#include "config.h" #include "operation.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace NYT { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool TConfig::GetBool(const char* var, bool defaultValue) { TString val = GetEnv(var, ""); if (val.empty()) { return defaultValue; } return IsTrue(val); } int TConfig::GetInt(const char* var, int defaultValue) { int result = 0; TString val = GetEnv(var, ""); if (val.empty()) { return defaultValue; } try { result = FromString(val); } catch (const yexception& e) { ythrow yexception() << "Cannot parse " << var << '=' << val << " as integer: " << e.what(); } return result; } TDuration TConfig::GetDuration(const char* var, TDuration defaultValue) { return TDuration::Seconds(GetInt(var, defaultValue.Seconds())); } EEncoding TConfig::GetEncoding(const char* var) { const TString encodingName = GetEnv(var, "identity"); EEncoding encoding; if (TryFromString(encodingName, encoding)) { return encoding; } else { ythrow yexception() << var << ": encoding '" << encodingName << "' is not supported"; } } EUploadDeduplicationMode TConfig::GetUploadingDeduplicationMode( const char* var, EUploadDeduplicationMode defaultValue) { const TString deduplicationMode = GetEnv(var, TEnumTraits::ToString(defaultValue)); return TEnumTraits::FromString(deduplicationMode); } void TConfig::ValidateToken(const TString& token) { for (size_t i = 0; i < token.size(); ++i) { ui8 ch = token[i]; if (ch < 0x21 || ch > 0x7e) { ythrow yexception() << "Incorrect token character '" << ch << "' at position " << i; } } } TString TConfig::LoadTokenFromFile(const TString& tokenPath) { TFsPath path(tokenPath); return path.IsFile() ? Strip(TIFStream(path).ReadAll()) : TString(); } TNode TConfig::LoadJsonSpec(const TString& strSpec) { TNode spec; TStringInput input(strSpec); TNodeBuilder builder(&spec); TYson2JsonCallbacksAdapter callbacks(&builder); Y_ENSURE(NJson::ReadJson(&input, &callbacks), "Cannot parse json spec: " << strSpec); Y_ENSURE(spec.IsMap(), "Json spec is not a map"); return spec; } TRichYPath TConfig::LoadApiFilePathOptions(const TString& ysonMap) { TNode attributes; try { attributes = NodeFromYsonString(ysonMap); } catch (const yexception& exc) { ythrow yexception() << "Failed to parse YT_API_FILE_PATH_OPTIONS (it must be yson map): " << exc; } TNode pathNode = ""; pathNode.Attributes() = attributes; TRichYPath path; Deserialize(path, pathNode); return path; } void TConfig::LoadToken() { if (auto envToken = GetEnv("YT_TOKEN")) { Token = envToken; } else if (auto envToken = GetEnv("YT_SECURE_VAULT_YT_TOKEN")) { // If this code runs inside an vanilla peration in YT // it should not use regular environment variable `YT_TOKEN` // because it would be visible in UI. // Token should be passed via `secure_vault` parameter in operation spec. Token = envToken; } else if (auto tokenPath = GetEnv("YT_TOKEN_PATH")) { Token = LoadTokenFromFile(tokenPath); } else { Token = LoadTokenFromFile(GetHomeDir() + "/.yt/token"); } ValidateToken(Token); } void TConfig::LoadSpec() { TString strSpec = GetEnv("YT_SPEC", "{}"); Spec = LoadJsonSpec(strSpec); strSpec = GetEnv("YT_TABLE_WRITER", "{}"); TableWriter = LoadJsonSpec(strSpec); } void TConfig::LoadTimings() { ConnectTimeout = GetDuration("YT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT", TDuration::Seconds(10)); SocketTimeout = GetDuration("YT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT", GetDuration("YT_SEND_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT", // common TDuration::Seconds(60))); AddressCacheExpirationTimeout = TDuration::Minutes(15); CacheLockTimeoutPerGb = TDuration::MilliSeconds(1000.0 * 1_GB * 8 / 20_MB); // 20 Mbps = 20 MBps / 8. TxTimeout = GetDuration("YT_TX_TIMEOUT", TDuration::Seconds(120)); PingTimeout = GetDuration("YT_PING_TIMEOUT", TDuration::Seconds(5)); PingInterval = GetDuration("YT_PING_INTERVAL", TDuration::Seconds(5)); WaitLockPollInterval = TDuration::Seconds(5); RetryInterval = GetDuration("YT_RETRY_INTERVAL", TDuration::Seconds(3)); ChunkErrorsRetryInterval = GetDuration("YT_CHUNK_ERRORS_RETRY_INTERVAL", TDuration::Seconds(60)); RateLimitExceededRetryInterval = GetDuration("YT_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_RETRY_INTERVAL", TDuration::Seconds(60)); StartOperationRetryInterval = GetDuration("YT_START_OPERATION_RETRY_INTERVAL", TDuration::Seconds(60)); HostListUpdateInterval = TDuration::Seconds(60); } void TConfig::Reset() { Hosts = GetEnv("YT_HOSTS", "hosts"); Pool = GetEnv("YT_POOL"); Prefix = GetEnv("YT_PREFIX"); ApiVersion = GetEnv("YT_VERSION", "v3"); LogLevel = GetEnv("YT_LOG_LEVEL", "error"); LogPath = GetEnv("YT_LOG_PATH"); ContentEncoding = GetEncoding("YT_CONTENT_ENCODING"); AcceptEncoding = GetEncoding("YT_ACCEPT_ENCODING"); GlobalTxId = GetEnv("YT_TRANSACTION", ""); AsyncHttpClientThreads = 1; AsyncTxPingerPoolThreads = 1; ForceIpV4 = GetBool("YT_FORCE_IPV4"); ForceIpV6 = GetBool("YT_FORCE_IPV6"); UseHosts = GetBool("YT_USE_HOSTS", true); LoadToken(); LoadSpec(); LoadTimings(); CacheUploadDeduplicationMode = GetUploadingDeduplicationMode("YT_UPLOAD_DEDUPLICATION", EUploadDeduplicationMode::Host); CacheUploadDeduplicationThreshold = 10_MB; RetryCount = Max(GetInt("YT_RETRY_COUNT", 10), 1); ReadRetryCount = Max(GetInt("YT_READ_RETRY_COUNT", 30), 1); StartOperationRetryCount = Max(GetInt("YT_START_OPERATION_RETRY_COUNT", 30), 1); RemoteTempFilesDirectory = GetEnv("YT_FILE_STORAGE", "//tmp/yt_wrapper/file_storage"); RemoteTempTablesDirectory = GetEnv("YT_TEMP_TABLES_STORAGE", "//tmp/yt_wrapper/table_storage"); RemoteTempTablesDirectory = GetEnv("YT_TEMP_DIR", RemoteTempTablesDirectory); KeepTempTables = GetBool("YT_KEEP_TEMP_TABLES"); InferTableSchema = false; UseClientProtobuf = GetBool("YT_USE_CLIENT_PROTOBUF", false); NodeReaderFormat = ENodeReaderFormat::Auto; ProtobufFormatWithDescriptors = true; MountSandboxInTmpfs = GetBool("YT_MOUNT_SANDBOX_IN_TMPFS"); ApiFilePathOptions = LoadApiFilePathOptions(GetEnv("YT_API_FILE_PATH_OPTIONS", "{}")); ConnectionPoolSize = GetInt("YT_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE", 16); TraceHttpRequestsMode = FromString(to_lower(GetEnv("YT_TRACE_HTTP_REQUESTS", "never"))); CommandsWithFraming = { "read_table", "get_table_columnar_statistics", "get_job_input", "concatenate", "partition_tables", }; } TConfig::TConfig() { Reset(); } TConfigPtr TConfig::Get() { struct TConfigHolder { TConfigHolder() : Config(::MakeIntrusive()) { } TConfigPtr Config; }; return Singleton()->Config; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TProcessState::TProcessState() { try { FqdnHostName = ::FQDNHostName(); } catch (const yexception& e) { try { FqdnHostName = ::HostName(); } catch (const yexception& e) { ythrow yexception() << "Cannot get fqdn and host name: " << e.what(); } } try { UserName = ::GetUsername(); } catch (const yexception& e) { #ifdef _win_ ythrow yexception() << "Cannot get user name: " << e.what(); #else UserName = "u" + ToString(geteuid()); #endif } Pid = static_cast(getpid()); if (!ClientVersion) { ClientVersion = ::TStringBuilder() << "YT C++ native " << GetProgramCommitId(); } } static TString CensorString(TString input) { static const TString prefix = "AQAD-"; if (input.find(prefix) == TString::npos) { return input; } else { return TString(input.size(), '*'); } } void TProcessState::SetCommandLine(int argc, const char* argv[]) { for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { CommandLine.push_back(argv[i]); CensoredCommandLine.push_back(CensorString(CommandLine.back())); } } TProcessState* TProcessState::Get() { return Singleton(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace NYT