@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
#include <ydb/core/protos/msgbus.pb.h>
#include <ydb/library/persqueue/topic_parser/topic_parser.h>
#include <ydb/public/lib/base/msgbus.h>
-#include <library/cpp/html/pcdata/pcdata.h>
-#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
+#include <library/cpp/html/pcdata/pcdata.h>
+#include <library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/templates.h>
#include <library/cpp/time_provider/time_provider.h>
-#include <util/folder/path.h>
-#include <util/string/escape.h>
+#include <util/folder/path.h>
+#include <util/string/escape.h>
#include <util/system/byteorder.h>
#define VERIFY_RESULT_BLOB(blob, pos) \
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void TPartition::ReplyError(const TActorContext& ctx, const ui64 dst, NPersQueue
dst == 0 ? ctx.SelfID : Tablet, ctx, TabletID, TopicName, Partition, Counters, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE,
- dst, errorCode, error, true
+ dst, errorCode, error, true
@@ -474,10 +474,10 @@ TPartition::TPartition(ui64 tabletId, ui32 partition, const TActorId& tablet, co
, BodySize(0)
, MaxWriteResponsesSize(0)
, GapSize(0)
- , CloudId(config.GetYcCloudId())
- , DbId(config.GetYdbDatabaseId())
- , FolderId(config.GetYcFolderId())
- , UsersInfoStorage(DCId, TabletID, TopicName, Partition, counters, Config, CloudId, DbId, FolderId)
+ , CloudId(config.GetYcCloudId())
+ , DbId(config.GetYdbDatabaseId())
+ , FolderId(config.GetYcFolderId())
+ , UsersInfoStorage(DCId, TabletID, TopicName, Partition, counters, Config, CloudId, DbId, FolderId)
, ReadingTimestamp(false)
, SetOffsetCookie(0)
, Cookie(0)
@@ -490,10 +490,10 @@ TPartition::TPartition(ui64 tabletId, ui32 partition, const TActorId& tablet, co
, WriteCycleStartTime(ctx.Now())
, WriteCycleSize(0)
, WriteNewSize(0)
- , WriteNewSizeInternal(0)
+ , WriteNewSizeInternal(0)
, WriteNewSizeUncompressed(0)
, WriteNewMessages(0)
- , WriteNewMessagesInternal(0)
+ , WriteNewMessagesInternal(0)
, DiskIsFull(false)
, HasDataReqNum(0)
, WriteQuota(Config.GetPartitionConfig().GetBurstSize(), Config.GetPartitionConfig().GetWriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond(), ctx.Now())
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ void TPartition::Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx)
LOG_INFO_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "boostrapping " << Partition << " " << ctx.SelfID);
if (NewPartition) {
} else {
@@ -757,164 +757,164 @@ void TPartition::Bootstrap(const TActorContext& ctx)
RequestDiskStatus(ctx, Tablet, Config.GetPartitionConfig().GetNumChannels());
if (AppData(ctx)->Counters) {
- TVector<NPQ::TLabelsInfo> labels;
- if (AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen()) {
- SetupStreamCounters(ctx);
- } else {
- if (TopicName.find("--") == TString::npos)
- return;
- SetupTopicCounters(ctx);
- }
- }
-void TPartition::SetupTopicCounters(const TActorContext& ctx) {
- auto counters = AppData(ctx)->Counters;
- auto labels = NKikimr::NPQ::GetLabels(TopicName);
- const TString suffix = LocalDC ? "Original" : "Mirrored";
- WriteBufferIsFullCounter.SetCounter(
- GetCounters(counters, "writingTime", TopicName),
- {{"host", DCId},
- {"Partition", ToString<ui32>(Partition)}},
- {"sensor", "BufferFullTime" + suffix, true});
- InputTimeLag = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
- GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeTimeLag"), GetLabels(TopicName),
- {{"sensor", "TimeLags" + suffix}}, "Interval",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {100, "100ms"}, {200, "200ms"}, {500, "500ms"}, {1000, "1000ms"},
- {2000, "2000ms"}, {5000, "5000ms"}, {10'000, "10000ms"}, {30'000, "30000ms"},
- {60'000, "60000ms"}, {180'000,"180000ms"}, {9'999'999, "999999ms"}}, true));
- MessageSize = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
- GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeInfo"), GetLabels(TopicName),
- {{"sensor", "MessageSize" + suffix}}, "Size",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {1024, "1kb"}, {5120, "5kb"}, {10240, "10kb"},
- {20'480, "20kb"}, {51'200, "50kb"}, {102'400, "100kb"}, {204'800, "200kb"},
