@@ -0,0 +1,1606 @@
+syntax = "proto2";
+option go_package = "github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/library/cpp/porto/proto;myapi";
+ Portod daemon listens on /run/portod.socket unix socket.
+ Request: Varint32 length, TPortoRequest request
+ Response: Varint32 length, TPortoResponse response
+ Command is defined by optional nested message field.
+ Result will be in nested message with the same name.
+ Push notification is send as out of order response.
+ Access level depends on client container and uid.
+ See defails in porto.md or manpage porto
+ TContainer, TVolume and related methods are Porto v5 API.
+package Porto;
+// List of error codes
+enum EError {
+ // No errors occured.
+ Success = 0;
+ // Unclassified error, usually unexpected syscall fail.
+ Unknown = 1;
+ // Unknown method or bad request.
+ InvalidMethod = 2;
+ // Container with specified name already exists.
+ ContainerAlreadyExists = 3;
+ // Container with specified name doesn't exist.
+ ContainerDoesNotExist = 4;
+ // Unknown property specified.
+ InvalidProperty = 5;
+ // Unknown data specified.
+ InvalidData = 6;
+ // Invalid value of property or data.
+ InvalidValue = 7;
+ // Can't perform specified operation in current container state.
+ InvalidState = 8;
+ // Permanent faulure: old kernel version, missing feature, configuration, etc.
+ NotSupported = 9;
+ // Temporary failure: too much objects, not enough memory, etc.
+ ResourceNotAvailable = 10;
+ // Insufficient rights for performing requested operation.
+ Permission = 11;
+ // Can't create new volume with specified name, because there is already one.
+ VolumeAlreadyExists = 12;
+ // Volume with specified name doesn't exist.
+ VolumeNotFound = 13;
+ // Not enough disk space.
+ NoSpace = 14;
+ // Object in use.
+ Busy = 15;
+ // Volume already linked with container.
+ VolumeAlreadyLinked = 16;
+ // Volume not linked with container.
+ VolumeNotLinked = 17;
+ // Layer with this name already exists.
+ LayerAlreadyExists = 18;
+ // Layer with this name not found.
+ LayerNotFound = 19;
+ // Property has no value, data source permanently not available.
+ NoValue = 20;
+ // Volume under construction or destruction.
+ VolumeNotReady = 21;
+ // Cannot parse or execute command.
+ InvalidCommand = 22;
+ // Error code is lost or came from future.
+ LostError = 23;
+ // Device node not found.
+ DeviceNotFound = 24;
+ // Path does not match restricitons or does not exist.
+ InvalidPath = 25;
+ // Wrong or unuseable ip address.
+ InvalidNetworkAddress = 26;
+ // Porto in system maintenance state.
+ PortoFrozen = 27;
+ // Label with this name is not set.
+ LabelNotFound = 28;
+ // Label name does not meet restrictions.
+ InvalidLabel = 29;
+ // Errors in tar, on archive extraction
+ HelperError = 30;
+ HelperFatalError = 31;
+ // Generic object not found.
+ NotFound = 404;
+ // Reserved error code for client library.
+ SocketError = 502;
+ // Reserved error code for client library.
+ SocketUnavailable = 503;
+ // Reserved error code for client library.
+ SocketTimeout = 504;
+ // Portod close client connections on reload
+ PortodReloaded = 505;
+ // Reserved error code for taints.
+ Taint = 666;
+ // Reserved error codes 700-800 to docker
+ Docker = 700;
+ DockerImageNotFound = 701;
+ // Internal error code, not for users.
+ Queued = 1000;
+message TPortoRequest {
+ /* System methods */
+ // Get portod version
+ optional TVersionRequest Version = 14;
+ // Get portod statistics
+ optional TGetSystemRequest GetSystem = 300;
+ // Change portod state (for host root user only)
+ optional TSetSystemRequest SetSystem = 301;
+ /* Container methods */
+ // Create new container
+ optional TCreateRequest Create = 1;
+ // Create new contaienr and auto destroy when client disconnects
+ optional TCreateRequest CreateWeak = 17;
+ // Force kill all and destroy container and nested containers
+ optional TDestroyRequest Destroy = 2;
+ // List container names in current namespace
+ optional TListRequest List = 3;
+ // Start contianer and parents if needed
+ optional TStartRequest Start = 7;
+ // Kill all and stop container
+ optional TStopRequest Stop = 8;
+ // Freeze execution
+ optional TPauseRequest Pause = 9;
+ // Resume execution
+ optional TResumeRequest Resume = 10;
+ // Send signal to main process
+ optional TKillRequest Kill = 13;
+ // Restart dead container
+ optional TRespawnRequest Respawn = 18;
+ // Wait for process finish or change of labels
+ optional TWaitRequest Wait = 16;
+ // Subscribe to push notifictaions
+ optional TWaitRequest AsyncWait = 19;
+ optional TWaitRequest StopAsyncWait = 128;
+ /* Container properties */
+ // List supported container properties
+ optional TListPropertiesRequest ListProperties = 11;
+ // Get one property
+ optional TGetPropertyRequest GetProperty = 4;
+ // Set one property
+ optional TSetPropertyRequest SetProperty = 5;
+ // Deprecated, now data properties are also read-only properties
