import base64 import functools import json import operator import os import re import shlex import sys from functools import reduce import six import ymake import _common import lib.test_const as consts CANON_RESULT_FILE_NAME = 'result.json' CANON_DATA_DIR_NAME = 'canondata' CANON_OUTPUT_STORAGE = 'canondata_storage' KTLINT_CURRENT_EDITOR_CONFIG = "arcadia/build/platform/java/ktlint/.editorconfig" KTLINT_OLD_EDITOR_CONFIG = "arcadia/build/platform/java/ktlint_old/.editorconfig" ARCADIA_ROOT = '${ARCADIA_ROOT}/' SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT = '$S/' class DartValueError(ValueError): pass def create_dart_record(fields, *args): return reduce(operator.or_, (value for field in fields if (value := field(*args))), {}) def with_fields(fields): def inner(func): @functools.wraps(func) def innermost(*args, **kwargs): func(fields, *args, **kwargs) return innermost return inner def serialize_list(lst): lst = list(filter(None, lst)) return '\"' + ';'.join(lst) + '\"' if lst else '' def deserialize_list(val): return list(filter(None, val.replace('"', "").split(";"))) def get_unit_list_variable(unit, name): items = unit.get(name) if items: items = items.split(' ') assert items[0] == "${}".format(name), (items, name) return items[1:] return [] def get_values_list(unit, key): res = map(str.strip, (unit.get(key) or '').replace('$' + key, '').strip().split()) return [r for r in res if r and r not in ['""', "''"]] def _get_test_tags(unit, spec_args=None): if spec_args is None: spec_args = {} tags = spec_args.get('TAG', []) + get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_TAGS_VALUE') tags = set(tags) if unit.get('EXPORT_SEM') == 'yes': filter_only_tags = sorted(t for t in tags if ':' not in t) unit.set(['FILTER_ONLY_TEST_TAGS', ' '.join(filter_only_tags)]) # DEVTOOLS-7571 if unit.get('SKIP_TEST_VALUE') and consts.YaTestTags.Fat in tags: tags.add(consts.YaTestTags.NotAutocheck) return tags def format_recipes(data: str | None) -> str: if not data: return "" data = data.replace('"USE_RECIPE_DELIM"', "\n") data = data.replace("$TEST_RECIPES_VALUE", "") return data def prepare_recipes(data: str | None) -> bytes: formatted = format_recipes(data) return base64.b64encode(six.ensure_binary(formatted)) def prepare_env(data): data = data.replace("$TEST_ENV_VALUE", "") return serialize_list(shlex.split(data)) def get_norm_paths(unit, key): # return paths without trailing (back)slash return [x.rstrip('\\/').replace('${ARCADIA_ROOT}/', '') for x in get_values_list(unit, key)] def _load_canonical_file(filename, unit_path): try: with open(filename, 'rb') as results_file: return json.load(results_file) except Exception as e: print("malformed canonical data in {}: {} ({})".format(unit_path, e, filename), file=sys.stderr) return {} def _get_resource_from_uri(uri): m = consts.CANON_MDS_RESOURCE_REGEX.match(uri) if m: key = return "{}:{}".format(consts.MDS_SCHEME, key) m = consts.CANON_BACKEND_RESOURCE_REGEX.match(uri) if m: key = return "{}:{}".format(consts.MDS_SCHEME, key) m = consts.CANON_SBR_RESOURCE_REGEX.match(uri) if m: # There might be conflict between resources, because all resources in sandbox have 'resource.tar.gz' name # That's why we use notation with '=' to specify specific path for resource uri = res_id = return "{}={}".format(uri, '/'.join([CANON_OUTPUT_STORAGE, res_id])) def _get_external_resources_from_canon_data(data): # Method should work with both canonization versions: # result.json: {'uri':X 'checksum':Y} # result.json: {'testname': {'uri':X 'checksum':Y}} # result.json: {'testname': [{'uri':X 'checksum':Y}]} # Also there is a bug - if user returns {'uri': 1} from test - machinery will fail # That's why we check 'uri' and 'checksum' fields presence # (it's still a bug - user can return {'uri':X, 'checksum': Y}, we need to unify canonization format) res = set() if isinstance(data, dict): if 'uri' in data and 'checksum' in data: resource = _get_resource_from_uri(data['uri']) if resource: res.add(resource) else: for k, v in six.iteritems(data): res.update(_get_external_resources_from_canon_data(v)) elif isinstance(data, list): for e in data: res.update(_get_external_resources_from_canon_data(e)) return res def _get_canonical_data_resources_v2(filename, unit_path): return (_get_external_resources_from_canon_data(_load_canonical_file(filename, unit_path)), [filename]) def get_canonical_test_resources(unit): unit_path = unit.path() if unit.get("CUSTOM_CANONDATA_PATH"): path_to_canondata = unit_path.replace("$S", unit.get("CUSTOM_CANONDATA_PATH")) else: path_to_canondata = unit.resolve(unit_path) canon_data_dir = os.path.join(path_to_canondata, CANON_DATA_DIR_NAME, unit.get('CANONIZE_SUB_PATH') or '') try: _, dirs, files = next(os.walk(canon_data_dir)) except StopIteration: # path doesn't exist return [], [] if CANON_RESULT_FILE_NAME in files: return _get_canonical_data_resources_v2(os.path.join(canon_data_dir, CANON_RESULT_FILE_NAME), unit_path) return [], [] def java_srcdirs_to_data(unit, var, serialize_result=True): extra_data = [] for srcdir in (unit.get(var) or '').replace('$' + var, '').split(): if srcdir == '.': srcdir = unit.get('MODDIR') if srcdir.startswith('${ARCADIA_ROOT}/') or srcdir.startswith('$ARCADIA_ROOT/'): srcdir = srcdir.replace('${ARCADIA_ROOT}/', '$S/') srcdir = srcdir.replace('$ARCADIA_ROOT/', '$S/') if srcdir.startswith('${CURDIR}') or srcdir.startswith('$CURDIR'): srcdir = srcdir.replace('${CURDIR}', os.path.join('$S', unit.get('MODDIR'))) srcdir = srcdir.replace('$CURDIR', os.path.join('$S', unit.get('MODDIR'))) srcdir = unit.resolve_arc_path(srcdir) if not srcdir.startswith('$'): srcdir = os.path.join('$S', unit.get('MODDIR'), srcdir) if srcdir.startswith('$S'): extra_data.append(srcdir.replace('$S', 'arcadia')) return serialize_list(extra_data) if serialize_result else extra_data def extract_java_system_properties(unit, args): if len(args) % 2: return [], 'Wrong use of SYSTEM_PROPERTIES in {}: odd number of arguments'.format(unit.path()) props = [] for x, y in zip(args[::2], args[1::2]): if x == 'FILE': if y.startswith('${BINDIR}') or y.startswith('${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}') or y.startswith('/'): return [], 'Wrong use of SYSTEM_PROPERTIES in {}: absolute/build file path {}'.format(unit.path(), y) y = _common.rootrel_arc_src(y, unit) if not os.path.exists(unit.resolve('$S/' + y)): return [], 'Wrong use of SYSTEM_PROPERTIES in {}: can\'t resolve {}'.format(unit.path(), y) y = '${ARCADIA_ROOT}/' + y props.append({'type': 'file', 'path': y}) else: props.append({'type': 'inline', 'key': x, 'value': y}) return props, None def _resolve_module_files(unit, mod_dir, file_paths): mod_dir_with_sep_len = len(mod_dir) + 1 resolved_files = [] for path in file_paths: resolved = _common.rootrel_arc_src(path, unit) if resolved.startswith(mod_dir): resolved = resolved[mod_dir_with_sep_len:] resolved_files.append(resolved) return resolved_files def _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to): config_path = unit.get("ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH") if test_runner == "eslint" else unit.get("TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH") arc_config_path = unit.resolve_arc_path(config_path) abs_config_path = unit.resolve(arc_config_path) if not abs_config_path: raise Exception("{} config not found: {}".format(test_runner, config_path)) unit.onsrcs([arc_config_path]) abs_rel_to = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(unit.get(rel_to))) return os.path.relpath(abs_config_path, start=abs_rel_to) def _get_ts_test_data_dirs(unit): return sorted( set( [ os.path.dirname(_common.rootrel_arc_src(p, unit)) for p in (get_values_list(unit, "_TS_TEST_DATA_VALUE") or []) ] ) ) @_common.lazy def get_linter_configs(unit, config_paths): rel_config_path = _common.rootrel_arc_src(config_paths, unit) arc_config_path = unit.resolve_arc_path(rel_config_path) abs_config_path = unit.resolve(arc_config_path) with open(abs_config_path, 'r') as fd: return list(json.load(fd).values()) class AndroidApkTestActivity: KEY = 'ANDROID_APK_TEST_ACTIVITY' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('ANDROID_APK_TEST_ACTIVITY_VALUE')} class BenchmarkOpts: KEY = 'BENCHMARK-OPTS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'BENCHMARK_OPTS_VALUE'))} class BinaryPath: KEY = 'BINARY-PATH' @classmethod def normalized(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): unit_path = _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit) return {cls.KEY: os.path.join(unit_path, unit.filename())} @classmethod def stripped(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): unit_path = unit.path() binary_path = os.path.join(unit_path, unit.filename()) if binary_path: return {cls.KEY: _common.strip_roots(binary_path)} @classmethod def stripped_without_pkg_ext(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = _common.strip_roots(os.path.join(unit.path(), unit.filename()).replace(".pkg", "")) return {cls.KEY: value} class Blob: KEY = 'BLOB' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('TEST_BLOB_DATA')} class BuildFolderPath: KEY = 'BUILD-FOLDER-PATH' @classmethod def normalized(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit)} @classmethod def stripped(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: _common.strip_roots(unit.path())} class CanonizeSubPath: KEY = 