#include "sql_select.h" #include "sql_call_expr.h" #include "sql_expression.h" #include "sql_group_by.h" #include "sql_values.h" #include "sql_match_recognize.h" namespace NSQLTranslationV1 { using namespace NSQLv1Generated; namespace { bool IsColumnsOnly(const TVector& container) { for (const auto& elem: container) { if (!elem->OrderExpr->GetColumnName()) { return false; } } return true; } bool CollectJoinLinkSettings(TPosition pos, TJoinLinkSettings& linkSettings, TContext& ctx) { linkSettings = {}; auto hints = ctx.PullHintForToken(pos); for (const auto& hint: hints) { const auto canonizedName = to_lower(hint.Name); auto newStrategy = TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::Default; if (canonizedName == "merge") { newStrategy = TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::SortedMerge; } else if (canonizedName == "streamlookup") { newStrategy = TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::StreamLookup; } else if (canonizedName == "map") { newStrategy = TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::ForceMap; } else if (canonizedName == "grace") { newStrategy = TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::ForceGrace; } else if (canonizedName == "compact") { linkSettings.Compact = true; continue; } else { ctx.Warning(hint.Pos, TIssuesIds::YQL_UNUSED_HINT) << "Unsupported join hint: " << hint.Name; } if (TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::Default == linkSettings.Strategy) { linkSettings.Strategy = newStrategy; linkSettings.Values = hint.Values; } else if (newStrategy == linkSettings.Strategy) { ctx.Error() << "Duplicate join strategy hint"; return false; } else { ctx.Error() << "Conflicting join strategy hints"; return false; } } return true; } } // namespace bool TSqlSelect::JoinOp(ISource* join, const TRule_join_source::TBlock3& block, TMaybe anyPos) { // block: (join_op (ANY)? flatten_source join_constraint?) // join_op: // COMMA // | (NATURAL)? ((LEFT (ONLY | SEMI)? | RIGHT (ONLY | SEMI)? | EXCLUSION | FULL)? (OUTER)? | INNER | CROSS) JOIN //; const auto& node = block.GetRule_join_op1(); TString joinOp("Inner"); TJoinLinkSettings linkSettings; switch (node.Alt_case()) { case TRule_join_op::kAltJoinOp1: { joinOp = "Cross"; if (!Ctx.AnsiImplicitCrossJoin) { Error() << "Cartesian product of tables is disabled. Please use " "explicit CROSS JOIN or enable it via PRAGMA AnsiImplicitCrossJoin"; return false; } auto alt = node.GetAlt_join_op1(); if (!CollectJoinLinkSettings(Ctx.TokenPosition(alt.GetToken1()), linkSettings, Ctx)) { return false; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_join_operations", "CartesianProduct"); break; } case TRule_join_op::kAltJoinOp2: { auto alt = node.GetAlt_join_op2(); if (alt.HasBlock1()) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_join_operations", "Natural"); Error() << "Natural join is not implemented yet"; return false; } if (!CollectJoinLinkSettings(Ctx.TokenPosition(alt.GetToken3()), linkSettings, Ctx)) { return false; } switch (alt.GetBlock2().Alt_case()) { case TRule_join_op::TAlt2::TBlock2::kAlt1: if (alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt1().HasBlock1()) { auto block = alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt1().GetBlock1(); switch (block.Alt_case()) { case TRule_join_op_TAlt2_TBlock2_TAlt1_TBlock1::kAlt1: // left joinOp = Token(block.GetAlt1().GetToken1()); if (block.GetAlt1().HasBlock2()) { joinOp += " " + Token(block.GetAlt1().GetBlock2().GetToken1()); } break; case TRule_join_op_TAlt2_TBlock2_TAlt1_TBlock1::kAlt2: // right joinOp = Token(block.GetAlt2().GetToken1()); if (block.GetAlt2().HasBlock2()) { joinOp += " " + Token(block.GetAlt2().GetBlock2().GetToken1()); } break; case TRule_join_op_TAlt2_TBlock2_TAlt1_TBlock1::kAlt3: // exclusion joinOp = Token(block.GetAlt3().GetToken1()); break; case TRule_join_op_TAlt2_TBlock2_TAlt1_TBlock1::kAlt4: // full joinOp = Token(block.GetAlt4().GetToken1()); break; case TRule_join_op_TAlt2_TBlock2_TAlt1_TBlock1::ALT_NOT_SET: Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownJoinOperation"); AltNotImplemented("join_op", node); return false; } } if (alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt1().HasBlock2()) { TString normalizedOp = alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt1().HasBlock1() ? joinOp : ""; normalizedOp.to_upper(); if (!(normalizedOp == "LEFT" || normalizedOp == "RIGHT" || normalizedOp == "FULL")) { Token(alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt1().GetBlock2().GetToken1()); Error() << "Invalid join type: " << normalizedOp << (normalizedOp.empty() ? "" : " ") << "OUTER JOIN. " << "OUTER keyword is optional and can only be used after LEFT, RIGHT or FULL"; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "BadJoinType"); return false; } } break; case TRule_join_op::TAlt2::TBlock2::kAlt2: joinOp = Token(alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt2().GetToken1()); break; case TRule_join_op::TAlt2::TBlock2::kAlt3: joinOp = Token(alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt3().GetToken1()); break; case TRule_join_op::TAlt2::TBlock2::ALT_NOT_SET: Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownJoinOperation"); AltNotImplemented("join_op", node); return false; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "Join"); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_join_operations", joinOp); break; } case TRule_join_op::ALT_NOT_SET: Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownJoinOperation2"); AltNotImplemented("join_op", node); return false; } joinOp = NormalizeJoinOp(joinOp); if (linkSettings.Strategy != TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::Default && joinOp == "Cross") { Ctx.Warning(Ctx.Pos(), TIssuesIds::YQL_UNUSED_HINT) << "Non-default join strategy will not be used for CROSS JOIN"; linkSettings.Strategy = TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::Default; } TNodePtr joinKeyExpr; if (block.HasBlock4()) { if (joinOp == "Cross") { Error() << "Cross join should not have ON or USING expression"; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "BadJoinExpr"); return false; } joinKeyExpr = JoinExpr(join, block.GetBlock4().GetRule_join_constraint1()); if (!joinKeyExpr) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "BadJoinExpr"); return false; } } else { if (joinOp != "Cross") { Error() << "Expected ON or USING expression"; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "BadJoinExpr"); return false; } } if (joinOp == "Cross" && anyPos) { Ctx.Error(*anyPos) << "ANY should not be used with Cross JOIN"; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "BadJoinAny"); return false; } Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(join->GetJoin()); join->GetJoin()->SetupJoin(joinOp, joinKeyExpr, linkSettings); return true; } TNodePtr TSqlSelect::JoinExpr(ISource* join, const TRule_join_constraint& node) { switch (node.Alt_case()) { case TRule_join_constraint::kAltJoinConstraint1: { auto& alt = node.GetAlt_join_constraint1(); Token(alt.GetToken1()); TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); return expr.Build(alt.GetRule_expr2()); } case TRule_join_constraint::kAltJoinConstraint2: { auto& alt = node.GetAlt_join_constraint2(); Token(alt.GetToken1()); TPosition pos(Ctx.Pos()); TVector names; if (!PureColumnOrNamedListStr(alt.GetRule_pure_column_or_named_list2(), *this, names)) { return nullptr; } Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(join->GetJoin()); return join->GetJoin()->BuildJoinKeys(Ctx, names); } case TRule_join_constraint::ALT_NOT_SET: Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownJoinConstraint"); AltNotImplemented("join_constraint", node); break; } return nullptr; } bool TSqlSelect::FlattenByArg(const TString& sourceLabel, TVector& flattenByColumns, TVector& flattenByExprs, const TRule_flatten_by_arg& node) { // flatten_by_arg: // named_column // | LPAREN named_expr_list COMMA? RPAREN // ; flattenByColumns.clear(); flattenByExprs.clear(); TVector namedExprs; switch (node.Alt_case()) { case TRule_flatten_by_arg::kAltFlattenByArg1: { TVector columns; if (!NamedColumn(columns, node.GetAlt_flatten_by_arg1().GetRule_named_column1())) { return false; } YQL_ENSURE(columns.size() == 1); auto& column = columns.back(); auto columnNamePtr = column->GetColumnName(); YQL_ENSURE(columnNamePtr && *columnNamePtr); auto sourcePtr = column->GetSourceName(); const bool isEmptySource = !sourcePtr || !*sourcePtr; if (isEmptySource || *sourcePtr == sourceLabel) { // select * from T flatten by x // select * from T as s flatten by x // select * from T as s flatten by s.x flattenByColumns.emplace_back(std::move(column)); } else { // select * from T as s flatten by x.y as z if (!column->GetLabel()) { Ctx.Error(column->GetPos()) << "Unnamed expression after FLATTEN BY is not allowed"; return false; } flattenByColumns.emplace_back(BuildColumn(column->GetPos(), column->GetLabel())); TVector ids; ids.push_back(BuildColumn(column->GetPos())); ids.push_back(*sourcePtr); ids.push_back(*columnNamePtr); auto node = BuildAccess(column->GetPos(), ids, false); node->SetLabel(column->GetLabel()); flattenByExprs.emplace_back(std::move(node)); } break; } case TRule_flatten_by_arg::kAltFlattenByArg2: { TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); if (!NamedExprList(node.GetAlt_flatten_by_arg2().GetRule_named_expr_list2(), namedExprs) || Ctx.HasPendingErrors) { return false; } for (auto& namedExprNode : namedExprs) { YQL_ENSURE(!namedExprNode->ContentListPtr()); auto sourcePtr = namedExprNode->GetSourceName(); const bool isEmptySource = !sourcePtr || !*sourcePtr; auto columnNamePtr = namedExprNode->GetColumnName(); if (columnNamePtr && (isEmptySource || *sourcePtr == sourceLabel)) { namedExprNode->AssumeColumn(); flattenByColumns.emplace_back(std::move(namedExprNode)); } else { auto nodeLabel = namedExprNode->GetLabel(); if (!nodeLabel) { Ctx.Error(namedExprNode->GetPos()) << "Unnamed expression after FLATTEN BY is not allowed"; return false; } flattenByColumns.emplace_back(BuildColumn(namedExprNode->GetPos(), nodeLabel)); flattenByExprs.emplace_back(std::move(namedExprNode)); } } break; } case TRule_flatten_by_arg::ALT_NOT_SET: Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownFlattenByArg"); AltNotImplemented("flatten_by_arg", node); return false; } return true; } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::FlattenSource(const TRule_flatten_source& node) { auto source = NamedSingleSource(node.GetRule_named_single_source1(), true); if (!source) { return nullptr; } if (node.HasBlock2()) { auto flatten = node.GetBlock2(); auto flatten2 = flatten.GetBlock2(); switch (flatten2.Alt_case()) { case TRule_flatten_source::TBlock2::TBlock2::kAlt1: { TString mode = "auto"; if (flatten2.GetAlt1().HasBlock1()) { mode = to_lower(Token(flatten2.GetAlt1().GetBlock1().GetToken1())); } TVector flattenByColumns; TVector flattenByExprs; if (!FlattenByArg(source->GetLabel(), flattenByColumns, flattenByExprs, flatten2.GetAlt1().GetRule_flatten_by_arg3())) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "FlattenByColumns"); if (!source->AddExpressions(Ctx, flattenByColumns, EExprSeat::FlattenBy)) { return nullptr; } if (!source->AddExpressions(Ctx, flattenByExprs, EExprSeat::FlattenByExpr)) { return nullptr; } source->SetFlattenByMode(mode); break; } case TRule_flatten_source::TBlock2::TBlock2::kAlt2: { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "FlattenColumns"); source->MarkFlattenColumns(); break; } case TRule_flatten_source::TBlock2::TBlock2::ALT_NOT_SET: Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownOrdinaryNamedColumn"); AltNotImplemented("flatten_source", flatten2); } } return source; } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::JoinSource(const TRule_join_source& node) { // join_source: (ANY)? flatten_source (join_op (ANY)? flatten_source join_constraint?)