+ optional TListDataPropertiesRequest ListDataProperties = 12;
+ optional TGetDataPropertyRequest GetDataProperty = 6;
+ // Get multiple properties for multiple containers
+ optional TGetRequest Get = 15;
+ /* Container API based on TContainer (Porto v5 API) */
+ // Create, configure and start container with volumes
+ optional TCreateFromSpecRequest CreateFromSpec = 230;
+ // Set multiple container properties
+ optional TUpdateFromSpecRequest UpdateFromSpec = 231;
+ // Get multiple properties for multiple containers
+ optional TListContainersRequest ListContainersBy = 232;
+ // Modify symlink in container
+ optional TSetSymlinkRequest SetSymlink = 125;
+ /* Container labels - user defined key-value */
+ // Find containers with labels
+ optional TFindLabelRequest FindLabel = 20;
+ // Atomic compare and set for label
+ optional TSetLabelRequest SetLabel = 21;
+ // Atomic add and return for counter in label
+ optional TIncLabelRequest IncLabel = 22;
+ /* Volume methods */
+ optional TListVolumePropertiesRequest ListVolumeProperties = 103;
+ // List layers and their properties
+ optional TListVolumesRequest ListVolumes = 107;
+ // Create, configure and build volume
+ optional TCreateVolumeRequest CreateVolume = 104;
+ // Change volume properties - for now only resize
+ optional TTuneVolumeRequest TuneVolume = 108;
+ // Volume API based on TVolume (Porto v5 API)
+ optional TNewVolumeRequest NewVolume = 126;
+ optional TGetVolumeRequest GetVolume = 127;
+ // Add link between container and volume
+ optional TLinkVolumeRequest LinkVolume = 105;
+ // Same as LinkVolume but fails if target is not supported
+ optional TLinkVolumeRequest LinkVolumeTarget = 120;
+ // Del link between container and volume
+ optional TUnlinkVolumeRequest UnlinkVolume = 106;
+ // Same as UnlinkVolume but fails if target is not supported
+ optional TUnlinkVolumeRequest UnlinkVolumeTarget = 121;
+ /* Layer methods */
+ // Import layer from tarball
+ optional TImportLayerRequest ImportLayer = 110;
+ // Remove layer
+ optional TRemoveLayerRequest RemoveLayer = 111;
+ // List layers
+ optional TListLayersRequest ListLayers = 112;
+ // Export volume or layer into tarball
+ optional TExportLayerRequest ExportLayer = 113;
+ // Get/set layer private (user defined string)
+ optional TGetLayerPrivateRequest GetLayerPrivate = 114;
+ optional TSetLayerPrivateRequest SetLayerPrivate = 115;
+ /* Storage methods */
+ // Volume creation creates required storage if missing
+ // List storages and meta storages
+ optional TListStoragesRequest ListStorages = 116;
+ optional TRemoveStorageRequest RemoveStorage = 117;
+ // Import storage from tarball
+ optional TImportStorageRequest ImportStorage = 118;
+ // Export storage into tarball
+ optional TExportStorageRequest ExportStorage = 119;
+ // Meta storage (bundle for storages and layers)
+ optional TMetaStorage CreateMetaStorage = 122;
+ optional TMetaStorage ResizeMetaStorage = 123;
+ optional TMetaStorage RemoveMetaStorage = 124;
+ // Convert path between containers
+ optional TConvertPathRequest ConvertPath = 200;
+ /* Process methods */
+ // Attach process to nested container
+ optional TAttachProcessRequest AttachProcess = 201;
+ // Find container for process
+ optional TLocateProcessRequest LocateProcess = 202;
+ // Attach one thread to nexted container
+ optional TAttachProcessRequest AttachThread = 203;
+ /* Docker images API */
+ optional TDockerImageStatusRequest dockerImageStatus = 303;
+ optional TDockerImageListRequest listDockerImages = 304;
+ optional TDockerImagePullRequest pullDockerImage = 305;
+ optional TDockerImageRemoveRequest removeDockerImage = 306;
+message TPortoResponse {
+ // Actually always set, hack for adding new error codes
+ optional EError error = 1 [ default = LostError ];
+ // Human readable comment - must be shown to user as is
+ optional string errorMsg = 2;
+ optional uint64 timestamp = 1000; // for next changed_since
+ /* System methods */
+ optional TVersionResponse Version = 8;
+ optional TGetSystemResponse GetSystem = 300;
+ optional TSetSystemResponse SetSystem = 301;
+ /* Container methods */
+ optional TListResponse List = 3;
+ optional TWaitResponse Wait = 11;
+ optional TWaitResponse AsyncWait = 19;
+ /* Container properties */
+ optional TListPropertiesResponse ListProperties = 6;
+ optional TGetPropertyResponse GetProperty = 4;
+ // Deprecated
+ optional TListDataPropertiesResponse ListDataProperties = 7;
+ optional TGetDataPropertyResponse GetDataProperty = 5;
+ optional TGetResponse Get = 10;
+ /* Container API based on TContainer (Porto v5 API) */
+ optional TListContainersResponse ListContainersBy = 232;
+ /* Container Labels */
+ optional TFindLabelResponse FindLabel = 20;
+ optional TSetLabelResponse SetLabel = 21;
+ optional TIncLabelResponse IncLabel = 22;
+ /* Volume methods */
+ optional TListVolumePropertiesResponse ListVolumeProperties = 12;
+ optional TListVolumesResponse ListVolumes = 9;
