@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ struct TTestEndDecorator : TDecorator {
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorBenchmark) {
- static constexpr bool DefaultNoRealtime = true;
+ static constexpr bool DefaultNoRealtime = true;
static constexpr ui32 DefaultSpinThreshold = 1000000;
static constexpr ui32 TotalEventsAmount = 1000;
@@ -43,49 +43,49 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorBenchmark) {
TDummyActor() : TActor<TDummyActor>(&TDummyActor::StateFunc) {}
STFUNC(StateFunc) {
- (void)ev;
+ (void)ev;
- enum ERole {
- Leader,
- Follower
- };
+ enum ERole {
+ Leader,
+ Follower
+ };
class TSendReceiveActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TSendReceiveActor> {
static constexpr auto ActorActivityType() {
- TSendReceiveActor(double* elapsedTime, TActorId receiver, bool allocation, ERole role, ui32 neighbours = 0)
- : EventsCounter(TotalEventsAmount)
- , ElapsedTime(elapsedTime)
- , Receiver(receiver)
- , AllocatesMemory(allocation)
- , Role(role)
- , MailboxNeighboursCount(neighbours)
+ TSendReceiveActor(double* elapsedTime, TActorId receiver, bool allocation, ERole role, ui32 neighbours = 0)
+ : EventsCounter(TotalEventsAmount)
+ , ElapsedTime(elapsedTime)
+ , Receiver(receiver)
+ , AllocatesMemory(allocation)
+ , Role(role)
+ , MailboxNeighboursCount(neighbours)
void Bootstrap(const TActorContext &ctx) {
if (!Receiver) {
this->Receiver = SelfId();
- } else {
- EventsCounter /= 2; // We want to measure CPU requirement for one-way send
+ } else {
+ EventsCounter /= 2; // We want to measure CPU requirement for one-way send
for (ui32 i = 0; i < MailboxNeighboursCount; ++i) {
ctx.RegisterWithSameMailbox(new TDummyActor());
- if (Role == Leader) {
- Send(Receiver, new TEvents::TEvPing());
- }
+ if (Role == Leader) {
+ Send(Receiver, new TEvents::TEvPing());
+ }
STATEFN(StateFunc) {
- if (EventsCounter == 0 && ElapsedTime != nullptr) {
+ if (EventsCounter == 0 && ElapsedTime != nullptr) {
*ElapsedTime = Timer.Passed() / TotalEventsAmount;
@@ -97,91 +97,91 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorBenchmark) {
- EventsCounter--;
+ EventsCounter--;
THPTimer Timer;
- ui64 EventsCounter;
+ ui64 EventsCounter;
double* ElapsedTime;
TActorId Receiver;
bool AllocatesMemory;
- ERole Role;
+ ERole Role;
ui32 MailboxNeighboursCount;
- void AddBasicPool(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, ui32 threads, bool activateEveryEvent) {
- TBasicExecutorPoolConfig basic;
- basic.PoolId = setup->GetExecutorsCount();
- basic.PoolName = TStringBuilder() << "b" << basic.PoolId;
- basic.Threads = threads;
- basic.SpinThreshold = DefaultSpinThreshold;
- basic.TimePerMailbox = TDuration::Hours(1);
- if (activateEveryEvent) {
- basic.EventsPerMailbox = 1;
- } else {
- basic.EventsPerMailbox = Max<ui32>();
+ void AddBasicPool(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, ui32 threads, bool activateEveryEvent) {
+ TBasicExecutorPoolConfig basic;
+ basic.PoolId = setup->GetExecutorsCount();
+ basic.PoolName = TStringBuilder() << "b" << basic.PoolId;
+ basic.Threads = threads;
+ basic.SpinThreshold = DefaultSpinThreshold;
+ basic.TimePerMailbox = TDuration::Hours(1);
+ if (activateEveryEvent) {
+ basic.EventsPerMailbox = 1;
+ } else {
+ basic.EventsPerMailbox = Max<ui32>();
+ }
+ setup->CpuManager.Basic.emplace_back(std::move(basic));
+ }
+ void AddUnitedPool(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, ui32 concurrency, bool activateEveryEvent) {
+ TUnitedExecutorPoolConfig united;
+ united.PoolId = setup->GetExecutorsCount();
+ united.PoolName = TStringBuilder() << "u" << united.PoolId;
+ united.Concurrency = concurrency;
+ united.TimePerMailbox = TDuration::Hours(1);
+ if (activateEveryEvent) {
+ united.EventsPerMailbox = 1;
+ } else {
+ united.EventsPerMailbox = Max<ui32>();
+ }
+ setup->CpuManager.United.emplace_back(std::move(united));
+ }
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> GetActorSystemSetup(ui32 unitedCpuCount, bool preemption) {
+ auto setup = MakeHolder<NActors::TActorSystemSetup>();
+ setup->NodeId = 1;
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.CpuCount = unitedCpuCount;
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.SpinThresholdUs = DefaultSpinThreshold;
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.NoRealtime = DefaultNoRealtime;
+ if (preemption) {
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.PoolLimitUs = 500;
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.EventLimitUs = 100;
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.LimitPrecisionUs = 100;
+ } else {
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.PoolLimitUs = 100'000'000'000;
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.EventLimitUs = 10'000'000'000;
+ setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.LimitPrecisionUs = 10'000'000'000;
+ }
+ setup->Scheduler = new TBasicSchedulerThread(NActors::TSchedulerConfig(512, 0));
+ return setup;
+ }
+ enum class EPoolType {
+ Basic,
+ United
+ };
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> InitActorSystemSetup(EPoolType poolType, ui32 poolsCount, ui32 threads, bool activateEveryEvent, bool preemption) {