- {524'288, "512kb"},{1'048'576, "1024kb"}, {2'097'152,"2048kb"}, {5'242'880, "5120kb"},
- {10'485'760, "10240kb"}, {67'108'864, "65536kb"}, {999'999'999, "99999999kb"}}, true));
- BytesWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
- GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"BytesWritten" + suffix}, true);
- BytesWrittenUncompressed = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
- GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"UncompressedBytesWritten" + suffix}, true);
- BytesWrittenComp = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
- GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"CompactedBytesWritten" + suffix}, true);
- MsgsWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
- GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"MessagesWritten" + suffix}, true);
- TVector<NPQ::TLabelsInfo> aggr = {{{{"Account", NPersQueue::GetAccount(TopicName)}}, {"total"}}};
- ui32 border = AppData(ctx)->PQConfig.GetWriteLatencyBigMs();
- auto subGroup = GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|SLI");
- WriteLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::CreateSLIDurationCounter(subGroup, aggr, "Write", border,
- {100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000,
- 5000, 10'000, 30'000, 99'999'999});
- SLIBigLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WriteBigLatency"}, true, "sensor", false);
- WritesTotal = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WritesTotal"}, true, "sensor", false);
- if (IsQuotingEnabled() && !TopicWriteQuotaResourcePath.empty()) {
- TopicWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
- new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
- GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|topicWriteQuotaWait"), GetLabels(TopicName),
- {{"sensor", "TopicWriteQuotaWait" + suffix}}, "Interval",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {0, "0ms"}, {1, "1ms"}, {5, "5ms"}, {10, "10ms"},
- {20, "20ms"}, {50, "50ms"}, {100, "100ms"}, {500, "500ms"},
- {1000, "1000ms"}, {2500, "2500ms"}, {5000, "5000ms"},
- {10'000, "10000ms"}, {9'999'999, "999999ms"}}, true));
- }
- PartitionWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
- new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|partitionWriteQuotaWait"),
- GetLabels(TopicName), {{"sensor", "PartitionWriteQuotaWait" + suffix}}, "Interval",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {0, "0ms"}, {1, "1ms"}, {5, "5ms"}, {10, "10ms"},
- {20, "20ms"}, {50, "50ms"}, {100, "100ms"}, {500, "500ms"},
- {1000, "1000ms"}, {2500, "2500ms"}, {5000, "5000ms"},
- {10'000, "10000ms"}, {9'999'999, "999999ms"}}, true));
-void TPartition::SetupStreamCounters(const TActorContext& ctx) {
- auto counters = AppData(ctx)->Counters;
- auto labels = NKikimr::NPQ::GetLabelsForStream(TopicName, CloudId, DbId, FolderId);
- WriteBufferIsFullCounter.SetCounter(
- GetCountersForStream(counters, "writingTime"),
- {{"host", DCId},
- {"partition", ToString<ui32>(Partition)},
- {"stream", TopicName}},
- {"name", "stream.internal_write.buffer_brimmed_duration_ms", true});
- InputTimeLag = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
- NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeTimeLag"), labels,
- {{"name", "stream.internal_write.time_lags_milliseconds"}}, "bin",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {100, "100"}, {200, "200"}, {500, "500"},
- {1000, "1000"}, {2000, "2000"}, {5000, "5000"},
- {10'000, "10000"}, {30'000, "30000"}, {60'000, "60000"},
- {180'000,"180000"}, {9'999'999, "999999"}}, true));
- MessageSize = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
- NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeInfo"), labels,
- {{"name", "stream.internal_write.record_size_bytes"}}, "bin",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {1024, "1024"}, {5120, "5120"}, {10'240, "10240"},
- {20'480, "20480"}, {51'200, "51200"}, {102'400, "102400"},
- {204'800, "204800"}, {524'288, "524288"},{1'048'576, "1048576"},
- {2'097'152,"2097152"}, {5'242'880, "5242880"}, {10'485'760, "10485760"},
- {67'108'864, "67108864"}, {999'999'999, "99999999"}}, true));
- BytesWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
- NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
- {"stream.internal_write.bytes_per_second",
- "stream.incoming_bytes_per_second"} , true, "name");
- MsgsWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
- NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
- {"stream.internal_write.records_per_second",
- "stream.incoming_records_per_second"}, true, "name");
- BytesWrittenUncompressed = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
- NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
- {"stream.internal_write.uncompressed_bytes_per_second"}, true, "name");
- BytesWrittenComp = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
- NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
- {"stream.internal_write.compacted_bytes_per_second"}, true, "name");
- TVector<NPQ::TLabelsInfo> aggr = {{{{"Account", NPersQueue::GetAccount(TopicName)}}, {"total"}}};
- ui32 border = AppData(ctx)->PQConfig.GetWriteLatencyBigMs();
- auto subGroup = GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|SLI");
- WriteLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::CreateSLIDurationCounter(subGroup, aggr, "Write", border,
- {100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000,
- 5000, 10'000, 30'000, 99'999'999});
- SLIBigLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WriteBigLatency"}, true, "name", false);
- WritesTotal = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WritesTotal"}, true, "name", false);
- if (IsQuotingEnabled() && !TopicWriteQuotaResourcePath.empty()) {
- TopicWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
- new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
- GetCountersForStream(counters, "topicWriteQuotaWait"), labels,
- {{"name", "stream.internal_write.topic_write_quota_wait_milliseconds"}}, "bin",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {0, "0"}, {1, "1"}, {5, "5"}, {10, "10"},
- {20, "20"}, {50, "50"}, {100, "100"}, {500, "500"},
- {1000, "1000"}, {2500, "2500"}, {5000, "5000"},
- {10'000, "10000"}, {9'999'999, "999999"}}, true));
- }
- PartitionWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
- new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
- GetCountersForStream(counters, "partitionWriteQuotaWait"), labels,
- {{"name", "stream.internal_write.partition_write_quota_wait_milliseconds"}}, "bin",
- TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
- {0, "0"}, {1, "1"}, {5, "5"}, {10, "10"},
- {20, "20"}, {50, "50"}, {100, "100"}, {500, "500"},
- {1000, "1000"}, {2500, "2500"}, {5000, "5000"},
- {10'000, "10000"}, {9'999'999, "999999"}}, true));
+ TVector<NPQ::TLabelsInfo> labels;
+ if (AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen()) {
+ SetupStreamCounters(ctx);
+ } else {
+ if (TopicName.find("--") == TString::npos)
+ return;
+ SetupTopicCounters(ctx);
+ }
+ }
+void TPartition::SetupTopicCounters(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ auto counters = AppData(ctx)->Counters;
+ auto labels = NKikimr::NPQ::GetLabels(TopicName);
+ const TString suffix = LocalDC ? "Original" : "Mirrored";
+ WriteBufferIsFullCounter.SetCounter(
+ GetCounters(counters, "writingTime", TopicName),
+ {{"host", DCId},
+ {"Partition", ToString<ui32>(Partition)}},
+ {"sensor", "BufferFullTime" + suffix, true});
+ InputTimeLag = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
+ GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeTimeLag"), GetLabels(TopicName),
+ {{"sensor", "TimeLags" + suffix}}, "Interval",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {100, "100ms"}, {200, "200ms"}, {500, "500ms"}, {1000, "1000ms"},
+ {2000, "2000ms"}, {5000, "5000ms"}, {10'000, "10000ms"}, {30'000, "30000ms"},
+ {60'000, "60000ms"}, {180'000,"180000ms"}, {9'999'999, "999999ms"}}, true));
+ MessageSize = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
+ GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeInfo"), GetLabels(TopicName),
+ {{"sensor", "MessageSize" + suffix}}, "Size",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {1024, "1kb"}, {5120, "5kb"}, {10240, "10kb"},
+ {20'480, "20kb"}, {51'200, "50kb"}, {102'400, "100kb"}, {204'800, "200kb"},
+ {524'288, "512kb"},{1'048'576, "1024kb"}, {2'097'152,"2048kb"}, {5'242'880, "5120kb"},
