@@ -171,6 +171,22 @@ namespace NTi {
inline TUuidTypePtr AsUuid() const noexcept;
inline const TUuidType* AsUuidRaw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsDate32() const noexcept;
+ inline TDate32TypePtr AsDate32() const noexcept;
+ inline const TDate32Type* AsDate32Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsDatetime64() const noexcept;
+ inline TDatetime64TypePtr AsDatetime64() const noexcept;
+ inline const TDatetime64Type* AsDatetime64Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsTimestamp64() const noexcept;
+ inline TTimestamp64TypePtr AsTimestamp64() const noexcept;
+ inline const TTimestamp64Type* AsTimestamp64Raw() const noexcept;
+ inline bool IsInterval64() const noexcept;
+ inline TInterval64TypePtr AsInterval64() const noexcept;
+ inline const TInterval64Type* AsInterval64Raw() const noexcept;
inline bool IsOptional() const noexcept;
inline TOptionalTypePtr AsOptional() const noexcept;
inline const TOptionalType* AsOptionalRaw() const noexcept;
@@ -952,7 +968,7 @@ namespace NTi {
void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
- /// An absolute point in time in range `[1970-01-01, 2106-01-01)`, precision up to microseconds.
+ /// An absolute point in time in range `[1970-01-01, 2106-01-01)`, precision up to milliseconds.
class TTimestampType final: public TPrimitiveType {
friend class TType;
friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
@@ -1189,6 +1205,102 @@ namespace NTi {
void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ /// An absolute point in time in range `[-144169-01-01, 148108-01-01)`, precision up to days (Unix epoch 1970-01-01 - 0 days).
+ class TDate32Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TDate32TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TDate32Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TDate32Type();
+ public:
+ static TDate32TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TDate32Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TDate32Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An absolute point in time in range `[-144169-01-01, 148108-01-01)`, precision up to seconds (Unix epoch 1970-01-01 - 0 seconds).
+ class TDatetime64Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TDatetime64TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TDatetime64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TDatetime64Type();
+ public:
+ static TDatetime64TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TDatetime64Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TDatetime64Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// An absolute point in time in range `[-144169-01-01, 148108-01-01)`, precision up to milliseconds (Unix epoch 1970-01-01 - 0 milliseconds).
+ class TTimestamp64Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TTimestamp64TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TTimestamp64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TTimestamp64Type();
+ public:
+ static TTimestamp64TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TTimestamp64Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TTimestamp64Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
+ /// Signed delta between two timestamps64.
+ class TInterval64Type final: public TPrimitiveType {
+ friend class TType;
+ friend class ITypeFactoryInternal;
+ friend class ITypeFactory;
+ friend class IPoolTypeFactory;
+ public:
+ TInterval64TypePtr AsPtr() const noexcept {
+ return const_cast<TInterval64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TInterval64Type();
+ public:
+ static TInterval64TypePtr Instance();
+ static const TInterval64Type* InstanceRaw();
+ protected:
+ const TInterval64Type* Clone(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) const noexcept;
+ void Drop(ITypeFactoryInternal& factory) noexcept;
+ };
/// Object which can store a value or a singular `NULL` value.
/// This type is used to encode a value or its absence.
@@ -2040,6 +2152,58 @@ namespace NTi {
return static_cast<const TUuidType*>(this);
+ bool TType::IsDate32() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Date32;
+ }
+ TDate32TypePtr TType::AsDate32() const noexcept {
+ return AsDate32Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDate32Type* TType::AsDate32Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(IsDate32());
+ return static_cast<const TDate32Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsDatetime64() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Datetime64;
+ }
+ TDatetime64TypePtr TType::AsDatetime64() const noexcept {
+ return AsDatetime64Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TDatetime64Type* TType::AsDatetime64Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(IsDatetime64());
+ return static_cast<const TDatetime64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsTimestamp64() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Timestamp64;
+ }
+ TTimestamp64TypePtr TType::AsTimestamp64() const noexcept {
+ return AsTimestamp64Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TTimestamp64Type* TType::AsTimestamp64Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(IsTimestamp64());
+ return static_cast<const TTimestamp64Type*>(this);
+ }
+ bool TType::IsInterval64() const noexcept {
+ return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Interval64;
+ }
+ TInterval64TypePtr TType::AsInterval64() const noexcept {
+ return AsInterval64Raw()->AsPtr();
+ }
+ const TInterval64Type* TType::AsInterval64Raw() const noexcept {
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(IsInterval64());
+ return static_cast<const TInterval64Type*>(this);
+ }
bool TType::IsOptional() const noexcept {
return TypeName_ == ETypeName::Optional;
@@ -2186,6 +2350,14 @@ namespace NTi {
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYson());
case ETypeName::Uuid:
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuid());
+ case ETypeName::Date32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDate32());
+ case ETypeName::Datetime64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetime64());
+ case ETypeName::Timestamp64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestamp64());
+ case ETypeName::Interval64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInterval64());
case ETypeName::Void:
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsVoid());
case ETypeName::Null:
@@ -2260,6 +2432,14 @@ namespace NTi {
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYsonRaw());
case ETypeName::Uuid:
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuidRaw());
+ case ETypeName::Date32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDate32Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Datetime64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetime64Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Timestamp64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestamp64Raw());
+ case ETypeName::Interval64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInterval64Raw());
case ETypeName::Void:
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsVoidRaw());
case ETypeName::Null:
@@ -2334,6 +2514,14 @@ namespace NTi {
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYson());
case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uuid:
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuid());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Date32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDate32());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Datetime64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetime64());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Timestamp64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestamp64());
+ case EPrimitiveTypeName::Interval64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInterval64());
@@ -2390,6 +2578,14 @@ namespace NTi {
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsYsonRaw());
case EPrimitiveTypeName::Uuid:
return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsUuidRaw());
+ case NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName::Date32:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDate32Raw());
+ case NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName::Datetime64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsDatetime64Raw());
+ case NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName::Timestamp64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsTimestamp64Raw());
+ case NTi::EPrimitiveTypeName::Interval64:
+ return std::forward<V>(visitor)(this->AsInterval64Raw());