+ if (poolType == EPoolType::Basic) {
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = GetActorSystemSetup(0, false);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < poolsCount; ++i) {
+ AddBasicPool(setup, threads, activateEveryEvent);
+ }
+ return setup;
+ } else if (poolType == EPoolType::United) {
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = GetActorSystemSetup(poolsCount * threads, preemption);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < poolsCount; ++i) {
+ AddUnitedPool(setup, threads, activateEveryEvent);
+ }
+ return setup;
- setup->CpuManager.Basic.emplace_back(std::move(basic));
- }
- void AddUnitedPool(THolder<TActorSystemSetup>& setup, ui32 concurrency, bool activateEveryEvent) {
- TUnitedExecutorPoolConfig united;
- united.PoolId = setup->GetExecutorsCount();
- united.PoolName = TStringBuilder() << "u" << united.PoolId;
- united.Concurrency = concurrency;
- united.TimePerMailbox = TDuration::Hours(1);
- if (activateEveryEvent) {
- united.EventsPerMailbox = 1;
- } else {
- united.EventsPerMailbox = Max<ui32>();
- }
- setup->CpuManager.United.emplace_back(std::move(united));
- }
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> GetActorSystemSetup(ui32 unitedCpuCount, bool preemption) {
- auto setup = MakeHolder<NActors::TActorSystemSetup>();
- setup->NodeId = 1;
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.CpuCount = unitedCpuCount;
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.SpinThresholdUs = DefaultSpinThreshold;
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.NoRealtime = DefaultNoRealtime;
- if (preemption) {
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.PoolLimitUs = 500;
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.EventLimitUs = 100;
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.LimitPrecisionUs = 100;
- } else {
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.PoolLimitUs = 100'000'000'000;
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.EventLimitUs = 10'000'000'000;
- setup->CpuManager.UnitedWorkers.LimitPrecisionUs = 10'000'000'000;
- }
- setup->Scheduler = new TBasicSchedulerThread(NActors::TSchedulerConfig(512, 0));
- return setup;
- }
- enum class EPoolType {
- Basic,
- United
- };
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> InitActorSystemSetup(EPoolType poolType, ui32 poolsCount, ui32 threads, bool activateEveryEvent, bool preemption) {
- if (poolType == EPoolType::Basic) {
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = GetActorSystemSetup(0, false);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < poolsCount; ++i) {
- AddBasicPool(setup, threads, activateEveryEvent);
- }
- return setup;
- } else if (poolType == EPoolType::United) {
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = GetActorSystemSetup(poolsCount * threads, preemption);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < poolsCount; ++i) {
- AddUnitedPool(setup, threads, activateEveryEvent);
- }
- return setup;
- }
- Y_FAIL();
- }
- double BenchSendReceive(bool allocation, NActors::TMailboxType::EType mType, EPoolType poolType) {
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, 1, 1, false, false);
+ Y_FAIL();
+ }
+ double BenchSendReceive(bool allocation, NActors::TMailboxType::EType mType, EPoolType poolType) {
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, 1, 1, false, false);
TActorSystem actorSystem(setup);
@@ -197,86 +197,86 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorBenchmark) {
- return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
+ return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
- double BenchSendActivateReceive(ui32 poolsCount, ui32 threads, bool allocation, EPoolType poolType) {
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, poolsCount, threads, true, false);
- TActorSystem actorSystem(setup);
+ double BenchSendActivateReceive(ui32 poolsCount, ui32 threads, bool allocation, EPoolType poolType) {
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, poolsCount, threads, true, false);
+ TActorSystem actorSystem(setup);
TThreadParkPad pad;
TAtomic actorsAlive = 0;
double elapsedTime = 0;
- ui32 followerPoolId = 0;
+ ui32 followerPoolId = 0;
- ui32 leaderPoolId = poolsCount == 1 ? 0 : 1;
- TActorId followerId = actorSystem.Register(
- new TSendReceiveActor(nullptr, {}, allocation, Follower), TMailboxType::HTSwap, followerPoolId);
+ ui32 leaderPoolId = poolsCount == 1 ? 0 : 1;
+ TActorId followerId = actorSystem.Register(
+ new TSendReceiveActor(nullptr, {}, allocation, Follower), TMailboxType::HTSwap, followerPoolId);
THolder<IActor> leader{
new TTestEndDecorator(THolder(
new TSendReceiveActor(&elapsedTime, followerId, allocation, Leader)), &pad, &actorsAlive)};
- actorSystem.Register(leader.Release(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, leaderPoolId);
+ actorSystem.Register(leader.Release(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, leaderPoolId);
- return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
+ return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
- double BenchSendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighbours(ui32 MailboxNeighbourActors, EPoolType poolType) {
