--!syntax_pg --TPC-DS Q41 -- start query 1 in stream 0 using template ../query_templates/query41.tpl select distinct(i_product_name) from plato.item i1 where i_manufact_id between 742 and 742+40 and (select count(*) as item_cnt from plato.item where (i_manufact = i1.i_manufact and ((i_category = 'Women' and (i_color = 'orchid' or i_color = 'papaya') and (i_units = 'Pound' or i_units = 'Lb') and (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium') ) or (i_category = 'Women' and (i_color = 'burlywood' or i_color = 'navy') and (i_units = 'Bundle' or i_units = 'Each') and (i_size = 'N/A' or i_size = 'extra large') ) or (i_category = 'Men' and (i_color = 'bisque' or i_color = 'azure') and (i_units = 'N/A' or i_units = 'Tsp') and (i_size = 'small' or i_size = 'large') ) or (i_category = 'Men' and (i_color = 'chocolate' or i_color = 'cornflower') and (i_units = 'Bunch' or i_units = 'Gross') and (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium') ))) or (i_manufact = i1.i_manufact and ((i_category = 'Women' and (i_color = 'salmon' or i_color = 'midnight') and (i_units = 'Oz' or i_units = 'Box') and (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium') ) or (i_category = 'Women' and (i_color = 'snow' or i_color = 'steel') and (i_units = 'Carton' or i_units = 'Tbl') and (i_size = 'N/A' or i_size = 'extra large') ) or (i_category = 'Men' and (i_color = 'purple' or i_color = 'gainsboro') and (i_units = 'Dram' or i_units = 'Unknown') and (i_size = 'small' or i_size = 'large') ) or (i_category = 'Men' and (i_color = 'metallic' or i_color = 'forest') and (i_units = 'Gram' or i_units = 'Ounce') and (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium') )))) > 0 order by i_product_name limit 100; -- end query 1 in stream 0 using template ../query_templates/query41.tpl