'CANONIZE_SUB_PATH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('CANONIZE_SUB_PATH')} class Classpath: KEY = 'CLASSPATH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes' if ymake_java_test: value = '$B/{}/{}.jar ${{DART_CLASSPATH}}'.format(unit.get('MODDIR'), unit.get('REALPRJNAME')) return {cls.KEY: value} class ConfigPath: KEY = 'CONFIG-PATH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_runner, rel_to = flat_args return {cls.KEY: _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to=rel_to)} class CustomDependencies: KEY = 'CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES' @classmethod def all_standard(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): custom_deps = ' '.join(spec_args.get('DEPENDS', []) + get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE')) return {cls.KEY: custom_deps} @classmethod def depends_only(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: " ".join(spec_args.get('DEPENDS', []))} @classmethod def test_depends_only(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): custom_deps = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE') return {cls.KEY: " ".join(custom_deps)} @classmethod def depends_with_linter(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): linter = Linter.value(unit, flat_args, spec_args)[Linter.KEY] deps = spec_args.get('DEPENDS', []) + [os.path.dirname(linter)] for dep in deps: unit.ondepends(dep) return {cls.KEY: " ".join(deps)} @classmethod def nots_with_recipies(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): deps = flat_args[0] recipes_lines = format_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")).strip().splitlines() if recipes_lines: deps = deps or [] deps.extend([os.path.dirname(r.strip().split(" ")[0]) for r in recipes_lines]) return {cls.KEY: " ".join(deps)} class EslintConfigPath: KEY = 'ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_runner, rel_to = flat_args return {cls.KEY: _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to=rel_to)} class ForkMode: KEY = 'FORK-MODE' @classmethod def from_macro_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): fork_mode = [] if 'FORK_SUBTESTS' in spec_args: fork_mode.append('subtests') if 'FORK_TESTS' in spec_args: fork_mode.append('tests') fork_mode = fork_mode or spec_args.get('FORK_MODE', []) or unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE').split() fork_mode = ' '.join(fork_mode) if fork_mode else '' return {cls.KEY: fork_mode} @classmethod def test_fork_mode(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('TEST_FORK_MODE')} class ForkTestFiles: KEY = 'FORK-TEST-FILES' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('FORK_TEST_FILES_MODE')} class FuzzDicts: KEY = 'FUZZ-DICTS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = serialize_list(spec_args.get('FUZZ_DICTS', []) + get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'FUZZ_DICTS_VALUE')) return {cls.KEY: value} class FuzzOpts: KEY = 'FUZZ-OPTS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = serialize_list(spec_args.get('FUZZ_OPTS', []) + get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'FUZZ_OPTS_VALUE')) return {cls.KEY: value} class Fuzzing: KEY = 'FUZZING' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): if unit.get('FUZZING') == 'yes': return {cls.KEY: '1'} class GlobalLibraryPath: KEY = 'GLOBAL-LIBRARY-PATH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.global_filename()} class GoBenchTimeout: KEY = 'GO_BENCH_TIMEOUT' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('GO_BENCH_TIMEOUT')} class IgnoreClasspathClash: KEY = 'IGNORE_CLASSPATH_CLASH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = ' '.join(get_values_list(unit, 'JAVA_IGNORE_CLASSPATH_CLASH_VALUE')) return {cls.KEY: value} class JavaClasspathCmdType: KEY = 'JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): java_cp_arg_type = unit.get('JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE_VALUE') or 'MANIFEST' if java_cp_arg_type not in ('MANIFEST', 'COMMAND_FILE', 'LIST'): # TODO move error reporting out of field classes ymake.report_configure_error( '{}: TEST_JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE({}) are invalid. Choose argument from MANIFEST, COMMAND_FILE or LIST)'.format( unit.path(), java_cp_arg_type ) ) raise DartValueError() return {cls.KEY: java_cp_arg_type} class JdkForTests: KEY = 'JDK_FOR_TESTS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = 'JDK' + (unit.get('JDK_VERSION') or unit.get('JDK_REAL_VERSION') or '_DEFAULT') + '_FOR_TESTS' return {cls.KEY: value} class JdkLatestVersion: KEY = 'JDK_LATEST_VERSION' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('JDK_LATEST_VERSION')} class JdkResource: KEY = 'JDK_RESOURCE' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = 'JDK' + (unit.get('JDK_VERSION') or unit.get('JDK_REAL_VERSION') or '_DEFAULT') return {cls.KEY: value} class KtlintBaselineFile: KEY = 'KTLINT_BASELINE_FILE' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): if unit.get('_USE_KTLINT_OLD') != 'yes': baseline_path_relative = unit.get('_KTLINT_BASELINE_FILE') if baseline_path_relative: return {cls.KEY: baseline_path_relative} class KtlintBinary: KEY = 'KTLINT_BINARY' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = '$(KTLINT_OLD)/run.bat' if unit.get('_USE_KTLINT_OLD') == 'yes' else '$(KTLINT)/run.bat' return {cls.KEY: value} class Linter: KEY = 'LINTER' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: spec_args['LINTER'][0]} class LintConfigs: KEY = 'LINT-CONFIGS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): resolved_configs = [] configs = spec_args.get('CONFIGS', []) for cfg in configs: filename = unit.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT + cfg) if not os.path.exists(filename): message = 'Configuration file {} is not found'.format(filename) raise DartValueError(message) resolved_configs.append(cfg) if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] == '.json': cfgs = get_linter_configs(unit, cfg) for c in cfgs: filename = unit.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT + c) if not os.path.exists(filename): message = 'Configuration file {} is not found'.format(filename) raise DartValueError(message) resolved_configs.append(c) return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(resolved_configs)} class LintExtraParams: KEY = 'LINT-EXTRA-PARAMS' @classmethod def from_macro_args(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): extra_params = spec_args.get('EXTRA_PARAMS', []) for arg in extra_params: if '=' not in arg: message = 'Wrong EXTRA_PARAMS value: "{}". Values must have format "name=value".'.format(arg) raise DartValueError(message) return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(extra_params)} class LintFileProcessingTime: KEY = 'LINT-FILE-PROCESSING-TIME' @classmethod def from_macro_args(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: spec_args.get('FILE_PROCESSING_TIME', [''])[0]} class LintName: KEY = 'LINT-NAME' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): lint_name = spec_args['NAME'][0] if lint_name in ('flake8', 'py2_flake8') and (unit.get('DISABLE_FLAKE8') or 'no') == 'yes': raise DartValueError('Flake8 linting is disabled by `DISABLE_FLAKE8`') return {cls.KEY: lint_name} class ModuleLang: KEY = 'MODULE_LANG' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get("MODULE_LANG").lower() or consts.ModuleLang.UNKNOWN} class ModuleType: KEY = 'MODULE_TYPE' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('MODULE_TYPE')} class NoCheck: KEY = 'NO-CHECK' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): if unit.get('NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE') != "None": value = serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, 'NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE') or ["*"]) return {cls.KEY: value} class NodejsRootVarName: KEY = 'NODEJS-ROOT-VAR-NAME' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get("NODEJS-ROOT-VAR-NAME")} class NodeModulesBundleFilename: KEY = 'NODE-MODULES-BUNDLE-FILENAME' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: spec_args.get('nm_bundle')} class PythonPaths: KEY = 'PYTHON-PATHS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): python_paths = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_PYTHON_PATH_VALUE') return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(python_paths)} class Requirements: KEY = 'REQUIREMENTS' @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_requirements = spec_args.get('REQUIREMENTS', []) + get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE') return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(test_requirements)} @classmethod def with_maybe_fuzzing(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_requirements = serialize_list( spec_args.get('REQUIREMENTS', []) + get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE') ) if unit.get('FUZZING') == 'yes': value = serialize_list(filter(None, deserialize_list(test_requirements) + ["cpu:all", "ram:all"])) return {cls.KEY: value} else: return {cls.KEY: test_requirements} @classmethod def from_macro_args(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = " ".join(spec_args.get('REQUIREMENTS', [])) return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): requirements = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE') return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(requirements)} @classmethod