Browse Source

Restoring authorship annotation for <>. Commit 2 of 2.

pkalinnikov 3 years ago

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include "actorid.h"
 #include <util/string/builder.h>
-#include <util/string/cast.h> 
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
 namespace NActors {
     void TActorId::Out(IOutputStream& o) const {
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ namespace NActors {
         semicolons[1] = str.find(':', semicolons[0] + 1);
         if (semicolons[1] == TStringBuf::npos)
             return false;
         bool success = TryFromString(buf + 1, semicolons[0] - 1, Raw.N.NodeId) && TryFromString(buf + semicolons[0] + 1, semicolons[1] - semicolons[0] - 1, Raw.N.LocalId) && TryFromString(buf + semicolons[1] + 1, sz - semicolons[1] - 2, Raw.N.Hint);
         return success;

+ 129 - 129

@@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
-#pragma once 
-#include "traits.h" 
+#pragma once
+#include "traits.h"
 #include <library/cpp/pop_count/popcount.h>
-template <typename T> 
-class TBitIterator { 
-    using TWord = T; 
-    using TTraits = TBitSeqTraits<TWord>; 
-    TBitIterator(const T* data = nullptr) 
-        : Current(0) 
-        , Mask(0) 
-        , Data(data) 
+template <typename T>
+class TBitIterator {
+    using TWord = T;
+    using TTraits = TBitSeqTraits<TWord>;
+    TBitIterator(const T* data = nullptr)
+        : Current(0)
+        , Mask(0)
+        , Data(data)
-    /// Get the word next to the one we are currenlty iterating over. 
-    const TWord* NextWord() const { 
-        return Data; 
-    } 
-    /// Get the next bit without moving the iterator. 
-    bool Peek() const { 
-        return Mask ? (Current & Mask) : (*Data & 1); 
-    } 
-    /// Get the next bit and move forward. 
-    /// TODO: Implement inversed iteration as well. 
-    bool Next() { 
-        if (!Mask) { 
-            Current = *Data++; 
-            Mask = 1; 
-        } 
-        const bool bit = Current & Mask; 
-        Mask <<= 1; 
-        return bit; 
-    } 
-    /// Get the next count bits without moving the iterator. 
-    TWord Peek(ui8 count) const { 
-        if (!count) 
-            return 0; 
+    /// Get the word next to the one we are currenlty iterating over.
+    const TWord* NextWord() const {
+        return Data;
+    }
+    /// Get the next bit without moving the iterator.
+    bool Peek() const {
+        return Mask ? (Current & Mask) : (*Data & 1);
+    }
+    /// Get the next bit and move forward.
+    /// TODO: Implement inversed iteration as well.
+    bool Next() {
+        if (!Mask) {
+            Current = *Data++;
+            Mask = 1;
+        }
+        const bool bit = Current & Mask;
+        Mask <<= 1;
+        return bit;
+    }
+    /// Get the next count bits without moving the iterator.
+    TWord Peek(ui8 count) const {
+        if (!count)
+            return 0;
         Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(count <= TTraits::NumBits);
-        if (!Mask) 
-            return *Data & TTraits::ElemMask(count); 
+        if (!Mask)
+            return *Data & TTraits::ElemMask(count);
         auto usedBits = (size_t)PopCount(Mask - 1);
-        TWord result = Current >> usedBits; 
-        auto leftInCurrent = TTraits::NumBits - usedBits; 
-        if (count <= leftInCurrent) 
-            return result & TTraits::ElemMask(count); 
-        count -= leftInCurrent; 
-        result |= (*Data & TTraits::ElemMask(count)) << leftInCurrent; 
-        return result; 
-    } 
-    /// Get the next count bits and move forward by count bits. 
-    TWord Read(ui8 count) { 
-        if (!count) 
-            return 0; 
+        TWord result = Current >> usedBits;
+        auto leftInCurrent = TTraits::NumBits - usedBits;
+        if (count <= leftInCurrent)
