// Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "y_absl/status/status.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "y_absl/base/attributes.h" #include "y_absl/base/config.h" #include "y_absl/base/internal/raw_logging.h" #include "y_absl/base/internal/strerror.h" #include "y_absl/base/macros.h" #include "y_absl/base/no_destructor.h" #include "y_absl/base/nullability.h" #include "y_absl/debugging/stacktrace.h" #include "y_absl/debugging/symbolize.h" #include "y_absl/status/internal/status_internal.h" #include "y_absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "y_absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "y_absl/strings/str_split.h" #include "y_absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "y_absl/types/optional.h" namespace y_absl { Y_ABSL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static_assert( alignof(status_internal::StatusRep) >= 4, "y_absl::Status assumes it can use the bottom 2 bits of a StatusRep*."); TString StatusCodeToString(StatusCode code) { switch (code) { case StatusCode::kOk: return "OK"; case StatusCode::kCancelled: return "CANCELLED"; case StatusCode::kUnknown: return "UNKNOWN"; case StatusCode::kInvalidArgument: return "INVALID_ARGUMENT"; case StatusCode::kDeadlineExceeded: return "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED"; case StatusCode::kNotFound: return "NOT_FOUND"; case StatusCode::kAlreadyExists: return "ALREADY_EXISTS"; case StatusCode::kPermissionDenied: return "PERMISSION_DENIED"; case StatusCode::kUnauthenticated: return "UNAUTHENTICATED"; case StatusCode::kResourceExhausted: return "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED"; case StatusCode::kFailedPrecondition: return "FAILED_PRECONDITION"; case StatusCode::kAborted: return "ABORTED"; case StatusCode::kOutOfRange: return "OUT_OF_RANGE"; case StatusCode::kUnimplemented: return "UNIMPLEMENTED"; case StatusCode::kInternal: return "INTERNAL"; case StatusCode::kUnavailable: return "UNAVAILABLE"; case StatusCode::kDataLoss: return "DATA_LOSS"; default: return ""; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, StatusCode code) { return os << StatusCodeToString(code); } y_absl::Nonnull Status::EmptyString() { static const y_absl::NoDestructor kEmpty; return kEmpty.get(); } #ifdef Y_ABSL_INTERNAL_NEED_REDUNDANT_CONSTEXPR_DECL constexpr const char Status::kMovedFromString[]; #endif y_absl::Nonnull Status::MovedFromString() { static const y_absl::NoDestructor kMovedFrom(kMovedFromString); return kMovedFrom.get(); } Status::Status(y_absl::StatusCode code, y_absl::string_view msg) : rep_(CodeToInlinedRep(code)) { if (code != y_absl::StatusCode::kOk && !msg.empty()) { rep_ = PointerToRep(new status_internal::StatusRep(code, msg, nullptr)); } } y_absl::Nonnull Status::PrepareToModify( uintptr_t rep) { if (IsInlined(rep)) { return new status_internal::StatusRep(InlinedRepToCode(rep), y_absl::string_view(), nullptr); } return RepToPointer(rep)->CloneAndUnref(); } TString Status::ToStringSlow(uintptr_t rep, StatusToStringMode mode) { if (IsInlined(rep)) { return y_absl::StrCat(y_absl::StatusCodeToString(InlinedRepToCode(rep)), ": "); } return RepToPointer(rep)->ToString(mode); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Status& x) { os << x.ToString(StatusToStringMode::kWithEverything); return os; } Status AbortedError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kAborted, message); } Status AlreadyExistsError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kAlreadyExists, message); } Status CancelledError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kCancelled, message); } Status DataLossError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kDataLoss, message); } Status DeadlineExceededError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kDeadlineExceeded, message); } Status FailedPreconditionError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kFailedPrecondition, message); } Status InternalError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kInternal, message); } Status InvalidArgumentError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument, message); } Status NotFoundError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kNotFound, message); } Status OutOfRangeError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange, message); } Status PermissionDeniedError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kPermissionDenied, message); } Status ResourceExhaustedError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kResourceExhausted, message); } Status UnauthenticatedError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kUnauthenticated, message); } Status UnavailableError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kUnavailable, message); } Status UnimplementedError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kUnimplemented, message); } Status UnknownError(y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(y_absl::StatusCode::kUnknown, message); } bool IsAborted(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kAborted; } bool IsAlreadyExists(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kAlreadyExists; } bool IsCancelled(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kCancelled; } bool IsDataLoss(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kDataLoss; } bool IsDeadlineExceeded(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kDeadlineExceeded; } bool IsFailedPrecondition(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kFailedPrecondition; } bool IsInternal(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kInternal; } bool IsInvalidArgument(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument; } bool