Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: Twisted Version: 24.3.0 Summary: An asynchronous networking framework written in Python Project-URL: Changelog, Project-URL: Documentation, Project-URL: Homepage, Project-URL: Issues, Project-URL: Source, Project-URL: Twitter, Author-email: Twisted Matrix Laboratories License: MIT License License-File: LICENSE Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 Requires-Python: >=3.8.0 Requires-Dist: attrs>=21.3.0 Requires-Dist: automat>=0.8.0 Requires-Dist: constantly>=15.1 Requires-Dist: hyperlink>=17.1.1 Requires-Dist: incremental>=22.10.0 Requires-Dist: twisted-iocpsupport<2,>=1.0.2; platform_system == 'Windows' Requires-Dist: typing-extensions>=4.2.0 Requires-Dist: zope-interface>=5 Provides-Extra: all-non-platform Requires-Dist: twisted[conch,http2,serial,test,tls]; extra == 'all-non-platform' Provides-Extra: all_non_platform Requires-Dist: twisted[conch,http2,serial,test,tls]; extra == 'all_non_platform' Provides-Extra: conch Requires-Dist: appdirs>=1.4.0; extra == 'conch' Requires-Dist: bcrypt>=3.1.3; extra == 'conch' Requires-Dist: cryptography>=3.3; extra == 'conch' Provides-Extra: dev Requires-Dist: coverage<7,>=6b1; extra == 'dev' Requires-Dist: pyflakes~=2.2; extra == 'dev' Requires-Dist: python-subunit~=1.4; extra == 'dev' Requires-Dist: twisted[dev-release]; extra == 'dev' Requires-Dist: twistedchecker~=0.7; extra == 'dev' Provides-Extra: dev-release Requires-Dist: pydoctor~=23.9.0; extra == 'dev-release' Requires-Dist: sphinx-rtd-theme~=1.3; extra == 'dev-release' Requires-Dist: sphinx<7,>=6; extra == 'dev-release' Requires-Dist: towncrier~=23.6; extra == 'dev-release' Provides-Extra: dev_release Requires-Dist: pydoctor~=23.9.0; extra == 'dev_release' Requires-Dist: sphinx-rtd-theme~=1.3; extra == 'dev_release' Requires-Dist: sphinx<7,>=6; extra == 'dev_release' Requires-Dist: towncrier~=23.6; extra == 'dev_release' Provides-Extra: gtk-platform Requires-Dist: pygobject; extra == 'gtk-platform' Requires-Dist: twisted[all-non-platform]; extra == 'gtk-platform' Provides-Extra: gtk_platform Requires-Dist: pygobject; extra == 'gtk_platform' Requires-Dist: twisted[all-non-platform]; extra == 'gtk_platform' Provides-Extra: http2 Requires-Dist: h2<5.0,>=3.0; extra == 'http2' Requires-Dist: priority<2.0,>=1.1.0; extra == 'http2' Provides-Extra: macos-platform Requires-Dist: pyobjc-core; extra == 'macos-platform' Requires-Dist: pyobjc-framework-cfnetwork; extra == 'macos-platform' Requires-Dist: pyobjc-framework-cocoa; extra == 'macos-platform' Requires-Dist: twisted[all-non-platform]; extra == 'macos-platform' Provides-Extra: macos_platform Requires-Dist: pyobjc-core; extra == 'macos_platform' Requires-Dist: pyobjc-framework-cfnetwork; extra == 'macos_platform' Requires-Dist: pyobjc-framework-cocoa; extra == 'macos_platform' Requires-Dist: twisted[all-non-platform]; extra == 'macos_platform' Provides-Extra: mypy Requires-Dist: mypy-zope~=1.0.3; extra == 'mypy' Requires-Dist: mypy~=1.8; extra == 'mypy' Requires-Dist: twisted[all-non-platform,dev]; extra == 'mypy' Requires-Dist: types-pyopenssl; extra == 'mypy' Requires-Dist: types-setuptools; extra == 'mypy' Provides-Extra: osx-platform Requires-Dist: twisted[macos-platform]; extra == 'osx-platform' Provides-Extra: osx_platform Requires-Dist: twisted[macos-platform]; extra == 'osx_platform' Provides-Extra: serial Requires-Dist: pyserial>=3.0; extra == 'serial' Requires-Dist: pywin32!=226; (platform_system == 'Windows') and extra == 'serial' Provides-Extra: test Requires-Dist: cython-test-exception-raiser<2,>=1.0.2; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: hypothesis>=6.56; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: pyhamcrest>=2; extra == 'test' Provides-Extra: tls Requires-Dist: idna>=2.4; extra == 'tls' Requires-Dist: pyopenssl>=21.0.0; extra == 'tls' Requires-Dist: service-identity>=18.1.0; extra == 'tls' Provides-Extra: windows-platform Requires-Dist: pywin32!