# -*- coding: utf-8 # This file contains Unicode characters. import sys from textwrap import dedent import pytest from parso.utils import split_lines, parse_version_string from parso.python.token import PythonTokenTypes from parso.python import tokenize from parso import parse from parso.python.tokenize import PythonToken # To make it easier to access some of the token types, just put them here. NAME = PythonTokenTypes.NAME NEWLINE = PythonTokenTypes.NEWLINE STRING = PythonTokenTypes.STRING NUMBER = PythonTokenTypes.NUMBER INDENT = PythonTokenTypes.INDENT DEDENT = PythonTokenTypes.DEDENT ERRORTOKEN = PythonTokenTypes.ERRORTOKEN OP = PythonTokenTypes.OP ENDMARKER = PythonTokenTypes.ENDMARKER ERROR_DEDENT = PythonTokenTypes.ERROR_DEDENT FSTRING_START = PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_START FSTRING_STRING = PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_STRING FSTRING_END = PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_END def _get_token_list(string, version=None): # Load the current version. version_info = parse_version_string(version) return list(tokenize.tokenize(string, version_info)) def test_end_pos_one_line(): parsed = parse(dedent(''' def testit(): a = "huhu" ''')) simple_stmt = next(parsed.iter_funcdefs()).get_suite().children[-1] string = simple_stmt.children[0].get_rhs() assert string.end_pos == (3, 14) def test_end_pos_multi_line(): parsed = parse(dedent(''' def testit(): a = """huhu asdfasdf""" + "h" ''')) expr_stmt = next(parsed.iter_funcdefs()).get_suite().children[1].children[0] string_leaf = expr_stmt.get_rhs().children[0] assert string_leaf.end_pos == (4, 11) def test_simple_no_whitespace(): # Test a simple one line string, no preceding whitespace simple_docstring = '"""simple one line docstring"""' token_list = _get_token_list(simple_docstring) _, value, _, prefix = token_list[0] assert prefix == '' assert value == '"""simple one line docstring"""' def test_simple_with_whitespace(): # Test a simple one line string with preceding whitespace and newline simple_docstring = ' """simple one line docstring""" \r\n' token_list = _get_token_list(simple_docstring) assert token_list[0][0] == INDENT typ, value, start_pos, prefix = token_list[1] assert prefix == ' ' assert value == '"""simple one line docstring"""' assert typ == STRING typ, value, start_pos, prefix = token_list[2] assert prefix == ' ' assert typ == NEWLINE def test_function_whitespace(): # Test function definition whitespace identification fundef = dedent(''' def test_whitespace(*args, **kwargs): x = 1 if x > 0: print(True) ''') token_list = _get_token_list(fundef) for _, value, _, prefix in token_list: if value == 'test_whitespace': assert prefix == ' ' if value == '(': assert prefix == '' if value == '*': assert prefix == '' if value == '**': assert prefix == ' ' if value == 'print': assert prefix == ' ' if value == 'if': assert prefix == ' ' def test_tokenize_multiline_I(): # Make sure multiline string having newlines have the end marker on the # next line fundef = '''""""\n''' token_list = _get_token_list(fundef) assert token_list == [PythonToken(ERRORTOKEN, '""""\n', (1, 0), ''), PythonToken(ENDMARKER , '', (2, 0), '')] def test_tokenize_multiline_II(): # Make sure multiline string having no newlines have the end marker on # same line fundef = '''""""''' token_list = _get_token_list(fundef) assert token_list == [PythonToken(ERRORTOKEN, '""""', (1, 0), ''), PythonToken(ENDMARKER, '', (1, 4), '')] def test_tokenize_multiline_III(): # Make sure multiline string having newlines have the end marker on the # next line even if several newline fundef = '''""""\n\n''' token_list = _get_token_list(fundef) assert token_list == [PythonToken(ERRORTOKEN, '""""\n\n', (1, 0), ''), PythonToken(ENDMARKER, '', (3, 0), '')] def test_identifier_contains_unicode(): fundef = dedent(''' def 我あφ(): pass ''') token_list = _get_token_list(fundef) unicode_token = token_list[1] if sys.version_info.major >= 3: assert unicode_token[0] == NAME else: # Unicode tokens in Python 2 seem to be identified as operators. # They will be ignored in the parser, that's ok. assert unicode_token[0] == ERRORTOKEN def test_quoted_strings(): string_tokens = [ 'u"test"', 'u"""test"""', 