_h1_trailer *aws_h1_trailer_new( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_http_headers *trailing_headers) { /* Allocate trailer along with storage for the trailer-line */ size_t trailer_size = 0; if (s_scan_outgoing_trailer(trailing_headers, &trailer_size)) { return NULL; } struct aws_h1_trailer *trailer = aws_mem_calloc(allocator, 1, sizeof(struct aws_h1_trailer)); trailer->allocator = allocator; aws_byte_buf_init(&trailer->trailer_data, allocator, trailer_size); /* cannot fail */ s_write_headers(&trailer->trailer_data, trailing_headers); s_write_crlf(&trailer->trailer_data); /* \r\n */ return trailer; } void aws_h1_trailer_destroy(struct aws_h1_trailer *trailer) { if (trailer == NULL) { return; } aws_byte_buf_clean_up(&trailer->trailer_data); aws_mem_release(trailer->allocator, trailer); } struct aws_h1_chunk *aws_h1_chunk_new(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_http1_chunk_options *options) { /* Allocate chunk along with storage for the chunk-line */ struct aws_h1_chunk *chunk; size_t chunk_line_size = s_calculate_chunk_line_size(options); void *chunk_line_storage; if (!aws_mem_acquire_many( allocator, 2, &chunk, sizeof(struct aws_h1_chunk), &chunk_line_storage, chunk_line_size)) { return NULL; } chunk->allocator = allocator; chunk->data = aws_input_stream_acquire(options->chunk_data); chunk->data_size = options->chunk_data_size; chunk->on_complete = options->on_complete; chunk->user_data = options->user_data; chunk->chunk_line = aws_byte_buf_from_empty_array(chunk_line_storage, chunk_line_size); s_populate_chunk_line_buffer(&chunk->chunk_line, options); return chunk; } void aws_h1_chunk_destroy(struct aws_h1_chunk *chunk) { AWS_PRECONDITION(chunk); aws_input_stream_release(chunk->data); aws_mem_release(chunk->allocator, chunk); } void aws_h1_chunk_complete_and_destroy( struct aws_h1_chunk *chunk, struct aws_http_stream *http_stream, int error_code) { AWS_PRECONDITION(chunk); aws_http1_stream_write_chunk_complete_fn *on_complete = chunk->on_complete; void *user_data = chunk->user_data; /* Clean up before firing callback */ aws_h1_chunk_destroy(chunk); if (NULL != on_complete) { on_complete(http_stream, error_code, user_data); } } static void s_clean_up_current_chunk(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, int error_code) { AWS_PRECONDITION(encoder->current_chunk); AWS_PRECONDITION(&encoder->current_chunk->node == aws_linked_list_front(encoder->message->pending_chunk_list)); aws_linked_list_remove(&encoder->current_chunk->node); aws_h1_chunk_complete_and_destroy(encoder->current_chunk, encoder->current_stream, error_code); encoder->current_chunk = NULL; } /* Write as much as possible from src_buf to dst, using encoder->progress_len to track progress. * Returns true if the entire src_buf has been copied */ static bool s_encode_buf(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst, const struct aws_byte_buf *src) { /* advance src_cursor to current position in src_buf */ struct aws_byte_cursor src_cursor = aws_byte_cursor_from_buf(src); aws_byte_cursor_advance(&src_cursor, (size_t)encoder->progress_bytes); /* write as much as possible to dst, src_cursor is advanced as write occurs */ struct aws_byte_cursor written = aws_byte_buf_write_to_capacity(dst, &src_cursor); encoder->progress_bytes += written.len; return src_cursor.len == 0; } /* Write as much body stream as possible into dst buffer. * Increments encoder->progress_bytes to track progress */ static int s_encode_stream( struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst, struct aws_input_stream *stream, uint64_t total_length, bool *out_done) { *out_done = false; if (dst->capacity == dst->len) { /* Return success because we want to try again later */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Read from stream */ ENCODER_LOG(TRACE, encoder, "Reading from body stream."); const size_t prev_len = dst->len; int err = aws_input_stream_read(stream, dst); const size_t amount_read = dst->len - prev_len; if (err) { ENCODER_LOGF( ERROR, encoder, "Failed to read body stream, error %d (%s)", aws_last_error(), aws_error_name(aws_last_error())); return AWS_OP_ERR; } /* Increment progress_bytes, and make sure we haven't written too much */ int add_err = aws_add_u64_checked(encoder->progress_bytes, amount_read, &encoder->progress_bytes); if (add_err || encoder->progress_bytes > total_length) { ENCODER_LOGF(ERROR, encoder, "Body stream has exceeded expected length: %" PRIu64, total_length); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_OUTGOING_STREAM_LENGTH_INCORRECT); } ENCODER_LOGF( TRACE, encoder, "Sending %zu bytes of body, progress: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64, amount_read, encoder->progress_bytes, total_length); /* Return