*; if (node.HasBlock1() && !node.Block3Size()) { Error() << "ANY is not allowed without JOIN"; return nullptr; } TSourcePtr source(FlattenSource(node.GetRule_flatten_source2())); if (!source) { return nullptr; } if (node.Block3Size()) { TPosition pos(Ctx.Pos()); TVector sources; TVector> anyPositions; TVector anyFlags; sources.emplace_back(std::move(source)); anyPositions.emplace_back(node.HasBlock1() ? Ctx.TokenPosition(node.GetBlock1().GetToken1()) : TMaybe()); anyFlags.push_back(bool(anyPositions.back())); for (auto& block: node.GetBlock3()) { sources.emplace_back(FlattenSource(block.GetRule_flatten_source3())); if (!sources.back()) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "NoJoinWith"); return nullptr; } anyPositions.emplace_back(block.HasBlock2() ? Ctx.TokenPosition(block.GetBlock2().GetToken1()) : TMaybe()); anyFlags.push_back(bool(anyPositions.back())); } source = BuildEquiJoin(pos, std::move(sources), std::move(anyFlags), Ctx.Scoped->StrictJoinKeyTypes); size_t idx = 1; for (auto& block: node.GetBlock3()) { YQL_ENSURE(idx < anyPositions.size()); TMaybe leftAny = (idx == 1) ? anyPositions[0] : Nothing(); TMaybe rightAny = anyPositions[idx]; if (!JoinOp(source.Get(), block, leftAny ? leftAny : rightAny)) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "NoJoinOp"); return nullptr; } ++idx; } } return source; } bool TSqlSelect::SelectTerm(TVector& terms, const TRule_result_column& node) { // result_column: // opt_id_prefix ASTERISK // | expr ((AS an_id) | an_id_pure)? // ; switch (node.Alt_case()) { case TRule_result_column::kAltResultColumn1: { auto alt = node.GetAlt_result_column1(); Token(alt.GetToken2()); auto idAsteriskQualify = OptIdPrefixAsStr(alt.GetRule_opt_id_prefix1(), *this); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", idAsteriskQualify ? "QualifyAsterisk" : "Asterisk"); terms.push_back(BuildColumn(Ctx.Pos(), "*", idAsteriskQualify)); break; } case TRule_result_column::kAltResultColumn2: { auto alt = node.GetAlt_result_column2(); TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); TNodePtr term(expr.Build(alt.GetRule_expr1())); if (!term) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "NoTerm"); return false; } if (alt.HasBlock2()) { TString label; bool implicitLabel = false; switch (alt.GetBlock2().Alt_case()) { case TRule_result_column_TAlt2_TBlock2::kAlt1: label = Id(alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt1().GetRule_an_id_or_type2(), *this); break; case TRule_result_column_TAlt2_TBlock2::kAlt2: label = Id(alt.GetBlock2().GetAlt2().GetRule_an_id_as_compat1(), *this); if (!Ctx.AnsiOptionalAs) { // AS is mandatory Ctx.Error() << "Expecting mandatory AS here. Did you miss comma? Please add PRAGMA AnsiOptionalAs; for ANSI compatibility"; return false; } implicitLabel = true; break; case TRule_result_column_TAlt2_TBlock2::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } term->SetLabel(label, Ctx.Pos()); term->MarkImplicitLabel(implicitLabel); } terms.push_back(term); break; } case TRule_result_column::ALT_NOT_SET: Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownResultColumn"); AltNotImplemented("result_column", node); return false; } return true; } bool TSqlSelect::ValidateSelectColumns(const TVector& terms) { TSet labels; TSet asteriskSources; for (const auto& term: terms) { const auto& label = term->GetLabel(); if (!Ctx.PragmaAllowDotInAlias && label.find('.') != TString::npos) { Ctx.Error(term->GetPos()) << "Unable to use '.' in column name. Invalid column name: " << label; return false; } if (!label.empty()) { if (!labels.insert(label).second) { Ctx.Error(term->GetPos()) << "Unable to use duplicate column names. Collision in name: " << label; return false; } } if (term->IsAsterisk()) { const auto& source = *term->GetSourceName(); if (source.empty() && terms.ysize() > 1) { Ctx.Error(term->GetPos()) << "Unable to use plain '*' with other projection items. Please use qualified asterisk instead: '.*' (
can be either table name or table alias)."; return false; } else if (!asteriskSources.insert(source).second) { Ctx.Error(term->GetPos()) << "Unable to use twice same quialified asterisk. Invalid source: " << source; return false; } } else if (label.empty()) { const auto* column = term->GetColumnName(); if (column && !column->empty()) { const auto& source = *term->GetSourceName(); const auto usedName = source.empty() ? *column : source + '.' + *column; if (!labels.insert(usedName).second) { Ctx.Error(term->GetPos()) << "Unable to use duplicate column names. Collision in name: " << usedName; return false; } } } } return true; } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::SingleSource(const TRule_single_source& node, const TVector& derivedColumns, TPosition derivedColumnsPos, bool unorderedSubquery) { switch (node.Alt_case()) { case TRule_single_source::kAltSingleSource1: { const auto& alt = node.GetAlt_single_source1(); const auto& table_ref = alt.GetRule_table_ref1(); if (auto maybeSource = AsTableImpl(table_ref)) { auto source = *maybeSource; if (!source) { return nullptr; } return source; } else { TTableRef table; if (!TableRefImpl(alt.GetRule_table_ref1(), table, unorderedSubquery)) { return nullptr; } if (table.Source) { return table.Source; } TPosition pos(Ctx.Pos()); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_select_clusters", table.Cluster.GetLiteral() ? *table.Cluster.GetLiteral() : "unknown"); return BuildTableSource(pos, table); } } case TRule_single_source::kAltSingleSource2: { const auto& alt = node.GetAlt_single_source2(); Token(alt.GetToken1()); TSqlSelect innerSelect(Ctx, Mode); TPosition pos; auto source = innerSelect.Build(alt.GetRule_select_stmt2(), pos); if (!source) { return nullptr; } return BuildInnerSource(pos, BuildSourceNode(pos, std::move(source)), Ctx.Scoped->CurrService, Ctx.Scoped->CurrCluster); } case TRule_single_source::kAltSingleSource3: { const auto& alt = node.GetAlt_single_source3(); TPosition pos; return TSqlValues(Ctx, Mode).Build(alt.GetRule_values_stmt2(), pos, derivedColumns, derivedColumnsPos); } case TRule_single_source::ALT_NOT_SET: AltNotImplemented("single_source", node); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnknownSingleSource"); return nullptr; } } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::NamedSingleSource(const TRule_named_single_source& node, bool unorderedSubquery) { // named_single_source: single_source match_recognize_clause? (((AS an_id) | an_id_as_compat) pure_column_list?)? (sample_clause | tablesample_clause)?; TVector derivedColumns; TPosition derivedColumnsPos; if (node.HasBlock3() && node.GetBlock3().HasBlock2()) { const auto& columns = node.GetBlock3().GetBlock2().GetRule_pure_column_list1(); Token(columns.GetToken1()); derivedColumnsPos = Ctx.Pos(); if (node.GetRule_single_source1().Alt_case() != TRule_single_source::kAltSingleSource3) { Error() << "Derived column list is only supported for VALUES"; return nullptr; } PureColumnListStr(columns, *this, derivedColumns); } auto singleSource = SingleSource(node.GetRule_single_source1(), derivedColumns, derivedColumnsPos, unorderedSubquery); if (!singleSource) { return nullptr; } if (node.HasBlock2()) { if (node.HasBlock4()) { //CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 9075-2:18 7.6
//4) TF shall not simply contain both a and a . Ctx.Error() << "Source shall not simply contain both a sample clause and a row pattern recognition clause"; return {}; } auto matchRecognizeClause = TSqlMatchRecognizeClause(Ctx, Mode); auto matchRecognize = matchRecognizeClause.CreateBuilder(node.GetBlock2().GetRule_row_pattern_recognition_clause1()); singleSource->SetMatchRecognize(matchRecognize); } if (node.HasBlock3()) { TString label; switch (node.GetBlock3().GetBlock1().Alt_case()) { case TRule_named_single_source_TBlock3_TBlock1::kAlt1: label = Id(node.GetBlock3().GetBlock1().GetAlt1().GetRule_an_id2(), *this); break; case TRule_named_single_source_TBlock3_TBlock1::kAlt2: label = Id(node.GetBlock3().GetBlock1().GetAlt2().GetRule_an_id_as_compat1(), *this); if (!Ctx.AnsiOptionalAs) { // AS is mandatory Ctx.Error() << "Expecting mandatory AS here. Did you miss comma? Please add PRAGMA AnsiOptionalAs; for ANSI compatibility"; return {}; } break; case TRule_named_single_source_TBlock3_TBlock1::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } singleSource->SetLabel(label); } if (node.HasBlock4()) { ESampleClause sampleClause; ESampleMode mode; TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); TNodePtr samplingRateNode; TNodePtr samplingSeedNode; const auto& sampleBlock = node.GetBlock4(); TPosition pos; switch (sampleBlock.Alt_case()) { case TRule_named_single_source::TBlock4::kAlt1: { sampleClause = ESampleClause::Sample; mode = ESampleMode::Bernoulli; const auto& sampleExpr = sampleBlock.GetAlt1().GetRule_sample_clause1().GetRule_expr2(); samplingRateNode = expr.Build(sampleExpr); if (!samplingRateNode) { return nullptr; } pos = GetPos(sampleBlock.GetAlt1().GetRule_sample_clause1().GetToken1()); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "SampleClause"); } break; case TRule_named_single_source::TBlock4::kAlt2: { sampleClause = ESampleClause::TableSample; const auto& tableSampleClause = sampleBlock.GetAlt2().GetRule_tablesample_clause1(); const auto& modeToken = tableSampleClause.GetRule_sampling_mode2().GetToken1(); const TCiString& token = Token(modeToken); if (token == "system") { mode = ESampleMode::System; } else if (token == "bernoulli") { mode = ESampleMode::Bernoulli; } else { Ctx.Error(GetPos(modeToken)) << "Unsupported sampling mode: " << token; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "UnsupportedSamplingMode"); return nullptr; } const auto& tableSampleExpr = tableSampleClause.GetRule_expr4(); samplingRateNode = expr.Build(tableSampleExpr); if (!samplingRateNode) { return nullptr; } if (tableSampleClause.HasBlock6()) { const auto& repeatableExpr = tableSampleClause.GetBlock6().GetRule_repeatable_clause1().GetRule_expr3(); samplingSeedNode = expr.Build(repeatableExpr); if (!samplingSeedNode) { return nullptr; } } pos = GetPos(sampleBlock.GetAlt2().GetRule_tablesample_clause1().GetToken1()); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "SampleClause"); } break; case TRule_named_single_source::TBlock4::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("SampleClause: does not corresond to grammar changes"); } if (!singleSource->SetSamplingOptions(Ctx, pos, sampleClause, mode, samplingRateNode, samplingSeedNode)) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "IncorrectSampleClause"); return nullptr; } } return singleSource; } bool TSqlSelect::ColumnName(TVector& keys, const TRule_column_name& node) { const auto sourceName = OptIdPrefixAsStr(node.GetRule_opt_id_prefix1(), *this); const auto columnName = Id(node.GetRule_an_id2(), *this); if (columnName.empty()) { // TDOD: Id() should return TMaybe