/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include #include #include #include #include AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(s_transfer_coding_chunked, "chunked"); AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(s_transfer_coding_compress, "compress"); AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(s_transfer_coding_x_compress, "x-compress"); AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(s_transfer_coding_deflate, "deflate"); AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(s_transfer_coding_gzip, "gzip"); AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(s_transfer_coding_x_gzip, "x-gzip"); /* Decoder runs a state machine. * Each state consumes data until it sets the next state. * A common state is the "line state", which handles consuming one line ending in CRLF * and feeding the line to a linestate_fn, which should process data and set the next state. */ typedef int(state_fn)(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor *input); typedef int(linestate_fn)(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input); struct aws_h1_decoder { /* Implementation data. */ struct aws_allocator *alloc; struct aws_byte_buf scratch_space; state_fn *run_state; linestate_fn *process_line; int transfer_encoding; uint64_t content_processed; uint64_t content_length; uint64_t chunk_processed; uint64_t chunk_size; bool doing_trailers; bool is_done; bool body_headers_ignored; bool body_headers_forbidden; enum aws_http_header_block header_block; const void *logging_id; /* User callbacks and settings. */ struct aws_h1_decoder_vtable vtable; bool is_decoding_requests; void *user_data; }; static int s_linestate_request(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input); static int s_linestate_response(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input); static int s_linestate_header(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input); static int s_linestate_chunk_size(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input); static bool s_scan_for_crlf(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input, size_t *bytes_processed) { AWS_ASSERT(input.len > 0); /* In a loop, scan for "\n", then look one char back for "\r" */ uint8_t *ptr = input.ptr; uint8_t *end = input.ptr + input.len; while (ptr != end) { uint8_t *newline = (uint8_t *)memchr(ptr, '\n', end - ptr); if (!newline) { break; } uint8_t prev_char; if (newline == input.ptr) { /* If "\n" is first character check scratch_space for previous character */ if (decoder->scratch_space.len > 0) { prev_char = decoder->scratch_space.buffer[decoder->scratch_space.len - 1]; } else { prev_char = 0; } } else { prev_char = *(newline - 1); } if (prev_char == '\r') { *bytes_processed = 1 + (newline - input.ptr); return true; } ptr = newline + 1; } *bytes_processed = input.len; return false; } /* This state consumes an entire line, then calls a linestate_fn to process the line. */ static int s_state_getline(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor *input) { /* If preceding runs of this state failed to find CRLF, their data is stored in the scratch_space * and new data needs to be combined with the old data for processing. */ bool has_prev_data = decoder->scratch_space.len; size_t line_length = 0; bool found_crlf = s_scan_for_crlf(decoder, *input, &line_length); /* Found end of line! Run the line processor on it */ struct aws_byte_cursor line = aws_byte_cursor_advance(input, line_length); bool use_scratch = !found_crlf | has_prev_data; if (AWS_UNLIKELY(use_scratch)) { if (aws_byte_buf_append_dynamic(&decoder->scratch_space, &line)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Internal buffer write failed with error code %d (%s)", decoder->logging_id, aws_last_error(), aws_error_name(aws_last_error())); return AWS_OP_ERR; } /* Line is actually the entire scratch buffer now */ line = aws_byte_cursor_from_buf(&decoder->scratch_space); } if (AWS_LIKELY(found_crlf)) { /* Backup so "\r\n" is not included. */ /* RFC-7230 section 3 Message Format */ AWS_ASSERT(line.len >= 2); line.len -= 2; return decoder->process_line(decoder, line); } /* Didn't find crlf, we'll continue scanning when more data comes in */ return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static int s_cursor_split_impl( struct aws_byte_cursor input, char split_on, struct aws_byte_cursor *cursor_array, size_t num_cursors, bool error_if_more_splits_possible) { struct aws_byte_cursor split; AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(split); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_cursors; ++i) { if (!aws_byte_cursor_next_split(&input, split_on, &split)) { return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } cursor_array[i] = split; } if (error_if_more_splits_possible) { if (aws_byte_cursor_next_split(&input, split_on, &split)) { return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } else { /* Otherwise, the last cursor will contain the remainder of the string */ struct aws_byte_cursor *last_cursor = &cursor_array[num_cursors - 1]; last_cursor->len = (input.ptr + input.len) - last_cursor->ptr; } return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Final cursor contains remainder of input. */ static int s_cursor_split_first_n_times( struct aws_byte_cursor input, char split_on, struct aws_byte_cursor *cursor_array, size_t num_cursors) { return s_cursor_split_impl(input, split_on, cursor_array, num_cursors, false); } /* Error if input could have been split more times */ static int s_cursor_split_exactly_n_times( struct aws_byte_cursor input, char split_on, struct aws_byte_cursor *cursor_array, size_t num_cursors) { return s_cursor_split_impl(input, split_on, cursor_array, num_cursors, true); } static void s_set_state(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, state_fn *state) { decoder->scratch_space.len = 0; decoder->run_state = state; decoder->process_line = NULL; } /* Set next state to capture a full line, then call the specified linestate_fn on it */ static void s_set_line_state(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, linestate_fn *line_processor) { s_set_state(decoder, s_state_getline); decoder->process_line = line_processor; } static int s_mark_done(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder) { decoder->is_done = true; return decoder->vtable.on_done(decoder->user_data); } /* Reset state, in preparation for processing a new message */ static void s_reset_state(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder) { if (decoder->is_decoding_requests) { s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_request); } else { s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_response); } decoder->transfer_encoding = 0; decoder->content_processed = 0; decoder->content_length = 0; decoder->chunk_processed = 0; decoder->chunk_size = 0; decoder->doing_trailers = false; decoder->is_done = false; decoder->body_headers_ignored = false; decoder->body_headers_forbidden = false; /* set to normal by default */ decoder->header_block = AWS_HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_MAIN; } static int s_state_unchunked_body(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor *input) { size_t processed_bytes = 0; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(decoder->content_processed < decoder->content_length); /* shouldn't be possible */ if (input->len > (decoder->content_length - decoder->content_processed)) { processed_bytes = (size_t)(decoder->content_length - decoder->content_processed); } else { processed_bytes = input->len; } decoder->content_processed += processed_bytes; bool finished = decoder->content_processed == decoder->content_length; struct aws_byte_cursor body = aws_byte_cursor_advance(input, processed_bytes); int err = decoder->vtable.on_body(&body, finished, decoder->user_data); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } if (AWS_LIKELY(finished)) { err = s_mark_done(decoder); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } } return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static int s_linestate_chunk_terminator(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input) { /* Expecting CRLF at end of each chunk */ /* RFC-7230 section 4.1 Chunked Transfer Encoding */ if (AWS_UNLIKELY(input.len != 0)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming chunk is invalid, does not end with CRLF.", decoder->logging_id); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_chunk_size); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static int s_state_chunk(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor *input) { size_t processed_bytes = 0; AWS_ASSERT(decoder->chunk_processed < decoder->chunk_size); if (input->len > (decoder->chunk_size - decoder->chunk_processed)) { processed_bytes = (size_t)(decoder->chunk_size - decoder->chunk_processed); } else { processed_bytes = input->len; } decoder->chunk_processed += processed_bytes; bool finished = decoder->chunk_processed == decoder->chunk_size; struct aws_byte_cursor body = aws_byte_cursor_advance(input, processed_bytes); int err = decoder->vtable.on_body(&body, false, decoder->user_data); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } if (AWS_LIKELY(finished)) { s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_chunk_terminator); } return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static int s_linestate_chunk_size(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input) { struct aws_byte_cursor size; AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(size); if (!aws_byte_cursor_next_split(&input, ';', &size)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming chunk is invalid, first line is malformed.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad chunk line is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return AWS_OP_ERR; } int err = aws_byte_cursor_utf8_parse_u64_hex(size, &decoder->chunk_size); if (err) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Failed to parse size of incoming chunk.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad chunk size is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(size)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } decoder->chunk_processed = 0; /* Empty chunk signifies all chunks have been read. */ if (AWS_UNLIKELY(decoder->chunk_size == 0)) { struct aws_byte_cursor cursor; cursor.ptr = NULL; cursor.len = 0; err = decoder->vtable.on_body(&cursor, true, decoder->user_data); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } /* Expected empty newline and end of message. */ decoder->doing_trailers = true; s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_header); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Skip all chunk extensions, as they are optional. */ /* RFC-7230 section 4.1.1 Chunk Extensions */ s_set_state(decoder, s_state_chunk); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static int s_linestate_header(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input) { int err; /* The \r\n was just processed by `s_state_getline`. */ /* Empty line signifies end of headers, and beginning of body or end of trailers. */ /* RFC-7230 section 3 Message Format */ if (input.len == 0) { if (AWS_LIKELY(!decoder->doing_trailers)) { if (decoder->body_headers_ignored) { err = s_mark_done(decoder); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } } else if (decoder->transfer_encoding & AWS_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED) { s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_chunk_size); } else if (decoder->content_length > 0) { s_set_state(decoder, s_state_unchunked_body); } else { err = s_mark_done(decoder); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } } } else { /* Empty line means end of message. */ err = s_mark_done(decoder); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } } return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Each header field consists of a case-insensitive field name followed by a colon (":"), * optional leading whitespace, the field value, and optional trailing whitespace. * RFC-7230 3.2 */ struct aws_byte_cursor splits[2]; err = s_cursor_split_first_n_times(input, ':', splits, 2); /* value may contain more colons */ if (err) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Invalid incoming header, missing colon.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad header is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } struct aws_byte_cursor name = splits[0]; if (!aws_strutil_is_http_token(name)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Invalid incoming header, bad name.