def from_unit_with_full_network(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): requirements = sorted(set(["network:full"] + get_values_list(unit, "TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE"))) return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(requirements)} class SbrUidExt: KEY = 'SBR-UID-EXT' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): uid_ext = unit.get("SBR_UID_EXT").split(" ", 1)[-1] # strip variable name return {cls.KEY: uid_ext} class ScriptRelPath: KEY = 'SCRIPT-REL-PATH' @classmethod def second_flat(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: flat_args[1]} @classmethod def first_flat(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: flat_args[0]} @classmethod def pytest(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: 'py3test.bin' if (unit.get("PYTHON3") == 'yes') else "pytest.bin"} @classmethod def junit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: 'junit5.test' if unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') == 'JUNIT5' else 'junit.test'} class Size: KEY = 'SIZE' @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: ''.join(spec_args.get('SIZE', [])) or unit.get('TEST_SIZE_NAME')} @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('TEST_SIZE_NAME')} class SkipTest: KEY = 'SKIP_TEST' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('SKIP_TEST_VALUE')} class SourceFolderPath: KEY = 'SOURCE-FOLDER-PATH' @classmethod def normalized(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit)} @classmethod def test_dir(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_dir = _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit) test_files = flat_args[1:] if test_files: test_dir = os.path.dirname(test_files[0]).lstrip("$S/") return {cls.KEY: test_dir} class SplitFactor: KEY = 'SPLIT-FACTOR' @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = ''.join(spec_args.get('SPLIT_FACTOR', [])) or unit.get('TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR') return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR')} class Tag: KEY = 'TAG' @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): tags = serialize_list(sorted(_get_test_tags(unit, spec_args))) return {cls.KEY: tags} @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): tags = serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, "TEST_TAGS_VALUE")) return {cls.KEY: tags} @classmethod def from_unit_fat_external_no_retries(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): tags = sorted(set(["ya:fat", "ya:external", "ya:noretries"] + get_values_list(unit, "TEST_TAGS_VALUE"))) return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(tags)} class TestClasspath: KEY = 'TEST_CLASSPATH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_classpath_origins = unit.get('TEST_CLASSPATH_VALUE') ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes' if test_classpath_origins: value = '${TEST_CLASSPATH_MANAGED}' return {cls.KEY: value} elif ymake_java_test: value = '${DART_CLASSPATH}' return {cls.KEY: value} class TestClasspathDeps: KEY = 'TEST_CLASSPATH_DEPS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_classpath_origins = unit.get('TEST_CLASSPATH_VALUE') ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes' if not test_classpath_origins and ymake_java_test: return {cls.KEY: '${DART_CLASSPATH_DEPS}'} class TestClasspathOrigins: KEY = 'TEST_CLASSPATH_ORIGINS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_classpath_origins = unit.get('TEST_CLASSPATH_VALUE') if test_classpath_origins: return {cls.KEY: test_classpath_origins} class TestCwd: KEY = 'TEST-CWD' @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_cwd = unit.get('TEST_CWD_VALUE') # TODO: validate test_cwd value return {cls.KEY: test_cwd} @classmethod def keywords_replaced(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_cwd = unit.get('TEST_CWD_VALUE') or '' if test_cwd: test_cwd = test_cwd.replace("$TEST_CWD_VALUE", "").replace('"MACRO_CALLS_DELIM"', "").strip() return {cls.KEY: test_cwd} @classmethod def moddir(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get("MODDIR")} class TestData: KEY = 'TEST-DATA' @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_data = sorted( _common.filter_out_by_keyword( spec_args.get('DATA', []) + get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE'), 'AUTOUPDATED' ) ) return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(test_data)} @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit_with_canonical(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_data = sorted( _common.filter_out_by_keyword( spec_args.get('DATA', []) + get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE'), 