+ {10'485'760, "10240kb"}, {67'108'864, "65536kb"}, {999'999'999, "99999999kb"}}, true));
+ BytesWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
+ GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"BytesWritten" + suffix}, true);
+ BytesWrittenUncompressed = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
+ GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"UncompressedBytesWritten" + suffix}, true);
+ BytesWrittenComp = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
+ GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"CompactedBytesWritten" + suffix}, true);
+ MsgsWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|writeSession"),
+ GetLabels(TopicName), {}, {"MessagesWritten" + suffix}, true);
+ TVector<NPQ::TLabelsInfo> aggr = {{{{"Account", NPersQueue::GetAccount(TopicName)}}, {"total"}}};
+ ui32 border = AppData(ctx)->PQConfig.GetWriteLatencyBigMs();
+ auto subGroup = GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|SLI");
+ WriteLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::CreateSLIDurationCounter(subGroup, aggr, "Write", border,
+ {100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000,
+ 5000, 10'000, 30'000, 99'999'999});
+ SLIBigLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WriteBigLatency"}, true, "sensor", false);
+ WritesTotal = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WritesTotal"}, true, "sensor", false);
+ if (IsQuotingEnabled() && !TopicWriteQuotaResourcePath.empty()) {
+ TopicWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
+ new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
+ GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|topicWriteQuotaWait"), GetLabels(TopicName),
+ {{"sensor", "TopicWriteQuotaWait" + suffix}}, "Interval",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {0, "0ms"}, {1, "1ms"}, {5, "5ms"}, {10, "10ms"},
+ {20, "20ms"}, {50, "50ms"}, {100, "100ms"}, {500, "500ms"},
+ {1000, "1000ms"}, {2500, "2500ms"}, {5000, "5000ms"},
+ {10'000, "10000ms"}, {9'999'999, "999999ms"}}, true));
+ }
+ PartitionWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
+ new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|partitionWriteQuotaWait"),
+ GetLabels(TopicName), {{"sensor", "PartitionWriteQuotaWait" + suffix}}, "Interval",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {0, "0ms"}, {1, "1ms"}, {5, "5ms"}, {10, "10ms"},
+ {20, "20ms"}, {50, "50ms"}, {100, "100ms"}, {500, "500ms"},
+ {1000, "1000ms"}, {2500, "2500ms"}, {5000, "5000ms"},
+ {10'000, "10000ms"}, {9'999'999, "999999ms"}}, true));
+void TPartition::SetupStreamCounters(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+ auto counters = AppData(ctx)->Counters;
+ auto labels = NKikimr::NPQ::GetLabelsForStream(TopicName, CloudId, DbId, FolderId);
+ WriteBufferIsFullCounter.SetCounter(
+ GetCountersForStream(counters, "writingTime"),
+ {{"host", DCId},
+ {"partition", ToString<ui32>(Partition)},
+ {"stream", TopicName}},
+ {"name", "stream.internal_write.buffer_brimmed_duration_ms", true});
+ InputTimeLag = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
+ NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeTimeLag"), labels,
+ {{"name", "stream.internal_write.time_lags_milliseconds"}}, "bin",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {100, "100"}, {200, "200"}, {500, "500"},
+ {1000, "1000"}, {2000, "2000"}, {5000, "5000"},
+ {10'000, "10000"}, {30'000, "30000"}, {60'000, "60000"},
+ {180'000,"180000"}, {9'999'999, "999999"}}, true));
+ MessageSize = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
+ NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeInfo"), labels,
+ {{"name", "stream.internal_write.record_size_bytes"}}, "bin",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {1024, "1024"}, {5120, "5120"}, {10'240, "10240"},
+ {20'480, "20480"}, {51'200, "51200"}, {102'400, "102400"},
+ {204'800, "204800"}, {524'288, "524288"},{1'048'576, "1048576"},
+ {2'097'152,"2097152"}, {5'242'880, "5242880"}, {10'485'760, "10485760"},
+ {67'108'864, "67108864"}, {999'999'999, "99999999"}}, true));
+ BytesWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
+ NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