+ optional TVolumeDescription CreateVolume = 13;
+ optional TNewVolumeResponse NewVolume = 126;
+ optional TGetVolumeResponse GetVolume = 127;
+ optional TListLayersResponse ListLayers = 14;
+ optional TGetLayerPrivateResponse GetLayerPrivate = 16;
+ // List storages and meta storages
+ optional TListStoragesResponse ListStorages = 17;
+ optional TConvertPathResponse ConvertPath = 15;
+ // Process
+ optional TLocateProcessResponse LocateProcess = 18;
+ /* Docker images API */
+ optional TDockerImageStatusResponse dockerImageStatus = 302;
+ optional TDockerImageListResponse listDockerImages = 303;
+ optional TDockerImagePullResponse pullDockerImage = 304;
+// Common objects
+message TStringMap {
+ message TStringMapEntry {
+ optional string key = 1;
+ optional string val = 2;
+ }
+ // TODO replace with map
+ // map<string, string> map = 1;
+ repeated TStringMapEntry map = 1;
+ optional bool merge = 2; // in, default: replace
+message TUintMap {
+ message TUintMapEntry {
+ optional string key = 1;
+ optional uint64 val = 2;
+ }
+ // TODO replace with map
+ // map<string, uint64> map = 1;
+ repeated TUintMapEntry map = 1;
+ optional bool merge = 2; // in, default: replace
+message TError {
+ optional EError error = 1 [ default = LostError ];
+ optional string msg = 2;
+message TCred {
+ optional string user = 1; // requires user or uid or both
+ optional fixed32 uid = 2;
+ optional string group = 3;
+ optional fixed32 gid = 4;
+ repeated fixed32 grp = 5; // out, supplementary groups
+message TCapabilities {
+ repeated string cap = 1;
+ optional string hex = 2; // out
+message TContainerCommandArgv {
+ repeated string argv = 1;
+// Container
+message TContainerEnvVar {
+ optional string name = 1; //required
+ optional string value = 2;
+ optional bool unset = 3; // out
+ optional string salt = 4;
+ optional string hash = 5;
+message TContainerEnv {
+ repeated TContainerEnvVar var = 1;
+ optional bool merge = 2; // in, default: replace
+message TContainerUlimit {
+ optional string type = 1; //required
+ optional bool unlimited = 2;
+ optional uint64 soft = 3;
+ optional uint64 hard = 4;
+ optional bool inherited = 5; // out
+message TContainerUlimits {
+ repeated TContainerUlimit ulimit = 1;
+ optional bool merge = 2; // in, default: replace
+message TContainerControllers {
+ repeated string controller = 1;
+message TContainerCgroup {
+ optional string controller = 1; //required
+ optional string path = 2; //required
+ optional bool inherited = 3;
+message TContainerCgroups {
+ repeated TContainerCgroup cgroup = 1;
+message TContainerCpuSet {
+ optional string policy = 1; // inherit|set|node|reserve|threads|cores
+ optional uint32 arg = 2; // for node|reserve|threads|cores
+ optional string list = 3; // for set
+ repeated uint32 cpu = 4; // for set (used if list isn't set)
+ optional uint32 count = 5; // out
+ optional string mems = 6;
+message TContainerBindMount {
+ optional string source = 1; //required
+ optional string target = 2; //required
+ repeated string flag = 3;
+message TContainerBindMounts {
+ repeated TContainerBindMount bind = 1;
+message TContainerVolumeLink {
+ optional string volume = 1; //required
+ optional string target = 2;
+ optional bool required = 3;
+ optional bool read_only = 4;
+message TContainerVolumeLinks {
+ repeated TContainerVolumeLink link = 1;
+message TContainerVolumes {
+ repeated string volume = 1;
+message TContainerPlace {
+ optional string place = 1; //required
+ optional string alias = 2;
+message TContainerPlaceConfig {
+ repeated TContainerPlace cfg = 1;
+message TContainerDevice {
+ optional string device = 1; //required
+ optional string access = 2; //required
+ optional string path = 3;
+ optional string mode = 4;
+ optional string user = 5;
+ optional string group = 6;
+message TContainerDevices {
+ repeated TContainerDevice device = 1;
+ optional bool merge = 2; // in, default: replace
+message TContainerNetOption {
+ optional string opt = 1; //required
+ repeated string arg = 2;
+message TContainerNetConfig {
+ repeated TContainerNetOption cfg = 1;
+ optional bool inherited = 2; // out
+message TContainerIpLimit {
+ optional string policy = 1; //required any|none|some
+ repeated string ip = 2;
+message TContainerIpConfig {
+ message TContainerIp {
+ optional string dev = 1; //required
+ optional string ip = 2; //required
+ }
+ repeated TContainerIp cfg = 1;
+message TVmStat {
+ optional uint64 count = 1;
+ optional uint64 size = 2;
+ optional uint64 max_size = 3;
+ optional uint64 used = 4;
+ optional uint64 max_used = 5;
+ optional uint64 anon = 6;
+ optional uint64 file = 7;
+ optional uint64 shmem = 8;
+ optional uint64 huge = 9;
+ optional uint64 swap = 10;
+ optional uint64 data = 11;
+ optional uint64 stack = 12;
+ optional uint64 code = 13;
+ optional uint64 locked = 14;
+ optional uint64 table = 15;
+message TContainerStatus {
+ optional string absolute_name = 1; // out, "/porto/..."
