# -*- test-case-name: twisted.application.runner.test.test_pidfile -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ PID file. """ from __future__ import annotations import errno from os import getpid, kill, name as SYSTEM_NAME from types import TracebackType from typing import Any, Optional, Type from zope.interface import Interface, implementer from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath class IPIDFile(Interface): """ Manages a file that remembers a process ID. """ def read() -> int: """ Read the process ID stored in this PID file. @return: The contained process ID. @raise NoPIDFound: If this PID file does not exist. @raise EnvironmentError: If this PID file cannot be read. @raise ValueError: If this PID file's content is invalid. """ def writeRunningPID() -> None: """ Store the PID of the current process in this PID file. @raise EnvironmentError: If this PID file cannot be written. """ def remove() -> None: """ Remove this PID file. @raise EnvironmentError: If this PID file cannot be removed. """ def isRunning() -> bool: """ Determine whether there is a running process corresponding to the PID in this PID file. @return: True if this PID file contains a PID and a process with that PID is currently running; false otherwise. @raise EnvironmentError: If this PID file cannot be read. @raise InvalidPIDFileError: If this PID file's content is invalid. @raise StalePIDFileError: If this PID file's content refers to a PID for which there is no corresponding running process. """ def __enter__() -> "IPIDFile": """ Enter a context using this PIDFile. Writes the PID file with the PID of the running process. @raise AlreadyRunningError: A process corresponding to the PID in this PID file is already running. """ def __exit__( excType: Optional[Type[BaseException]], excValue: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> Optional[bool]: """ Exit a context using this PIDFile. Removes the PID file. """ @implementer(IPIDFile) class PIDFile: """ Concrete implementation of L{IPIDFile}. This implementation is presently not supported on non-POSIX platforms. Specifically, calling L{PIDFile.isRunning} will raise L{NotImplementedError}. """ _log = Logger() @staticmethod def _format(pid: int) -> bytes: """ Format a PID file's content. @param pid: A process ID. @return: Formatted PID file contents. """ return f"{int(pid)}\n".encode() def __init__(self, filePath: FilePath[Any]) -> None: """ @param filePath: The path to the PID file on disk. """ self.filePath = filePath def read(self) -> int: pidString = b"" try: with self.filePath.open() as fh: for pidString in fh: break except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # No such file raise NoPIDFound("PID file does not exist") raise try: return int(pidString) except ValueError: raise InvalidPIDFileError( f"non-integer PID value in PID file: {pidString!r}" ) def _write(self, pid: int) -> None: """ Store a PID in this PID file. @param pid: A PID to store. @raise EnvironmentError: If this PID file cannot be written. """ self.filePath.setContent(self._format(pid=pid)) def writeRunningPID(self) -> None: self._write(getpid()) def remove(self) -> None: self.filePath.remove() def isRunning(self) -> bool: try: pid = self.read() except NoPIDFound: return False if SYSTEM_NAME == "posix": return self._pidIsRunningPOSIX(pid) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"isRunning is not implemented on {SYSTEM_NAME}") @staticmethod def _pidIsRunningPOSIX(pid: int) -> bool: """ POSIX implementation for running process check. Determine whether there is a running process corresponding to the given PID. @param pid: The PID to check. @return: True if the given PID is currently running; false otherwise. @raise EnvironmentError: If this PID file cannot be read. @raise InvalidPIDFileError: If this PID file's content is invalid. @raise StalePIDFileError: If this PID file's content refers to a PID for which there is no corresponding running process. """ try: kill(pid, 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: # No such process raise StalePIDFileError("PID file refers to non-existing process") elif e.errno == errno.EPERM: # Not permitted to kill return True else: raise else: return True def __enter__(self) -> "PIDFile": try: if self.isRunning(): raise AlreadyRunningError() except StalePIDFileError: self._log.info("Replacing stale PID file: {log_source}") self.writeRunningPID() return self def __exit__( self, excType: Optional[Type[BaseException]], excValue: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.remove() return None @implementer(IPIDFile) class NonePIDFile: """ PID file implementation that does nothing. This is meant to be used as a "active None" object in place of a PID file when no PID file is desired. """ def __init__(self) -> None: pass def read(self) -> int: raise NoPIDFound("PID file does not exist") def _write(self, pid: int) -> None: """ Store a PID in this PID file. @param pid: A PID to store. @raise EnvironmentError: If this PID file cannot be written. @note: This implementation always raises an L{EnvironmentError}. """ raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Operation not permitted") def writeRunningPID(self) -> None: self._write(0) def remove(self) -> None: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "No such file or directory") def isRunning(self) -> bool: return False def __enter__(self) -> "NonePIDFile": return self def __exit__( self, excType: Optional[Type[BaseException]], excValue: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: return None nonePIDFile: IPIDFile = NonePIDFile() class AlreadyRunningError(Exception): """ Process is already running. """ class InvalidPIDFileError(Exception): """ PID file contents are invalid. """ class StalePIDFileError(Exception): """ PID file contents are valid, but there is no process with the referenced PID. """ class NoPIDFound(Exception): """ No PID found in PID file. """