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, 1, 1, false, false);
- TActorSystem actorSystem(setup);
+ double BenchSendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighbours(ui32 MailboxNeighbourActors, EPoolType poolType) {
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, 1, 1, false, false);
+ TActorSystem actorSystem(setup);
TThreadParkPad pad;
TAtomic actorsAlive = 0;
double elapsedTime = 0;
- TActorId followerId = actorSystem.Register(
- new TSendReceiveActor(nullptr, {}, false, Follower, MailboxNeighbourActors), TMailboxType::HTSwap);
+ TActorId followerId = actorSystem.Register(
+ new TSendReceiveActor(nullptr, {}, false, Follower, MailboxNeighbourActors), TMailboxType::HTSwap);
THolder<IActor> leader{
new TTestEndDecorator(THolder(
new TSendReceiveActor(&elapsedTime, followerId, false, Leader, MailboxNeighbourActors)), &pad, &actorsAlive)};
- actorSystem.Register(leader.Release(), TMailboxType::HTSwap);
+ actorSystem.Register(leader.Release(), TMailboxType::HTSwap);
- return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
+ return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
- double BenchContentedThreads(ui32 threads, ui32 actorsPairsCount, EPoolType poolType) {
- THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, 1, threads, true, false);
- TActorSystem actorSystem(setup);
+ double BenchContentedThreads(ui32 threads, ui32 actorsPairsCount, EPoolType poolType) {
+ THolder<TActorSystemSetup> setup = InitActorSystemSetup(poolType, 1, threads, true, false);
+ TActorSystem actorSystem(setup);
TThreadParkPad pad;
TAtomic actorsAlive = 0;
THPTimer Timer;
- TVector<double> dummy(actorsPairsCount);
+ TVector<double> dummy(actorsPairsCount);
for (ui32 i = 0; i < actorsPairsCount; ++i) {
- ui32 followerPoolId = 0;
- ui32 leaderPoolId = 0;
- TActorId followerId = actorSystem.Register(
- new TSendReceiveActor(nullptr, {}, true, Follower), TMailboxType::HTSwap, followerPoolId);
+ ui32 followerPoolId = 0;
+ ui32 leaderPoolId = 0;
+ TActorId followerId = actorSystem.Register(
+ new TSendReceiveActor(nullptr, {}, true, Follower), TMailboxType::HTSwap, followerPoolId);
THolder<IActor> leader{
new TTestEndDecorator(THolder(
new TSendReceiveActor(&dummy[i], followerId, true, Leader)), &pad, &actorsAlive)};
- actorSystem.Register(leader.Release(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, leaderPoolId);
+ actorSystem.Register(leader.Release(), TMailboxType::HTSwap, leaderPoolId);
auto elapsedTime = Timer.Passed() / TotalEventsAmount;
- return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
+ return 1e9 * elapsedTime;
auto Mean(const TVector<double>& data) {
- return Accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), 0.0) / data.size();
+ return Accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), 0.0) / data.size();
auto Deviation(const TVector<double>& data) {
@@ -285,19 +285,19 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorBenchmark) {
for (const auto& x : data) {
deviation += (x - mean) * (x - mean);
- return std::sqrt(deviation / data.size());
+ return std::sqrt(deviation / data.size());
struct TStats {
double Mean;
double Deviation;
TString ToString() {
- return TStringBuilder() << Mean << " ± " << Deviation << " ns " << std::ceil(Deviation / Mean * 1000) / 10.0 << "%";
+ return TStringBuilder() << Mean << " ± " << Deviation << " ns " << std::ceil(Deviation / Mean * 1000) / 10.0 << "%";
template <typename Func>
- TStats CountStats(Func func, ui32 itersCount = 5) {
+ TStats CountStats(Func func, ui32 itersCount = 5) {
TVector<double> elapsedTimes;
for (ui32 i = 0; i < itersCount; ++i) {
auto elapsedTime = func();
@@ -314,171 +314,171 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ActorBenchmark) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendReceive1Pool1ThreadAlloc) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendReceive1Pool1ThreadAlloc) {
+ for (const auto& mType : MailboxTypes) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([mType] {
+ return BenchSendReceive(true, mType, EPoolType::Basic);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << " " << mType << Endl;
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendReceive1Pool1ThreadAllocUnited) {
for (const auto& mType : MailboxTypes) {
auto stats = CountStats([mType] {
- return BenchSendReceive(true, mType, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendReceive(true, mType, EPoolType::United);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << " " << mType << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendReceive1Pool1ThreadAllocUnited) {
- for (const auto& mType : MailboxTypes) {
- auto stats = CountStats([mType] {
- return BenchSendReceive(true, mType, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << " " << mType << Endl;
- }
- }
Y_UNIT_TEST(SendReceive1Pool1ThreadNoAlloc) {
for (const auto& mType : MailboxTypes) {
auto stats = CountStats([mType] {
- return BenchSendReceive(false, mType, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendReceive(false, mType, EPoolType::Basic);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << " " << mType << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendReceive1Pool1ThreadNoAllocUnited) {