+ optional string state = 2; // out
+ optional uint64 id = 3; // out
+ optional uint32 level = 4; // out
+ optional string parent = 5; // out, "/porto/..."
+ optional string absolute_namespace = 6; // out
+ optional int32 root_pid = 7; // out
+ optional int32 exit_status = 8; // out
+ optional int32 exit_code = 9; // out
+ optional bool core_dumped = 10; // out
+ optional TError start_error = 11; // out
+ optional uint64 time = 12; // out
+ optional uint64 dead_time = 13; // out
+ optional TCapabilities capabilities_allowed = 14; // out
+ optional TCapabilities capabilities_ambient_allowed = 15; // out
+ optional string root_path = 16; // out, in client namespace
+ optional uint64 stdout_offset = 17; // out
+ optional uint64 stderr_offset = 18; // out
+ optional string std_err = 69; // out
+ optional string std_out = 70; // out
+ optional uint64 creation_time = 19; // out
+ optional uint64 start_time = 20; // out
+ optional uint64 death_time = 21; // out
+ optional uint64 change_time = 22; // out
+ optional bool no_changes = 23; // out, change_time < changed_since
+ optional string extra_properties = 73;
+ optional TContainerCgroups cgroups = 24; // out
+ optional TContainerCpuSet cpu_set_affinity = 25; // out
+ optional uint64 cpu_usage = 26; // out
+ optional uint64 cpu_usage_system = 27; // out
+ optional uint64 cpu_wait = 28; // out
+ optional uint64 cpu_throttled = 29; // out
+ optional uint64 process_count = 30; // out
+ optional uint64 thread_count = 31; // out
+ optional TUintMap io_read = 32; // out, bytes
+ optional TUintMap io_write = 33; // out, bytes
+ optional TUintMap io_ops = 34; // out, ops
+ optional TUintMap io_read_ops = 341; // out, ops
+ optional TUintMap io_write_ops = 342; // out, ops
+ optional TUintMap io_time = 35; // out, ns
+ optional TUintMap io_pressure = 351; // out
+ optional TUintMap place_usage = 36;
+ optional uint64 memory_usage = 37; // out, bytes
+ optional uint64 memory_guarantee_total = 38; // out
+ optional uint64 memory_limit_total = 39; // out
+ optional uint64 anon_limit_total = 40;
+ optional uint64 anon_usage = 41; // out, bytes
+ optional double cpu_guarantee_total = 42;
+ optional double cpu_guarantee_bound = 421;
+ optional double cpu_limit_total = 422;
+ optional double cpu_limit_bound = 423;
+ optional uint64 cache_usage = 43; // out, bytes
+ optional uint64 hugetlb_usage = 44; // out, bytes
+ optional uint64 hugetlb_limit = 45;
+ optional uint64 minor_faults = 46; // out
+ optional uint64 major_faults = 47; // out
+ optional uint64 memory_reclaimed = 48; // out
+ optional TVmStat virtual_memory = 49; // out
+ optional uint64 shmem_usage = 71; // out, bytes
+ optional uint64 mlock_usage = 72; // out, bytes
+ optional uint64 oom_kills = 50; // out
+ optional uint64 oom_kills_total = 51; // out
+ optional bool oom_killed = 52; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_bytes = 54; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_packets = 55; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_drops = 56; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_overlimits = 57; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_rx_bytes = 58; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_rx_packets = 59; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_rx_drops = 60; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_tx_bytes = 61; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_tx_packets = 62; // out
+ optional TUintMap net_tx_drops = 63; // out
+ optional TContainerVolumeLinks volumes_linked = 64; // out
+ optional TContainerVolumes volumes_owned = 65;
+ repeated TError error = 66; // out
+ repeated TError warning = 67; // out
+ repeated TError taint = 68; // out
+message TContainerSpec {
+ optional string name = 1; // required / in client namespace
+ optional bool weak = 2;
+ optional string private = 3;
+ optional TStringMap labels = 4;
+ optional string command = 5;
+ optional TContainerCommandArgv command_argv = 76;
+ optional TContainerEnv env = 6;
+ optional TContainerEnv env_secret = 90; // in, out hides values
+ optional TContainerUlimits ulimit = 7;
+ optional string core_command = 8;
+ optional bool isolate = 9;
+ optional string virt_mode = 10;
+ optional string enable_porto = 11;
+ optional string porto_namespace = 12;
+ optional string cgroupfs = 78;
+ optional bool userns = 79;
+ optional uint64 aging_time = 13;
+ optional TCred task_cred = 14;
+ optional string user = 15;
+ optional string group = 16;
+ optional TCred owner_cred = 17;
+ optional string owner_user = 18;
+ optional string owner_group = 19;
+ optional string owner_containers = 77;
+ optional TCapabilities capabilities = 20;
+ optional TCapabilities capabilities_ambient = 21;
+ optional string root = 22; // in parent namespace
+ optional bool root_readonly = 23;
+ optional TContainerBindMounts bind = 24;
+ optional TStringMap symlink = 25;
+ optional TContainerDevices devices = 26;
+ optional TContainerPlaceConfig place = 27;
+ optional TUintMap place_limit = 28;
+ optional string cwd = 29;
+ optional string stdin_path = 30;
+ optional string stdout_path = 31;
+ optional string stderr_path = 32;
+ optional uint64 stdout_limit = 33;
