import ipaddress import logging import re import uuid import pytz from enum import Enum from io import IOBase from typing import Any, Tuple, Dict, Sequence, Optional, Union, Generator from datetime import date, datetime, tzinfo from pytz.exceptions import UnknownTimeZoneError from clickhouse_connect import common from clickhouse_connect.driver import tzutil from clickhouse_connect.driver.common import dict_copy, empty_gen, StreamContext from clickhouse_connect.driver.external import ExternalData from clickhouse_connect.driver.types import Matrix, Closable from clickhouse_connect.json_impl import any_to_json from clickhouse_connect.driver.exceptions import StreamClosedError, ProgrammingError from clickhouse_connect.driver.options import check_arrow, pd_extended_dtypes from clickhouse_connect.driver.context import BaseQueryContext logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) commands = 'CREATE|ALTER|SYSTEM|GRANT|REVOKE|CHECK|DETACH|ATTACH|DROP|DELETE|KILL|' + \ 'OPTIMIZE|SET|RENAME|TRUNCATE|USE' limit_re = re.compile(r'\s+LIMIT($|\s)', re.IGNORECASE) select_re = re.compile(r'(^|\s)SELECT\s', re.IGNORECASE) insert_re = re.compile(r'(^|\s)INSERT\s*INTO', re.IGNORECASE) command_re = re.compile(r'(^\s*)(' + commands + r')\s', re.IGNORECASE) external_bind_re = re.compile(r'{.+:.+}') # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class QueryContext(BaseQueryContext): """ Argument/parameter object for queries. This context is used to set thread/query specific formats """ # pylint: disable=duplicate-code,too-many-arguments,too-many-locals def __init__(self, query: str = '', parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_formats: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, column_formats: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, server_tz: tzinfo = pytz.UTC, use_none: Optional[bool] = None, column_oriented: Optional[bool] = None, use_numpy: Optional[bool] = None, max_str_len: Optional[int] = 0, query_tz: Optional[Union[str, tzinfo]] = None, column_tzs: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, tzinfo]]] = None, use_extended_dtypes: Optional[bool] = None, as_pandas: bool = False, streaming: bool = False, apply_server_tz: bool = False, external_data: Optional[ExternalData] = None): """ Initializes various configuration settings for the query context :param query: Query string with Python style format value replacements :param parameters: Optional dictionary of substitution values :param settings: Optional ClickHouse settings for the query :param query_formats: Optional dictionary of query formats with the key of a ClickHouse type name (with * wildcards) and a value of valid query formats for those types. The value 'encoding' can be sent to change the expected encoding for this query, with a value of the desired encoding such as `latin-1` :param column_formats: Optional dictionary of column specific formats. The key is the column name, The value is either the format for the data column (such as 'string' for a UUID column) or a second level "format" dictionary of a ClickHouse type name and a value of query formats. This secondary dictionary can be used for nested column types such as Tuples or Maps :param encoding: Optional string encoding for this query, such as 'latin-1' :param column_formats: Optional dictionary :param use_none: Use a Python None for ClickHouse NULL values in nullable columns. Otherwise the default value of the column (such as 0 for numbers) will be returned in the result_set :param max_str_len Limit returned ClickHouse String values to this length, which allows a Numpy structured array even with ClickHouse variable length String columns. If 0, Numpy arrays for String columns will always be object arrays :param query_tz Either a string or a pytz tzinfo object. (Strings will be converted to tzinfo objects). Values for any DateTime or DateTime64 column in the query will be converted to Python datetime.datetime objects with the selected timezone :param column_tzs A dictionary of column names to tzinfo objects (or strings that will be converted to tzinfo objects). The timezone will be applied to datetime objects returned in the query """ super().__init__(settings, query_formats, column_formats, encoding, use_extended_dtypes if use_extended_dtypes is not None else False, use_numpy if use_numpy is not None else False) self.query = query self.parameters = parameters or {} self.use_none = True if use_none is None else use_none self.column_oriented = False if column_oriented is None else column_oriented self.use_numpy = use_numpy self.max_str_len = 0 if max_str_len is None else max_str_len self.server_tz = server_tz self.apply_server_tz = apply_server_tz self.external_data = external_data if isinstance(query_tz, str): try: query_tz = pytz.timezone(query_tz) except UnknownTimeZoneError as ex: raise ProgrammingError(f'query_tz {query_tz} is not recognized') from ex self.query_tz = query_tz if column_tzs is not None: for col_name, timezone in column_tzs.items(): if isinstance(timezone, str): try: timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone) column_tzs[col_name] = timezone except UnknownTimeZoneError as ex: raise ProgrammingError(f'column_tz {timezone} is not recognized') from ex self.column_tzs = column_tzs self.column_tz = None self.response_tz = None self.block_info = False self.as_pandas = as_pandas self.use_pandas_na = as_pandas and pd_extended_dtypes self.streaming = streaming self._update_query() @property def is_select(self) -> bool: return is not None @property def has_limit(self) -> bool: return is not None @property def is_insert(self) -> bool: return is not None @property def is_command(self) -> bool: return is not None def set_parameters(self, parameters: Dict[str, Any]): self.parameters = parameters self._update_query() def set_parameter(self, key: str, value: Any): if not self.parameters: self.parameters = {} self.parameters[key] = value self._update_query() def set_response_tz(self, response_tz: tzinfo): self.response_tz = response_tz def start_column(self, name: str): super().start_column(name) if self.column_tzs and name in self.column_tzs: self.column_tz = self.column_tzs[name] else: self.column_tz = None def active_tz(self, datatype_tz: Optional[tzinfo]): if self.column_tz: active_tz = self.column_tz elif datatype_tz: active_tz = datatype_tz elif self.query_tz: active_tz = self.query_tz elif self.response_tz: active_tz = self.response_tz elif self.apply_server_tz: active_tz = self.server_tz else: active_tz = tzutil.local_tz if active_tz == pytz.UTC: return None return active_tz def updated_copy(self, query: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_formats: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, column_formats: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, server_tz: Optional[tzinfo] = None, use_none: Optional[bool] = None, column_oriented: Optional[bool] = None, use_numpy: Optional[bool] = None, max_str_len: Optional[int] = None, query_tz: Optional[Union[str, tzinfo]] = None, column_tzs: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, tzinfo]]] = None, use_extended_dtypes: Optional[bool] = None, as_pandas: bool = False, streaming: bool = False, external_data: Optional[ExternalData] = None) -> 'QueryContext': """ Creates Query context copy with parameters overridden/updated as appropriate. """ return QueryContext(query or self.query, dict_copy(self.parameters, parameters), dict_copy(self.settings, settings), dict_copy(self.query_formats, query_formats), dict_copy(self.column_formats, column_formats), encoding if encoding else self.encoding, server_tz if server_tz else self.server_tz, self.use_none if use_none is None else use_none, self.column_oriented if column_oriented is None else column_oriented, self.use_numpy if use_numpy is None else use_numpy, self.max_str_len if max_str_len is None else max_str_len, self.query_tz if query_tz is None else query_tz, self.column_tzs if column_tzs is None else column_tzs, self.use_extended_dtypes if use_extended_dtypes is None else use_extended_dtypes, as_pandas, streaming, self.apply_server_tz, self.external_data if external_data is None else external_data) def _update_query(self): self.final_query, self.bind_params = bind_query(self.query, self.parameters, self.server_tz) self.uncommented_query = remove_sql_comments(self.final_query) class QueryResult(Closable): """ Wrapper class for query return values and metadata """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, result_set: Matrix = None, block_gen: Generator[Matrix, None, None] = None, column_names: Tuple = (), column_types: Tuple = (), column_oriented: bool = False, source: Closable = None, query_id: str = None, summary: Dict[str, Any] = None): self._result_rows = result_set self._result_columns = None self._block_gen = block_gen or empty_gen() self._in_context = False self._query_id = query_id self.column_names = column_names self.column_types = column_types self.column_oriented = column_oriented self.source = source self.summary = {} if summary is None else summary @property def result_set(self) -> Matrix: if self.column_oriented: return self.result_columns return self.result_rows @property def result_columns(self) -> Matrix: if self._result_columns is None: result = [[] for _ in range(len(self.column_names))] with self.column_block_stream as stream: for block in stream: for base, added in zip(result, block): base.extend(added) self._result_columns = result return self._result_columns @property def result_rows(self) -> Matrix: if self._result_rows is None: result = [] with self.row_block_stream as stream: for block in stream: result.extend(block) self._result_rows = result return self._result_rows @property def query_id(self) -> str: query_id = self.summary.get('query_id') if query_id: return query_id return self._query_id def _column_block_stream(self): if self._block_gen is None: raise StreamClosedError block_stream = self._block_gen self._block_gen = None return block_stream def _row_block_stream(self): for block in self._column_block_stream(): yield list(zip(*block)) @property def column_block_stream(self) -> StreamContext: return StreamContext(self, self._column_block_stream()) @property def row_block_stream(self): return StreamContext(self, self._row_block_stream()) @property def rows_stream(self) -> StreamContext: def stream(): for block in self._row_block_stream(): yield from block return StreamContext(self, stream()) def named_results(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: for row in zip(*self.result_set) if self.column_oriented else self.result_set: yield dict(zip(self.column_names, row)) @property def row_count(self) -> int: if self.column_oriented: return 0 if len(self.result_set) == 0 else len(self.result_set[0]) return len(self.result_set) @property def first_item(self): if self.column_oriented: return {name: col[0] for name, col in zip(self.column_names, self.result_set)} return dict(zip(self.column_names, self.result_set[0])) @property def first_row(self): if self.column_oriented: return [col[0] for col in self.result_set] return self.result_set[0] def close(self): if self.source: self.source.close() self.source = None if self._block_gen is not None: self._block_gen.close() self._block_gen = None BS = '\\' must_escape = (BS, '\'', '`', '\t', '\n') def quote_identifier(identifier: str): first_char = identifier[0] if first_char in ('`', '"') and identifier[-1] == first_char: # Identifier is already quoted, assume that it's valid return identifier return f'`{escape_str(identifier)}`' def finalize_query(query: str, parameters: Optional[Union[Sequence, Dict[str, Any]]], server_tz: Optional[tzinfo] = None) -> str: while query.endswith(';'): query = query[:-1] if not parameters: return query if hasattr(parameters, 'items'): return query % {k: format_query_value(v, server_tz) for k, v in parameters.items()} return query % tuple(format_query_value(v) for v in parameters) def bind_query(query: str, parameters: Optional[Union[Sequence, Dict[str, Any]]], server_tz: Optional[tzinfo] = None) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]: while query.endswith(';'): query = query[:-1] if not parameters: return query, {} if is None: return finalize_query(query, parameters, server_tz), {} return query, {f'param_{k}': format_bind_value(v, server_tz) for k, v in parameters.items()} def format_str(value: str): return f"'{escape_str(value)}'" def escape_str(value: str): return ''.join(f'{BS}{c}' if c in must_escape else c for c in value) # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements def format_query_value(value: Any, server_tz: tzinfo = pytz.UTC): """ Format Python values in a ClickHouse query :param value: Python object :param server_tz: Server timezone for adjusting datetime values :return: Literal string for python value """ if value is None: return 'NULL' if isinstance(value, str): return format_str(value) if isinstance(value, datetime): if value.tzinfo is not None or server_tz != pytz.UTC: value = value.astimezone(server_tz) return f"'{value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}'" if isinstance(value, date): return f"'{value.isoformat()}'" if isinstance(value, list): return f"[{', '.join(str_query_value(x, server_tz) for x in value)}]" if isinstance(value, tuple): return f"({', '.join(str_query_value(x, server_tz) for x in value)})" if isinstance(value, dict): if common.get_setting('dict_parameter_format') == 'json': return format_str(any_to_json(value).decode()) pairs = [str_query_value(k, server_tz) + ':' + str_query_value(v, server_tz) for k, v in value.items()] return f"{{{', '.join(pairs)}}}" if isinstance(value, Enum): return format_query_value(value.value, server_tz) if isinstance(value, (uuid.UUID, ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address)): return f"'{value}'" return value def str_query_value(value: Any, server_tz: tzinfo = pytz.UTC): return str(format_query_value(value, server_tz)) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def format_bind_value(value: Any, server_tz: tzinfo = pytz.UTC, top_level: bool = True): """ Format Python values in a ClickHouse query :param value: Python object :param server_tz: Server timezone for adjusting datetime values :param top_level: Flag for top level for nested structures :return: Literal string for python value """ def recurse(x): return format_bind_value(x, server_tz, False) if value is None: return '\\N' if isinstance(value, str): if top_level: # At the top levels, strings must not be surrounded by quotes return escape_str(value) return format_str(value) if isinstance(value, datetime): value = value.astimezone(server_tz) val = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if top_level: return val return f"'{val}'" if isinstance(value, date): if top_level: return value.isoformat() return f"'{value.isoformat()}'" if isinstance(value, list): return f"[{', '.join(recurse(x) for x in value)}]" if isinstance(value, tuple): return f"({', '.join(recurse(x) for x in value)})" if isinstance(value, dict): if common.get_setting('dict_parameter_format') == 'json': return any_to_json(value).decode() pairs = [recurse(k) + ':' + recurse(v) for k, v in value.items()] return f"{{{', '.join(pairs)}}}" if isinstance(value, Enum): return recurse(value.value) return str(value) comment_re = re.compile(r"(\".*?\"|\'.*?\')|(/\*.*?\*/|(--\s)[^\n]*$)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) def remove_sql_comments(sql: str) -> str: """ Remove SQL comments. This is useful to determine the type of SQL query, such as SELECT or INSERT, but we don't fully trust it to correctly ignore weird quoted strings, and other edge cases, so we always pass the original SQL to ClickHouse (which uses a full-fledged AST/ token parser) :param sql: SQL query :return: SQL Query without SQL comments """ def replacer(match): # if the 2nd group (capturing comments) is not None, it means we have captured a # non-quoted, actual comment string, so return nothing to remove the comment if return '' # Otherwise we've actually captured a quoted string, so return it return return comment_re.sub(replacer, sql) def to_arrow(content: bytes): pyarrow = check_arrow() reader = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileReader(content) return reader.read_all() def to_arrow_batches(buffer: IOBase) -> StreamContext: pyarrow = check_arrow() reader = pyarrow.ipc.open_stream(buffer) return StreamContext(buffer, reader) def arrow_buffer(table) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], bytes]: pyarrow = check_arrow() sink = pyarrow.BufferOutputStream() with pyarrow.RecordBatchFileWriter(sink, table.schema) as writer: writer.write(table) return table.schema.names, sink.getvalue()