{% for status in status_order %}

{{ status.name }} ({{ tests[status] | length }})

{% if status.is_error and history%} {% endif %} {% if status in has_any_log %} {% endif %} {% for t in tests[status] %} {% if status.is_error %} {% if (status.is_error and t.full_name in history) %} {% elif (status.is_error and history) %} {% elif status.is_error %} {% endif %} {% if status in has_any_log %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
test owner test namehistory
elapsed statusLOG
{{ t.owners.replace('TEAM:@ydb-platform/','')}} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ t.full_name }} {% if status.is_error %}
{% endif %} {% if t.status_description %} {% endif %}
{% for h in history[t.full_name] %} {% if history[t.full_name][h].status == 'failure' %} {% elif history[t.full_name][h].status == 'passed' %} {% elif history[t.full_name][h].status == 'mute' %} {% endif %} Status: {{history[t.full_name][h].status}}
Date: {{ history[t.full_name][h].datetime }}
{% if history[t.full_name][h].status_description != "" %} Info: {{ history[t.full_name][h].status_description.split(';')[0][0:100] }}
{% endif %} SHA: {{history[t.full_name][h].commit[0:8]}}
{% endfor %}
{{ t.elapsed_display }} {{ t.status_display }} {% if t.log_urls %} {% for log_name, log_url in t.log_urls.items() %} {{ log_name }}{% if not loop.last %} | {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %}   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}