@@ -1,172 +1,13 @@
-{%- set publish = target.publish -%}
-{%- set libraries = target.consumer|selectattr('type', 'eq', 'library') -%}
-import com.google.protobuf.gradle.*
-{% include "[generator]/builddir.jinja" %}
-val mainProtosDir = File(buildDir, "main_protos")
-{%- if libraries|length %}
-val mainExtractedIncludeProtosDir = File(buildDir, "extracted-include-protos/main")
-{%- endif %}
-plugins {
- id("java-library")
- id("com.google.protobuf") version "0.8.19"
-{%- if publish %}
- `maven-publish`
- `signing`
-{%- endif %}
-{%- include "[generator]/publish.jinja" %}
-{% include "[generator]/bucket.jinja" %}
-val project_root = "{{ arcadia_root }}"
-sourceSets {
- main {
- java.srcDir("$buildDir/generated/sources/proto/main/java")
-{%- if target.proto_grpc %}
- java.srcDir("$buildDir/generated/sources/proto/main/grpc")
-{%- endif %}
- }
- test {
- java.srcDir("$buildDir/generated/sources/proto/test/java")
-{%- if target.proto_grpc %}
- java.srcDir("$buildDir/generated/sources/proto/test/grpc")
-{%- endif %}
- }
-java {
- withSourcesJar()
- withJavadocJar()
-configurations.api {
- isTransitive = false
-configurations.implementation {
- isTransitive = false
-configurations.testImplementation {
- isTransitive = false
-{%- if target.jar_source_set is defined -%}
-{%- for source_set in target.jar_source_set -%}
-{%- set srcdir_glob = split(source_set, ':') %}
-sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs += "{{ srcdir_glob[0] }}"
-{% endfor -%}
-{%- endif %}
-dependencies {
-{%- for library in target.consumer if library.classpath -%}
-{%- if library.prebuilt and library.jar and (library.type != "contrib" or target.handler.build_contribs) %}
- implementation(files("$project_root/{{ library.jar }}"))
-{%- else -%}
-{%- set classpath = library.classpath -%}
-{%- if classpath|replace('"','') == classpath -%}
-{%- set classpath = '"' + classpath + '"' -%}
-{%- endif %}
-{%- if library.type != "contrib" %}
- implementation
-{%- else %}
- api
-{%- endif -%}({{ classpath }})
-{%- if library.excludes.consumer is defined %} {
-{% for exclude in library.excludes.consumer -%}
-{% set classpath = exclude.classpath|replace('"','') -%}
-{% set classpath_parts = split(classpath, ':') -%}
- exclude(group = "{{ classpath_parts[0] }}", module = "{{ classpath_parts[1] }}")
-{% endfor -%}
- }
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- if target.proto_namespace %}
- protobuf(files(File(mainProtosDir, "{{ target.proto_namespace }}")))
-{%- else %}
- protobuf(files(mainProtosDir))
-{%- endif %}
-protobuf {
- generatedFilesBaseDir = "$buildDir/generated/sources/proto"
- protoc {
- // Download from repositories
- artifact = "com.google.protobuf:protoc:{%- if target.proto_compiler_version -%}{{ target.proto_compiler_version }}{%- else -%}3.22.5{%- endif -%}"
- }
-{%- if target.proto_grpc %}
- plugins {
- id("grpc") {
- artifact = "io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:{%- if target.proto_grpc_version -%}{{ target.proto_grpc_version }}{%- else -%}1.45.0{%- endif -%}"
- }
-{%- if target.proto_kotlin_grpc %}
- id("grpckt") {
- artifact = "io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-kotlin:{%- if target.proto_kotlin_grpc_version -%}{{ target.proto_kotlin_grpc_version }}{%- else -%}1.3.1{%- endif -%}:jdk8@jar"
- }
-{%- endif %}
- }
- generateProtoTasks {
- all().forEach {
- it.plugins {
- id("grpc")
-{%- if target.proto_kotlin_grpc %}
- id("grpckt")
-{%- endif %}
- }
-{%- if target.proto_kotlin_grpc %}
- it.builtins {
- create("kotlin")
- }
-{%- endif %}
- }
- }
-{%- endif %}
-val prepareMainProtos = tasks.register<Copy>("prepareMainProtos") {
- from("$project_root") {
-{#- list of all current project proto files -#}
-{%- for proto in target.proto_files %}
- include("{{ proto }}")
-{%- endfor %}
- }
- into(mainProtosDir)
-{% if libraries|length -%}
-val extractMainLibrariesProtos = tasks.register<Copy>("extractMainLibrariesProtos") {
- from("$project_root") {
-{#- list of all library directories -#}
-{%- for library in libraries -%}
-{%- set path_and_jar = rsplit(library.jar, '/', 2) %}
- include("{{ path_and_jar[0] }}/**/*.proto")
-{%- endfor %}
- }
- into(mainExtractedIncludeProtosDir)
-{% endif -%}
-afterEvaluate {
- tasks.getByName("extractProto").dependsOn(prepareMainProtos)
-{%- if libraries|length %}
- tasks.getByName("extractProto").dependsOn(extractMainLibrariesProtos)
-{%- endif %}
-{# To avoid problems when build project with proto #}
-{# To disable redundant javadoc (it may fail the build) #}
-tasks.withType<Javadoc>().configureEach {
- isEnabled = false
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_vars.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_import.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/repositories.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_builddir.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_plugins.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/publish.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_configuration.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_source_sets.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/protobuf.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_prepare.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/javadoc.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/proto_dependencies.jinja" -%}
{%- include "[generator]/debug.jinja" ignore missing -%}