@@ -1,6 +1,61 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Display formatters.
+This module defines the base instances in order to implement custom
+got objects:
+As we want to see internal IPython working we are going to use the following
+function to diaply objects instead of the normal print or display method:
+ >>> ip = get_ipython()
+ >>> ip.display_formatter.format(...)
+ ({'text/plain': 'Ellipsis'}, {})
+This return a tuple with the mimebumdle for the current object, and the
+associated metadata.
+We can now define our own formatter and register it:
+ >>> from IPython.core.formatters import BaseFormatter, FormatterABC
+ >>> class LLMFormatter(BaseFormatter):
+ ...
+ ... format_type = 'x-vendor/llm'
+ ... print_method = '_repr_llm_'
+ ... _return_type = (dict, str)
+ >>> llm_formatter = LLMFormatter(parent=ip.display_formatter)
+ >>> ip.display_formatter.formatters[LLMFormatter.format_type] = llm_formatter
+Now any class that define `_repr_llm_` will return a x-vendor/llm as part of
+it's display data:
+ >>> class A:
+ ...
+ ... def _repr_llm_(self, *kwargs):
+ ... return 'This a A'
+ ...
+ >>> ip.display_formatter.format(A())
+ ({'text/plain': '<IPython.core.formatters.A at ...>', 'x-vendor/llm': 'This a A'}, {})
+As usual, you can register methods for third party types (see
+ >>> def llm_int(obj):
+ ... return 'This is the integer %s, in between %s and %s'%(obj, obj-1, obj+1)
+ >>> llm_formatter.for_type(int, llm_int)
+ >>> ip.display_formatter.format(42)
+ ({'text/plain': '42', 'x-vendor/llm': 'This is the integer 42, in between 41 and 43'}, {})
Inheritance diagram:
.. inheritance-diagram:: IPython.core.formatters
@@ -37,9 +92,10 @@ class DisplayFormatter(Configurable):
active_types = List(Unicode(),
help="""List of currently active mime-types to display.
You can use this to set a white-list for formats to display.
Most users will not need to change this value.
- """).tag(config=True)
+ """,
+ ).tag(config=True)
def _active_types_default(self):
@@ -144,7 +200,7 @@ class DisplayFormatter(Configurable):
format_dict = {}
md_dict = {}
if self.ipython_display_formatter(obj):
# object handled itself, don't proceed
return {}, {}
@@ -176,18 +232,18 @@ class DisplayFormatter(Configurable):
if exclude and format_type in exclude:
md = None
data = formatter(obj)
# FIXME: log the exception
# formatters can return raw data or (data, metadata)
if isinstance(data, tuple) and len(data) == 2:
data, md = data
if data is not None:
format_dict[format_type] = data
if md is not None:
@@ -252,7 +308,7 @@ class FormatterABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# Is the formatter enabled...
enabled = True
def __call__(self, obj):
"""Return a JSON'able representation of the object.
@@ -278,12 +334,15 @@ def _get_type(obj):
return getattr(obj, '__class__', None) or type(obj)
-_raise_key_error = Sentinel('_raise_key_error', __name__,
+_raise_key_error = Sentinel(
+ "_raise_key_error",
+ __name__,
+ """
Special value to raise a KeyError
Raise KeyError in `BaseFormatter.pop` if passed as the default value to `pop`
class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
@@ -329,7 +388,7 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
# The deferred-import type-specific printers.
# Map (modulename, classname) pairs to the format functions.
deferred_printers = Dict().tag(config=True)
def __call__(self, obj):
"""Compute the format for an object."""
@@ -348,7 +407,7 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
return None
return None
def __contains__(self, typ):
"""map in to lookup_by_type"""
@@ -357,7 +416,7 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
return False
return True
def _check_return(self, r, obj):
"""Check that a return value is appropriate
@@ -372,7 +431,7 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
(self.format_type, type(r), self._return_type, _safe_repr(obj)),
def lookup(self, obj):
"""Look up the formatter for a given instance.
@@ -395,7 +454,7 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
return self.singleton_printers[obj_id]
# then lookup by type
return self.lookup_by_type(_get_type(obj))
def lookup_by_type(self, typ):
"""Look up the registered formatter for a type.
@@ -426,7 +485,7 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
for cls in pretty._get_mro(typ):
if cls in self.type_printers or self._in_deferred_types(cls):
return self.type_printers[cls]
# If we have reached here, the lookup failed.
raise KeyError("No registered printer for {0!r}".format(typ))
@@ -459,15 +518,15 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
if isinstance(typ, str):
type_module, type_name = typ.rsplit('.', 1)
return self.for_type_by_name(type_module, type_name, func)
oldfunc = self.lookup_by_type(typ)
except KeyError:
oldfunc = None
if func is not None:
self.type_printers[typ] = func
return oldfunc
def for_type_by_name(self, type_module, type_name, func=None):
@@ -501,16 +560,16 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
this will be the previous value (to enable restoring later).
key = (type_module, type_name)
oldfunc = self.lookup_by_type("%s.%s" % key)
except KeyError:
oldfunc = None
if func is not None:
self.deferred_printers[key] = func
return oldfunc
def pop(self, typ, default=_raise_key_error):
"""Pop a formatter for the given type.
@@ -529,7 +588,7 @@ class BaseFormatter(Configurable):
KeyError if the type is not registered and default is not specified.
if isinstance(typ, str):
typ_key = tuple(typ.rsplit('.',1))
if typ_key not in self.deferred_printers:
@@ -599,14 +658,14 @@ class PlainTextFormatter(BaseFormatter):
# This subclass ignores this attribute as it always need to return
# something.
enabled = Bool(True).tag(config=False)
max_seq_length = Integer(pretty.MAX_SEQ_LENGTH,
help="""Truncate large collections (lists, dicts, tuples, sets) to this size.
Set to 0 to disable truncation.
- """
+ """,
# Look for a _repr_pretty_ methods to use for pretty printing.
print_method = ObjectName('_repr_pretty_')
@@ -775,7 +834,7 @@ class PNGFormatter(BaseFormatter):
format_type = Unicode('image/png')
print_method = ObjectName('_repr_png_')
_return_type = (bytes, str)
@@ -829,7 +888,7 @@ class JSONFormatter(BaseFormatter):
_return_type = (list, dict)
print_method = ObjectName('_repr_json_')
def _check_return(self, r, obj):
"""Check that a return value is appropriate
@@ -887,19 +946,19 @@ class PDFFormatter(BaseFormatter):
class IPythonDisplayFormatter(BaseFormatter):
"""An escape-hatch Formatter for objects that know how to display themselves.
To define the callables that compute the representation of your
objects, define a :meth:`_ipython_display_` method or use the :meth:`for_type`
or :meth:`for_type_by_name` methods to register functions that handle
this. Unlike mime-type displays, this method should not return anything,
instead calling any appropriate display methods itself.
This display formatter has highest priority.
If it fires, no other display formatter will be called.
Prior to IPython 6.1, `_ipython_display_` was the only way to display custom mime-types
without registering a new Formatter.
IPython 6.1 introduces `_repr_mimebundle_` for displaying custom mime-types,
so `_ipython_display_` should only be used for objects that require unusual
display patterns, such as multiple display calls.
@@ -943,7 +1002,7 @@ class MimeBundleFormatter(BaseFormatter):
print_method = ObjectName('_repr_mimebundle_')
_return_type = dict
def _check_return(self, r, obj):
r = super(MimeBundleFormatter, self)._check_return(r, obj)
# always return (data, metadata):