+            return result & TTraits::ElemMask(count);
+        count -= leftInCurrent;
+        result |= (*Data & TTraits::ElemMask(count)) << leftInCurrent;
+        return result;
+    }
+    /// Get the next count bits and move forward by count bits.
+    TWord Read(ui8 count) {
+        if (!count)
+            return 0;
         Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(count <= TTraits::NumBits);
-        if (!Mask) { 
-            Current = *Data++; 
-            Mask = 1 << count; 
-            return Current & TTraits::ElemMask(count); 
-        } 
+        if (!Mask) {
+            Current = *Data++;
+            Mask = 1 << count;
+            return Current & TTraits::ElemMask(count);
+        }
         auto usedBits = (size_t)PopCount(Mask - 1);
-        TWord result = Current >> usedBits; 
-        auto leftInCurrent = TTraits::NumBits - usedBits; 
-        if (count < leftInCurrent) { 
-            Mask <<= count; 
-            return result & TTraits::ElemMask(count); 
-        } 
-        count -= leftInCurrent; 
-        if (count) { 
-            Current = *Data++; 
-            Mask = 1 << count; 
-            result |= (Current & TTraits::ElemMask(count)) << leftInCurrent; 
-        } else { 
-            Mask = 0; 
-        } 
-        return result; 
-    } 
-    /// Move the iterator forward by count bits. 
-    void Forward(int count) { 
-        if (!count) 
-            return; 
+        TWord result = Current >> usedBits;
+        auto leftInCurrent = TTraits::NumBits - usedBits;
+        if (count < leftInCurrent) {
+            Mask <<= count;
+            return result & TTraits::ElemMask(count);
+        }
+        count -= leftInCurrent;
+        if (count) {
+            Current = *Data++;
+            Mask = 1 << count;
+            result |= (Current & TTraits::ElemMask(count)) << leftInCurrent;
+        } else {
+            Mask = 0;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    /// Move the iterator forward by count bits.
+    void Forward(int count) {
+        if (!count)
+            return;
         int leftInCurrent = (size_t)PopCount(~(Mask - 1));
-        if (count < leftInCurrent) { 
-            Mask <<= count; 
-            return; 
-        } 
-        count -= leftInCurrent; 
-        Data += count >> TTraits::DivShift; 
-        auto remainder = count & TTraits::ModMask; 
-        if (remainder) { 
-            Current = *Data++; 
-            Mask = 1 << remainder; 
-        } else { 
-            Current = 0; 
-            Mask = 0; 
-        } 
-    } 
-    /// Skip trailing bits of the current word and move by count words forward. 
-    void Align(int count = 0) { 
-        Current = 0; 
-        if (Mask) 
-            Mask = 0; 
-        Data += count; 
-    } 
-    /// Initialize the iterator. 
-    void Reset(const TWord* data) { 
-        Current = 0; 
-        Mask = 0; 
-        Data = data; 
-    } 
-    TWord Current; 
-    TWord Mask; 
-    const TWord* Data; 
+        if (count < leftInCurrent) {
+            Mask <<= count;
+            return;
+        }
+        count -= leftInCurrent;
+        Data += count >> TTraits::DivShift;
+        auto remainder = count & TTraits::ModMask;
+        if (remainder) {
+            Current = *Data++;
+            Mask = 1 << remainder;
+        } else {
+            Current = 0;
+            Mask = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /// Skip trailing bits of the current word and move by count words forward.
+    void Align(int count = 0) {
+        Current = 0;
+        if (Mask)
+            Mask = 0;
+        Data += count;
+    }
+    /// Initialize the iterator.
+    void Reset(const TWord* data) {
+        Current = 0;
+        Mask = 0;
+        Data = data;
+    }
+    TWord Current;
+    TWord Mask;
+    const TWord* Data;

