@@ -32,14 +32,20 @@ TDuration ProcessUptime() {
TUnbufferedFileInput statFile(statPath);
auto statStr = statFile.ReadAll();
const auto completeStatsSize = 20; // First two fields skipped to ignore variations of parentheses
- TVector<TString> stats = StringSplitter(TStringBuf{statStr}.RAfter(')').After(' ')).Split(' ').Take(completeStatsSize);
+ const TVector<TStringBuf> stats = StringSplitter(TStringBuf{statStr}.RAfter(')').After(' ')).Split(' ').Take(completeStatsSize);
ui64 startTimeTicks = 0;
Y_THROW_UNLESS(stats.size() == completeStatsSize, "Broken format of " << statPath);
if (!TryFromString<ui64>(stats.back(), startTimeTicks)) {
ythrow yexception() << "Failed to extract process starttime value from " << statPath;
- auto startTimeSeconds = startTimeTicks / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
- return Uptime() - TDuration::Seconds(startTimeSeconds);
+ long ticksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
+ Y_THROW_UNLESS_EX(ticksPerSecond != -1, TSystemError() << "Failed to get _SC_CLK_TCK");
+ Y_THROW_UNLESS(ticksPerSecond > 0, "Invalid value of the _SC_CLK_TCK variable: " << ticksPerSecond);
+ const ui64 startTimeSeconds = startTimeTicks / ticksPerSecond;
+ const ui64 fractionTicks = startTimeTicks % ticksPerSecond;
+ const TDuration startTimeFractionSeconds = TDuration::MicroSeconds(1'000'000u * fractionTicks / ticksPerSecond);
+ const TDuration startTime = TDuration::Seconds(startTimeSeconds) + startTimeFractionSeconds;
+ return Uptime() - startTime;
ythrow yexception() << "unimplemented";