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad header is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } struct aws_byte_cursor value = aws_strutil_trim_http_whitespace(splits[1]); if (!aws_strutil_is_http_field_value(value)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Invalid incoming header, bad value.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad header is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } struct aws_h1_decoded_header header; header.name = aws_http_str_to_header_name(name); header.name_data = name; header.value_data = value; header.data = input; switch (header.name) { case AWS_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH: if (decoder->transfer_encoding) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming headers for both content-length and transfer-encoding received. This is illegal.", decoder->logging_id); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if (aws_byte_cursor_utf8_parse_u64(header.value_data, &decoder->content_length)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming content-length header has invalid value.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad content-length value is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(header.value_data)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if (decoder->body_headers_forbidden && decoder->content_length != 0) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming headers for content-length received, but it is illegal for this message to have a " "body", decoder->logging_id); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } break; case AWS_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING: { if (decoder->content_length) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming headers for both content-length and transfer-encoding received. This is illegal.", decoder->logging_id); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if (decoder->body_headers_forbidden) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming headers for transfer-encoding received, but it is illegal for this message to " "have a body", decoder->logging_id); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } /* RFC-7230 section 3.3.1 Transfer-Encoding */ /* RFC-7230 section 4.2 Compression Codings */ /* Note that it's possible for multiple Transfer-Encoding headers to exist, in which case the values * should be appended with those from any previously encountered Transfer-Encoding headers. */ struct aws_byte_cursor split; AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(split); while (aws_byte_cursor_next_split(&header.value_data, ',', &split)) { struct aws_byte_cursor coding = aws_strutil_trim_http_whitespace(split); int prev_flags = decoder->transfer_encoding; if (aws_string_eq_byte_cursor_ignore_case(s_transfer_coding_chunked, &coding)) { decoder->transfer_encoding |= AWS_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED; } else if ( aws_string_eq_byte_cursor_ignore_case(s_transfer_coding_compress, &coding) || aws_string_eq_byte_cursor_ignore_case(s_transfer_coding_x_compress, &coding)) { /* A recipient SHOULD consider "x-compress" to be equivalent to "compress". RFC-7230 4.2.1 */ decoder->transfer_encoding |= AWS_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_DEPRECATED_COMPRESS; } else if (aws_string_eq_byte_cursor_ignore_case(s_transfer_coding_deflate, &coding)) { decoder->transfer_encoding |= AWS_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_DEFLATE; } else if ( aws_string_eq_byte_cursor_ignore_case(s_transfer_coding_gzip, &coding) || aws_string_eq_byte_cursor_ignore_case(s_transfer_coding_x_gzip, &coding)) { /* A recipient SHOULD consider "x-gzip" to be equivalent to "gzip". RFC-7230 4.2.3 */ decoder->transfer_encoding |= AWS_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_GZIP; } else if (coding.len > 0) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming transfer-encoding header lists unrecognized coding.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Unrecognized coding is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(coding)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } /* If any transfer coding other than chunked is applied to a request payload body, the sender MUST * apply chunked as the final transfer coding to ensure that the message is properly framed. * RFC-7230 3.3.1 */ if ((prev_flags & AWS_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED) && (decoder->transfer_encoding != prev_flags)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming transfer-encoding header lists a coding after 'chunked', this is illegal.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Misplaced coding is '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(coding)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } /* TODO: deal with body of indeterminate length, marking it as successful when connection is closed: * * A response that has neither chunked transfer coding nor Content-Length is terminated by closure of * the connection and, thus, is considered complete regardless of the number of message body octets * received, provided that the header section was received intact. * RFC-7230 3.4 */ } break; default: break; } err = decoder->vtable.on_header(&header, decoder->user_data); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_header); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static int s_linestate_request(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input) { struct aws_byte_cursor cursors[3]; int err = s_cursor_split_exactly_n_times(input, ' ', cursors, 3); /* extra spaces not allowed */ if (err) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming request line has wrong number of spaces.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad request line is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } for (size_t i = 0; i < AWS_ARRAY_SIZE(cursors); ++i) { if (cursors[i].len == 0) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming request line has empty values.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad request line is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } struct aws_byte_cursor method = cursors[0]; struct aws_byte_cursor uri = cursors[1]; struct aws_byte_cursor version = cursors[2]; if (!aws_strutil_is_http_token(method)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming request has invalid method.