@@ -1,272 +1,272 @@
-This module is designed to be used as follows::
- from past.builtins.noniterators import filter, map, range, reduce, zip
-And then, for example::
- assert isinstance(range(5), list)
+This module is designed to be used as follows::
+ from past.builtins.noniterators import filter, map, range, reduce, zip
+And then, for example::
+ assert isinstance(range(5), list)
+The list-producing functions this brings in are::
+- ``filter``
+- ``map``
+- ``range``
+- ``reduce``
+- ``zip``
+from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
-The list-producing functions this brings in are::
-- ``filter``
-- ``map``
-- ``range``
-- ``reduce``
-- ``zip``
-from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
from itertools import chain, starmap
-import itertools # since zip_longest doesn't exist on Py2
-from past.types import basestring
-from past.utils import PY3
-def flatmap(f, items):
- return chain.from_iterable(map(f, items))
-if PY3:
- import builtins
- # list-producing versions of the major Python iterating functions
- def oldfilter(*args):
- """
- filter(function or None, sequence) -> list, tuple, or string
+import itertools # since zip_longest doesn't exist on Py2
+from past.types import basestring
+from past.utils import PY3
+def flatmap(f, items):
+ return chain.from_iterable(map(f, items))
+if PY3:
+ import builtins
- Return those items of sequence for which function(item) is true.
- If function is None, return the items that are true. If sequence
- is a tuple or string, return the same type, else return a list.
- """
- mytype = type(args[1])
- if isinstance(args[1], basestring):
- return mytype().join(builtins.filter(*args))
- elif isinstance(args[1], (tuple, list)):
- return mytype(builtins.filter(*args))
- else:
- # Fall back to list. Is this the right thing to do?
- return list(builtins.filter(*args))
- # This is surprisingly difficult to get right. For example, the
- # solutions here fail with the test cases in the docstring below:
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8072755/
- def oldmap(func, *iterables):
- """
- map(function, sequence[, sequence, ...]) -> list
+ # list-producing versions of the major Python iterating functions
+ def oldfilter(*args):
+ """
+ filter(function or None, sequence) -> list, tuple, or string
- Return a list of the results of applying the function to the
- items of the argument sequence(s). If more than one sequence is
- given, the function is called with an argument list consisting of
- the corresponding item of each sequence, substituting None for
- missing values when not all sequences have the same length. If
- the function is None, return a list of the items of the sequence
- (or a list of tuples if more than one sequence).
+ Return those items of sequence for which function(item) is true.
+ If function is None, return the items that are true. If sequence
+ is a tuple or string, return the same type, else return a list.
+ """
+ mytype = type(args[1])
+ if isinstance(args[1], basestring):
+ return mytype().join(builtins.filter(*args))
+ elif isinstance(args[1], (tuple, list)):
+ return mytype(builtins.filter(*args))
+ else:
+ # Fall back to list. Is this the right thing to do?
+ return list(builtins.filter(*args))
+ # This is surprisingly difficult to get right. For example, the
+ # solutions here fail with the test cases in the docstring below:
+ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8072755/
+ def oldmap(func, *iterables):
+ """
+ map(function, sequence[, sequence, ...]) -> list
+ Return a list of the results of applying the function to the
+ items of the argument sequence(s). If more than one sequence is
+ given, the function is called with an argument list consisting of
+ the corresponding item of each sequence, substituting None for
+ missing values when not all sequences have the same length. If
+ the function is None, return a list of the items of the sequence
+ (or a list of tuples if more than one sequence).
+ Test cases:
+ >>> oldmap(None, 'hello world')
+ ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']
+ >>> oldmap(None, range(4))
+ [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Test cases:
- >>> oldmap(None, 'hello world')
- ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']
- >>> oldmap(None, range(4))
- [0, 1, 2, 3]
More test cases are in test_past.test_builtins.
