############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2020 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ############################################################################## """ Interface definitions paralleling the abstract base classes defined in :mod:`collections.abc`. After this module is imported, the standard library types will declare that they implement the appropriate interface. While most standard library types will properly implement that interface (that is, ``verifyObject(ISequence, list()))`` will pass, for example), a few might not: - `memoryview` doesn't feature all the defined methods of ``ISequence`` such as ``count``; it is still declared to provide ``ISequence`` though. - `collections.deque.pop` doesn't accept the ``index`` argument of `collections.abc.MutableSequence.pop` - `range.index` does not accept the ``start`` and ``stop`` arguments. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """ import sys from abc import ABCMeta from collections import OrderedDict from collections import UserDict from collections import UserList from collections import UserString from collections import abc from zope.interface.common import ABCInterface from zope.interface.common import optional # pylint:disable=inherit-non-class, # pylint:disable=no-self-argument,no-method-argument # pylint:disable=unexpected-special-method-signature # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter def _new_in_ver(name, ver, bases_if_missing=(ABCMeta,), register_if_missing=()): if ver: return getattr(abc, name) # TODO: It's a shame to have to repeat the bases when # the ABC is missing. Can we DRY that? missing = ABCMeta(name, bases_if_missing, { '__doc__': "The ABC %s is not defined in this version of Python." % ( name ), }) for c in register_if_missing: missing.register(c) return missing __all__ = [ 'IAsyncGenerator', 'IAsyncIterable', 'IAsyncIterator', 'IAwaitable', 'ICollection', 'IContainer', 'ICoroutine', 'IGenerator', 'IHashable', 'IItemsView', 'IIterable', 'IIterator', 'IKeysView', 'IMapping', 'IMappingView', 'IMutableMapping', 'IMutableSequence', 'IMutableSet', 'IReversible', 'ISequence', 'ISet', 'ISized', 'IValuesView', ] class IContainer(ABCInterface): abc = abc.Container @optional def __contains__(other): """ Optional method. If not provided, the interpreter will use ``__iter__`` or the old ``__getitem__`` protocol to implement ``in``. """ class IHashable(ABCInterface): abc = abc.Hashable class IIterable(ABCInterface): abc = abc.Iterable @optional def __iter__(): """ Optional method. If not provided, the interpreter will implement `iter` using the old ``__getitem__`` protocol. """ class IIterator(IIterable): abc = abc.Iterator class IReversible(IIterable): abc = _new_in_ver('Reversible', True, (IIterable.getABC(),)) @optional def __reversed__(): """ Optional method. If this isn't present, the interpreter will use ``__len__`` and ``__getitem__`` to implement the `reversed` builtin. """ class IGenerator(IIterator): # New in Python 3.5 abc = _new_in_ver('Generator', True, (IIterator.getABC(),)) class ISized(ABCInterface): abc = abc.Sized # ICallable is not defined because there's no standard signature. class ICollection(ISized, IIterable, IContainer): abc = _new_in_ver('Collection', True, (ISized.getABC(), IIterable.getABC(), IContainer.getABC())) class ISequence(IReversible, ICollection): abc = abc.Sequence extra_classes = (UserString,) # On Python 2, basestring is registered as an ISequence, and # its subclass str is an IByteString. If we also register str as # an ISequence, that tends to lead to inconsistent resolution order. ignored_classes = (basestring,) if str is bytes else () # pylint:disable=undefined-variable @optional def __reversed__(): """ Optional method. If this isn't present, the interpreter will use ``__len__`` and ``__getitem__`` to implement the `reversed` builtin. """ @optional def __iter__(): """ Optional method. If not provided, the interpreter will implement `iter` using the old ``__getitem__`` protocol. """ class IMutableSequence(ISequence): abc = abc.MutableSequence extra_classes = (UserList,) class IByteString(ISequence): """ This unifies `bytes` and `bytearray`. """ abc = _new_in_ver('ByteString', True, (ISequence.getABC(),), (bytes, bytearray)) class ISet(ICollection): abc = abc.Set class IMutableSet(ISet): abc = abc.MutableSet class IMapping(ICollection): abc = abc.Mapping extra_classes = (dict,) # OrderedDict is a subclass of dict. On CPython 2, # it winds up registered as a IMutableMapping, which # produces an inconsistent IRO if we also try to register it # here. ignored_classes = (OrderedDict,) class IMutableMapping(IMapping): abc = abc.MutableMapping extra_classes = (dict, UserDict,) ignored_classes = (OrderedDict,) class IMappingView(ISized): abc = abc.MappingView class IItemsView(IMappingView, ISet): abc = abc.ItemsView class IKeysView(IMappingView, ISet): abc = abc.KeysView class IValuesView(IMappingView, ICollection): abc = abc.ValuesView @optional def __contains__(other): """ Optional method. If not provided, the interpreter will use ``__iter__`` or the old ``__len__`` and ``__getitem__`` protocol to implement ``in``. """ class IAwaitable(ABCInterface): abc = _new_in_ver('Awaitable', True) class ICoroutine(IAwaitable): abc = _new_in_ver('Coroutine', True) class IAsyncIterable(ABCInterface): abc = _new_in_ver('AsyncIterable', True) class IAsyncIterator(IAsyncIterable): abc = _new_in_ver('AsyncIterator', True) class IAsyncGenerator(IAsyncIterator): abc = _new_in_ver('AsyncGenerator', True)