if (!Ctx.HasPendingErrors) { Ctx.Error() << "Empty column name is not allowed"; } return false; } keys.push_back(BuildColumn(Ctx.Pos(), columnName, sourceName)); return true; } bool TSqlSelect::ColumnName(TVector& keys, const TRule_without_column_name& node) { // without_column_name: (an_id DOT an_id) | an_id_without; TString sourceName; TString columnName; switch (node.Alt_case()) { case TRule_without_column_name::kAltWithoutColumnName1: sourceName = Id(node.GetAlt_without_column_name1().GetRule_an_id1(), *this); columnName = Id(node.GetAlt_without_column_name1().GetRule_an_id3(), *this); break; case TRule_without_column_name::kAltWithoutColumnName2: columnName = Id(node.GetAlt_without_column_name2().GetRule_an_id_without1(), *this); break; case TRule_without_column_name::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } if (columnName.empty()) { // TDOD: Id() should return TMaybe if (!Ctx.HasPendingErrors) { Ctx.Error() << "Empty column name is not allowed"; } return false; } keys.push_back(BuildColumn(Ctx.Pos(), columnName, sourceName)); return true; } template bool TSqlSelect::ColumnList(TVector& keys, const TRule& node) { bool result; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { result = ColumnName(keys, node.GetRule_column_name1()); } else { result = ColumnName(keys, node.GetRule_without_column_name1()); } if (!result) { return false; } for (auto b: node.GetBlock2()) { Token(b.GetToken1()); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { result = ColumnName(keys, b.GetRule_column_name2()); } else { result = ColumnName(keys, b.GetRule_without_column_name2()); } if (!result) { return false; } } return true; } bool TSqlSelect::NamedColumn(TVector& columnList, const TRule_named_column& node) { if (!ColumnName(columnList, node.GetRule_column_name1())) { return false; } if (node.HasBlock2()) { const auto label = Id(node.GetBlock2().GetRule_an_id2(), *this); columnList.back()->SetLabel(label); } return true; } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::ProcessCore(const TRule_process_core& node, const TWriteSettings& settings, TPosition& selectPos) { // PROCESS STREAM? named_single_source (COMMA named_single_source)* (USING using_call_expr (AS an_id)? // (WITH external_call_settings)? // (WHERE expr)? (HAVING expr)? (ASSUME order_by_clause)?)? Token(node.GetToken1()); TPosition startPos(Ctx.Pos()); if (!selectPos) { selectPos = startPos; } const bool hasUsing = node.HasBlock5(); const bool unorderedSubquery = hasUsing; TSourcePtr source(NamedSingleSource(node.GetRule_named_single_source3(), unorderedSubquery)); if (!source) { return nullptr; } if (node.GetBlock4().size()) { TVector sources(1, source); for (auto& s: node.GetBlock4()) { sources.push_back(NamedSingleSource(s.GetRule_named_single_source2(), unorderedSubquery)); if (!sources.back()) { return nullptr; } } auto pos = source->GetPos(); source = BuildMuxSource(pos, std::move(sources)); } const bool processStream = node.HasBlock2(); if (!hasUsing) { return BuildProcess(startPos, std::move(source), nullptr, false, {}, false, processStream, settings, {}); } const auto& block5 = node.GetBlock5(); if (block5.HasBlock5()) { TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); TNodePtr where = expr.Build(block5.GetBlock5().GetRule_expr2()); if (!where || !source->AddFilter(Ctx, where)) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "ProcessWhere"); } else { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", processStream ? "ProcessStream" : "Process"); } if (block5.HasBlock6()) { Ctx.Error() << "PROCESS does not allow HAVING yet! You may request it on yql@ maillist."; return nullptr; } bool listCall = false; TSqlCallExpr call(Ctx, Mode); bool initRet = call.Init(block5.GetRule_using_call_expr2()); if (initRet) { call.IncCounters(); } if (!initRet) { return nullptr; } auto args = call.GetArgs(); for (auto& arg: args) { if (auto placeholder = dynamic_cast(arg.Get())) { if (listCall) { Ctx.Error() << "Only one TableRows() argument is allowed."; return nullptr; } listCall = true; } } if (!call.IsExternal() && block5.HasBlock4()) { Ctx.Error() << "PROCESS without USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION doesn't allow WITH block"; return nullptr; } if (block5.HasBlock4()) { const auto& block54 = block5.GetBlock4(); if (!call.ConfigureExternalCall(block54.GetRule_external_call_settings2())) { return nullptr; } } TSqlCallExpr finalCall(call, args); TNodePtr with(finalCall.IsExternal() ? finalCall.BuildCall() : finalCall.BuildUdf(/* forReduce = */ false)); if (!with) { return {}; } args = finalCall.GetArgs(); if (call.IsExternal()) listCall = true; if (block5.HasBlock3()) { with->SetLabel(Id(block5.GetBlock3().GetRule_an_id2(), *this)); } if (call.IsExternal() && block5.HasBlock7()) { Ctx.Error() << "PROCESS with USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION doesn't allow ASSUME block"; return nullptr; } TVector assumeOrderBy; if (block5.HasBlock7()) { if (!OrderByClause(block5.GetBlock7().GetRule_order_by_clause2(), assumeOrderBy)) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", IsColumnsOnly(assumeOrderBy) ? "AssumeOrderBy" : "AssumeOrderByExpr"); } return BuildProcess(startPos, std::move(source), with, finalCall.IsExternal(), std::move(args), listCall, processStream, settings, assumeOrderBy); } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::ReduceCore(const TRule_reduce_core& node, const TWriteSettings& settings, TPosition& selectPos) { // REDUCE named_single_source (COMMA named_single_source)* (PRESORT sort_specification_list)? // ON column_list USING ALL? using_call_expr (AS an_id)? // (WHERE expr)? (HAVING expr)? (ASSUME order_by_clause)? Token(node.GetToken1()); TPosition