macro _MOVE(Src, OUT="", OUT_NOAUTO="", CPP_DEPS[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[]) { .CMD=$MOVE_FILE ${input:Src} ${output;norel:OUT} ${output;noauto;norel:OUT_NOAUTO} ${induced_deps=h+cpp;hide:CPP_DEPS} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${kv;hide:"p MV"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} } macro USRV_BUILD(FROM="Please specify generated .tar-file as FROM", DEPS_FILE="NO_DEPS", OUT_NOAUTO[], Files...) { .CMD=${tool:"taxi/uservices/arc-gen/unpack-tar"} --source ${input:FROM} --target ${BINDIR} --suffix .usrv ${Files} ${OUT_NOAUTO} ${output;noauto;hide;suf=.usrv:OUT_NOAUTO} ${output;noauto;hide;suf=.usrv:Files} ${kv;hide:"p USB"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} _PROCESS_USRV_FILES(${DEPS_FILE} ${Files} OUT_NOAUTO ${OUT_NOAUTO}) } macro _PROCESS_USRV_FILES(DepsFile, Files...) { SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS ${DepsFile}) } macro _USRV_ALL_SRCS_HELPER(SUFFIX, RECURSIVE?"/**/*${SUFFIX}.(c|cc|cpp|h|hpp|hxx|make)":"/*${SUFFIX}.(c|cc|cpp|h|hpp|hxx|make)", DIRS[], EXCLUDE[]) { _GLOB(_ALL_USRV_SOURCES ${suf=${RECURSIVE}:DIRS} EXCLUDE $EXCLUDE) SRCS($_ALL_USRV_SOURCES) } macro SET_LIST_PRE_SUF(OUT, PRE, SUF, IN...) { SET($OUT ${pre=${PRE};suf=${SUF}:IN}) } ### @usage: USRV_ALL_SRCS([RECURSIVE] [Dirs...] [EXCLUDE ]) ### ### SRCS for all C++ sources in current or given directories. ### C++ files are ones with following extensions: `.c`, `.cc`, `.cpp`, `.h`, `.hpp` and `.hxx`. ### ### If dirs are omitted the current one is used. ### ### @params: ### - `Dirs` - start directories for files lookup ### - `RECURSIVE`- makes lookup recursive with resprect to Dirs ### - `SUFFIX` - file name should end with the provided suffix ### - `EXCLUDE` - glob pattern to be excluded from results. In recursive mode use recursive pattern (`**`) to ### exclude files in subdirectories ### ### Note: Only one such macro per module is allowed ### Note: Macro is designed to reject any ya.make files in Dirs except current one macro USRV_ALL_SRCS(RECURSIVE?"RECURSIVE":"", SUFFIX="", EXCLUDE[], Dirs...) { _USRV_ALL_SRCS_HELPER(${SUFFIX} ${RECURSIVE} DIRS ./${Dirs} EXCLUDE ya.make $EXCLUDE) }