@@ -14,31 +14,129 @@ namespace NKikimr::NSysView::NAuth {
using namespace NSchemeShard;
using namespace NActors;
-class TUsersScan : public TAuthScanBase<TUsersScan> {
+class TUsersScan : public TScanActorBase<TUsersScan> {
- using TScanBase = TScanActorBase<TUsersScan>;
- using TAuthBase = TAuthScanBase<TUsersScan>;
+ using TBase = TScanActorBase<TUsersScan>;
TUsersScan(const NActors::TActorId& ownerId, ui32 scanId, const TTableId& tableId,
const TTableRange& tableRange, const TArrayRef<NMiniKQL::TKqpComputeContextBase::TColumn>& columns)
- : TAuthBase(ownerId, scanId, tableId, tableRange, columns)
+ : TBase(ownerId, scanId, tableId, tableRange, columns)
+ STFUNC(StateScan) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ HFunc(TEvSchemeShard::TEvListUsersResult, Handle);
+ hFunc(NKqp::TEvKqpCompute::TEvScanDataAck, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem, Handle);
+ hFunc(NKqp::TEvKqp::TEvAbortExecution, TBase::HandleAbortExecution);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvWakeup::EventType, TBase::HandleTimeout);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoison::EventType, PassAway);
+ default:
+ LOG_CRIT(*TlsActivationContext, NKikimrServices::SYSTEM_VIEWS,
+ "NSysView::NAuth::TUsersScan: unexpected event 0x%08" PRIx32, ev->GetTypeRewrite());
+ }
+ }
- void FillBatch(NKqp::TEvKqpCompute::TEvScanData& batch, const TNavigate::TEntry& entry) override {
- Y_ABORT_UNLESS(entry.Status == TNavigate::EStatus::Ok);
- Y_ABORT_UNLESS(CanonizePath(entry.Path) == TBase::TenantName);
+ void ProceedToScan() override {
+ TBase::Become(&TUsersScan::StateScan);
+ if (TBase::AckReceived) {
+ StartScan();
+ }
+ }
+ void Handle(NKqp::TEvKqpCompute::TEvScanDataAck::TPtr&) {
+ StartScan();
+ }
+ void StartScan() {
+ // TODO: support TableRange filter
+ if (auto cellsFrom = TBase::TableRange.From.GetCells(); cellsFrom.size() > 0 && !cellsFrom[0].IsNull()) {
+ TBase::ReplyErrorAndDie(Ydb::StatusIds::INTERNAL_ERROR, TStringBuilder() << "TableRange.From filter is not supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (auto cellsTo = TBase::TableRange.To.GetCells(); cellsTo.size() > 0 && !cellsTo[0].IsNull()) {
+ TBase::ReplyErrorAndDie(Ydb::StatusIds::INTERNAL_ERROR, TStringBuilder() << "TableRange.To filter is not supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto request = MakeHolder<TEvSchemeShard::TEvListUsers>();
+ LOG_TRACE_S(TlsActivationContext->AsActorContext(), NKikimrServices::SYSTEM_VIEWS,
+ "Sending list users request " << request->Record.ShortUtf8DebugString());
+ TBase::SendThroughPipeCache(request.Release(), TBase::SchemeShardId);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvSchemeShard::TEvListUsersResult::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ const auto& record = ev->Get()->Record;
+ LOG_TRACE_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::SYSTEM_VIEWS,
+ "Got list users response " << record.ShortUtf8DebugString());
+ auto batch = MakeHolder<NKqp::TEvKqpCompute::TEvScanData>(TBase::ScanId);
+ FillBatch(*batch, record);
+ TBase::SendBatch(std::move(batch));
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvPipeCache::TEvDeliveryProblem::TPtr&) {
+ TBase::ReplyErrorAndDie(Ydb::StatusIds::UNAVAILABLE, "Failed to request domain info");
+ }
+ void PassAway() override {
+ TBase::PassAway();
+ }
+ void FillBatch(NKqp::TEvKqpCompute::TEvScanData& batch, const NKikimrScheme::TEvListUsersResult& result) {
TVector<TCell> cells(::Reserve(Columns.size()));
// TODO: add rows according to request's sender user rights
- for (const auto& user : entry.DomainInfo->Users) {
+ for (const auto& user : result.GetUsers()) {
for (auto& column : Columns) {
switch (column.Tag) {
case Schema::AuthUsers::Sid::ColumnId:
- cells.push_back(TCell(user.Sid.data(), user.Sid.size()));
+ cells.push_back(user.HasName()
+ ? TCell(user.GetName().data(), user.GetName().size())
+ : TCell());
+ break;
+ case Schema::AuthUsers::IsEnabled::ColumnId:
+ cells.push_back(user.HasIsEnabled()
+ ? TCell::Make(user.GetIsEnabled())
+ : TCell());
+ break;
+ case Schema::AuthUsers::IsLockedOut::ColumnId:
+ cells.push_back(user.HasIsLockedOut()
+ ? TCell::Make(user.GetIsLockedOut())
+ : TCell());
+ break;
+ case Schema::AuthUsers::CreatedAt::ColumnId:
+ cells.push_back(user.HasCreatedAt()
+ ? TCell::Make(user.GetCreatedAt())
+ : TCell());
+ break;
+ case Schema::AuthUsers::LastSuccessfulAttemptAt::ColumnId:
+ cells.push_back(user.HasLastSuccessfulAttemptAt()
+ ? TCell::Make(user.GetLastSuccessfulAttemptAt())
+ : TCell());
+ break;
+ case Schema::AuthUsers::LastFailedAttemptAt::ColumnId:
+ cells.push_back(user.HasLastFailedAttemptAt()
+ ? TCell::Make(user.GetLastFailedAttemptAt())
+ : TCell());
+ break;
+ case Schema::AuthUsers::FailedAttemptCount::ColumnId:
+ cells.push_back(user.HasFailedAttemptCount()
+ ? TCell::Make(user.GetFailedAttemptCount())
+ : TCell());
+ break;
+ case Schema::AuthUsers::PasswordHash::ColumnId:
+ cells.push_back(user.HasPasswordHash()
+ ? TCell(user.GetPasswordHash().data(), user.GetPasswordHash().size())
+ : TCell());