startPos(Ctx.Pos()); if (!selectPos) { selectPos = startPos; } TSourcePtr source(NamedSingleSource(node.GetRule_named_single_source2(), true)); if (!source) { return {}; } if (node.GetBlock3().size()) { TVector sources(1, source); for (auto& s: node.GetBlock3()) { sources.push_back(NamedSingleSource(s.GetRule_named_single_source2(), true)); if (!sources.back()) { return nullptr; } } auto pos = source->GetPos(); source = BuildMuxSource(pos, std::move(sources)); } TVector orderBy; if (node.HasBlock4()) { if (!SortSpecificationList(node.GetBlock4().GetRule_sort_specification_list2(), orderBy)) { return {}; } } TVector keys; if (!ColumnList(keys, node.GetRule_column_list6())) { return nullptr; } if (node.HasBlock11()) { TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); TNodePtr where = expr.Build(node.GetBlock11().GetRule_expr2()); if (!where || !source->AddFilter(Ctx, where)) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "ReduceWhere"); } else { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "Reduce"); } TNodePtr having; if (node.HasBlock12()) { TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); having = expr.Build(node.GetBlock12().GetRule_expr2()); if (!having) { return nullptr; } } bool listCall = false; TSqlCallExpr call(Ctx, Mode); bool initRet = call.Init(node.GetRule_using_call_expr9()); if (initRet) { call.IncCounters(); } if (!initRet) { return nullptr; } auto args = call.GetArgs(); for (auto& arg: args) { if (auto placeholder = dynamic_cast(arg.Get())) { if (listCall) { Ctx.Error() << "Only one TableRows() argument is allowed."; return nullptr; } listCall = true; } } TSqlCallExpr finalCall(call, args); TNodePtr udf(finalCall.BuildUdf(/* forReduce = */ true)); if (!udf) { return {}; } if (node.HasBlock10()) { udf->SetLabel(Id(node.GetBlock10().GetRule_an_id2(), *this)); } const auto reduceMode = node.HasBlock8() ? ReduceMode::ByAll : ReduceMode::ByPartition; TVector assumeOrderBy; if (node.HasBlock13()) { if (!OrderByClause(node.GetBlock13().GetRule_order_by_clause2(), assumeOrderBy)) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", IsColumnsOnly(assumeOrderBy) ? "AssumeOrderBy" : "AssumeOrderByExpr"); } return BuildReduce(startPos, reduceMode, std::move(source), std::move(orderBy), std::move(keys), std::move(args), udf, having, settings, assumeOrderBy, listCall); } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::SelectCore(const TRule_select_core& node, const TWriteSettings& settings, TPosition& selectPos, TMaybe placement, TVector& selectOpOrderBy, bool& selectOpAssumeOrderBy) { // (FROM join_source)? SELECT STREAM? opt_set_quantifier result_column (COMMA result_column)* COMMA? (WITHOUT column_list)? (FROM join_source)? (WHERE expr)? // group_by_clause? (HAVING expr)? window_clause? ext_order_by_clause? selectOpOrderBy = {}; selectOpAssumeOrderBy = false; if (node.HasBlock1()) { Token(node.GetBlock1().GetToken1()); } else { Token(node.GetToken2()); } TPosition startPos(Ctx.Pos()); if (!selectPos) { selectPos = Ctx.Pos(); } const auto hints = Ctx.PullHintForToken(selectPos); TColumnsSets uniqueSets, distinctSets; for (const auto& hint : hints) { if (const auto& name = to_lower(hint.Name); name == "unique") uniqueSets.insert_unique(NSorted::TSimpleSet(hint.Values.cbegin(), hint.Values.cend())); else if (name == "distinct") { uniqueSets.insert_unique(NSorted::TSimpleSet(hint.Values.cbegin(), hint.Values.cend())); distinctSets.insert_unique(NSorted::TSimpleSet(hint.Values.cbegin(), hint.Values.cend())); } else { Ctx.Warning(hint.Pos, TIssuesIds::YQL_UNUSED_HINT) << "Hint " << hint.Name << " will not be used"; } } const bool distinct = IsDistinctOptSet(node.GetRule_opt_set_quantifier4()); if (distinct) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "DistinctInSelect"); } TSourcePtr source(BuildFakeSource(selectPos, /* missingFrom = */ true, Mode == NSQLTranslation::ESqlMode::SUBQUERY)); if (node.HasBlock1() && node.HasBlock9()) { Token(node.GetBlock9().GetToken1()); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "DoubleFrom"); Ctx.Error() << "Only one FROM clause is allowed"; return nullptr; } if (node.HasBlock1()) { source = JoinSource(node.GetBlock1().GetRule_join_source2()); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "FromInFront"); } else if (node.HasBlock9()) { source = JoinSource(node.GetBlock9().GetRule_join_source2()); } if (!source) { return nullptr; } const bool selectStream = node.HasBlock3(); TVector without; bool forceWithout = false; if (node.HasBlock8()) { forceWithout = node.GetBlock8().HasBlock2(); if (!ColumnList(without, node.GetBlock8().GetRule_without_column_list3())) { return nullptr; } } if (node.HasBlock10()) { auto block = node.GetBlock10(); Token(block.GetToken1()); TPosition pos(Ctx.Pos()); TNodePtr where; { TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); where = expr.Build(block.GetRule_expr2()); } if (!where) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "WhereInvalid"); return nullptr; } if (!source->AddFilter(Ctx, where)) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "WhereNotSupportedBySource"); return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "Where"); } /// \todo merge gtoupByExpr and groupBy in one TVector groupByExpr, groupBy; TLegacyHoppingWindowSpecPtr legacyHoppingWindowSpec; bool compactGroupBy = false; TString groupBySuffix; if (node.HasBlock11()) { TGroupByClause clause(Ctx, Mode); if (!clause.Build(node.GetBlock11().GetRule_group_by_clause1())) { return nullptr; } bool hasHopping = (bool)clause.GetLegacyHoppingWindow(); for (const auto& exprAlias: clause.Aliases()) { YQL_ENSURE(exprAlias.first == exprAlias.second->GetLabel()); groupByExpr.emplace_back(exprAlias.second); hasHopping |= (bool)dynamic_cast(exprAlias.second.Get()); } groupBy = std::move(clause.Content()); clause.SetFeatures("sql_features"); legacyHoppingWindowSpec = clause.GetLegacyHoppingWindow(); compactGroupBy = clause.IsCompactGroupBy(); groupBySuffix = clause.GetSuffix(); if (source->IsStream() && !hasHopping) { Ctx.Error() << "Streaming group by query must have a hopping window specification."; return nullptr; } } TNodePtr having; if (node.HasBlock12()) { TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); having = expr.Build(node.GetBlock12().GetRule_expr2()); if (!having) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "Having"); } TWinSpecs windowSpec; if (node.HasBlock13()) { if (source->IsStream()) { Ctx.Error() << "WINDOW is not allowed in streaming queries"; return nullptr; } if (!WindowClause(node.GetBlock13().GetRule_window_clause1(), windowSpec)) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "WindowClause"); } bool assumeSorted = false; TVector orderBy; if (node.HasBlock14()) { auto& orderBlock = node.GetBlock14().GetRule_ext_order_by_clause1(); assumeSorted = orderBlock.HasBlock1(); Token(orderBlock.GetRule_order_by_clause2().GetToken1()); if (source->IsStream()) { Ctx.Error() << "ORDER BY is not allowed in streaming queries"; return nullptr; } if (!ValidateLimitOrderByWithSelectOp(placement, "ORDER BY")) { return nullptr; } if (!OrderByClause(orderBlock.GetRule_order_by_clause2(), orderBy)) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", IsColumnsOnly(orderBy) ? (assumeSorted ? "AssumeOrderBy" : "OrderBy") : (assumeSorted ? "AssumeOrderByExpr" : "OrderByExpr") ); if (!NeedPassLimitOrderByToUnderlyingSelect(placement)) { selectOpOrderBy.swap(orderBy); std::swap(selectOpAssumeOrderBy, assumeSorted); } } TVector terms; { class TScopedWinSpecs { public: TScopedWinSpecs(TContext& ctx, TWinSpecs& specs) : Ctx(ctx) { Ctx.WinSpecsScopes.push_back(std::ref(specs)); } ~TScopedWinSpecs() { Ctx.WinSpecsScopes.pop_back(); } private: TContext& Ctx; }; TScopedWinSpecs scoped(Ctx, windowSpec); if (!SelectTerm(terms, node.GetRule_result_column5())) { return nullptr; } for (auto block: node.GetBlock6()) { if (!SelectTerm(terms, block.GetRule_result_column2())) { return nullptr; } } } if (!ValidateSelectColumns(terms)) { return nullptr; } return BuildSelectCore(Ctx, startPos, std::move(source), groupByExpr, groupBy, compactGroupBy, groupBySuffix, assumeSorted, orderBy, having, std::move(windowSpec), legacyHoppingWindowSpec, std::move(terms), distinct, std::move(without), forceWithout, selectStream, settings, std::move(uniqueSets), std::move(distinctSets)); } bool TSqlSelect::WindowDefinition(const TRule_window_definition& rule, TWinSpecs& winSpecs) { const TString windowName = Id(rule.GetRule_new_window_name1().GetRule_window_name1().GetRule_an_id_window1(), *this); if (winSpecs.contains(windowName)) { Ctx.Error() << "Unable to declare window with same name: " << windowName; return false; } auto windowSpec = WindowSpecification(rule.GetRule_window_specification3().GetRule_window_specification_details2()); if (!windowSpec) { return false; } winSpecs.emplace(windowName, std::move(windowSpec)); return true; } bool TSqlSelect::WindowClause(const TRule_window_clause& rule, TWinSpecs& winSpecs) { auto windowList = rule.GetRule_window_definition_list2(); if (!WindowDefinition(windowList.GetRule_window_definition1(), winSpecs)) { return false; } for (auto& block: windowList.GetBlock2()) { if (!WindowDefinition(block.GetRule_window_definition2(), winSpecs)) { return false; } } return true; } bool TSqlTranslation::OrderByClause(const TRule_order_by_clause& node, TVector& orderBy) { return SortSpecificationList(node.GetRule_sort_specification_list3(), orderBy); } bool TSqlSelect::ValidateLimitOrderByWithSelectOp(TMaybe placement, TStringBuf what) { if (!placement.Defined()) { // not in select_op chain return true; } if (!placement->IsLastInSelectOp) { Ctx.Error() << what << " within UNION ALL is only allowed after last subquery"; return false; } return true; } bool TSqlSelect::NeedPassLimitOrderByToUnderlyingSelect(TMaybe placement) { return !placement.Defined() || !placement->IsLastInSelectOp; } TSqlSelect::TSelectKindResult TSqlSelect::SelectKind(const TRule_select_kind_partial& node, TPosition& selectPos, TMaybe placement) { auto res = SelectKind(node.GetRule_select_kind1(), selectPos, placement); if (!res) { return {}; } TPosition startPos(Ctx.Pos()); /// LIMIT INTEGER block TNodePtr skipTake; if (node.HasBlock2()) { auto block = node.GetBlock2(); Token(block.GetToken1()); TPosition pos(Ctx.Pos()); if (!ValidateLimitOrderByWithSelectOp(placement, "LIMIT")) { return {}; } TSqlExpression takeExpr(Ctx, Mode); auto take = takeExpr.Build(block.GetRule_expr2()); if (!take) { return{}; } TNodePtr skip; if (block.HasBlock3()) { TSqlExpression skipExpr(Ctx, Mode); skip = skipExpr.Build(block.GetBlock3().GetRule_expr2()); if (!skip) { return {}; } if (Token(block.GetBlock3().GetToken1()) == ",") { // LIMIT skip, take skip.Swap(take); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "LimitSkipTake"); } else { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "LimitOffset"); } } auto st = BuildSkipTake(pos, skip, take); if (NeedPassLimitOrderByToUnderlyingSelect(placement)) { skipTake = st; } else { res.SelectOpSkipTake = st; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "Limit"); } res.Source = BuildSelect(startPos, std::move(res.Source), skipTake); return res; } TSqlSelect::TSelectKindResult TSqlSelect::SelectKind(const TRule_select_kind& node, TPosition& selectPos, TMaybe placement) { const bool discard = node.HasBlock1(); const bool