#include "http.h" #include "http_ex.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // stricmp, strnicmp, strlwr, strupr, stpcpy #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace NAddr; namespace { class IPollAble { public: inline IPollAble() noexcept { } virtual ~IPollAble() { } virtual void OnPollEvent(TInstant now) = 0; }; struct TShouldStop { }; struct TWakeupPollAble: public IPollAble { void OnPollEvent(TInstant) override { throw TShouldStop(); } }; } class TClientConnection: public IPollAble, public TIntrusiveListItem { public: TClientConnection(const TSocket& s, THttpServer::TImpl* serv, NAddr::IRemoteAddrRef listenerSockAddrRef); ~TClientConnection() override; void OnPollEvent(TInstant now) override; inline void Activate(TInstant now) noexcept; inline void DeActivate(); inline void Reject(); public: TSocket Socket_; NAddr::IRemoteAddrRef ListenerSockAddrRef_; THttpServer::TImpl* HttpServ_ = nullptr; bool Reject_ = false; TInstant LastUsed; TInstant AcceptMoment; size_t ReceivedRequests = 0; }; class THttpServer::TImpl { public: class TConnections { public: inline TConnections(TSocketPoller* poller, const THttpServerOptions& options) : Poller_(poller) , Options(options) { } inline ~TConnections() { } inline void Add(TClientConnection* c) noexcept { TGuard g(Mutex_); Conns_.PushBack(c); Poller_->WaitRead(c->Socket_, (void*)static_cast(c)); } inline void Erase(TClientConnection* c, TInstant now) noexcept { TGuard g(Mutex_); EraseUnsafe(c); if (Options.ExpirationTimeout > TDuration::Zero()) { TryRemovingUnsafe(now - Options.ExpirationTimeout); } } inline void Clear() noexcept { TGuard g(Mutex_); Conns_.Clear(); } inline bool RemoveOld(TInstant border) noexcept { TGuard g(Mutex_); return TryRemovingUnsafe(border); } bool TryRemovingUnsafe(TInstant border) noexcept { if (Conns_.Empty()) { return false; } TClientConnection* c = &*(Conns_.Begin()); if (c->LastUsed > border) { return false; } EraseUnsafe(c); delete c; return true; } void EraseUnsafe(TClientConnection* c) noexcept { Poller_->Unwait(c->Socket_); c->Unlink(); } public: TMutex Mutex_; TIntrusiveListWithAutoDelete Conns_; TSocketPoller* Poller_ = nullptr; const THttpServerOptions& Options; }; static void* ListenSocketFunction(void* param) { try { ((TImpl*)param)->ListenSocket(); } catch (...) { } return nullptr; } TAutoPtr CreateRequest(TAutoPtr c) { THolder obj(Cb_->CreateClient()); obj->Conn_.Reset(c.Release()); return obj; } void AddRequestFromSocket(const TSocket& s, TInstant now, NAddr::IRemoteAddrRef listenerSockAddrRef) { if (MaxRequestsReached()) { Cb_->OnMaxConn(); bool wasRemoved = Connections->RemoveOld(TInstant::Max()); if (!wasRemoved && Options_.RejectExcessConnections) { (new TClientConnection(s, this, listenerSockAddrRef))->Reject(); return; } } auto connection = new TClientConnection(s, this, listenerSockAddrRef); connection->LastUsed = now; connection->DeActivate(); } void SaveErrorCode() { ErrorCode = WSAGetLastError(); } int GetErrorCode() const { return ErrorCode; } const char* GetError() const { return LastSystemErrorText(ErrorCode); } bool Start() { Poller.Reset(new TSocketPoller()); Connections.Reset(new TConnections(Poller.Get(), Options_)); // Start the listener thread ListenerRunningOK = false; // throws