- for (const auto& mType : MailboxTypes) {
- auto stats = CountStats([mType] {
- return BenchSendReceive(false, mType, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << " " << mType << Endl;
- }
- }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendReceive1Pool1ThreadNoAllocUnited) {
+ for (const auto& mType : MailboxTypes) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([mType] {
+ return BenchSendReceive(false, mType, EPoolType::United);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << " " << mType << Endl;
+ }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadAlloc) {
auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, true, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, true, EPoolType::Basic);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadAllocUnited) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([] {
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, true, EPoolType::United);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadAllocUnited) {
- auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, true, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- }
Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadNoAlloc) {
auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, false, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, false, EPoolType::Basic);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadNoAllocUnited) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([] {
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, false, EPoolType::United);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadNoAllocUnited) {
- auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 1, false, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- }
Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsAlloc) {
auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, true, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, true, EPoolType::Basic);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsAllocUnited) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([] {
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, true, EPoolType::United);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsAllocUnited) {
- auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, true, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- }
Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsNoAlloc) {
auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, false, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, false, EPoolType::Basic);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsNoAllocUnited) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([] {
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, false, EPoolType::United);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadAlloc) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([] {
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, true, EPoolType::Basic);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadAllocUnited) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([] {
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, true, EPoolType::United);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsNoAllocUnited) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadNoAlloc) {
auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(1, 2, false, EPoolType::United);
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, false, EPoolType::Basic);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadAlloc) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadNoAllocUnited) {
auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, true, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, false, EPoolType::United);
Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadAllocUnited) {
- auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, true, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadNoAlloc) {
- auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, false, EPoolType::Basic);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive2Pool1ThreadNoAllocUnited) {
- auto stats = CountStats([] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceive(2, 1, false, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << Endl;
- }
- void RunBenchContentedThreads(ui32 threads, EPoolType poolType) {
- for (ui32 actorPairs = 1; actorPairs <= 2 * threads; actorPairs++) {
- auto stats = CountStats([threads, actorPairs, poolType] {
- return BenchContentedThreads(threads, actorPairs, poolType);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << " actorPairs: " << actorPairs << Endl;
- }