hasLabel = node.HasBlock3(); if (hasLabel && (Mode == NSQLTranslation::ESqlMode::LIMITED_VIEW || Mode == NSQLTranslation::ESqlMode::SUBQUERY)) { Ctx.Error() << "INTO RESULT is not allowed in current mode"; return {}; } if (discard && hasLabel) { Ctx.Error() << "DISCARD and INTO RESULT cannot be used at the same time"; return {}; } if (discard && !selectPos) { selectPos = Ctx.TokenPosition(node.GetBlock1().GetToken1()); } TWriteSettings settings; settings.Discard = discard; if (hasLabel) { settings.Label = PureColumnOrNamed(node.GetBlock3().GetRule_pure_column_or_named3(), *this); } TSelectKindResult res; if (placement.Defined()) { if (placement->IsFirstInSelectOp) { res.Settings.Discard = settings.Discard; } else if (settings.Discard) { auto discardPos = Ctx.TokenPosition(node.GetBlock1().GetToken1()); Ctx.Error(discardPos) << "DISCARD within UNION ALL is only allowed before first subquery"; return {}; } if (placement->IsLastInSelectOp) { res.Settings.Label = settings.Label; } else if (!settings.Label.Empty()) { auto labelPos = Ctx.TokenPosition(node.GetBlock3().GetToken1()); Ctx.Error(labelPos) << "INTO RESULT within UNION ALL is only allowed after last subquery"; return {}; } settings = {}; } switch (node.GetBlock2().Alt_case()) { case TRule_select_kind_TBlock2::kAlt1: res.Source = ProcessCore(node.GetBlock2().GetAlt1().GetRule_process_core1(), settings, selectPos); break; case TRule_select_kind_TBlock2::kAlt2: res.Source = ReduceCore(node.GetBlock2().GetAlt2().GetRule_reduce_core1(), settings, selectPos); break; case TRule_select_kind_TBlock2::kAlt3: { res.Source = SelectCore(node.GetBlock2().GetAlt3().GetRule_select_core1(), settings, selectPos, placement, res.SelectOpOrderBy, res.SelectOpAssumeOrderBy); break; } case TRule_select_kind_TBlock2::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } return res; } TSqlSelect::TSelectKindResult TSqlSelect::SelectKind(const TRule_select_kind_parenthesis& node, TPosition& selectPos, TMaybe placement) { if (node.Alt_case() == TRule_select_kind_parenthesis::kAltSelectKindParenthesis1) { return SelectKind(node.GetAlt_select_kind_parenthesis1().GetRule_select_kind_partial1(), selectPos, placement); } else { return SelectKind(node.GetAlt_select_kind_parenthesis2().GetRule_select_kind_partial2(), selectPos, {}); } } template TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::Build(const TRule& node, TPosition pos, TSelectKindResult&& first) { if (node.GetBlock2().empty()) { return std::move(first.Source); } auto blocks = node.GetBlock2(); TPosition unionPos = pos; // Position of first select TVector orderBy; bool assumeOrderBy = false; TNodePtr skipTake; TWriteSettings outermostSettings; outermostSettings.Discard = first.Settings.Discard; TVector sources{ std::move(first.Source)}; bool currentQuantifier = false; for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { auto& b = blocks[i]; const bool second = (i == 0); const bool last = (i + 1 == blocks.size()); TSelectKindPlacement placement; placement.IsLastInSelectOp = last; TSelectKindResult next = SelectKind(b.GetRule_select_kind_parenthesis2(), pos, placement); if (!next) { return nullptr; } if (last) { orderBy = next.SelectOpOrderBy; assumeOrderBy = next.SelectOpAssumeOrderBy; skipTake = next.SelectOpSkipTake; outermostSettings.Label = next.Settings.Label; } switch (b.GetRule_select_op1().Alt_case()) { case TRule_select_op::kAltSelectOp1: break; case TRule_select_op::kAltSelectOp2: case TRule_select_op::kAltSelectOp3: Ctx.Error() << "INTERSECT and EXCEPT are not implemented yet"; return nullptr; case TRule_select_op::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } const bool quantifier = b.GetRule_select_op1().GetAlt_select_op1().HasBlock2(); if (!second && quantifier != currentQuantifier) { auto source = BuildUnion(pos, std::move(sources), currentQuantifier, {}); sources.clear(); sources.emplace_back(std::move(source)); } sources.emplace_back(std::move(next.Source)); currentQuantifier = quantifier; } auto result = BuildUnion(pos, std::move(sources), currentQuantifier, outermostSettings); if (orderBy) { TVector groupByExpr; TVector groupBy; bool compactGroupBy = false; TString groupBySuffix = ""; TNodePtr having; TWinSpecs winSpecs; TLegacyHoppingWindowSpecPtr legacyHoppingWindowSpec; bool distinct = false; TVector without; bool forceWithout = false; bool stream = false; TVector terms; terms.push_back(BuildColumn(unionPos, "*", "")); result = BuildSelectCore(Ctx, unionPos, std::move(result), groupByExpr, groupBy, compactGroupBy, groupBySuffix, assumeOrderBy, orderBy, having, std::move(winSpecs), legacyHoppingWindowSpec, std::move(terms), distinct, std::move(without), forceWithout, stream, outermostSettings, {}, {}); result = BuildSelect(unionPos, std::move(result), skipTake); } else if (skipTake) { result = BuildSelect(unionPos, std::move(result), skipTake); } return result; } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::Build(const TRule_select_stmt& node, TPosition& selectPos) { TMaybe placement; if (!node.GetBlock2().empty()) { placement.ConstructInPlace(); placement->IsFirstInSelectOp = true; } auto res = SelectKind(node.GetRule_select_kind_parenthesis1(), selectPos, placement); if (!res) { return nullptr; } return Build(node, selectPos, std::move(res)); } TSourcePtr TSqlSelect::Build(const TRule_select_unparenthesized_stmt& node, TPosition& selectPos) { TMaybe placement; if (!node.GetBlock2().empty()) { placement.ConstructInPlace(); placement->IsFirstInSelectOp = true; } auto res = SelectKind(node.GetRule_select_kind_partial1(), selectPos, placement); if (!res) { return nullptr; } return Build(node, selectPos, std::move(res)); } } // namespace NSQLTranslationV1