+ {"stream.internal_write.bytes_per_second",
+ "stream.incoming_bytes_per_second"} , true, "name");
+ MsgsWritten = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
+ NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
+ {"stream.internal_write.records_per_second",
+ "stream.incoming_records_per_second"}, true, "name");
+ BytesWrittenUncompressed = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
+ NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
+ {"stream.internal_write.uncompressed_bytes_per_second"}, true, "name");
+ BytesWrittenComp = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(
+ NKikimr::NPQ::GetCountersForStream(counters, "writeSession"), labels, {},
+ {"stream.internal_write.compacted_bytes_per_second"}, true, "name");
+ TVector<NPQ::TLabelsInfo> aggr = {{{{"Account", NPersQueue::GetAccount(TopicName)}}, {"total"}}};
+ ui32 border = AppData(ctx)->PQConfig.GetWriteLatencyBigMs();
+ auto subGroup = GetServiceCounters(counters, "pqproxy|SLI");
+ WriteLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::CreateSLIDurationCounter(subGroup, aggr, "Write", border,
+ {100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000,
+ 5000, 10'000, 30'000, 99'999'999});
+ SLIBigLatency = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WriteBigLatency"}, true, "name", false);
+ WritesTotal = NKikimr::NPQ::TMultiCounter(subGroup, aggr, {}, {"WritesTotal"}, true, "name", false);
+ if (IsQuotingEnabled() && !TopicWriteQuotaResourcePath.empty()) {
+ TopicWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
+ new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
+ GetCountersForStream(counters, "topicWriteQuotaWait"), labels,
+ {{"name", "stream.internal_write.topic_write_quota_wait_milliseconds"}}, "bin",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {0, "0"}, {1, "1"}, {5, "5"}, {10, "10"},
+ {20, "20"}, {50, "50"}, {100, "100"}, {500, "500"},
+ {1000, "1000"}, {2500, "2500"}, {5000, "5000"},
+ {10'000, "10000"}, {9'999'999, "999999"}}, true));
+ }
+ PartitionWriteQuotaWaitCounter = THolder<NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter>(
+ new NKikimr::NPQ::TPercentileCounter(
+ GetCountersForStream(counters, "partitionWriteQuotaWait"), labels,
+ {{"name", "stream.internal_write.partition_write_quota_wait_milliseconds"}}, "bin",
+ TVector<std::pair<ui64, TString>>{
+ {0, "0"}, {1, "1"}, {5, "5"}, {10, "10"},
+ {20, "20"}, {50, "50"}, {100, "100"}, {500, "500"},
+ {1000, "1000"}, {2500, "2500"}, {5000, "5000"},
+ {10'000, "10000"}, {9'999'999, "999999"}}, true));
void TPartition::ProcessHasDataRequests(const TActorContext& ctx) {
@@ -2330,11 +2330,11 @@ TReadAnswer TReadInfo::FormAnswer(
ui16 internalPartsCount = blobs[pos].InternalPartsCount;
const TString& blobValue = blobs[pos].Value;
- if (blobValue.empty()) { // this is ok. Means that someone requested too much data
+ if (blobValue.empty()) { // this is ok. Means that someone requested too much data
LOG_DEBUG(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "Not full answer here!");
ui64 answerSize = answer->Response.ByteSize();
if (userInfo && Destination != 0) {
- userInfo->ReadDone(ctx, ctx.Now(), answerSize, cnt, ClientDC);
+ userInfo->ReadDone(ctx, ctx.Now(), answerSize, cnt, ClientDC);
readResult->SetSizeLag(sizeLag - size);
return {answerSize, std::move(answer)};
@@ -2342,9 +2342,9 @@ TReadAnswer TReadInfo::FormAnswer(
Y_VERIFY(blobValue.size() == blobs[pos].Size, "value for offset %" PRIu64 " count %u size must be %u, but got %u",
offset, count, blobs[pos].Size, (ui32)blobValue.size());
- if (offset > Offset || (offset == Offset && partNo > PartNo)) { // got gap
+ if (offset > Offset || (offset == Offset && partNo > PartNo)) { // got gap
Offset = offset;
- PartNo = partNo;
+ PartNo = partNo;
Y_VERIFY(offset <= Offset);
Y_VERIFY(offset < Offset || partNo <= PartNo);
@@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ TReadAnswer TReadInfo::FormAnswer(
offset += header.GetCount();
- if (pos == Max<ui32>()) // this batch does not contain data to read, skip it
+ if (pos == Max<ui32>()) // this batch does not contain data to read, skip it
@@ -2375,31 +2375,31 @@ TReadAnswer TReadInfo::FormAnswer(
psize = size;