if we're done sending stream */ if (encoder->progress_bytes == total_length) { *out_done = true; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Return if stream failed to write anything. Maybe the data isn't ready yet. */ if (amount_read == 0) { /* Ensure we're not at end-of-stream too early */ struct aws_stream_status status; err = aws_input_stream_get_status(stream, &status); if (err) { ENCODER_LOGF( TRACE, encoder, "Failed to query body stream status, error %d (%s)", aws_last_error(), aws_error_name(aws_last_error())); return AWS_OP_ERR; } if (status.is_end_of_stream) { ENCODER_LOGF( ERROR, encoder, "Reached end of body stream but sent less than declared length %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64, encoder->progress_bytes, total_length); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_OUTGOING_STREAM_LENGTH_INCORRECT); } } /* Not done streaming data out yet */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* A state function should: * - Raise an error only if unrecoverable error occurs. * - `return s_switch_state(...)` to switch states. * - `return AWS_OP_SUCCESS` if it can't progress any further (waiting for more * space to write into, waiting for more chunks, etc). */ typedef int encoder_state_fn(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst); /* Switch state. * The only reason this returns a value is so it can be called with `return` to conclude a state function */ static int s_switch_state(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, enum aws_h1_encoder_state state) { encoder->state = state; encoder->progress_bytes = 0; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Initial state. Waits until a new message is set */ static int s_state_fn_init(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { (void)dst; if (!encoder->message) { /* Remain in this state. */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Start encoding message */ ENCODER_LOG(TRACE, encoder, "Starting to send data."); return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_HEAD); } /* Write out first line of request/response, plus all the headers. * These have been pre-encoded in aws_h1_encoder_message->outgoing_head_buf. */ static int s_state_fn_head(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { bool done = s_encode_buf(encoder, dst, &encoder->message->outgoing_head_buf); if (!done) { /* Remain in this state */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Don't NEED to free this buffer now, but we don't need it anymore, so why not */ aws_byte_buf_clean_up(&encoder->message->outgoing_head_buf); /* Pick next state */ if (encoder->message->body && encoder->message->content_length) { return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_UNCHUNKED_BODY); } else if (encoder->message->has_chunked_encoding_header) { return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_NEXT); } else { return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_DONE); } } /* Write out body (not using chunked encoding). */ static int s_state_fn_unchunked_body(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { bool done; if (s_encode_stream(encoder, dst, encoder->message->body, encoder->message->content_length, &done)) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } if (!done) { /* Remain in this state until we're done writing out body */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Message is done */ return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_DONE); } /* Select next chunk to work on. * Encoder is essentially "paused" here if no chunks are available. */ static int s_state_fn_chunk_next(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { (void)dst; if (aws_linked_list_empty(encoder->message->pending_chunk_list)) { /* Remain in this state until more chunks arrive */ ENCODER_LOG(TRACE, encoder, "No chunks ready to send, waiting for more..."); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Set next chunk and go to next state */ struct aws_linked_list_node *node = aws_linked_list_front(encoder->message->pending_chunk_list); encoder->current_chunk = AWS_CONTAINER_OF(node, struct aws_h1_chunk, node); encoder->chunk_count++; ENCODER_LOGF( TRACE, encoder, "Begin sending chunk %zu with size %" PRIu64, encoder->chunk_count, encoder->current_chunk->data_size); return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_LINE); } /* Write out "chunk-size [chunk-ext] CRLF". * This data is pre-encoded in the chunk's chunk_line buffer */ static int s_state_fn_chunk_line(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { bool done = s_encode_buf(encoder, dst, &encoder->current_chunk->chunk_line); if (!done) { /* Remain in