- """
- zipped = itertools.zip_longest(*iterables)
- l = list(zipped)
- if len(l) == 0:
- return []
- if func is None:
- result = l
- else:
- result = list(starmap(func, l))
- # Inspect to see whether it's a simple sequence of tuples
- try:
- if max([len(item) for item in result]) == 1:
- return list(chain.from_iterable(result))
- # return list(flatmap(func, result))
- except TypeError as e:
- # Simple objects like ints have no len()
- pass
- return result
- ############################
- ### For reference, the source code for Py2.7 map function:
- # static PyObject *
- # builtin_map(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
- # {
- # typedef struct {
- # PyObject *it; /* the iterator object */
- # int saw_StopIteration; /* bool: did the iterator end? */
- # } sequence;
+ """
+ zipped = itertools.zip_longest(*iterables)
+ l = list(zipped)
+ if len(l) == 0:
+ return []
+ if func is None:
+ result = l
+ else:
+ result = list(starmap(func, l))
+ # Inspect to see whether it's a simple sequence of tuples
+ try:
+ if max([len(item) for item in result]) == 1:
+ return list(chain.from_iterable(result))
+ # return list(flatmap(func, result))
+ except TypeError as e:
+ # Simple objects like ints have no len()
+ pass
+ return result
+ ############################
+ ### For reference, the source code for Py2.7 map function:
+ # static PyObject *
+ # builtin_map(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ # {
+ # typedef struct {
+ # PyObject *it; /* the iterator object */
+ # int saw_StopIteration; /* bool: did the iterator end? */
+ # } sequence;
- # PyObject *func, *result;
- # sequence *seqs = NULL, *sqp;
- # Py_ssize_t n, len;
- # register int i, j;
+ # PyObject *func, *result;
+ # sequence *seqs = NULL, *sqp;
+ # Py_ssize_t n, len;
+ # register int i, j;
- # n = PyTuple_Size(args);
- # if (n < 2) {
- # PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- # "map() requires at least two args");
- # return NULL;
- # }
+ # n = PyTuple_Size(args);
+ # if (n < 2) {
+ # PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ # "map() requires at least two args");
+ # return NULL;
+ # }
- # func = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0);
- # n--;
+ # func = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0);
+ # n--;
- # if (func == Py_None) {
- # if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("map(None, ...) not supported in 3.x; "
- # "use list(...)", 1) < 0)
- # return NULL;
- # if (n == 1) {
- # /* map(None, S) is the same as list(S). */
- # return PySequence_List(PyTuple_GetItem(args, 1));
- # }
- # }
+ # if (func == Py_None) {
+ # if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("map(None, ...) not supported in 3.x; "
+ # "use list(...)", 1) < 0)
+ # return NULL;
+ # if (n == 1) {
+ # /* map(None, S) is the same as list(S). */
+ # return PySequence_List(PyTuple_GetItem(args, 1));
+ # }
+ # }
- # /* Get space for sequence descriptors. Must NULL out the iterator
- # * pointers so that jumping to Fail_2 later doesn't see trash.
- # */
- # if ((seqs = PyMem_NEW(sequence, n)) == NULL) {
- # PyErr_NoMemory();
- # return NULL;
- # }
- # for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- # seqs[i].it = (PyObject*)NULL;
- # seqs[i].saw_StopIteration = 0;
- # }
+ # /* Get space for sequence descriptors. Must NULL out the iterator
+ # * pointers so that jumping to Fail_2 later doesn't see trash.
+ # */
+ # if ((seqs = PyMem_NEW(sequence, n)) == NULL) {
+ # PyErr_NoMemory();
+ # return NULL;
+ # }
+ # for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ # seqs[i].it = (PyObject*)NULL;
+ # seqs[i].saw_StopIteration = 0;
+ # }
- # /* Do a first pass to obtain iterators for the arguments, and set len
- # * to the largest of their lengths.
- # */
- # len = 0;
- # for (i = 0, sqp = seqs; i < n; ++i, ++sqp) {
- # PyObject *curseq;
- # Py_ssize_t curlen;
+ # /* Do a first pass to obtain iterators for the arguments, and set len
+ # * to the largest of their lengths.
+ # */
+ # len = 0;
+ # for (i = 0, sqp = seqs; i < n; ++i, ++sqp) {
+ # PyObject *curseq;
+ # Py_ssize_t curlen;
- # /* Get iterator. */
- # curseq = PyTuple_GetItem(args, i+1);
- # sqp->it = PyObject_GetIter(curseq);
- # if (sqp->it == NULL) {
- # static char errmsg[] =
- # "argument %d to map() must support iteration";
- # char errbuf[sizeof(errmsg) + 25];
- # PyOS_snprintf(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), errmsg, i+2);
- # PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, errbuf);
- # goto Fail_2;
- # }
+ # /* Get iterator. */
+ # curseq = PyTuple_GetItem(args, i+1);
+ # sqp->it = PyObject_GetIter(curseq);
+ # if (sqp->it == NULL) {
+ # static char errmsg[] =
+ # "argument %d to map() must support iteration";
+ # char errbuf[sizeof(errmsg) + 25];
+ # PyOS_snprintf(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), errmsg, i+2);
+ # PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, errbuf);
+ # goto Fail_2;
+ # }
- # /* Update len. */
- # curlen = _PyObject_LengthHint(curseq, 8);
- # if (curlen > len)
- # len = curlen;
- # }
+ # /* Update len. */
+ # curlen = _PyObject_LengthHint(curseq, 8);
+ # if (curlen > len)
+ # len = curlen;
+ # }
- # /* Get space for the result list. */
- # if ((result = (PyObject *) PyList_New(len)) == NULL)
- # goto Fail_2;
+ # /* Get space for the result list. */
+ # if ((result = (PyObject *) PyList_New(len)) == NULL)
+ # goto Fail_2;
- # /* Iterate over the sequences until all have stopped. */
- # for (i = 0; ; ++i) {
- # PyObject *alist, *item=NULL, *value;
- # int numactive = 0;
+ # /* Iterate over the sequences until all have stopped. */
+ # for (i = 0; ; ++i) {
+ # PyObject *alist, *item=NULL, *value;
+ # int numactive = 0;
- # if (func == Py_None && n == 1)
- # alist = NULL;
- # else if ((alist = PyTuple_New(n)) == NULL)
- # goto Fail_1;
+ # if (func == Py_None && n == 1)
+ # alist = NULL;
+ # else if ((alist = PyTuple_New(n)) == NULL)
+ # goto Fail_1;
- # for (j = 0, sqp = seqs; j < n; ++j, ++sqp) {
- # if (sqp->saw_StopIteration) {
- # Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- # item = Py_None;
- # }
- # else {
- # item = PyIter_Next(sqp->it);
- # if (item)
- # ++numactive;
- # else {
- # if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
- # Py_XDECREF(alist);
- # goto Fail_1;
- # }
- # Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- # item = Py_None;
- # sqp->saw_StopIteration = 1;
- # }
- # }
- # if (alist)
- # PyTuple_SET_ITEM(alist, j, item);
- # else
- # break;
- # }
+ # for (j = 0, sqp = seqs; j < n; ++j, ++sqp) {
+ # if (sqp->saw_StopIteration) {
+ # Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ # item = Py_None;
+ # }
+ # else {
+ # item = PyIter_Next(sqp->it);
+ # if (item)
+ # ++numactive;
+ # else {
+ # if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ # Py_XDECREF(alist);
+ # goto Fail_1;
+ # }
+ # Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ # item = Py_None;
+ # sqp->saw_StopIteration = 1;
+ # }
+ # }
+ # if (alist)
+ # PyTuple_SET_ITEM(alist, j, item);
+ # else
+ # break;
+ # }
- # if (!alist)
- # alist = item;
+ # if (!alist)
+ # alist = item;
- # if (numactive == 0) {
- # Py_DECREF(alist);
- # break;
- # }
+ # if (numactive == 0) {
+ # Py_DECREF(alist);
+ # break;
+ # }
- # if (func == Py_None)
- # value = alist;
- # else {
- # value = PyEval_CallObject(func, alist);
- # Py_DECREF(alist);
- # if (value == NULL)
- # goto Fail_1;
- # }
- # if (i >= len) {
- # int status = PyList_Append(result, value);
- # Py_DECREF(value);
- # if (status < 0)
- # goto Fail_1;
- # }
- # else if (PyList_SetItem(result, i, value) < 0)
- # goto Fail_1;
- # }
+ # if (func == Py_None)
+ # value = alist;
+ # else {
+ # value = PyEval_CallObject(func, alist);
+ # Py_DECREF(alist);
+ # if (value == NULL)
+ # goto Fail_1;
+ # }
+ # if (i >= len) {
+ # int status = PyList_Append(result, value);
+ # Py_DECREF(value);
+ # if (status < 0)
+ # goto Fail_1;
+ # }
+ # else if (PyList_SetItem(result, i, value) < 0)
+ # goto Fail_1;
+ # }
- # if (i < len && PyList_SetSlice(result, i, len, NULL) < 0)
- # goto Fail_1;
+ # if (i < len && PyList_SetSlice(result, i, len, NULL) < 0)
+ # goto Fail_1;
- # goto Succeed;
+ # goto Succeed;
- # Fail_1:
- # Py_DECREF(result);
- # Fail_2:
- # result = NULL;
- # Succeed:
- # assert(seqs);
- # for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- # Py_XDECREF(seqs[i].it);
- # PyMem_DEL(seqs);
- # return result;
- # }
- def oldrange(*args, **kwargs):
- return list(builtins.range(*args, **kwargs))
- def oldzip(*args, **kwargs):
- return list(builtins.zip(*args, **kwargs))
- filter = oldfilter
- map = oldmap
- range = oldrange
- from functools import reduce
- zip = oldzip
- __all__ = ['filter', 'map', 'range', 'reduce', 'zip']
- import __builtin__
- # Python 2-builtin ranges produce lists
- filter = __builtin__.filter
- map = __builtin__.map
- range = __builtin__.range
- reduce = __builtin__.reduce
- zip = __builtin__.zip
- __all__ = []
+ # Fail_1:
+ # Py_DECREF(result);
+ # Fail_2:
+ # result = NULL;
+ # Succeed:
+ # assert(seqs);
+ # for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ # Py_XDECREF(seqs[i].it);
+ # PyMem_DEL(seqs);
+ # return result;
+ # }
+ def oldrange(*args, **kwargs):
+ return list(builtins.range(*args, **kwargs))
+ def oldzip(*args, **kwargs):
+ return list(builtins.zip(*args, **kwargs))
+ filter = oldfilter
+ map = oldmap
+ range = oldrange
+ from functools import reduce
+ zip = oldzip
+ __all__ = ['filter', 'map', 'range', 'reduce', 'zip']
+ import __builtin__
+ # Python 2-builtin ranges produce lists
+ filter = __builtin__.filter
+ map = __builtin__.map
+ range = __builtin__.range
+ reduce = __builtin__.reduce
+ zip = __builtin__.zip
+ __all__ = []