+ optional uint32 umask = 34;
+ optional bool respawn = 35;
+ optional uint64 respawn_count = 36;
+ optional int64 max_respawns = 37;
+ optional uint64 respawn_delay = 38;
+ optional TContainerControllers controllers = 39;
+ optional string cpu_policy = 40; // normal|idle|batch|high|rt
+ optional double cpu_weight = 41; // 0.01 .. 100
+ optional double cpu_guarantee = 42; // in cores
+ optional double cpu_limit = 43; // in cores
+ optional double cpu_limit_total = 44; // deprecated (value moved to TContainerStatus)
+ optional uint64 cpu_period = 45; // ns
+ optional TContainerCpuSet cpu_set = 46;
+ optional uint64 thread_limit = 47;
+ optional string io_policy = 48; // none|rt|high|normal|batch|idle
+ optional double io_weight = 49; // 0.01 .. 100
+ optional TUintMap io_limit = 50; // bps
+ optional TUintMap io_guarantee = 84; // bps
+ optional TUintMap io_ops_limit = 51; // iops
+ optional TUintMap io_ops_guarantee = 85; // iops
+ optional uint64 memory_guarantee = 52; // bytes
+ optional uint64 memory_limit = 53; // bytes
+ optional uint64 anon_limit = 54;
+ optional uint64 anon_max_usage = 55;
+ optional uint64 dirty_limit = 56;
+ optional uint64 hugetlb_limit = 57;
+ optional bool recharge_on_pgfault = 58;
+ optional bool pressurize_on_death = 59;
+ optional bool anon_only = 60;
+ optional int32 oom_score_adj = 61; // -1000 .. +1000
+ optional bool oom_is_fatal = 62;
+ optional TContainerNetConfig net = 63;
+ optional TContainerIpLimit ip_limit = 64;
+ optional TContainerIpConfig ip = 65;
+ optional TContainerIpConfig default_gw = 66;
+ optional string hostname = 67;
+ optional string resolv_conf = 68;
+ optional string etc_hosts = 69;
+ optional TStringMap sysctl = 70;
+ optional TUintMap net_guarantee = 71; // bytes per second
+ optional TUintMap net_limit = 72; // bytes per second
+ optional TUintMap net_rx_limit = 73; // bytes per second
+ optional TContainerVolumes volumes_required = 75;
+message TContainer {
+ optional TContainerSpec spec = 1; //required
+ optional TContainerStatus status = 2;
+ optional TError error = 3;
+// Volumes
+message TVolumeDescription {
+ required string path = 1; // path in client namespace
+ map<string, string> properties = 2;
+ repeated string containers = 3; // linked containers (legacy)
+ repeated TVolumeLink links = 4; // linked containers with details
+ optional uint64 change_time = 5; // sec since epoch
+ optional bool no_changes = 6; // change_time < changed_since
+message TVolumeLink {
+ optional string container = 1;
+ optional string target = 2; // absolute path in container, default: anon
+ optional bool required = 3; // container cannot work without it
+ optional bool read_only = 4;
+ optional string host_target = 5; // out, absolute path in host
+ optional bool container_root = 6; // in, set container root
+ optional bool container_cwd = 7; // in, set container cwd
+message TVolumeResource {
+ optional uint64 limit = 1; // bytes or inodes
+ optional uint64 guarantee = 2; // bytes or inodes
+ optional uint64 usage = 3; // out, bytes or inodes
+ optional uint64 available = 4; // out, bytes or inodes
+message TVolumeDirectory {
+ optional string path = 1; // relative path in volume
+ optional TCred cred = 2; // default: volume cred
+ optional fixed32 permissions = 3; // default: volume permissions
+message TVolumeSymlink {
+ optional string path = 1; // relative path in volume
+ optional string target_path = 2;
+message TVolumeShare {
+ optional string path = 1; // relative path in volume
+ optional string origin_path = 2; // absolute path to origin
+ optional bool cow = 3; // default: mutable share
+// Structured Volume description (Porto V5 API)
+message TVolumeSpec {
+ optional string path = 1; // path in container, default: auto
+ optional string container = 2; // defines root for paths, default: self (client container)
+ repeated TVolumeLink links = 3; // initial links, default: anon link to self
+ optional string id = 4; // out
+ optional string state = 5; // out
+ optional string private_value = 6; // at most 4096 bytes
+ optional string device_name = 7; // out
+ optional string backend = 10; // default: auto
+ optional string place = 11; // path in host or alias, default from client container
+ optional string storage = 12; // persistent storage, path or name, default: non-persistent
+ repeated string layers = 13; // name or path
+ optional bool read_only = 14;
+ // defines root directory user, group and permissions
+ optional TCred cred = 20; // default: self task cred
+ optional fixed32 permissions = 21; // default: 0775
+ optional TVolumeResource space = 22;
+ optional TVolumeResource inodes = 23;
+ optional TCred owner = 30; // default: self owner
+ optional string owner_container = 31; // default: self
+ optional string place_key = 32; // out, key for place_limit
+ optional string creator = 33; // out
+ optional bool auto_path = 34; // out
+ optional uint32 device_index = 35; // out
+ optional uint64 build_time = 37; // out, sec since epoch
+ // customization at creation
+ repeated TVolumeDirectory directories = 40; // in
+ repeated TVolumeSymlink symlinks = 41; // in
+ repeated TVolumeShare shares = 42; // in
+ optional uint64 change_time = 50; // out, sec since epoch