TClientBlob &res = batch.Blobs[i];
- bool messageSkippingBehaviour = AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen() &&
- ReadTimestampMs > res.WriteTimestamp.MilliSeconds();
- if (!messageSkippingBehaviour) {
- size += res.GetBlobSize();
- Y_VERIFY(PartNo == res.GetPartNo(), "pos %" PRIu32 " i %" PRIu32 " Offset %" PRIu64 " PartNo %" PRIu16 " offset %" PRIu64 " partNo %" PRIu16,
- pos, i, Offset, PartNo, offset, res.GetPartNo());
- if (userInfo) {
- userInfo->AddTimestampToCache(
- Offset, res.WriteTimestamp, res.CreateTimestamp,
- Destination != 0, ctx.Now()
- );
- }
- AddResultBlob(readResult, res, Offset);
- if (res.IsLastPart()) {
- ++cnt;
- }
+ bool messageSkippingBehaviour = AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen() &&
+ ReadTimestampMs > res.WriteTimestamp.MilliSeconds();
+ if (!messageSkippingBehaviour) {
+ size += res.GetBlobSize();
+ Y_VERIFY(PartNo == res.GetPartNo(), "pos %" PRIu32 " i %" PRIu32 " Offset %" PRIu64 " PartNo %" PRIu16 " offset %" PRIu64 " partNo %" PRIu16,
+ pos, i, Offset, PartNo, offset, res.GetPartNo());
+ if (userInfo) {
+ userInfo->AddTimestampToCache(
+ Offset, res.WriteTimestamp, res.CreateTimestamp,
+ Destination != 0, ctx.Now()
+ );
+ }
+ AddResultBlob(readResult, res, Offset);
+ if (res.IsLastPart()) {
+ ++cnt;
+ }
- if (res.IsLastPart()) {
+ if (res.IsLastPart()) {
PartNo = 0;
- } else {
- ++PartNo;
+ } else {
+ ++PartNo;
@@ -2444,7 +2444,7 @@ TReadAnswer TReadInfo::FormAnswer(
Y_VERIFY(Offset <= (ui64)Max<i64>(), "Offset is too big: %" PRIu64, Offset);
ui64 answerSize = answer->Response.ByteSize();
if (userInfo && Destination != 0) {
- userInfo->ReadDone(ctx, ctx.Now(), answerSize, cnt, ClientDC);
+ userInfo->ReadDone(ctx, ctx.Now(), answerSize, cnt, ClientDC);
readResult->SetSizeLag(sizeLag - size);
return {answerSize, std::move(answer)};
@@ -2472,7 +2472,7 @@ void TPartition::Handle(TEvPQ::TEvReadTimeout::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext& ct
-TVector<TRequestedBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromBody(const ui64 startOffset, const ui16 partNo, const ui32 maxCount, const ui32 maxSize, ui32* rcount, ui32* rsize)
+TVector<TRequestedBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromBody(const ui64 startOffset, const ui16 partNo, const ui32 maxCount, const ui32 maxSize, ui32* rcount, ui32* rsize)
Y_VERIFY(rcount && rsize);
ui32& count = *rcount;
@@ -2502,12 +2502,12 @@ TVector<TRequestedBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromBody(const ui64 startOffse
sz = (cnt == it->Key.GetCount() ? it->Size : 0); //not readed client blobs can be of ~8Mb, so don't count this size at all
while (it != DataKeysBody.end() && size < maxSize && count < maxCount) {
- size += sz;
- count += cnt;
- TRequestedBlob reqBlob(it->Key.GetOffset(), it->Key.GetPartNo(), it->Key.GetCount(),
- it->Key.GetInternalPartsCount(), it->Size, TString());
- blobs.push_back(reqBlob);
+ size += sz;
+ count += cnt;
+ TRequestedBlob reqBlob(it->Key.GetOffset(), it->Key.GetPartNo(), it->Key.GetCount(),
+ it->Key.GetInternalPartsCount(), it->Size, TString());
+ blobs.push_back(reqBlob);
if (it == DataKeysBody.end())
@@ -2520,12 +2520,12 @@ TVector<TRequestedBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromBody(const ui64 startOffse
-TVector<TClientBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromHead(const ui64 startOffset, const ui16 partNo, const ui32 maxCount, const ui32 maxSize, const ui64 readTimestampMs, ui32* rcount, ui32* rsize, ui64* insideHeadOffset)
+TVector<TClientBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromHead(const ui64 startOffset, const ui16 partNo, const ui32 maxCount, const ui32 maxSize, const ui64 readTimestampMs, ui32* rcount, ui32* rsize, ui64* insideHeadOffset)
ui32& count = *rcount;
ui32& size = *rsize;
TVector<TClientBlob> res;
- std::optional<ui64> firstAddedBlobOffset{};
+ std::optional<ui64> firstAddedBlobOffset{};
ui32 pos = 0;
if (startOffset > Head.Offset || startOffset == Head.Offset && partNo > Head.PartNo) {
pos = Head.FindPos(startOffset, partNo);
@@ -2542,10 +2542,10 @@ TVector<TClientBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromHead(const ui64 startOffset,