- }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(1, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(1, EPoolType::United); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(2, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(2, EPoolType::United); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool3Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(3, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool3ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(3, EPoolType::United); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool4Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(4, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool4ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(4, EPoolType::United); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool5Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(5, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool5ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(5, EPoolType::United); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool6Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(6, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool6ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(6, EPoolType::United); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool7Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(7, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool7ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(7, EPoolType::United); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool8Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(8, EPoolType::Basic); }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool8ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(8, EPoolType::United); }
+ void RunBenchContentedThreads(ui32 threads, EPoolType poolType) {
+ for (ui32 actorPairs = 1; actorPairs <= 2 * threads; actorPairs++) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([threads, actorPairs, poolType] {
+ return BenchContentedThreads(threads, actorPairs, poolType);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << " actorPairs: " << actorPairs << Endl;
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(1, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool1ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(1, EPoolType::United); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(2, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool2ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(2, EPoolType::United); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool3Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(3, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool3ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(3, EPoolType::United); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool4Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(4, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool4ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(4, EPoolType::United); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool5Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(5, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool5ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(5, EPoolType::United); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool6Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(6, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool6ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(6, EPoolType::United); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool7Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(7, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool7ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(7, EPoolType::United); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool8Threads) { RunBenchContentedThreads(8, EPoolType::Basic); }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceive1Pool8ThreadsUnited) { RunBenchContentedThreads(8, EPoolType::United); }
Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighbours) {
TVector<ui32> NeighbourActors = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256};
for (const auto& neighbour : NeighbourActors) {
auto stats = CountStats([neighbour] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighbours(neighbour, EPoolType::Basic);
+ return BenchSendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighbours(neighbour, EPoolType::Basic);
+ });
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << " neighbourActors: " << neighbour << Endl;
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighboursUnited) {
+ TVector<ui32> NeighbourActors = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256};
+ for (const auto& neighbour : NeighbourActors) {
+ auto stats = CountStats([neighbour] {
+ return BenchSendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighbours(neighbour, EPoolType::United);
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << " neighbourActors: " << neighbour << Endl;
+ Cerr << stats.ToString() << " neighbourActors: " << neighbour << Endl;
- Y_UNIT_TEST(SendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighboursUnited) {
- TVector<ui32> NeighbourActors = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256};
- for (const auto& neighbour : NeighbourActors) {
- auto stats = CountStats([neighbour] {
- return BenchSendActivateReceiveWithMailboxNeighbours(neighbour, EPoolType::United);
- });
- Cerr << stats.ToString() << " neighbourActors: " << neighbour << Endl;
- }
- }
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TestDecorator) {