'U"""test"""', "u'''test'''", "U'''test'''", ] for s in string_tokens: module = parse('''a = %s\n''' % s) simple_stmt = module.children[0] expr_stmt = simple_stmt.children[0] assert len(expr_stmt.children) == 3 string_tok = expr_stmt.children[2] assert string_tok.type == 'string' assert string_tok.value == s def test_ur_literals(): """ Decided to parse `u''` literals regardless of Python version. This makes probably sense: - Python 3+ doesn't support it, but it doesn't hurt not be. While this is incorrect, it's just incorrect for one "old" and in the future not very important version. - All the other Python versions work very well with it. """ def check(literal, is_literal=True): token_list = _get_token_list(literal) typ, result_literal, _, _ = token_list[0] if is_literal: if typ != FSTRING_START: assert typ == STRING assert result_literal == literal else: assert typ == NAME check('u""') check('ur""', is_literal=not sys.version_info.major >= 3) check('Ur""', is_literal=not sys.version_info.major >= 3) check('UR""', is_literal=not sys.version_info.major >= 3) check('bR""') # Starting with Python 3.3 this ordering is also possible. if sys.version_info.major >= 3: check('Rb""') # Starting with Python 3.6 format strings where introduced. check('fr""', is_literal=sys.version_info >= (3, 6)) check('rF""', is_literal=sys.version_info >= (3, 6)) check('f""', is_literal=sys.version_info >= (3, 6)) check('F""', is_literal=sys.version_info >= (3, 6)) def test_error_literal(): error_token, newline, endmarker = _get_token_list('"\n') assert error_token.type == ERRORTOKEN assert error_token.string == '"' assert newline.type == NEWLINE assert endmarker.type == ENDMARKER assert endmarker.prefix == '' bracket, error_token, endmarker = _get_token_list('( """') assert error_token.type == ERRORTOKEN assert error_token.prefix == ' ' assert error_token.string == '"""' assert endmarker.type == ENDMARKER assert endmarker.prefix == '' def test_endmarker_end_pos(): def check(code): tokens = _get_token_list(code) lines = split_lines(code) assert tokens[-1].end_pos == (len(lines), len(lines[-1])) check('#c') check('#c\n') check('a\n') check('a') check(r'a\\n') check('a\\') xfail_py2 = dict(marks=[pytest.mark.xfail(sys.version_info[0] == 2, reason='Python 2')]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('code', 'types'), [ # Indentation (' foo', [INDENT, NAME, DEDENT]), (' foo\n bar', [INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, ERROR_DEDENT, NAME, DEDENT]), (' foo\n bar \n baz', [INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, ERROR_DEDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, NAME, DEDENT]), (' foo\nbar', [INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, DEDENT, NAME]), # Name stuff ('1foo1', [NUMBER, NAME]), pytest.param( u'மெல்லினம்', [NAME], **xfail_py2), pytest.param(u'²', [ERRORTOKEN], **xfail_py2), pytest.param(u'ä²ö', [NAME, ERRORTOKEN, NAME], **xfail_py2), pytest.param(u'ää²¹öö', [NAME, ERRORTOKEN, NAME], **xfail_py2), (' \x00a', [INDENT, ERRORTOKEN, NAME, DEDENT]), (dedent('''\ class BaseCache: a def b def c '''), [NAME, NAME, OP, NEWLINE, INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, ERROR_DEDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, DEDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, DEDENT, DEDENT]), (' )\n foo', [INDENT, OP, NEWLINE, ERROR_DEDENT, NAME, DEDENT]), ('a\n b\n )\n c', [NAME, NEWLINE, INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, INDENT, OP, NEWLINE, DEDENT, NAME, DEDENT]), (' 1 \\\ndef', [INDENT, NUMBER, NAME, DEDENT]), ] ) def test_token_types(code, types): actual_types = [t.type for t in _get_token_list(code)] assert actual_types == types + [ENDMARKER] def test_error_string(): indent, t1, newline, token, endmarker = _get_token_list(' "\n') assert t1.type == ERRORTOKEN assert t1.prefix == ' ' assert t1.string == '"' assert newline.type == NEWLINE assert endmarker.prefix == '' assert endmarker.string == '' def test_indent_error_recovery(): code = dedent("""\ str( from x import a def """) lst = _get_token_list(code) expected = [ # `str(` INDENT, NAME, OP, # `from parso` NAME, NAME, # `import a` on same line as the previous from parso NAME, NAME, NEWLINE, # Dedent happens, because there's an import