on error TPipeHandle::Pipe(ListenWakeupReadFd, ListenWakeupWriteFd); SetNonBlock(ListenWakeupWriteFd, true); SetNonBlock(ListenWakeupReadFd, true); Poller->WaitRead(ListenWakeupReadFd, &WakeupPollAble); ListenStartEvent.Reset(); try { ListenThread.Reset(new TThread(ListenSocketFunction, this)); ListenThread->Start(); } catch (const yexception&) { SaveErrorCode(); return false; } // Wait until the thread has completely started and return the success indicator ListenStartEvent.Wait(); return ListenerRunningOK; } void Wait() { Cb_->OnWait(); TGuard g(StopMutex); if (ListenThread) { ListenThread->Join(); ListenThread.Reset(nullptr); } } void Stop() { Shutdown(); TGuard g(StopMutex); if (ListenThread) { ListenThread->Join(); ListenThread.Reset(nullptr); } while (ConnectionCount) { usleep(10000); Connections->Clear(); } Connections.Destroy(); Poller.Destroy(); } void Shutdown() { ListenWakeupWriteFd.Write("", 1); // ignore result } void AddRequest(TAutoPtr req, bool fail) { struct TFailRequest: public THttpClientRequestEx { inline TFailRequest(TAutoPtr parent) { Conn_.Reset(parent->Conn_.Release()); HttpConn_.Reset(parent->HttpConn_.Release()); } bool Reply(void*) override { if (!ProcessHeaders()) { return true; } ProcessFailRequest(0); return true; } }; if (!fail && Requests->Add(req.Get())) { Y_UNUSED(req.Release()); } else { req = new TFailRequest(req); if (FailRequests->Add(req.Get())) { Y_UNUSED(req.Release()); } else { Cb_->OnFailRequest(-1); } } } size_t GetRequestQueueSize() const { return Requests->Size(); } size_t GetFailQueueSize() const { return FailRequests->Size(); } const IThreadPool& GetRequestQueue() const { return *Requests; } const IThreadPool& GetFailQueue() const { return *FailRequests; } class TListenSocket: public IPollAble, public TIntrusiveListItem { public: inline TListenSocket(const TSocket& s, TImpl* parent) : S_(s) , Server_(parent) , SockAddrRef_(GetSockAddr(S_)) { } ~TListenSocket() override { } void OnPollEvent(TInstant) override { SOCKET s = ::accept(S_, nullptr, nullptr); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { ythrow yexception() << "accept: " << LastSystemErrorText(); } Server_->AddRequestFromSocket(s, TInstant::Now(), SockAddrRef_); } SOCKET GetSocket() const noexcept { return S_; } private: TSocket S_; TImpl* Server_ = nullptr; NAddr::IRemoteAddrRef SockAddrRef_; }; void ListenSocket() { TThread::SetCurrentThreadName(Options_.ListenThreadName.c_str()); ErrorCode = 0; TIntrusiveListWithAutoDelete Reqs; std::function callback = [&](TSocket socket) { THolder ls(new TListenSocket(socket, this)); Poller->WaitRead(socket, static_cast(ls.Get())); Reqs.PushBack(ls.Release()); }; bool addressesBound = TryToBindAddresses(Options_, &callback); if (!addressesBound) { SaveErrorCode(); ListenStartEvent.Signal(); return; } Requests->Start(Options_.nThreads, Options_.MaxQueueSize); FailRequests->Start(Options_.nFThreads, Options_.MaxFQueueSize); Cb_->OnListenStart(); ListenerRunningOK = true; ListenStartEvent.Signal(); TVector events; events.resize(1); TInstant now = TInstant::Now(); for (;;) { try { const TInstant deadline = Options_.PollTimeout == TDuration::Zero() ? TInstant::Max() : now + Options_.PollTimeout; const size_t ret = Poller->WaitD(events.data(), events.size(), deadline); now = TInstant::Now(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ret; ++i) { ((IPollAble*)events[i])->OnPollEvent(now); } if (ret == 0 && Options_.ExpirationTimeout > TDuration::Zero()) { Connections->RemoveOld(now - Options_.ExpirationTimeout); } // When MaxConnections is limited or ExpirationTimeout is set, OnPollEvent can call // RemoveOld and destroy other IPollAble* objects in the // poller. Thus in this case we can safely process only one // event from the poller at a time. if (!Options_.MaxConnections && Options_.ExpirationTimeout == TDuration::Zero()) { if (ret >= events.size()) { events.resize(ret * 2); } } } catch (const TShouldStop&) { break; } catch (...) { Cb_->OnException(); } } while (!Reqs.Empty()) { THolder ls(Reqs.PopFront()); Poller->Unwait(ls->GetSocket()); } Requests->Stop(); FailRequests->Stop(); Cb_->OnListenStop(); } void RestartRequestThreads(ui32 nTh, ui32 maxQS) { Requests->Stop(); Options_.nThreads = nTh; Options_.MaxQueueSize = maxQS; Requests->Start(Options_.nThreads, Options_.MaxQueueSize); } TImpl(THttpServer* parent, ICallBack* cb, TMtpQueueRef mainWorkers, TMtpQueueRef failWorkers, const TOptions& options_) : Requests(mainWorkers) , FailRequests(failWorkers) , Options_(options_) , Cb_(cb) , Parent_(parent) { } TImpl(THttpServer* parent, ICallBack* cb, const TOptions& options, IThreadFactory* factory) : TImpl( parent, cb, MakeThreadPool(factory, options.UseElasticQueues, cb, options.RequestsThreadName), MakeThreadPool(factory, options.UseElasticQueues, nullptr, options.FailRequestsThreadName), options) { } ~TImpl() { try { Stop(); } catch (...) { } } inline const TOptions& Options() const noexcept { return Options_; } inline void DecreaseConnections() noexcept { AtomicDecrement(ConnectionCount); } inline void IncreaseConnections() noexcept { AtomicIncrement(ConnectionCount); } inline i64 GetClientCount() const { return AtomicGet(ConnectionCount); } inline bool MaxRequestsReached() const { return Options_.MaxConnections && ((size_t)GetClientCount() >= Options_.MaxConnections); } THolder ListenThread; TPipeHandle ListenWakeupReadFd; TPipeHandle ListenWakeupWriteFd; TSystemEvent ListenStartEvent; TMtpQueueRef Requests; TMtpQueueRef FailRequests; TAtomic ConnectionCount = 0; THolder Poller; THolder Connections; bool ListenerRunningOK = false; int ErrorCode = 0; TOptions Options_; ICallBack* Cb_ = nullptr; THttpServer* Parent_ = nullptr; TWakeupPollAble WakeupPollAble; TMutex StopMutex; private: template static THolder MakeThreadPool(IThreadFactory* factory, bool elastic, ICallBack* callback = nullptr, const TString& threadName = {}) { if (!factory) { factory = SystemThreadFactory(); } THolder pool; const auto params = IThreadPool::TParams().SetFactory(factory).SetThreadName(threadName); if (callback) { pool = MakeHolder>(callback, params); } else { pool = MakeHolder(params); } if (elastic) { pool = MakeHolder(std::move(pool)); } return pool; } }; THttpServer::THttpServer(ICallBack* cb, const TOptions& options, IThreadFactory* pool) : Impl_(new TImpl(this, cb, options, pool)) { } THttpServer::THttpServer(ICallBack* cb, TMtpQueueRef mainWorkers, TMtpQueueRef failWorkers, const TOptions& options) : Impl_(new