IsNotFound(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kNotFound; } bool IsOutOfRange(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange; } bool IsPermissionDenied(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kPermissionDenied; } bool IsResourceExhausted(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kResourceExhausted; } bool IsUnauthenticated(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kUnauthenticated; } bool IsUnavailable(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kUnavailable; } bool IsUnimplemented(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kUnimplemented; } bool IsUnknown(const Status& status) { return status.code() == y_absl::StatusCode::kUnknown; } StatusCode ErrnoToStatusCode(int error_number) { switch (error_number) { case 0: return StatusCode::kOk; case EINVAL: // Invalid argument case ENAMETOOLONG: // Filename too long case E2BIG: // Argument list too long case EDESTADDRREQ: // Destination address required case EDOM: // Mathematics argument out of domain of function case EFAULT: // Bad address case EILSEQ: // Illegal byte sequence case ENOPROTOOPT: // Protocol not available case ENOTSOCK: // Not a socket case ENOTTY: // Inappropriate I/O control operation case EPROTOTYPE: // Protocol wrong type for socket case ESPIPE: // Invalid seek return StatusCode::kInvalidArgument; case ETIMEDOUT: // Connection timed out return StatusCode::kDeadlineExceeded; case ENODEV: // No such device case ENOENT: // No such file or directory #ifdef ENOMEDIUM case ENOMEDIUM: // No medium found #endif case ENXIO: // No such device or address case ESRCH: // No such process return StatusCode::kNotFound; case EEXIST: // File exists case EADDRNOTAVAIL: // Address not available case EALREADY: // Connection already in progress #ifdef ENOTUNIQ case ENOTUNIQ: // Name not unique on network #endif return StatusCode::kAlreadyExists; case EPERM: // Operation not permitted case EACCES: // Permission denied #ifdef ENOKEY case ENOKEY: // Required key not available #endif case EROFS: // Read only file system return StatusCode::kPermissionDenied; case ENOTEMPTY: // Directory not empty case EISDIR: // Is a directory case ENOTDIR: // Not a directory case EADDRINUSE: // Address already in use case EBADF: // Invalid file descriptor #ifdef EBADFD case EBADFD: // File descriptor in bad state #endif case EBUSY: // Device or resource busy case ECHILD: // No child processes case EISCONN: // Socket is connected #ifdef EISNAM case EISNAM: // Is a named type file #endif #ifdef ENOTBLK case ENOTBLK: // Block device required #endif case ENOTCONN: // The socket is not connected case EPIPE: // Broken pipe #ifdef ESHUTDOWN case ESHUTDOWN: // Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown #endif case ETXTBSY: // Text file busy #ifdef EUNATCH case EUNATCH: // Protocol driver not attached #endif return StatusCode::kFailedPrecondition; case ENOSPC: // No space left on device #ifdef EDQUOT case EDQUOT: // Disk quota exceeded #endif case EMFILE: // Too many open files case EMLINK: // Too many links case ENFILE: // Too many open files in system case ENOBUFS: // No buffer space available case ENOMEM: // Not enough space #ifdef EUSERS case EUSERS: // Too many users #endif return StatusCode::kResourceExhausted; #ifdef ECHRNG case ECHRNG: // Channel number out of range #endif case EFBIG: // File too large case EOVERFLOW: // Value too large to be stored in data type case ERANGE: // Result too large return StatusCode::kOutOfRange; #ifdef ENOPKG case ENOPKG: // Package not installed #endif case ENOSYS: // Function not implemented case ENOTSUP: // Operation not supported case EAFNOSUPPORT: // Address family not supported #ifdef EPFNOSUPPORT case EPFNOSUPPORT: // Protocol family not supported #endif case EPROTONOSUPPORT: // Protocol not supported #ifdef ESOCKTNOSUPPORT case ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: // Socket type not supported #endif case EXDEV: // Improper link return StatusCode::kUnimplemented; case EAGAIN: // Resource temporarily unavailable #ifdef ECOMM case ECOMM: // Communication error on send #endif case ECONNREFUSED: // Connection refused case ECONNABORTED: // Connection aborted case ECONNRESET: // Connection reset case EINTR: // Interrupted function call #ifdef EHOSTDOWN case EHOSTDOWN: // Host is down #endif case EHOSTUNREACH: // Host is unreachable case ENETDOWN: // Network is down case ENETRESET: // Connection aborted by network case ENETUNREACH: // Network unreachable case ENOLCK: // No locks available case ENOLINK: // Link has been severed #ifdef ENONET case ENONET: // Machine is not on the network #endif return StatusCode::kUnavailable; case EDEADLK: // Resource deadlock avoided #ifdef ESTALE case ESTALE: // Stale file handle #endif return StatusCode::kAborted; case ECANCELED: // Operation cancelled return StatusCode::kCancelled; default: return StatusCode::kUnknown; } } namespace { TString MessageForErrnoToStatus(int error_number, y_absl::string_view message) { return y_absl::StrCat(message, ": ", y_absl::base_internal::StrError(error_number)); } } // namespace Status ErrnoToStatus(int error_number, y_absl::string_view message) { return Status(ErrnoToStatusCode(error_number), MessageForErrnoToStatus(error_number, message)); } y_absl::Nonnull StatusMessageAsCStr(const Status& status) { // As an internal implementation detail, we guarantee that if status.message() // is non-empty, then the resulting string_view is null terminated. auto sv_message = status.message(); return sv_message.empty() ? "" : sv_message.data(); } Y_ABSL_NAMESPACE_END } // namespace y_absl