now and the import # statement "breaks" out of the opening paren on the first line. DEDENT, # `b` NAME, NEWLINE, ENDMARKER] assert [t.type for t in lst] == expected def test_error_token_after_dedent(): code = dedent("""\ class C: pass $foo """) lst = _get_token_list(code) expected = [ NAME, NAME, OP, NEWLINE, INDENT, NAME, NEWLINE, DEDENT, # $foo\n ERRORTOKEN, NAME, NEWLINE, ENDMARKER ] assert [t.type for t in lst] == expected def test_brackets_no_indentation(): """ There used to be an issue that the parentheses counting would go below zero. This should not happen. """ code = dedent("""\ } { } """) lst = _get_token_list(code) assert [t.type for t in lst] == [OP, NEWLINE, OP, OP, NEWLINE, ENDMARKER] def test_form_feed(): indent, error_token, dedent_, endmarker = _get_token_list(dedent('''\ \f"""''')) assert error_token.prefix == '\f' assert error_token.string == '"""' assert endmarker.prefix == '' assert indent.type == INDENT assert dedent_.type == DEDENT def test_carriage_return(): lst = _get_token_list(' =\\\rclass') assert [t.type for t in lst] == [INDENT, OP, NAME, DEDENT, ENDMARKER] def test_backslash(): code = '\\\n# 1 \n' endmarker, = _get_token_list(code) assert endmarker.prefix == code @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('code', 'types'), [ # f-strings ('f"', [FSTRING_START]), ('f""', [FSTRING_START, FSTRING_END]), ('f" {}"', [FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, OP, OP, FSTRING_END]), ('f" "{}', [FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, FSTRING_END, OP, OP]), (r'f"\""', [FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, FSTRING_END]), (r'f"\""', [FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, FSTRING_END]), # format spec (r'f"Some {x:.2f}{y}"', [FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, OP, NAME, OP, FSTRING_STRING, OP, OP, NAME, OP, FSTRING_END]), # multiline f-string ('f"""abc\ndef"""', [FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, FSTRING_END]), ('f"""abc{\n123}def"""', [ FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, OP, NUMBER, OP, FSTRING_STRING, FSTRING_END ]), # a line continuation inside of an fstring_string ('f"abc\\\ndef"', [ FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, FSTRING_END ]), ('f"\\\n{123}\\\n"', [ FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, OP, NUMBER, OP, FSTRING_STRING, FSTRING_END ]), # a line continuation inside of an fstring_expr ('f"{\\\n123}"', [FSTRING_START, OP, NUMBER, OP, FSTRING_END]), # a line continuation inside of an format spec ('f"{123:.2\\\nf}"', [ FSTRING_START, OP, NUMBER, OP, FSTRING_STRING, OP, FSTRING_END ]), # a newline without a line continuation inside a single-line string is # wrong, and will generate an ERRORTOKEN ('f"abc\ndef"', [ FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, NEWLINE, NAME, ERRORTOKEN ]), # a more complex example (r'print(f"Some {x:.2f}a{y}")', [ NAME, OP, FSTRING_START, FSTRING_STRING, OP, NAME, OP, FSTRING_STRING, OP, FSTRING_STRING, OP, NAME, OP, FSTRING_END, OP ]), # issue #86, a string-like in an f-string expression ('f"{ ""}"', [ FSTRING_START, OP, FSTRING_END, STRING ]), ('f"{ f""}"', [ FSTRING_START, OP, NAME, FSTRING_END, STRING ]), ] ) def test_fstring_token_types(code, types, version_ge_py36): actual_types = [t.type for t in _get_token_list(code, version_ge_py36)] assert types + [ENDMARKER] == actual_types @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('code', 'types'), [ # issue #87, `:=` in the outest paratheses should be tokenized # as a format spec marker and part of the format ('f"{x:=10}"', [ FSTRING_START, OP, NAME, OP, FSTRING_STRING, OP, FSTRING_END ]), ('f"{(x:=10)}"', [ FSTRING_START, OP, OP, NAME, OP, NUMBER, OP, OP, FSTRING_END ]), ] ) def test_fstring_assignment_expression(code, types, version_ge_py38): actual_types = [t.type for t in _get_token_list(code, version_ge_py38)] assert types + [ENDMARKER] == actual_types def test_fstring_end_error_pos(version_ge_py38): f_start, f_string, bracket, f_end, endmarker = \ _get_token_list('f" { "', version_ge_py38) assert f_start.start_pos == (1, 0) assert f_string.start_pos == (1, 2) assert bracket.start_pos == (1, 3) assert f_end.start_pos == (1, 5) assert endmarker.start_pos == (1, 6)