# -*- test-case-name: twisted.application.runner.test.test_runner -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Twisted application runner. """ from os import kill from signal import SIGTERM from sys import stderr from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, TextIO from attr import Factory, attrib, attrs from constantly import NamedConstant from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorCore from twisted.logger import ( FileLogObserver, FilteringLogObserver, Logger, LogLevel, LogLevelFilterPredicate, globalLogBeginner, textFileLogObserver, ) from ._exit import ExitStatus, exit from ._pidfile import AlreadyRunningError, InvalidPIDFileError, IPIDFile, nonePIDFile @attrs(frozen=True) class Runner: """ Twisted application runner. @cvar _log: The logger attached to this class. @ivar _reactor: The reactor to start and run the application in. @ivar _pidFile: The file to store the running process ID in. @ivar _kill: Whether this runner should kill an existing running instance of the application. @ivar _defaultLogLevel: The default log level to start the logging system with. @ivar _logFile: A file stream to write logging output to. @ivar _fileLogObserverFactory: A factory for the file log observer to use when starting the logging system. @ivar _whenRunning: Hook to call after the reactor is running; this is where the application code that relies on the reactor gets called. @ivar _whenRunningArguments: Keyword arguments to pass to C{whenRunning} when it is called. @ivar _reactorExited: Hook to call after the reactor exits. @ivar _reactorExitedArguments: Keyword arguments to pass to C{reactorExited} when it is called. """ _log = Logger() _reactor = attrib(type=IReactorCore) _pidFile = attrib(type=IPIDFile, default=nonePIDFile) _kill = attrib(type=bool, default=False) _defaultLogLevel = attrib(type=NamedConstant, default=LogLevel.info) _logFile = attrib(type=TextIO, default=stderr) _fileLogObserverFactory = attrib( type=Callable[[TextIO], FileLogObserver], default=textFileLogObserver ) _whenRunning = attrib(type=Callable[..., None], default=lambda **_: None) _whenRunningArguments = attrib(type=Mapping[str, Any], default=Factory(dict)) _reactorExited = attrib(type=Callable[..., None], default=lambda **_: None) _reactorExitedArguments = attrib(type=Mapping[str, Any], default=Factory(dict)) def run(self) -> None: """ Run this command. """ pidFile = self._pidFile self.killIfRequested() try: with pidFile: self.startLogging() self.startReactor() self.reactorExited() except AlreadyRunningError: exit(ExitStatus.EX_CONFIG, "Already running.") # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit return # type: ignore[unreachable] def killIfRequested(self) -> None: """ If C{self._kill} is true, attempt to kill a running instance of the application. """ pidFile = self._pidFile if self._kill: if pidFile is nonePIDFile: exit(ExitStatus.EX_USAGE, "No PID file specified.") # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit return # type: ignore[unreachable] try: pid = pidFile.read() except OSError: exit(ExitStatus.EX_IOERR, "Unable to read PID file.") # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit return # type: ignore[unreachable] except InvalidPIDFileError: exit(ExitStatus.EX_DATAERR, "Invalid PID file.") # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit return # type: ignore[unreachable] self.startLogging() self._log.info("Terminating process: {pid}", pid=pid) kill(pid, SIGTERM) exit(ExitStatus.EX_OK) # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit return # type: ignore[unreachable] def startLogging(self) -> None: """ Start the L{twisted.logger} logging system. """ logFile = self._logFile fileLogObserverFactory = self._fileLogObserverFactory fileLogObserver = fileLogObserverFactory(logFile) logLevelPredicate = LogLevelFilterPredicate( defaultLogLevel=self._defaultLogLevel ) filteringObserver = FilteringLogObserver(fileLogObserver, [logLevelPredicate]) globalLogBeginner.beginLoggingTo([filteringObserver]) def startReactor(self) -> None: """ Register C{self._whenRunning} with the reactor so that it is called once the reactor is running, then start the reactor. """ self._reactor.callWhenRunning(self.whenRunning) self._log.info("Starting reactor...") self._reactor.run() def whenRunning(self) -> None: """ Call C{self._whenRunning} with C{self._whenRunningArguments}. @note: This method is called after the reactor starts running. """ self._whenRunning(**self._whenRunningArguments) def reactorExited(self) -> None: """ Call C{self._reactorExited} with C{self._reactorExitedArguments}. @note: This method is called after the reactor exits. """ self._reactorExited(**self._reactorExitedArguments)