'AUTOUPDATED' ) ) data, _ = get_canonical_test_resources(unit) test_data += data value = serialize_list(sorted(test_data)) return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def ktlint(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): if unit.get('_USE_KTLINT_OLD') == 'yes': extra_test_data = [KTLINT_OLD_EDITOR_CONFIG] else: data_list = [KTLINT_CURRENT_EDITOR_CONFIG] baseline_path_relative = unit.get('_KTLINT_BASELINE_FILE') if baseline_path_relative: baseline_path = unit.resolve_arc_path(baseline_path_relative).replace('$S', 'arcadia') data_list += [baseline_path] extra_test_data = data_list # XXX if unit.get('_WITH_YA_1931') != 'yes': extra_test_data += java_srcdirs_to_data(unit, 'ALL_SRCDIRS', serialize_result=False) extra_test_data = serialize_list(extra_test_data) return {cls.KEY: extra_test_data} @classmethod def java_style(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes' if ymake_java_test: return {cls.KEY: java_srcdirs_to_data(unit, 'ALL_SRCDIRS')} @classmethod def from_unit_with_canonical(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_data = get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE') data, _ = get_canonical_test_resources(unit) test_data += data value = serialize_list(sorted(_common.filter_out_by_keyword(test_data, 'AUTOUPDATED'))) return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def java_test(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_data = get_norm_paths(unit, 'TEST_DATA_VALUE') test_data.append('arcadia/build/scripts/') test_data.append('arcadia/build/scripts/') data, _ = get_canonical_test_resources(unit) test_data += data props, error_mgs = extract_java_system_properties(unit, get_values_list(unit, 'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_VALUE')) if error_mgs: ymake.report_configure_error(error_mgs) raise DartValueError() for prop in props: if prop['type'] == 'file': test_data.append(prop['path'].replace('${ARCADIA_ROOT}', 'arcadia')) value = serialize_list(sorted(_common.filter_out_by_keyword(test_data, 'AUTOUPDATED'))) return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, "TEST_DATA_VALUE"))} class DockerImage: KEY = 'DOCKER-IMAGES' @staticmethod def _validate(images): docker_image_re = consts.DOCKER_LINK_RE for img in images: msg = None if "=" in img: link, _ = img.rsplit('=', 1) if docker_image_re.match(link) is None: msg = 'Invalid docker url format: {}. Link should be provided in format docker://@sha256:'.format( link ) else: msg = 'Invalid docker image: {}. Image should be provided in format ='.format(img) if msg: ymake.report_configure_error(msg) raise DartValueError(msg) @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): raw_value = get_values_list(unit, 'DOCKER_IMAGES_VALUE') images = sorted(raw_value) if images: cls._validate(images) return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(images)} class TsConfigPath: KEY = 'TS_CONFIG_PATH' class TsStylelintConfig: KEY = 'TS_STYLELINT_CONFIG' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_config = unit.get('_TS_STYLELINT_CONFIG') abs_test_config = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(test_config)) if not abs_test_config: ymake.report_configure_error( f"Config for stylelint not found: {test_config}.\n" "Set the correct value in `TS_STYLELINT()` macro in the `ya.make` file." ) return {cls.KEY: test_config} class TsTestDataDirs: KEY = 'TS-TEST-DATA-DIRS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = serialize_list(_get_ts_test_data_dirs(unit)) return {cls.KEY: value} class TsTestDataDirsRename: KEY = 'TS-TEST-DATA-DIRS-RENAME' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get("_TS_TEST_DATA_DIRS_RENAME_VALUE")} class TsTestForPath: KEY = 'TS-TEST-FOR-PATH' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR_PATH")} class TestedProjectFilename: KEY = 'TESTED-PROJECT-FILENAME' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.filename()} class TestedProjectName: KEY = 'TESTED-PROJECT-NAME' @classmethod def unit_name(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY:} @classmethod def normalized_basename(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_dir = _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit) return {cls.KEY: os.path.basename(test_dir)} @classmethod def test_dir(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_dir = _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit) test_files = flat_args[1:] if test_files: test_dir = os.path.dirname(test_files[0]).lstrip("$S/") return {cls.KEY: os.path.basename(test_dir)} @classmethod def path_filename_basename(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): binary_path = os.path.join(unit.path(), unit.filename()) return {cls.KEY: os.path.basename(binary_path)} @classmethod def normalized(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit)} @classmethod def path_filename_basename_without_pkg_ext(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = os.path.basename(os.path.join(unit.path(), unit.filename()).replace(".pkg", "")) return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def filename_without_ext(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: os.path.splitext(unit.filename())[0]} class TestFiles: KEY = 'TEST-FILES' # TODO remove FILES, see DEVTOOLS-7052, currently it's required # KEY2 = 'FILES' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): data_re = re.compile(r"sbr:/?/?(\d+)=?.*") data = flat_args[1:] resources = [] for f in data: matched = re.match(data_re, f) if matched: resources.append( value = serialize_list(resources) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def flat_args_wo_first(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = serialize_list(flat_args[1:]) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def java_style(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_files = flat_args[1:] check_level = flat_args[1] allowed_levels = { 'base': '/yandex_checks.xml', 'strict': '/yandex_checks_strict.xml', 'extended': '/yandex_checks_extended.xml', 'library': '/yandex_checks_library.xml', } if check_level not in allowed_levels: raise Exception("'{}' is not allowed in LINT(), use one of {}".format(check_level, allowed_levels.keys())) test_files[0] = allowed_levels[check_level] value = serialize_list(test_files) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def normalized(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = serialize_list([_common.get_norm_unit_path(unit, unit.filename())]) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def test_srcs(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_files = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_SRCS_VALUE') value = serialize_list(test_files) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def ts_test_srcs(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_TEST_SRCS_VALUE") test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files) value = serialize_list(test_files) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def ts_input_files(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): typecheck_files = get_values_list(unit, "TS_INPUT_FILES") test_files = [_common.resolve_common_const(f) for f in typecheck_files] value = serialize_list(test_files) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def ts_lint_srcs(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_LINT_SRCS_VALUE") test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files) value = serialize_list(test_files) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def stylesheets(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_STYLELINT_FILES") test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files) value = serialize_list(test_files) return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value} @classmethod def py_linter_files(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): files = unit.get('PY_LINTER_FILES') if not files: raise DartValueError() files = json.loads(files) test_files = [] for path in files: if path.startswith(ARCADIA_ROOT): test_files.append(path.replace(ARCADIA_ROOT, SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT, 1)) elif path.startswith(SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT): test_files.append(path) if not test_files: lint_name = LintName.value(unit, flat_args, spec_args)[LintName.KEY] message = 'No files to lint for {}'.format(lint_name) raise DartValueError(message) test_files = serialize_list(test_files) return {cls.KEY: test_files, cls.KEY2: test_files} class TestEnv: KEY = 'TEST-ENV' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: prepare_env(unit.get("TEST_ENV_VALUE"))} class TestIosDeviceType: KEY = 'TEST_IOS_DEVICE_TYPE' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('TEST_IOS_DEVICE_TYPE_VALUE')} class TestIosRuntimeType: KEY = 'TEST_IOS_RUNTIME_TYPE' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('TEST_IOS_RUNTIME_TYPE_VALUE')} class TestJar: KEY = 'TEST_JAR' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_classpath_origins = unit.get('TEST_CLASSPATH_VALUE') ymake_java_test = unit.get('YMAKE_JAVA_TEST') == 'yes' if not test_classpath_origins and ymake_java_test: if unit.get('UNITTEST_DIR'): value = '${UNITTEST_MOD}' else: value = '{}/{}.jar'.format(unit.get('MODDIR'), unit.get('REALPRJNAME')) return {cls.KEY: value} class TestName: KEY = 'TEST-NAME' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: flat_args[0]} @classmethod def first_flat_with_bench(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: flat_args[0] + '_bench'} @classmethod def first_flat(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: flat_args[0].lower()} @classmethod def filename_without_ext(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_name = os.path.basename(os.path.join(unit.path(), unit.filename())) return {cls.KEY: os.path.splitext(test_name)[0]} @classmethod def normalized_joined_dir_basename(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): path = _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit) value = '-'.join([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)), os.path.basename(path)]) return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def normalized_joined_dir_basename_deps(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): path = _common.get_norm_unit_path(unit) value = '-'.join([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)), os.path.basename(path), 'dependencies']).strip('-') return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def filename_without_pkg_ext(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_name = os.path.basename(os.path.join(unit.path(), unit.filename()).replace(".pkg", "")) return {cls.KEY: os.path.splitext(test_name)[0]} @classmethod def name_from_macro_args(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: spec_args['NAME'][0]} class TestPartition: KEY = 'TEST_PARTITION' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get("TEST_PARTITION")} class TestRecipes: KEY = 'TEST-RECIPES' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: prepare_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE"))} class TestRunnerBin: KEY = 'TEST-RUNNER-BIN' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): runner_bin = spec_args.get('RUNNER_BIN', [None])[0] if runner_bin: return {cls.KEY: runner_bin} class TestTimeout: KEY = 'TEST-TIMEOUT' @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): test_timeout = ''.join(spec_args.get('TIMEOUT', [])) or unit.get('TEST_TIMEOUT') or '' return {cls.KEY: test_timeout} @classmethod def from_unit_with_default(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): timeout = list(filter(None, [unit.get(["TEST_TIMEOUT"])])) if timeout: timeout = timeout[0] else: timeout = '0' return {cls.KEY: timeout} @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('TEST_TIMEOUT')} class TsResources: KEY = "{}-ROOT-VAR-NAME" @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): erm_json = spec_args['erm_json'] ret = {} for tool in erm_json.list_npm_packages(): tool_resource_label = cls.KEY.format(tool.upper()) tool_resource_value = unit.get(tool_resource_label) if tool_resource_value: ret[tool_resource_label] = tool_resource_value return ret class JvmArgs: KEY = 'JVM_ARGS' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, 'JVM_ARGS_VALUE')) return {cls.KEY: value} class StrictClasspathClash: KEY = 'STRICT_CLASSPATH_CLASH' class SystemProperties: KEY = 'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): props, error_mgs = extract_java_system_properties(unit, get_values_list(unit, 'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_VALUE')) if error_mgs: ymake.report_configure_error(error_mgs) raise DartValueError() props = base64.b64encode(six.ensure_binary(json.dumps(props))) return {cls.KEY: props} class UnittestDir: KEY = 'UNITTEST_DIR' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('UNITTEST_DIR')} class UseArcadiaPython: KEY = 'USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): return {cls.KEY: unit.get('USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON')} class UseKtlintOld: KEY = 'USE_KTLINT_OLD' @classmethod def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): if unit.get('_USE_KTLINT_OLD') == 'yes': return {cls.KEY: 'yes'} class YtSpec: KEY = 'YT-SPEC' @classmethod def from_macro_args_and_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): value = serialize_list(spec_args.get('YT_SPEC', []) + get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE')) return {cls.KEY: value} @classmethod def from_unit(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): yt_spec = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE') if yt_spec: return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(yt_spec)} @classmethod def from_unit_list_var(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args): yt_spec_values = get_unit_list_variable(unit, 'TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE') return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(yt_spec_values)}