for (; i < blobs.size(); ++i) {
Y_VERIFY(pno == blobs[i].GetPartNo());
- bool messageSkippingBehaviour = AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen() &&
- readTimestampMs > blobs[i].WriteTimestamp.MilliSeconds();
- bool skip = offset < startOffset || offset == startOffset &&
- blobs[i].GetPartNo() < partNo || messageSkippingBehaviour;
+ bool messageSkippingBehaviour = AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen() &&
+ readTimestampMs > blobs[i].WriteTimestamp.MilliSeconds();
+ bool skip = offset < startOffset || offset == startOffset &&
+ blobs[i].GetPartNo() < partNo || messageSkippingBehaviour;
if (blobs[i].IsLastPart()) {
pno = 0;
@@ -2556,19 +2556,19 @@ TVector<TClientBlob> TPartition::GetReadRequestFromHead(const ui64 startOffset,
if (skip)
- if (count > maxCount) // blob is counted already
+ if (count > maxCount) // blob is counted already
if (size >= maxSize)
- size += blobs[i].GetBlobSize();
- res.push_back(blobs[i]);
- if (!firstAddedBlobOffset && AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen())
- firstAddedBlobOffset = offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0;
+ size += blobs[i].GetBlobSize();
+ res.push_back(blobs[i]);
+ if (!firstAddedBlobOffset && AppData()->PQConfig.GetTopicsAreFirstClassCitizen())
+ firstAddedBlobOffset = offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0;
if (i < blobs.size()) // already got limit
- *insideHeadOffset = firstAddedBlobOffset.value_or(*insideHeadOffset);
+ *insideHeadOffset = firstAddedBlobOffset.value_or(*insideHeadOffset);
return res;
@@ -2847,9 +2847,9 @@ void TPartition::ReadTimestampForOffset(const TString& user, TUserInfo& userInfo
<< " user " << user << " send read request for offset " << userInfo.Offset << " initiated " << " queuesize " << UpdateUserInfoTimestamp.size() << " startOffset " << StartOffset << " ReadingTimestamp " << ReadingTimestamp);
- THolder<TEvPQ::TEvRead> event = MakeHolder<TEvPQ::TEvRead>(0, userInfo.Offset, 0, 1, "",
- user, 0, MAX_BLOB_PART_SIZE * 2, 0, 0, "",
- userInfo.DoExternalRead);
+ THolder<TEvPQ::TEvRead> event = MakeHolder<TEvPQ::TEvRead>(0, userInfo.Offset, 0, 1, "",
+ user, 0, MAX_BLOB_PART_SIZE * 2, 0, 0, "",
+ userInfo.DoExternalRead);
ctx.Send(ctx.SelfID, event.Release());
@@ -3314,8 +3314,8 @@ void TPartition::Handle(TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse::TPtr& ev, const TActorContext&
//check correctness of response
if (response.GetStatus() != NMsgBusProxy::MSTATUS_OK) {
- LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "OnWrite topic '" << TopicName << "' partition " <<
- Partition << " commands are not processed at all, reason: " << response.DebugString());
+ LOG_ERROR_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "OnWrite topic '" << TopicName << "' partition " <<
+ Partition << " commands are not processed at all, reason: " << response.DebugString());
ctx.Send(Tablet, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill());
//TODO: if status is DISK IS FULL, is global status MSTATUS_OK? it will be good if it is true
@@ -3500,13 +3500,13 @@ void TPartition::HandleWriteResponse(const TActorContext& ctx) {
if (BytesWritten)
- BytesWritten.Inc(WriteNewSizeInternal);
+ BytesWritten.Inc(WriteNewSizeInternal);
if (BytesWrittenUncompressed)
if (BytesWrittenComp)
if (MsgsWritten)
- MsgsWritten.Inc(WriteNewMessagesInternal);
+ MsgsWritten.Inc(WriteNewMessagesInternal);
//All ok
auto now = ctx.Now();
@@ -3525,10 +3525,10 @@ void TPartition::HandleWriteResponse(const TActorContext& ctx) {
WriteCycleSize = 0;
WriteNewSize = 0;
- WriteNewSizeInternal = 0;
+ WriteNewSizeInternal = 0;
WriteNewSizeUncompressed = 0;
WriteNewMessages = 0;
- WriteNewMessagesInternal = 0;
+ WriteNewMessagesInternal = 0;
@@ -3958,8 +3958,8 @@ void TPartition::CancelAllWritesOnWrite(const TActorContext& ctx, TEvKeyValue::T
-bool TPartition::AppendHeadWithNewWrites(TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest* request, const TActorContext& ctx,
- TSourceIdWriter& sourceIdWriter) {
+bool TPartition::AppendHeadWithNewWrites(TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest* request, const TActorContext& ctx,
+ TSourceIdWriter& sourceIdWriter) {
