@@ -177,14 +177,30 @@ void THive::DeleteTabletWithoutStorage(TLeaderTabletInfo* tablet, TSideEffects&
sideEffects.Send(SelfId(), new TEvTabletBase::TEvDeleteTabletResult(NKikimrProto::OK, tablet->Id));
+TInstant THive::GetAllowedBootingTime() {
+ auto connectedNodes = TabletCounters->Simple()[NHive::COUNTER_NODES_CONNECTED].Get();
+ BLOG_D(connectedNodes << " nodes connected out of " << ExpectedNodes);
+ if (connectedNodes == 0) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ TInstant result = LastConnect + MaxTimeBetweenConnects * std::max<i64>(static_cast<i64>(ExpectedNodes) - static_cast<i64>(connectedNodes), 1);
+ if (connectedNodes < ExpectedNodes) {
+ result = std::max(result, StartTime() + GetWarmUpBootWaitingPeriod());
+ }
+ result = std::min(result, StartTime() + GetMaxWarmUpPeriod());
+ return result;
void THive::ExecuteProcessBootQueue(NIceDb::TNiceDb& db, TSideEffects& sideEffects) {
TInstant now = TActivationContext::Now();
- TInstant allowed = std::min(LastConnect + GetWarmUpBootWaitingPeriod(), StartTime() + GetMaxWarmUpPeriod());
- if (WarmUp && now < allowed) {
- BLOG_D("ProcessBootQueue - last connect was at " << LastConnect << "- not long enough ago");
- ProcessBootQueueScheduled = false;
- PostponeProcessBootQueue(allowed - now);
- return;
+ if (WarmUp) {
+ TInstant allowed = GetAllowedBootingTime();
+ if (now < allowed) {
+ BLOG_D("ProcessBootQueue - waiting until " << allowed << " because of warmup, now: " << now);
+ ProcessBootQueueScheduled = false;
+ PostponeProcessBootQueue(allowed - now);
+ return;
+ }
BLOG_D("Handle ProcessBootQueue (size: " << BootQueue.BootQueue.size() << ")");
THPTimer bootQueueProcessingTimer;
@@ -304,9 +320,11 @@ void THive::ProcessBootQueue() {
void THive::PostponeProcessBootQueue(TDuration after) {
- if (!ProcessBootQueuePostponed) {
+ TInstant postponeUntil = TActivationContext::Now() + after;
+ if (!ProcessBootQueuePostponed || postponeUntil < ProcessBootQueuePostponedUntil) {
BLOG_D("PostponeProcessBootQueue (" << after << ")");
ProcessBootQueuePostponed = true;
+ ProcessBootQueuePostponedUntil = postponeUntil;
Schedule(after, new TEvPrivate::TEvPostponeProcessBootQueue());