TImpl(this, cb, mainWorkers, failWorkers, options)) { } THttpServer::~THttpServer() { } i64 THttpServer::GetClientCount() const { return Impl_->GetClientCount(); } bool THttpServer::Start() { return Impl_->Start(); } void THttpServer::Stop() { Impl_->Stop(); } void THttpServer::Shutdown() { Impl_->Shutdown(); } void THttpServer::Wait() { Impl_->Wait(); } int THttpServer::GetErrorCode() { return Impl_->GetErrorCode(); } const char* THttpServer::GetError() { return Impl_->GetError(); } void THttpServer::RestartRequestThreads(ui32 n, ui32 queue) { Impl_->RestartRequestThreads(n, queue); } const THttpServer::TOptions& THttpServer::Options() const noexcept { return Impl_->Options(); } size_t THttpServer::GetRequestQueueSize() const { return Impl_->GetRequestQueueSize(); } size_t THttpServer::GetFailQueueSize() const { return Impl_->GetFailQueueSize(); } const IThreadPool& THttpServer::GetRequestQueue() const { return Impl_->GetRequestQueue(); } const IThreadPool& THttpServer::GetFailQueue() const { return Impl_->GetFailQueue(); } bool THttpServer::MaxRequestsReached() const { return Impl_->MaxRequestsReached(); } TClientConnection::TClientConnection(const TSocket& s, THttpServer::TImpl* serv, NAddr::IRemoteAddrRef listenerSockAddrRef) : Socket_(s) , ListenerSockAddrRef_(listenerSockAddrRef) , HttpServ_(serv) { SetNoDelay(Socket_, true); const TDuration& clientTimeout = HttpServ_->Options().ClientTimeout; if (clientTimeout != TDuration::Zero()) { SetSocketTimeout(Socket_, (long)clientTimeout.Seconds(), clientTimeout.MilliSecondsOfSecond()); } HttpServ_->IncreaseConnections(); } TClientConnection::~TClientConnection() { HttpServ_->DecreaseConnections(); } void TClientConnection::OnPollEvent(TInstant now) { THolder this_(this); Activate(now); { char tmp[1]; if (::recv(Socket_, tmp, 1, MSG_PEEK) < 1) { /* * We can received a FIN so our socket was moved to * TCP_CLOSE_WAIT state. Check it before adding work * for this socket. */ return; } } THolder obj(HttpServ_->CreateRequest(this_)); AcceptMoment = now; HttpServ_->AddRequest(obj, Reject_); } void TClientConnection::Activate(TInstant now) noexcept { HttpServ_->Connections->Erase(this, now); LastUsed = now; ++ReceivedRequests; } void TClientConnection::DeActivate() { HttpServ_->Connections->Add(this); } void TClientConnection::Reject() { Reject_ = true; HttpServ_->Connections->Add(this); } TClientRequest::TClientRequest() { } TClientRequest::~TClientRequest() { } bool TClientRequest::Reply(void* /*ThreadSpecificResource*/) { if (strnicmp(RequestString.data(), "GET ", 4)) { Output() << "HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n\r\n"; } else { Output() << "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "Hello World!\r\n"; } return true; } bool TClientRequest::IsLocal() const { return HasLocalAddress(Socket()); } bool TClientRequest::CheckLoopback() { bool isLocal = false; try { isLocal = IsLocal(); } catch (const yexception& e) { Output() << "HTTP/1.0 500 Oops\r\n\r\n" << e.what() << "\r\n"; return false; } if (!isLocal) { Output() << "HTTP/1.0 403 Permission denied\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1251\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n" "Permission denied" "

Permission denied

" "

This request must be sent from the localhost.

