#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian Rahlf # # This program is release under the MIT license. You can find the full text of # the license in the LICENSE file. import os import pkgutil import pytest @pytest.fixture def httpserver(request): """The returned ``httpserver`` provides a threaded HTTP server instance running on a randomly assigned port on localhost. It can be taught which content (i.e. string) to serve with which response code and comes with following attributes: * ``code`` - HTTP response code (int) * ``content`` - content of next response (str) * ``headers`` - response headers (dict) Once these attribute are set, all subsequent requests will be answered with these values until they are changed or the server is stopped. A more convenient way to change these is :: httpserver.serve_content( content='My content', code=200, headers={'content-type': 'text/plain'}) The server address can be found in property * ``url`` which is the string representation of tuple ``server_address`` (host as str, port as int). Example:: import requests def scrape(url): html = requests.get(url).text # some parsing happens here # ... return result def test_retrieve_some_content(httpserver): httpserver.serve_content(open('cached-content.html').read()) assert scrape(httpserver.url) == 'Found it!' """ from pytest_localserver import http server = http.ContentServer() server.start() request.addfinalizer(server.stop) return server @pytest.fixture def httpsserver(request): """The returned ``httpsserver`` (note the additional S!) provides a threaded HTTP server instance similar to funcarg ``httpserver`` but with SSL encryption. """ from pytest_localserver import https try: with open(https.DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE, 'wb') as f: f.write(pkgutil.get_data('pytest_localserver', 'server.pem')) server = https.SecureContentServer() server.start() request.addfinalizer(server.stop) yield server finally: os.remove(https.DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE) @pytest.fixture def smtpserver(request): """The returned ``smtpserver`` provides a threaded instance of ``smtpd.SMTPServer`` running on localhost. It has the following attributes: * ``addr`` - server address as tuple (host as str, port as int) """ from pytest_localserver import smtp server = smtp.Server() server.start() request.addfinalizer(server.stop) return server