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad request line is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if (!aws_strutil_is_http_request_target(uri)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming request has invalid path.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad request line is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } struct aws_byte_cursor version_expected = aws_http_version_to_str(AWS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); if (!aws_byte_cursor_eq(&version, &version_expected)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming request uses unsupported HTTP version.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Unsupported version is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(version)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } err = decoder->vtable.on_request(aws_http_str_to_method(method), &method, &uri, decoder->user_data); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_header); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } static bool s_check_info_response_status_code(int code_val) { return code_val >= 100 && code_val < 200; } static int s_linestate_response(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor input) { struct aws_byte_cursor cursors[3]; int err = s_cursor_split_first_n_times(input, ' ', cursors, 3); /* phrase may contain spaces */ if (err) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming response status line is invalid.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad status line is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(input)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } struct aws_byte_cursor version = cursors[0]; struct aws_byte_cursor code = cursors[1]; struct aws_byte_cursor phrase = cursors[2]; struct aws_byte_cursor version_1_1_expected = aws_http_version_to_str(AWS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); struct aws_byte_cursor version_1_0_expected = aws_http_version_to_str(AWS_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); if (!aws_byte_cursor_eq(&version, &version_1_1_expected) && !aws_byte_cursor_eq(&version, &version_1_0_expected)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming response uses unsupported HTTP version.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Unsupported version is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(version)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } /* Validate phrase */ if (!aws_strutil_is_http_reason_phrase(phrase)) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming response has invalid reason phrase.", decoder->logging_id); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } /* Status-code is a 3-digit integer. RFC7230 section 3.1.2 */ uint64_t code_val_u64; err = aws_byte_cursor_utf8_parse_u64(code, &code_val_u64); if (err || code.len != 3 || code_val_u64 > 999) { AWS_LOGF_ERROR(AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Incoming response has invalid status code.", decoder->logging_id); AWS_LOGF_DEBUG( AWS_LS_HTTP_STREAM, "id=%p: Bad status code is: '" PRInSTR "'", decoder->logging_id, AWS_BYTE_CURSOR_PRI(code)); return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_HTTP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } int code_val = (int)code_val_u64; /* RFC-7230 section 3.3 Message Body */ decoder->body_headers_ignored |= code_val == AWS_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_304_NOT_MODIFIED; decoder->body_headers_forbidden = code_val == AWS_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_204_NO_CONTENT || code_val / 100 == 1; if (s_check_info_response_status_code(code_val)) { decoder->header_block = AWS_HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_INFORMATIONAL; } err = decoder->vtable.on_response(code_val, decoder->user_data); if (err) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } s_set_line_state(decoder, s_linestate_header); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } struct aws_h1_decoder *aws_h1_decoder_new(struct aws_h1_decoder_params *params) { AWS_ASSERT(params); struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder = aws_mem_acquire(params->alloc, sizeof(struct aws_h1_decoder)); if (!decoder) { return NULL; } AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*decoder); decoder->alloc = params->alloc; decoder->user_data = params->user_data; decoder->vtable = params->vtable; decoder->is_decoding_requests = params->is_decoding_requests; aws_byte_buf_init(&decoder->scratch_space, params->alloc, params->scratch_space_initial_size); s_reset_state(decoder); return decoder; } void aws_h1_decoder_destroy(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder) { if (!decoder) { return; } aws_byte_buf_clean_up(&decoder->scratch_space); aws_mem_release(decoder->alloc, decoder); } int aws_h1_decode(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, struct aws_byte_cursor *data) { AWS_ASSERT(decoder); AWS_ASSERT(data); struct aws_byte_cursor backup = *data; while (data->len && !decoder->is_done) { int err = decoder->run_state(decoder, data); if (err) { /* Reset the data param to how we found it */ *data = backup; return AWS_OP_ERR; } } if (decoder->is_done) { s_reset_state(decoder); } return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } int aws_h1_decoder_get_encoding_flags(const struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder) { return decoder->transfer_encoding; } uint64_t aws_h1_decoder_get_content_length(const struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder) { return decoder->content_length; } bool aws_h1_decoder_get_body_headers_ignored(const struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder) { return decoder->body_headers_ignored; } enum aws_http_header_block aws_h1_decoder_get_header_block(const struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder) { return decoder->header_block; } void aws_h1_decoder_set_logging_id(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, const void *id) { decoder->logging_id = id; } void aws_h1_decoder_set_body_headers_ignored(struct aws_h1_decoder *decoder, bool body_headers_ignored) { decoder->body_headers_ignored = body_headers_ignored; }