@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+"""Timestamp comparison of files and groups of files."""
+import functools
+import os.path
+from .errors import DistutilsFileError
+from .py39compat import zip_strict
+from ._functools import splat
+def _newer(source, target):
+ return not os.path.exists(target) or (
+ os.path.getmtime(source) > os.path.getmtime(target)
+ )
+def newer(source, target):
+ """
+ Is source modified more recently than target.
+ Returns True if 'source' is modified more recently than
+ 'target' or if 'target' does not exist.
+ Raises DistutilsFileError if 'source' does not exist.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(source):
+ raise DistutilsFileError("file '%s' does not exist" % os.path.abspath(source))
+ return _newer(source, target)
+def newer_pairwise(sources, targets, newer=newer):
+ """
+ Filter filenames where sources are newer than targets.
+ Walk two filename iterables in parallel, testing if each source is newer
+ than its corresponding target. Returns a pair of lists (sources,
+ targets) where source is newer than target, according to the semantics
+ of 'newer()'.
+ """
+ newer_pairs = filter(splat(newer), zip_strict(sources, targets))
+ return tuple(map(list, zip(*newer_pairs))) or ([], [])
+def newer_group(sources, target, missing='error'):
+ """
+ Is target out-of-date with respect to any file in sources.
+ Return True if 'target' is out-of-date with respect to any file
+ listed in 'sources'. In other words, if 'target' exists and is newer
+ than every file in 'sources', return False; otherwise return True.
+ ``missing`` controls how to handle a missing source file:
+ - error (default): allow the ``stat()`` call to fail.
+ - ignore: silently disregard any missing source files.
+ - newer: treat missing source files as "target out of date". This
+ mode is handy in "dry-run" mode: it will pretend to carry out
+ commands that wouldn't work because inputs are missing, but
+ that doesn't matter because dry-run won't run the commands.
+ """
+ def missing_as_newer(source):
+ return missing == 'newer' and not os.path.exists(source)
+ ignored = os.path.exists if missing == 'ignore' else None
+ return any(
+ missing_as_newer(source) or _newer(source, target)
+ for source in filter(ignored, sources)
+ )
+newer_pairwise_group = functools.partial(newer_pairwise, newer=newer_group)