# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pickle import random from collections import deque from copy import copy as shallow_copy import pytest from markupsafe import Markup from jinja2._compat import range_type from jinja2._compat import string_types from jinja2.utils import consume from jinja2.utils import generate_lorem_ipsum from jinja2.utils import LRUCache from jinja2.utils import missing from jinja2.utils import object_type_repr from jinja2.utils import select_autoescape from jinja2.utils import urlize class TestLRUCache(object): def test_simple(self): d = LRUCache(3) d["a"] = 1 d["b"] = 2 d["c"] = 3 d["a"] d["d"] = 4 assert len(d) == 3 assert "a" in d and "c" in d and "d" in d and "b" not in d def test_itervalue_deprecated(self): cache = LRUCache(3) cache["a"] = 1 cache["b"] = 2 with pytest.deprecated_call(): cache.itervalue() def test_itervalues(self): cache = LRUCache(3) cache["b"] = 1 cache["a"] = 2 values = [v for v in cache.values()] assert len(values) == 2 assert 1 in values assert 2 in values def test_itervalues_empty(self): cache = LRUCache(2) values = [v for v in cache.values()] assert len(values) == 0 def test_pickleable(self): cache = LRUCache(2) cache["foo"] = 42 cache["bar"] = 23 cache["foo"] for protocol in range(3): copy = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(cache, protocol)) assert copy.capacity == cache.capacity assert copy._mapping == cache._mapping assert copy._queue == cache._queue @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy_func", [LRUCache.copy, shallow_copy]) def test_copy(self, copy_func): cache = LRUCache(2) cache["a"] = 1 cache["b"] = 2 copy = copy_func(cache) assert copy._queue == cache._queue copy["c"] = 3 assert copy._queue != cache._queue assert "a" not in copy and "b" in copy and "c" in copy def test_clear(self): d = LRUCache(3) d["a"] = 1 d["b"] = 2 d["c"] = 3 d.clear() assert d.__getstate__() == {"capacity": 3, "_mapping": {}, "_queue": deque([])} def test_repr(self): d = LRUCache(3) d["a"] = 1 d["b"] = 2 d["c"] = 3 # Sort the strings - mapping is unordered assert sorted(repr(d)) == sorted(u"") def test_items(self): """Test various items, keys, values and iterators of LRUCache.""" d = LRUCache(3) d["a"] = 1 d["b"] = 2 d["c"] = 3 assert d.items() == [("c", 3), ("b", 2), ("a", 1)] assert d.keys() == ["c", "b", "a"] assert d.values() == [3, 2, 1] assert list(reversed(d)) == ["a", "b", "c"] # Change the cache a little d["b"] d["a"] = 4 assert d.items() == [("a", 4), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)] assert d.keys() == ["a", "b", "c"] assert d.values() == [4, 2, 3] assert list(reversed(d)) == ["c", "b", "a"] def test_setdefault(self): d = LRUCache(3) assert len(d) == 0 assert d.setdefault("a") is None assert d.setdefault("a", 1) is None assert len(d) == 1 assert d.setdefault("b", 2) == 2 assert len(d) == 2 class TestHelpers(object): def test_object_type_repr(self): class X(object): pass assert object_type_repr(42) == "int object" assert object_type_repr([]) == "list object" assert object_type_repr(X()) == "__tests__.test_utils.X object" assert object_type_repr(None) == "None" assert object_type_repr(Ellipsis) == "Ellipsis" def test_autoescape_select(self): func = select_autoescape( enabled_extensions=("html", ".htm"), disabled_extensions=("txt",), default_for_string="STRING", default="NONE", ) assert func(None) == "STRING" assert func("unknown.foo") == "NONE" assert func("foo.html") assert func("foo.htm") assert not func("foo.txt") assert func("FOO.HTML") assert not func("FOO.TXT") class TestEscapeUrlizeTarget(object): def test_escape_urlize_target(self): url = "http://example.org" target = "