TS_PACK=$TOUCH_UNIT \ && $NOTS_TOOL $NOTS_TOOL_BASE_ARGS build-package $_NODE_MODULES_INOUTS \ && $COPY_CMD ${input:"package.json"} ${output:"package.json"} \ && $_TS_FILES_COPY_CMD \ ${kv;hide:"p TS_PKG"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} ### @usage: TS_PACKAGE() ### ### The TypeScript/JavaScript library module, that does not need any compilation, ### and is just a set of files and NPM dependencies. List required files in TS_FILES macro. ### `package.json` is included by default. ### ### @example ### ### TS_PACKAGE() ### TS_FILES( ### eslint.config.json ### prettierrc.json ### ) ### END() ### multimodule TS_PACKAGE { module BUILD: _TS_BASE_UNIT { .CMD=TS_PACK .ALLOWED=TS_FILES .ALIASES=FILES=TS_FILES SRCS=TS_FILES # by default multimodule overrides inherited MODULE_TAG to submodule name (BUILD in this case) # but we have to set it to TS for include processor to work SET(MODULE_TAG TS) SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS ${CURDIR}/package.json ${CURDIR}/pnpm-lock.yaml) _TS_ADD_NODE_MODULES_FOR_BUILDER() } }