ui64 curOffset = PartitionedBlob.IsInited() ? PartitionedBlob.GetOffset() : EndOffset;
@@ -4112,14 +4112,14 @@ bool TPartition::AppendHeadWithNewWrites(TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest* request, const
- PartitionedBlob = TPartitionedBlob(Partition, curOffset, p.Msg.SourceId, p.Msg.SeqNo,
- p.Msg.TotalParts, p.Msg.TotalSize, Head, NewHead,
- headCleared, needCompactHead, MaxBlobSize);
+ PartitionedBlob = TPartitionedBlob(Partition, curOffset, p.Msg.SourceId, p.Msg.SeqNo,
+ p.Msg.TotalParts, p.Msg.TotalSize, Head, NewHead,
+ headCleared, needCompactHead, MaxBlobSize);
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "Topic '" << TopicName << "' partition " << Partition
- << " part blob processing sourceId '" << EscapeC(p.Msg.SourceId) <<
- "' seqNo " << p.Msg.SeqNo << " partNo " << p.Msg.PartNo);
+ << " part blob processing sourceId '" << EscapeC(p.Msg.SourceId) <<
+ "' seqNo " << p.Msg.SeqNo << " partNo " << p.Msg.PartNo);
TString s;
if (!PartitionedBlob.IsNextPart(p.Msg.SourceId, p.Msg.SeqNo, p.Msg.PartNo, &s)) {
//this must not be happen - client sends gaps, fail this client till the end
@@ -4129,13 +4129,13 @@ bool TPartition::AppendHeadWithNewWrites(TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest* request, const
WriteNewSize += p.Msg.SourceId.size() + p.Msg.Data.size();
- WriteNewSizeInternal = p.Msg.External ? 0 : WriteNewSize;
+ WriteNewSizeInternal = p.Msg.External ? 0 : WriteNewSize;
WriteNewSizeUncompressed += p.Msg.UncompressedSize + p.Msg.SourceId.size();
- if (p.Msg.PartNo == 0) {
- ++WriteNewMessages;
- if (!p.Msg.External)
- ++WriteNewMessagesInternal;
- }
+ if (p.Msg.PartNo == 0) {
+ ++WriteNewMessages;
+ if (!p.Msg.External)
+ ++WriteNewMessagesInternal;
+ }
TMaybe<TPartData> partData;
if (p.Msg.TotalParts > 1) { //this is multi-part message
@@ -4175,12 +4175,12 @@ bool TPartition::AppendHeadWithNewWrites(TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest* request, const
write->SetKeyToCache(resKey.Data(), resKey.Size());
WriteCycleSize += newWrite.second.size();
- LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "Topic '" << TopicName <<
- "' partition " << Partition <<
- " part blob sourceId '" << EscapeC(p.Msg.SourceId) <<
- "' seqNo " << p.Msg.SeqNo << " partNo " << p.Msg.PartNo <<
- " result is " << TStringBuf(newWrite.first.Data(), newWrite.first.Size()) <<
- " size " << newWrite.second.size());
+ LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "Topic '" << TopicName <<
+ "' partition " << Partition <<
+ " part blob sourceId '" << EscapeC(p.Msg.SourceId) <<
+ "' seqNo " << p.Msg.SeqNo << " partNo " << p.Msg.PartNo <<
+ " result is " << TStringBuf(newWrite.first.Data(), newWrite.first.Size()) <<
+ " size " << newWrite.second.size());
if (lastBlobPart) {
@@ -4578,15 +4578,15 @@ void TPartition::ProcessRead(const TActorContext& ctx, TReadInfo&& info, const u
- TVector<TRequestedBlob> blobs = GetReadRequestFromBody(info.Offset, info.PartNo, info.Count, info.Size, &count, &size);
+ TVector<TRequestedBlob> blobs = GetReadRequestFromBody(info.Offset, info.PartNo, info.Count, info.Size, &count, &size);
info.Blobs = blobs;
ui64 lastOffset = info.Offset + Min(count, info.Count);
LOG_DEBUG_S(ctx, NKikimrServices::PERSQUEUE, "read cookie " << cookie << " added " << info.Blobs.size()
<< " blobs, size " << size << " count " << count << " last offset " << lastOffset);
- ui64 insideHeadOffset{0};
- info.Cached = GetReadRequestFromHead(info.Offset, info.PartNo, info.Count, info.Size, info.ReadTimestampMs, &count, &size, &insideHeadOffset);
- info.CachedOffset = Head.Offset > 0 ? Head.Offset : insideHeadOffset;
+ ui64 insideHeadOffset{0};
+ info.Cached = GetReadRequestFromHead(info.Offset, info.PartNo, info.Count, info.Size, info.ReadTimestampMs, &count, &size, &insideHeadOffset);
+ info.CachedOffset = Head.Offset > 0 ? Head.Offset : insideHeadOffset;
if (info.Destination != 0) {
@@ -4618,7 +4618,7 @@ void TPartition::ProcessRead(const TActorContext& ctx, TReadInfo&& info, const u
THolder<TEvPQ::TEvBlobRequest> request(new TEvPQ::TEvBlobRequest(user, cookie, Partition,
- lastOffset, std::move(blobs)));
+ lastOffset, std::move(blobs)));
ctx.Send(BlobCache, request.Release());