+ optional bool no_changes = 51; // out, change_time < changed_since
+message TLayer {
+ optional string name = 1; // name or meta/name
+ optional string owner_user = 2;
+ optional string owner_group = 3;
+ optional uint64 last_usage = 4; // out, sec since last usage
+ optional string private_value = 5;
+message TStorage {
+ optional string name = 1; // name or meta/name
+ optional string owner_user = 2;
+ optional string owner_group = 3;
+ optional uint64 last_usage = 4; // out, sec since last usage
+ optional string private_value = 5;
+message TMetaStorage {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;
+ optional string private_value = 3;
+ optional uint64 space_limit = 4; // bytes
+ optional uint64 inode_limit = 5; // inodes
+ optional uint64 space_used = 6; // out, bytes
+ optional uint64 space_available = 7; // out, bytes
+ optional uint64 inode_used = 8; // out, inodes
+ optional uint64 inode_available = 9; // out, inodes
+ optional string owner_user = 10; // out
+ optional string owner_group = 11; // out
+ optional uint64 last_usage = 12; // out, sec since last usage
+// System
+// Get porto version
+message TVersionRequest {
+message TVersionResponse {
+ optional string tag = 1;
+ optional string revision = 2;
+// Get porto statistics
+message TGetSystemRequest {
+message TGetSystemResponse {
+ optional string porto_version = 1;
+ optional string porto_revision = 2;
+ optional string kernel_version = 3;
+ optional fixed64 errors = 4;
+ optional fixed64 warnings = 5;
+ optional fixed64 porto_starts = 6;
+ optional fixed64 porto_uptime = 7;
+ optional fixed64 master_uptime = 8;
+ optional fixed64 taints = 9;
+ optional bool frozen = 10;
+ optional bool verbose = 100;
+ optional bool debug = 101;
+ optional fixed64 log_lines = 102;
+ optional fixed64 log_bytes = 103;
+ optional fixed64 stream_rotate_bytes = 104;
+ optional fixed64 stream_rotate_errors = 105;
+ optional fixed64 log_lines_lost = 106;
+ optional fixed64 log_bytes_lost = 107;
+ optional fixed64 log_open = 108;
+ optional fixed64 container_count = 200;
+ optional fixed64 container_limit = 201;
+ optional fixed64 container_running = 202;
+ optional fixed64 container_created = 203;
+ optional fixed64 container_started = 204;
+ optional fixed64 container_start_failed = 205;
+ optional fixed64 container_oom = 206;
+ optional fixed64 container_buried = 207;
+ optional fixed64 container_lost = 208;
+ optional fixed64 container_tainted = 209;
+ optional fixed64 volume_count = 300;
+ optional fixed64 volume_limit = 301;
+ optional fixed64 volume_created = 303;
+ optional fixed64 volume_failed = 304;
+ optional fixed64 volume_links = 305;
+ optional fixed64 volume_links_mounted = 306;
+ optional fixed64 volume_lost = 307;
+ optional fixed64 layer_import = 390;
+ optional fixed64 layer_export = 391;
+ optional fixed64 layer_remove = 392;
+ optional fixed64 client_count = 400;
+ optional fixed64 client_max = 401;
+ optional fixed64 client_connected = 402;
+ optional fixed64 request_queued = 500;
+ optional fixed64 request_completed = 501;
+ optional fixed64 request_failed = 502;
+ optional fixed64 request_threads = 503;
+ optional fixed64 request_longer_1s = 504;
+ optional fixed64 request_longer_3s = 505;
+ optional fixed64 request_longer_30s = 506;
+ optional fixed64 request_longer_5m = 507;
+ optional fixed64 fail_system = 600;
+ optional fixed64 fail_invalid_value = 601;
+ optional fixed64 fail_invalid_command = 602;
+ optional fixed64 fail_memory_guarantee = 603;
+ optional fixed64 fail_invalid_netaddr = 604;
+ optional fixed64 porto_crash = 666;
+ optional fixed64 network_count = 700;
+ optional fixed64 network_created = 701;
+ optional fixed64 network_problems = 702;
+ optional fixed64 network_repairs = 703;
+// Change porto state
+message TSetSystemRequest {
+ optional bool frozen = 10;
+ optional bool verbose = 100;
+ optional bool debug = 101;
+message TSetSystemResponse {
+message TCreateFromSpecRequest {
+ optional TContainerSpec container = 1; //required
+ repeated TVolumeSpec volumes = 2;
+ optional bool start = 3;
+message TUpdateFromSpecRequest {
+ optional TContainerSpec container = 1; //required
+ optional bool start = 2;
+message TListContainersFilter {
+ optional string name = 1; // name or wildcards, default: all
+ optional TStringMap labels = 2;
+ optional uint64 changed_since = 3; // change_time >= changed_since
+message TStreamDumpOptions {
+ optional uint64 stdstream_offset = 2; // default: 0
+ optional uint64 stdstream_limit = 3; // default: 8Mb
+message TListContainersFieldOptions {
+ repeated string properties = 1; // property names, default: all
+ optional TStreamDumpOptions stdout_options = 2; // for GetIndexed stdout
+ optional TStreamDumpOptions stderr_options = 3; // for GetIndexed stderr
+message TListContainersRequest {
+ repeated TListContainersFilter filters = 1;
+ optional TListContainersFieldOptions field_options = 2;
+message TListContainersResponse {
+ repeated TContainer containers = 1;
+// List available properties
+message TListPropertiesRequest {
+message TListPropertiesResponse {
+ message TContainerPropertyListEntry {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string desc = 2;