state until done writing line */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Pick next state */ if (encoder->current_chunk->data_size == 0) { /* If data_size is 0, then this was the last chunk, which has no body. * Mark it complete and move on to trailer. */ ENCODER_LOG(TRACE, encoder, "Final chunk complete"); s_clean_up_current_chunk(encoder, AWS_ERROR_SUCCESS); return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_TRAILER); } return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_BODY); } /* Write out data for current chunk */ static int s_state_fn_chunk_body(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { bool done; if (s_encode_stream(encoder, dst, encoder->current_chunk->data, encoder->current_chunk->data_size, &done)) { int error_code = aws_last_error(); /* The error was caused by the chunk itself, report that specific error in its completion callback */ s_clean_up_current_chunk(encoder, error_code); /* Re-raise error, in case it got cleared during user callback */ return aws_raise_error(error_code); } if (!done) { /* Remain in this state until we're done writing out body */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_END); } /* Write CRLF and mark chunk as complete */ static int s_state_fn_chunk_end(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { bool done = s_write_crlf(dst); if (!done) { /* Remain in this state until done writing out CRLF */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } ENCODER_LOG(TRACE, encoder, "Chunk complete"); s_clean_up_current_chunk(encoder, AWS_ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Pick next chunk to work on */ return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_NEXT); } /* Write out trailer after last chunk */ static int s_state_fn_chunk_trailer(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { bool done; /* if a chunked trailer was set */ if (encoder->message->trailer) { done = s_encode_buf(encoder, dst, &encoder->message->trailer->trailer_data); } else { done = s_write_crlf(dst); } if (!done) { /* Remain in this state until we're done writing out trailer */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_DONE); } /* Message is done, loop back to start of state machine */ static int s_state_fn_done(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *dst) { (void)dst; ENCODER_LOG(TRACE, encoder, "Done sending data."); encoder->message = NULL; return s_switch_state(encoder, AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_INIT); } struct encoder_state_def { encoder_state_fn *fn; const char *name; }; static struct encoder_state_def s_encoder_states[] = { [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_INIT] = {.fn = s_state_fn_init, .name = "INIT"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_HEAD] = {.fn = s_state_fn_head, .name = "HEAD"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_UNCHUNKED_BODY] = {.fn = s_state_fn_unchunked_body, .name = "BODY"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_NEXT] = {.fn = s_state_fn_chunk_next, .name = "CHUNK_NEXT"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_LINE] = {.fn = s_state_fn_chunk_line, .name = "CHUNK_LINE"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_BODY] = {.fn = s_state_fn_chunk_body, .name = "CHUNK_BODY"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_END] = {.fn = s_state_fn_chunk_end, .name = "CHUNK_END"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_TRAILER] = {.fn = s_state_fn_chunk_trailer, .name = "CHUNK_TRAILER"}, [AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_DONE] = {.fn = s_state_fn_done, .name = "DONE"}, }; int aws_h1_encoder_process(struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder, struct aws_byte_buf *out_buf) { AWS_PRECONDITION(encoder); AWS_PRECONDITION(out_buf); if (!encoder->message) { ENCODER_LOG(ERROR, encoder, "No message is currently set for encoding."); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); } /* Run state machine until states stop changing. (due to out_buf running * out of space, input_stream stalling, waiting for more chunks, etc) */ enum aws_h1_encoder_state prev_state; do { prev_state = encoder->state; if (s_encoder_states[encoder->state].fn(encoder, out_buf)) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } } while (prev_state != encoder->state); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } bool aws_h1_encoder_is_message_in_progress(const struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder) { return encoder->message; } bool aws_h1_encoder_is_waiting_for_chunks(const struct aws_h1_encoder *encoder) { return encoder->state == AWS_H1_ENCODER_STATE_CHUNK_NEXT && aws_linked_list_empty(encoder->message->pending_chunk_list); }