=226; extra == 'windows-platform' Requires-Dist: twisted[all-non-platform]; extra == 'windows-platform' Provides-Extra: windows_platform Requires-Dist: pywin32!=226; extra == 'windows_platform' Requires-Dist: twisted[all-non-platform]; extra == 'windows_platform' Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst Twisted ####### |gitter|_ |rtd|_ |pypi|_ |ci|_ For information on changes in this release, see the `NEWS `_ file. What is this? ------------- Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications, supporting Python 3.6+. It includes modules for many different purposes, including the following: - ``twisted.web``: HTTP clients and servers, HTML templating, and a WSGI server - ``twisted.conch``: SSHv2 and Telnet clients and servers and terminal emulators - ``twisted.words``: Clients and servers for IRC, XMPP, and other IM protocols - ``twisted.mail``: IMAPv4, POP3, SMTP clients and servers - ``twisted.positioning``: Tools for communicating with NMEA-compatible GPS receivers - ``twisted.names``: DNS client and tools for making your own DNS servers - ``twisted.trial``: A unit testing framework that integrates well with Twisted-based code. Twisted supports all major system event loops -- ``select`` (all platforms), ``poll`` (most POSIX platforms), ``epoll`` (Linux), ``kqueue`` (FreeBSD, macOS), IOCP (Windows), and various GUI event loops (GTK+2/3, Qt, wxWidgets). Third-party reactors can plug into Twisted, and provide support for additional event loops. Installing ---------- To install the latest version of Twisted using pip:: $ pip install twisted Additional instructions for installing this software are in `the installation instructions `_. Documentation and Support ------------------------- Twisted's documentation is available from the `Twisted Matrix website `_. This documentation contains how-tos, code examples, and an API reference. Help is also available on the `Twisted mailing list `_. There is also an IRC channel, ``#twisted``, on the `Libera.Chat `_ network. A web client is available at ` `_. Unit Tests ---------- Twisted has a comprehensive test suite, which can be run by ``tox``:: $ tox -l # to view all test environments $ tox -e nocov # to run all the tests without coverage $ tox -e withcov # to run all the tests with coverage $ tox -e alldeps-withcov-posix # install all dependencies, run tests with coverage on POSIX platform You can test running the test suite under the different reactors with the ``TWISTED_REACTOR`` environment variable:: $ env TWISTED_REACTOR=epoll tox -e alldeps-withcov-posix Some of these tests may fail if you: * don't have the dependencies required for a particular subsystem installed, * have a firewall blocking some ports (or things like Multicast, which Linux NAT has shown itself to do), or * run them as root. Static Code Checkers -------------------- You can ensure that code complies to Twisted `coding standards `_:: $ tox -e lint # run pre-commit to check coding stanards $ tox -e mypy # run MyPy static type checker to check for type errors Or, for speed, use pre-commit directly:: $ pipx run pre-commit run Copyright --------- All of the code in this distribution is Copyright (c) 2001-2024 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. Twisted is made available under the MIT license. The included `LICENSE `_ file describes this in detail. Warranty -------- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Again, see the included `LICENSE `_ file for specific legal details. .. |pypi| image:: .. _pypi: .. |gitter| image:: .. _gitter: .. |ci| image:: .. _ci: .. |rtd| image:: .. _rtd: