#include "unicode_set.h" #include "category_ranges.h" #include "unicode_set_parser.h" #include <util/ysaveload.h> #include <util/charset/wide.h> #include <util/digest/numeric.h> #include <util/generic/buffer.h> #include <util/generic/yexception.h> #include <util/stream/format.h> #include <util/stream/input.h> #include <util/stream/output.h> #include <util/string/cast.h> // The original idea of unicode set implementation was taken from the icu::UnicodeSet. // UnicodeSet has a set of ranges [from, to), where upper boundary is exclusive. // The list of ranges always has a terminal value CODEPOINT_HIGH at the end. namespace NUnicode { namespace NPrivate { inline wchar32 Bound(wchar32 c) { return c < TUnicodeSet::CODEPOINT_HIGH ? c : TUnicodeSet::CODEPOINT_HIGH - 1; } inline void CheckWcType(WC_TYPE c) { if (static_cast<size_t>(c) >= CCL_NUM) { throw yexception() << "Category ID must be less than CCL_NUM (" << static_cast<size_t>(CCL_NUM) << "), specified: " << static_cast<size_t>(c); } } } // Returns the smallest value i >= from such that 'c' < Ranges[i]. // Some examples: // GetRangeItem(c, 0) // set Ranges[] c=0 1 3 4 7 8 // === ============== =========== // [] [0x110000] 0 0 0 0 0 0 // [:Any:] [0, 0x110000] 1 1 1 1 1 1 // [\u0000-\u0003] [0, 4, 0x110000] 1 1 1 2 2 2 // [\u0004-\u0007] [4, 8, 0x110000] 0 0 0 1 1 2 // // So, if method returns an odd value then 'c' falls to the {Range[i-1],Range[i]} range. size_t TUnicodeSet::GetRangeItem(wchar32 c, size_t from) const { Y_ASSERT(Valid()); Y_ASSERT(from < Length); if (c < Ranges[from]) return from; size_t lo = from; size_t hi = Length - 1; if (lo >= hi || c >= Ranges[hi - 1]) { return hi; } for (;;) { size_t i = (lo + hi) >> 1; if (i == lo) { break; } else if (c < Ranges[i]) { hi = i; } else { lo = i; } } return hi; } wchar32* TUnicodeSet::EnsureCapacity(size_t capacity) { if (capacity <= Capacity) { return const_cast<wchar32*>(Ranges); } TDynamicBuffer buf = new wchar32[capacity]; Copy<const wchar32*, wchar32*>(Ranges, Ranges + Length, buf.Get()); DoSwap(buf, DynBuffer); Ranges = DynBuffer.Get(); Capacity = capacity; return DynBuffer.Get(); } wchar32* TUnicodeSet::InsertRangeSlots(const size_t pos, const size_t count) { Y_ASSERT(pos < Length); wchar32* src = EnsureCapacity(Length + count) + Length - 1; wchar32* dst = src + count; for (size_t i = 0; i < Length - pos; ++i) { *dst-- = *src--; } Length += count; return src + 1; } void TUnicodeSet::EraseRangeSlots(const size_t pos, const size_t count) { Y_ASSERT(pos < Length); Y_ASSERT(pos + count <= Length); wchar32* dst = EnsureWritable() + pos; wchar32* src = dst + count; for (size_t i = 0; i < Length - pos - count; ++i) { *dst++ = *src++; } Length -= count; } TUnicodeSet::TUnicodeSet() : Ranges(ShortBuffer) , Length(0) , Capacity(Y_ARRAY_SIZE(ShortBuffer)) { Clear(); } TUnicodeSet::TUnicodeSet(const TUnicodeSet& s) : Ranges(ShortBuffer) , Length(0) , Capacity(Y_ARRAY_SIZE(ShortBuffer)) { Set(s); } // from, to - inclusive TUnicodeSet::TUnicodeSet(wchar32 from, wchar32 to) : Ranges(ShortBuffer) , Length(0) , Capacity(Y_ARRAY_SIZE(ShortBuffer)) { Set(from, to); } TUnicodeSet::TUnicodeSet(const TWtringBuf& s) : Ranges(ShortBuffer) , Length(0) , Capacity(Y_ARRAY_SIZE(ShortBuffer)) { Set(s); } TUnicodeSet::TUnicodeSet(WC_TYPE c) : Ranges(ShortBuffer) , Length(0) , Capacity(Y_ARRAY_SIZE(ShortBuffer)) { Set(c); } void TUnicodeSet::AddPredefRanges(const NPrivate::TCategoryRanges& ranges) { if (ranges.Count > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < ranges.Count; i += 2) { Add(ranges.Data[i], ranges.Data[i + 1] - 1); } } } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Add(const TUnicodeSet& s) { if (Empty()) { TUnicodeSet::operator=(s); return *this; } for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < s.Length; i += 2) { Add(s.Ranges[i], s.Ranges[i + 1] - 1); } return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Add(const TWtringBuf& s) { const wchar16* begin = s.data(); const wchar16* end = s.data() + s.size(); while (begin < end) { Add(ReadSymbolAndAdvance(begin, end)); } return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Add(wchar32 c) { c = NPrivate::Bound(c); const size_t i = GetRangeItem(c); if (i & 1) { return *this; } if (c == Ranges[i] - 1) { // The char adjoins with the next range if (i > 0 && Ranges[i - 1] == c) { // The char adjoins with the previous range too if (i + 1 == Length) { // Don't delete the last TERMINAL EraseRangeSlots(i - 1, 1); } else { EraseRangeSlots(i - 1, 2); // Collapse ranges } } else { EnsureWritable()[i] = c; } } else if (i > 0 && Ranges[i - 1] == c) { ++(EnsureWritable()[i - 1]); } else { wchar32* target = InsertRangeSlots(i, 2); *target++ = c; *target = c + 1; } Y_ASSERT(Valid()); return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Add(wchar32 from, wchar32 to) { from = NPrivate::Bound(from); to = NPrivate::Bound(to); Y_ASSERT(from <= to); if (to == from) { return Add(to); } else if (from > to) { return *this; } size_t i = GetRangeItem(from); if (to < Ranges[i]) { if (i & 1) { return *this; } if (i > 0 && Ranges[i - 1] == from) { if (Ranges[i] == to + 1) { if (i + 1 == Length) { EraseRangeSlots(i - 1, 1); } else { EraseRangeSlots(i - 1, 2); } } else { EnsureWritable()[i - 1] = to + 1; } } else if (Ranges[i] == to + 1) { if (i + 1 == Length) { *InsertRangeSlots(i, 1) = from; } else { EnsureWritable()[i] = from; } } else { wchar32* target = InsertRangeSlots(i, 2); *target++ = from; *target = to + 1; } Y_ASSERT(Valid()); return *this; } size_t j = GetRangeItem(to, i); Y_ASSERT(i < j); if (0 == (j & 1)) { // 'to' falls between ranges if (Ranges[j] > to + 1) { *InsertRangeSlots(j, 1) = to + 1; } else if (j + 1 < Length) { // Exclude last TERMINAL element Y_ASSERT(Ranges[j] == to + 1); // The next range adjoins with the current one. Join them ++j; } } if (0 == (i & 1)) { // 'from' falls between ranges if (i > 0 && Ranges[i - 1] == from) { --i; } else { *InsertRangeSlots(i, 1) = from; ++i; ++j; } } // Erase ranges, which are covered by the new one Y_ASSERT(i <= j); Y_ASSERT(i <= Length); Y_ASSERT(j <= Length); EraseRangeSlots(i, j - i); Y_ASSERT(Valid()); return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Add(WC_TYPE c) { NPrivate::CheckWcType(c); if (Empty()) { return Set(c); } AddPredefRanges(NPrivate::GetCategoryRanges(c)); return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::AddCategory(const TStringBuf& catName) { if (Empty()) { return SetCategory(catName); } AddPredefRanges(NPrivate::GetCategoryRanges(catName)); return *this; } void TUnicodeSet::SetPredefRanges(const NPrivate::TCategoryRanges& ranges) { Clear(); if (ranges.Count > 0) { DynBuffer.Drop(); Ranges = ranges.Data; Length = ranges.Count; Capacity = 0; } } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Set(const TUnicodeSet& s) { if (0 == s.Capacity) { DynBuffer.Drop(); Ranges = s.Ranges; Length = s.Length; Capacity = 0; } else if (s.Ranges == s.DynBuffer.Get()) { DynBuffer = s.DynBuffer; Ranges = DynBuffer.Get(); Length = s.Length; Capacity = s.Capacity; } else { ::Copy(s.Ranges, s.Ranges + s.Length, EnsureCapacity(s.Length)); Length = s.Length; } return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Set(wchar32 