{%- if (current_target.target_properties is defined) and (current_target.target_properties|length) -%} {#- Deduplicate target property names -#} {%- set property_names = current_target.target_properties|map(attribute='name')|unique -%} {%- for property_name in property_names -%} {%- set properties = current_target.target_properties|selectattr('name', 'eq', property_name) -%} {#- Apply only first property by name -#} {%- set property = properties|first %} set_property(TARGET {{ name }} PROPERTY {{ property.name }} {%- for value in property.value %} {{ value }} {%- endfor %} ) {% endfor -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if (current_target.protoc_extra_outs is defined) and (current_target.protoc_extra_outs|length) %} set_property(TARGET {{ name }} PROPERTY PROTOC_EXTRA_OUTS {%- for protoc_extra_out in current_target.protoc_extra_outs|unique %} {{ protoc_extra_out }} {%- endfor %} ) {% endif -%}