+ optional bool read_only = 3;
+ optional bool dynamic = 4;
+ }
+ repeated TContainerPropertyListEntry list = 1;
+// deprecated, use ListProperties
+message TListDataPropertiesRequest {
+message TListDataPropertiesResponse {
+ message TContainerDataListEntry {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string desc = 2;
+ }
+ repeated TContainerDataListEntry list = 1;
+// Create stopped container
+message TCreateRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+// Stop and destroy container
+message TDestroyRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+// List container names
+message TListRequest {
+ optional string mask = 1;
+ optional uint64 changed_since = 2; // change_time >= changed_since
+message TListResponse {
+ repeated string name = 1;
+ optional string absolute_namespace = 2;
+// Read one property
+message TGetPropertyRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string property = 2;
+ // update cached counters
+ optional bool sync = 3;
+ optional bool real = 4;
+message TGetPropertyResponse {
+ optional string value = 1;
+// Alias for GetProperty, deprecated
+message TGetDataPropertyRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string data = 2;
+ // update cached counters
+ optional bool sync = 3;
+ optional bool real = 4;
+message TGetDataPropertyResponse {
+ optional string value = 1;
+// Change one property
+message TSetPropertyRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string property = 2;
+ optional string value = 3;
+// Get multiple properties/data of many containers with one request
+message TGetRequest {
+ // list of containers or wildcards, "***" - all
+ repeated string name = 1;
+ // list of properties/data
+ repeated string variable = 2;
+ // do not wait busy containers
+ optional bool nonblock = 3;
+ // update cached counters
+ optional bool sync = 4;
+ optional bool real = 5;
+ // change_time >= changed_since
+ optional uint64 changed_since = 6;
+message TGetResponse {
+ message TContainerGetValueResponse {
+ optional string variable = 1;
+ optional EError error = 2;
+ optional string errorMsg = 3;
+ optional string value = 4;
+ }
+ message TContainerGetListResponse {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ repeated TContainerGetValueResponse keyval = 2;
+ optional uint64 change_time = 3;
+ optional bool no_changes = 4; // change_time < changed_since
+ }
+ repeated TContainerGetListResponse list = 1;
+// Start stopped container
+message TStartRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+// Restart dead container
+message TRespawnRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+// Stop dead or running container
+message TStopRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ // Timeout in 1/1000 seconds between SIGTERM and SIGKILL, default 30s
+ optional uint32 timeout_ms = 2;
+// Freeze running container
+message TPauseRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+// Unfreeze paused container
+message TResumeRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+// Translate filesystem path between containers
+message TConvertPathRequest {
+ optional string path = 1;
+ optional string source = 2;
+ optional string destination = 3;
+message TConvertPathResponse {
+ optional string path = 1;
+// Wait while container(s) is/are in running state
+message TWaitRequest {
+ // list of containers or wildcards, "***" - all
+ repeated string name = 1;
+ // timeout in 1/1000 seconds, 0 - nonblock
+ optional uint32 timeout_ms = 2;
+ // list of label names or wildcards
+ repeated string label = 3;
+ // async wait with target_state works only once
+ optional string target_state = 4;
+message TWaitResponse {
+ optional string name = 1; // container name
+ optional string state = 2; // container state or "timeout"
+ optional uint64 when = 3; // unix time stamp in seconds
+ optional string label = 4;
+ optional string value = 5;
+// Send signal main process in container
+message TKillRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional int32 sig = 2;
+// Move process into container
+message TAttachProcessRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional uint32 pid = 2;
+ optional string comm = 3; // ignored if empty
+// Determine container by pid
+message TLocateProcessRequest {
+ optional uint32 pid = 1;
+ optional string comm = 2; // ignored if empty
+message TLocateProcessResponse {
+ optional string name = 1;
+// Labels
+message TFindLabelRequest {
+ optional string mask = 1; // containers name or wildcard
+ optional string state = 2; // filter by container state
+ optional string label = 3; // label name or wildcard
+ optional string value = 4; // filter by label value
+message TFindLabelResponse {
+ message TFindLabelEntry {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string state = 2;
+ optional string label = 3;
+ optional string value = 4;
+ }
+ repeated TFindLabelEntry list = 1;
+message TSetLabelRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string label = 2;
+ optional string value = 3;
+ optional string prev_value = 4; // fail with Busy if does not match
+ optional string state = 5; // fail with InvalidState if not match
