from __future__ import annotations import sys assert sys.platform == "win32" from ctypes import byref, windll from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE from typing import Any, TextIO from prompt_toolkit.data_structures import Size from prompt_toolkit.win32_types import STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE from .base import Output from .color_depth import ColorDepth from .vt100 import Vt100_Output from .win32 import Win32Output __all__ = [ "Windows10_Output", ] # See: ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT = 0x0001 ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x0004 class Windows10_Output: """ Windows 10 output abstraction. This enables and uses vt100 escape sequences. """ def __init__( self, stdout: TextIO, default_color_depth: ColorDepth | None = None ) -> None: self.default_color_depth = default_color_depth self.win32_output = Win32Output(stdout, default_color_depth=default_color_depth) self.vt100_output = Vt100_Output( stdout, lambda: Size(0, 0), default_color_depth=default_color_depth ) self._hconsole = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)) def flush(self) -> None: """ Write to output stream and flush. """ original_mode = DWORD(0) # Remember the previous console mode. windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode(self._hconsole, byref(original_mode)) # Enable processing of vt100 sequences. windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode( self._hconsole, DWORD(ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING), ) try: self.vt100_output.flush() finally: # Restore console mode. windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode(self._hconsole, original_mode) @property def responds_to_cpr(self) -> bool: return False # We don't need this on Windows. def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: if name in ( "get_size", "get_rows_below_cursor_position", "enable_mouse_support", "disable_mouse_support", "scroll_buffer_to_prompt", "get_win32_screen_buffer_info", "enable_bracketed_paste", "disable_bracketed_paste", ): return getattr(self.win32_output, name) else: return getattr(self.vt100_output, name) def get_default_color_depth(self) -> ColorDepth: """ Return the default color depth for a windows terminal. Contrary to the Vt100 implementation, this doesn't depend on a $TERM variable. """ if self.default_color_depth is not None: return self.default_color_depth # Previously, we used `DEPTH_4_BIT`, even on Windows 10. This was # because true color support was added after "Console Virtual Terminal # Sequences" support was added, and there was no good way to detect # what support was given. # 24bit color support was added in 2016, so let's assume it's safe to # take that as a default: # return ColorDepth.TRUE_COLOR Output.register(Windows10_Output) def is_win_vt100_enabled() -> bool: """ Returns True when we're running Windows and VT100 escape sequences are supported. """ if sys.platform != "win32": return False hconsole = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)) # Get original console mode. original_mode = DWORD(0) windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode(hconsole, byref(original_mode)) try: # Try to enable VT100 sequences. result: int = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode( hconsole, DWORD(ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) ) return result == 1 finally: windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode(hconsole, original_mode)