from, wchar32 to) { from = NPrivate::Bound(from); to = NPrivate::Bound(to); Y_ASSERT(from <= to); Clear(); if (to == from) { return Add(to); } else if (from > to) { return *this; } if (to + 1 != CODEPOINT_HIGH) { wchar32* target = InsertRangeSlots(0, 2); *target++ = from; *target = to + 1; } else { *InsertRangeSlots(0, 1) = from; } Y_ASSERT(Valid()); return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Set(const TWtringBuf& s) { Clear(); return Add(s); } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Set(WC_TYPE c) { NPrivate::CheckWcType(c); SetPredefRanges(NPrivate::GetCategoryRanges(c)); return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::SetCategory(const TStringBuf& catName) { SetPredefRanges(NPrivate::GetCategoryRanges(catName)); return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Invert() { Y_ASSERT(Valid()); if (0 == Ranges[0]) { EraseRangeSlots(0, 1); } else { *InsertRangeSlots(0, 1) = 0; } return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::MakeCaseInsensitive() { TVector<wchar32> oldRanges(Ranges, Ranges + Length); for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < oldRanges.size(); i += 2) { for (wchar32 c = oldRanges[i]; c < oldRanges[i + 1]; ++c) { const ::NUnicode::NPrivate::TProperty& p = ::NUnicode::NPrivate::CharProperty(c); if (p.Lower) { Add(static_cast<wchar32>(c + p.Lower)); } if (p.Upper) { Add(static_cast<wchar32>(c + p.Upper)); } if (p.Title) { Add(static_cast<wchar32>(c + p.Title)); } } } return *this; } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Clear() { if (IsStatic() || IsShared()) { DynBuffer.Drop(); ShortBuffer[0] = CODEPOINT_HIGH; Capacity = Y_ARRAY_SIZE(ShortBuffer); Ranges = ShortBuffer; } else { const_cast<wchar32*>(Ranges)[0] = CODEPOINT_HIGH; } Length = 1; return *this; } size_t TUnicodeSet::Hash() const { size_t res = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < Length; ++i) { res = ::CombineHashes(size_t(Ranges[i]), res); } return res; } inline void WriteUnicodeChar(IOutputStream& out, wchar32 c, bool needEscape = false) { switch (c) { case wchar32('-'): case wchar32('\\'): case wchar32('^'): needEscape = true; break; default: break; } if (::IsGraph(c) && !needEscape) { char buf[4]; // Max utf8 char length is 4 size_t wr = 0; WideToUTF8(&c, 1, buf, wr); Y_ASSERT(wr <= Y_ARRAY_SIZE(buf)); out.Write(buf, wr); } else { TString hexRepr = IntToString<16>(c); if (c >> 8 == 0) { out << "\\x" << LeftPad(hexRepr, 2, '0'); } else if (c >> 16 == 0) { out << "\\u" << LeftPad(hexRepr, 4, '0'); } else { out << "\\U" << LeftPad(hexRepr, 8, '0'); } } } TString TUnicodeSet::ToString(bool escapeAllChars /* = false*/) const { Y_ASSERT(Valid()); TStringStream str; str.Reserve(Length * 4 + Length / 2 + 2); str.Write('['); for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < Length; i += 2) { WriteUnicodeChar(str, Ranges[i], escapeAllChars); if (Ranges[i] + 1 < Ranges[i + 1]) { // Don't write dash for two-symbol ranges if (Ranges[i] + 2 < Ranges[i + 1]) { str.Write('-'); } WriteUnicodeChar(str, Ranges[i + 1] - 1, escapeAllChars); } } str.Write(']'); return str.Str(); } void TUnicodeSet::Save(IOutputStream* out) const { ::SaveSize(out, Length); ::SaveArray(out, Ranges, Length); } void TUnicodeSet::Load(IInputStream* in) { const size_t length = ::LoadSize(in); if (length > 0) { ::LoadArray(in, EnsureCapacity(length), length); } Length = length; if (!Valid()) { ythrow TSerializeException() << "Loaded broken unicode set"; } } TUnicodeSet& TUnicodeSet::Parse(const TWtringBuf& data) { Clear(); NPrivate::ParseUnicodeSet(*this, data); return *this; } }