@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
- * determine.h -- the FSM determination routine.
+ * determine.h -- the FSM determination routine.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Dmitry Prokoptsev <dprokoptsev@gmail.com>,
+ * Alexander Gololobov <agololobov@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of Pire, the Perl Incompatible
+ * Regular Expressions library.
+ *
+ * Pire is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
- * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Dmitry Prokoptsev <dprokoptsev@gmail.com>,
- * Alexander Gololobov <agololobov@gmail.com>
- *
- * This file is part of Pire, the Perl Incompatible
- * Regular Expressions library.
- *
- * Pire is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Pire is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
- * along with Pire. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
- */
+ * Pire is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
+ * along with Pire. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
+ */
#include <contrib/libs/pire/pire/stub/stl.h>
-#include "partition.h"
-namespace Pire {
- namespace Impl {
- /**
- * An interface of a determination task.
- * You don't have to derive from this class; it is just a start point template.
- */
- class DetermineTask {
- private:
- struct ImplementationSpecific1;
- struct ImplementationSpecific2;
- public:
- /// A type representing a new state (may be a set of old states, a pair of them, etc...)
- typedef ImplementationSpecific1 State;
- /// A type of letter equivalence classes table.
- typedef Partition<char, ImplementationSpecific2> LettersTbl;
- /// A container used for storing map of states to thier indices.
+#include "partition.h"
+namespace Pire {
+ namespace Impl {
+ /**
+ * An interface of a determination task.
+ * You don't have to derive from this class; it is just a start point template.
+ */
+ class DetermineTask {
+ private:
+ struct ImplementationSpecific1;
+ struct ImplementationSpecific2;
+ public:
+ /// A type representing a new state (may be a set of old states, a pair of them, etc...)
+ typedef ImplementationSpecific1 State;
+ /// A type of letter equivalence classes table.
+ typedef Partition<char, ImplementationSpecific2> LettersTbl;
+ /// A container used for storing map of states to thier indices.
typedef TMap<State, size_t> InvStates;
- /// Should return used letters' partition.
- const LettersTbl& Letters() const;
- /// Should return initial state (surprise!)
- State Initial() const;
- /// Should calculate next state, given the current state and a letter.
- State Next(State state, Char letter) const;
- /// Should return true iff the state need to be processed.
- bool IsRequired(const State& /*state*/) const { return true; }
- /// Called when the set of new states is closed.
+ /// Should return used letters' partition.
+ const LettersTbl& Letters() const;
+ /// Should return initial state (surprise!)
+ State Initial() const;
+ /// Should calculate next state, given the current state and a letter.
+ State Next(State state, Char letter) const;
+ /// Should return true iff the state need to be processed.
+ bool IsRequired(const State& /*state*/) const { return true; }
+ /// Called when the set of new states is closed.
void AcceptStates(const TVector<State>& newstates);
- /// Called for each transition from one new state to another.
- void Connect(size_t from, size_t to, Char letter);
- typedef bool Result;
- Result Success() { return true; }
- Result Failure() { return false; }
- };
- /**
- * A helper function for FSM determining and all determine-like algorithms
- * like scanners' agglutination.
- *
- * Given an indirectly specified automaton (through Task::Initial() and Task::Next()
- * functions, see above), performs a breadth-first traversal, finding and enumerating
- * all effectively reachable states. Then passes all found states and transitions
- * between them back to the task.
- *
- * Initial state is always placed at zero position.
- *
- * Please note that the function does not take care of any payload (including final flags);
- * it is the task's responsibility to agglutinate them properly.
- *
- * Returns task.Succeed() if everything was done; task.Failure() if maximum limit of state count was reached.
- */
- template<class Task>
- typename Task::Result Determine(Task& task, size_t maxSize)
- {
- typedef typename Task::State State;
- typedef typename Task::InvStates InvStates;
+ /// Called for each transition from one new state to another.
+ void Connect(size_t from, size_t to, Char letter);
+ typedef bool Result;
+ Result Success() { return true; }
+ Result Failure() { return false; }
+ };
+ /**
+ * A helper function for FSM determining and all determine-like algorithms
+ * like scanners' agglutination.
+ *
+ * Given an indirectly specified automaton (through Task::Initial() and Task::Next()
+ * functions, see above), performs a breadth-first traversal, finding and enumerating
+ * all effectively reachable states. Then passes all found states and transitions
+ * between them back to the task.
+ *
+ * Initial state is always placed at zero position.
+ *
+ * Please note that the function does not take care of any payload (including final flags);
+ * it is the task's responsibility to agglutinate them properly.
+ *
+ * Returns task.Succeed() if everything was done; task.Failure() if maximum limit of state count was reached.
+ */
+ template<class Task>
+ typename Task::Result Determine(Task& task, size_t maxSize)
+ {
+ typedef typename Task::State State;
+ typedef typename Task::InvStates InvStates;
typedef TDeque< TVector<size_t> > TransitionTable;
TVector<State> states;
- InvStates invstates;
- TransitionTable transitions;
+ InvStates invstates;
+ TransitionTable transitions;
TVector<size_t> stateIndices;
- states.push_back(task.Initial());
- invstates.insert(typename InvStates::value_type(states[0], 0));
- for (size_t stateIdx = 0; stateIdx < states.size(); ++stateIdx) {
- if (!task.IsRequired(states[stateIdx]))
- continue;
- TransitionTable::value_type row(task.Letters().Size());
+ states.push_back(task.Initial());
+ invstates.insert(typename InvStates::value_type(states[0], 0));
+ for (size_t stateIdx = 0; stateIdx < states.size(); ++stateIdx) {
+ if (!task.IsRequired(states[stateIdx]))
+ continue;
+ TransitionTable::value_type row(task.Letters().Size());
for (auto&& letter : task.Letters()) {
State newState = task.Next(states[stateIdx], letter.first);
auto i = invstates.find(newState);
- if (i == invstates.end()) {
- if (!maxSize--)
- return task.Failure();
- i = invstates.insert(typename InvStates::value_type(newState, states.size())).first;
- states.push_back(newState);
- }
+ if (i == invstates.end()) {
+ if (!maxSize--)
+ return task.Failure();
+ i = invstates.insert(typename InvStates::value_type(newState, states.size())).first;
+ states.push_back(newState);
+ }
row[letter.second.first] = i->second;
- }
- transitions.push_back(row);
- stateIndices.push_back(stateIdx);
- }
+ }
+ transitions.push_back(row);
+ stateIndices.push_back(stateIdx);
+ }
TVector<Char> invletters(task.Letters().Size());
for (auto&& letter : task.Letters())
invletters[letter.second.first] = letter.first;
- task.AcceptStates(states);
- size_t from = 0;
- for (TransitionTable::iterator i = transitions.begin(), ie = transitions.end(); i != ie; ++i, ++from) {
+ task.AcceptStates(states);
+ size_t from = 0;
+ for (TransitionTable::iterator i = transitions.begin(), ie = transitions.end(); i != ie; ++i, ++from) {
TVector<Char>::iterator l = invletters.begin();
- for (TransitionTable::value_type::iterator j = i->begin(), je = i->end(); j != je; ++j, ++l)
- task.Connect(stateIndices[from], *j, *l);
- }
- return task.Success();
- }
+ for (TransitionTable::value_type::iterator j = i->begin(), je = i->end(); j != je; ++j, ++l)
+ task.Connect(stateIndices[from], *j, *l);
+ }
+ return task.Success();
+ }
// Faster transition table representation for determined FSM
typedef TVector<size_t> DeterminedTransitions;
- }
+ }