" "\r\n"; return false; } return true; } void TClientRequest::ReleaseConnection() { if (Conn_ && HttpConn_ && HttpServ()->Options().KeepAliveEnabled && HttpConn_->CanBeKeepAlive() && (!HttpServ()->Options().RejectExcessConnections || !HttpServ()->MaxRequestsReached())) { Output().Finish(); Conn_->DeActivate(); Y_UNUSED(Conn_.Release()); } } void TClientRequest::ResetConnection() { if (HttpConn_) { // send RST packet to client HttpConn_->Reset(); HttpConn_.Destroy(); } } void TClientRequest::Process(void* ThreadSpecificResource) { THolder this_(this); auto* serverImpl = Conn_->HttpServ_; try { if (!HttpConn_) { const size_t outputBufferSize = HttpServ()->Options().OutputBufferSize; if (outputBufferSize) { HttpConn_.Reset(new THttpServerConn(Socket(), outputBufferSize)); } else { HttpConn_.Reset(new THttpServerConn(Socket())); } auto maxRequestsPerConnection = HttpServ()->Options().MaxRequestsPerConnection; HttpConn_->Output()->EnableKeepAlive(HttpServ()->Options().KeepAliveEnabled && (!maxRequestsPerConnection || Conn_->ReceivedRequests < maxRequestsPerConnection)); HttpConn_->Output()->EnableCompression(HttpServ()->Options().CompressionEnabled); } if (ParsedHeaders.empty()) { RequestString = Input().FirstLine(); const THttpHeaders& h = Input().Headers(); ParsedHeaders.reserve(h.Count()); for (THttpHeaders::TConstIterator it = h.Begin(); it != h.End(); ++it) { ParsedHeaders.emplace_back(it->Name(), it->Value()); } } if (Reply(ThreadSpecificResource)) { ReleaseConnection(); /* * *this will be destroyed... */ return; } } catch (...) { serverImpl->Cb_->OnException(); throw; } Y_UNUSED(this_.Release()); } void TClientRequest::ProcessFailRequest(int failstate) { Output() << "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Content-Length: 21\r\n" "\r\n" "Service Unavailable\r\n"; TString url; if (!strnicmp(RequestString.data(), "GET ", 4)) { // Trying to extract url... const char* str = RequestString.data(); // Skipping spaces before url... size_t start = 3; while (str[start] == ' ') { ++start; } if (str[start]) { // Traversing url... size_t idx = start; while (str[idx] != ' ' && str[idx]) { ++idx; } url = RequestString.substr(start, idx - start); } } const THttpServer::ICallBack::TFailLogData d = { failstate, url, }; // Handling failure... Conn_->HttpServ_->Cb_->OnFailRequestEx(d); Output().Flush(); } THttpServer* TClientRequest::HttpServ() const noexcept { return Conn_->HttpServ_->Parent_; } const TSocket& TClientRequest::Socket() const noexcept { return Conn_->Socket_; } NAddr::IRemoteAddrRef TClientRequest::GetListenerSockAddrRef() const noexcept { return Conn_->ListenerSockAddrRef_; } TInstant TClientRequest::AcceptMoment() const noexcept { return Conn_->AcceptMoment; } /* * TRequestReplier */ TRequestReplier::TRequestReplier() { } TRequestReplier::~TRequestReplier() { } bool TRequestReplier::Reply(void* threadSpecificResource) { const TReplyParams params = { threadSpecificResource, Input(), Output()}; return DoReply(params); } bool TryToBindAddresses(const THttpServerOptions& options, const std::function* callbackOnBoundAddress) { THttpServerOptions::TBindAddresses addrs; try { options.BindAddresses(addrs); } catch (const std::exception&) { return false; } for (const auto& na : addrs) { for (TNetworkAddress::TIterator ai = na.Begin(); ai != na.End(); ++ai) { NAddr::TAddrInfo addr(&*ai); TSocket socket(::socket(addr.Addr()->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)); if (socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return false; } FixIPv6ListenSocket(socket); if (options.ReuseAddress) { int yes = 1; ::setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&yes, sizeof(yes)); } if (options.ReusePort) { SetReusePort(socket, true); } if (::bind(socket, addr.Addr(), addr.Len()) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return false; } if (::listen(socket, options.ListenBacklog) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return false; } if (callbackOnBoundAddress != nullptr) { (*callbackOnBoundAddress)(socket); } } } return true; }