+message TSetLabelResponse {
+ optional string prev_value = 1;
+ optional string state = 2;
+message TIncLabelRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string label = 2; // missing label starts from 0
+ optional int64 add = 3 [ default = 1];
+message TIncLabelResponse {
+ optional int64 result = 1;
+message TSetSymlinkRequest {
+ optional string container = 1;
+ optional string symlink = 2;
+ optional string target = 3;
+// Volumes
+message TNewVolumeRequest {
+ optional TVolumeSpec volume = 1;
+message TNewVolumeResponse {
+ optional TVolumeSpec volume = 1;
+message TGetVolumeRequest {
+ optional string container = 1; // get paths in container, default: self (client container)
+ repeated string path = 2; // volume path in container, default: all
+ optional uint64 changed_since = 3; // change_time >= changed_since
+ repeated string label = 4; // labels or wildcards
+message TGetVolumeResponse {
+ repeated TVolumeSpec volume = 1;
+// List available volume properties
+message TListVolumePropertiesRequest {
+message TListVolumePropertiesResponse {
+ message TVolumePropertyDescription {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string desc = 2;
+ }
+ repeated TVolumePropertyDescription list = 1;
+// Create new volume
+// "createVolume" returns TVolumeDescription in "volume"
+message TCreateVolumeRequest {
+ optional string path = 1;
+ map<string, string> properties = 2;
+message TLinkVolumeRequest {
+ optional string path = 1;
+ optional string container = 2; // default - self (client container)
+ optional string target = 3; // path in container, "" - anon
+ optional bool required = 4; // stop container at fail
+ optional bool read_only = 5;
+message TUnlinkVolumeRequest {
+ optional string path = 1;
+ optional string container = 2; // default - self, "***" - all
+ optional bool strict = 3; // non-lazy umount
+ optional string target = 4; // path in container, "" - anon, default - "***" - all
+message TListVolumesRequest {
+ optional string path = 1;
+ optional string container = 2;
+ optional uint64 changed_since = 3; // change_time >= changed_since
+message TListVolumesResponse {
+ repeated TVolumeDescription volumes = 1;
+message TTuneVolumeRequest {
+ optional string path = 1;
+ map<string, string> properties = 2;
+// Layers
+message TListLayersRequest {
+ optional string place = 1; // default from client container
+ optional string mask = 2;
+message TListLayersResponse {
+ repeated string layer = 1; // layer names (legacy)
+ repeated TLayer layers = 2; // layer with description
+message TImportLayerRequest {
+ optional string layer = 1;
+ optional string tarball = 2;
+ optional bool merge = 3;
+ optional string place = 4;
+ optional string private_value = 5;
+ optional string compress = 6;
+ optional bool verbose_error = 7;
+message TExportLayerRequest {
+ optional string volume = 1;
+ optional string tarball = 2;
+ optional string layer = 3;
+ optional string place = 4;
+ optional string compress = 5;
+message TRemoveLayerRequest {
+ optional string layer = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;
+ optional bool async = 3;
+message TGetLayerPrivateRequest {
+ optional string layer = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;
+message TGetLayerPrivateResponse {
+ optional string private_value = 1;
+message TSetLayerPrivateRequest {
+ optional string layer = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;
+ optional string private_value = 3;
+// Storages
+message TListStoragesRequest {
+ optional string place = 1;
+ optional string mask = 2; // "name" - storage, "name/" - meta-storage
+message TListStoragesResponse {
+ repeated TStorage storages = 1;
+ repeated TMetaStorage meta_storages = 2;
+message TRemoveStorageRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;
+message TImportStorageRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string tarball = 2;
+ optional string place = 3;
+ optional string private_value = 5;
+ optional string compress = 6;
+message TExportStorageRequest {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string tarball = 2;
+ optional string place = 3;
+ optional string compress = 4;
+// Docker images API
+message TDockerImageConfig {
+ repeated string cmd = 1;
+ repeated string env = 2;
+message TDockerImage {
+ required string id = 1;
+ repeated string tags = 2;
+ repeated string digests = 3;
+ repeated string layers = 4;
+ optional uint64 size = 5;
+ optional TDockerImageConfig config = 6;
+message TDockerImageStatusRequest {
+ required string name = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;
+message TDockerImageStatusResponse {
+ optional TDockerImage image = 1;
+message TDockerImageListRequest {
+ optional string place = 1;
+ optional string mask = 2;
+message TDockerImageListResponse {
+ repeated TDockerImage images = 1;
+message TDockerImagePullRequest {
+ required string name = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;
+ optional string auth_token = 3;
+ optional string auth_path = 4;
+ optional string auth_service = 5;
+message TDockerImagePullResponse {
+ optional TDockerImage image = 1;
+message TDockerImageRemoveRequest {
+ required string name = 1;
+ optional string place = 2;