+ 98 - 98

@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
-#include "bititerator.h" 
+#include "bititerator.h"
 #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h> 
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
 Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TBitIteratorTest) {
     TVector<ui16> GenWords() {
         TVector<ui16> words(1, 0);
-        for (ui16 word = 1; word; ++word) 
-            words.push_back(word); 
-        return words; 
-    } 
-    template <typename TWord> 
+        for (ui16 word = 1; word; ++word)
+            words.push_back(word);
+        return words;
+    }
+    template <typename TWord>
     void AssertPeekRead(TBitIterator<TWord> & iter, ui8 count, TWord expected) {
-        auto peek = iter.Peek(count); 
-        auto read = iter.Read(count); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, read); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, expected); 
-    } 
+        auto peek = iter.Peek(count);
+        auto read = iter.Read(count);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, read);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, expected);
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestNextAndPeek) {
-        const auto& words = GenWords(); 
-        TBitIterator<ui16> iter(; 
-        ui16 word = 0; 
-        for (int i = 0; i != (1 << 16); ++i, ++word) { 
-            for (int bit = 0; bit != 16; ++bit) { 
-                auto peek = iter.Peek(); 
-                auto next = iter.Next(); 
-                UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, next); 
-                UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, (word >> bit) & 1); 
-            } 
-            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + i + 1); 
-        } 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + words.size()); 
-    } 
+        const auto& words = GenWords();
+        TBitIterator<ui16> iter(;
+        ui16 word = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i != (1 << 16); ++i, ++word) {
+            for (int bit = 0; bit != 16; ++bit) {
+                auto peek = iter.Peek();
+                auto next = iter.Next();
+                UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, next);
+                UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(peek, (word >> bit) & 1);
+            }
+            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + i + 1);
+        }
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + words.size());
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestAlignedReadAndPeek) {
-        const auto& words = GenWords(); 
-        TBitIterator<ui16> iter(; 
-        ui16 word = 0; 
-        for (int i = 0; i != (1 << 16); ++i, ++word) { 
-            AssertPeekRead(iter, 16, word); 
-            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + i + 1); 
-        } 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + words.size()); 
-    } 
+        const auto& words = GenWords();
+        TBitIterator<ui16> iter(;
+        ui16 word = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i != (1 << 16); ++i, ++word) {
+            AssertPeekRead(iter, 16, word);
+            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + i + 1);
+        }
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + words.size());
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestForward) {
         TVector<ui32> words;
-        words.push_back((1 << 10) | (1 << 20) | (1 << 25)); 
-        words.push_back(1 | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 30)); 
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) 
-            words.push_back(0); 
-        words.push_back(1 << 10); 
-        TBitIterator<ui32> iter(; 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        iter.Forward(6); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        iter.Forward(8); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        iter.Forward(4); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        iter.Forward(5); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        iter.Forward(4); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        iter.Reset(; 
-        iter.Forward(38); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + 2); 
-        iter.Forward(24 + 32 * 3 + 9); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + 6); 
-    } 
+        words.push_back((1 << 10) | (1 << 20) | (1 << 25));
+        words.push_back(1 | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 30));
+        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+            words.push_back(0);
+        words.push_back(1 << 10);
+        TBitIterator<ui32> iter(;
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        iter.Forward(6);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        iter.Forward(8);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        iter.Forward(4);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        iter.Forward(5);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        iter.Forward(4);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        iter.Reset(;
+        iter.Forward(38);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + 2);
+        iter.Forward(24 + 32 * 3 + 9);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(iter.NextWord(), + 6);
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestUnalignedReadAndPeek) {
         TVector<ui32> words;
-        words.push_back((1 << 10) | (1 << 20) | (1 << 25)); 
-        words.push_back(1 | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 30)); 
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) 
-            words.push_back(1 | (1 << 10)); 
-        TBitIterator<ui32> iter(; 
-        AssertPeekRead(iter, 5, ui32(0)); 
-        AssertPeekRead(iter, 7, ui32(1 << 5)); 
-        AssertPeekRead(iter, 21, ui32((1 << 8) | (1 << 13) | (1 << 20))); 
-        AssertPeekRead(iter, 32, (words[1] >> 1) | (1 << 31)); 
-        iter.Forward(8); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next()); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next()); 
-    } 
+        words.push_back((1 << 10) | (1 << 20) | (1 << 25));
+        words.push_back(1 | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 30));
+        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
+            words.push_back(1 | (1 << 10));
+        TBitIterator<ui32> iter(;
+        AssertPeekRead(iter, 5, ui32(0));
+        AssertPeekRead(iter, 7, ui32(1 << 5));
+        AssertPeekRead(iter, 21, ui32((1 << 8) | (1 << 13) | (1 << 20)));
+        AssertPeekRead(iter, 32, (words[1] >> 1) | (1 << 31));
+        iter.Forward(8);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(iter.Next());
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!iter.Next());
+    }

+ 133 - 133

@@ -1,158 +1,158 @@
-#pragma once 
-#include "traits.h" 
+#pragma once
+#include "traits.h"
 #include <library/cpp/pop_count/popcount.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h> 
-#include <util/ysaveload.h> 
-template <typename T> 
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/ysaveload.h>
+template <typename T>
 class TReadonlyBitVector;
 template <typename T>
-class TBitVector { 
-    using TWord = T; 
-    using TTraits = TBitSeqTraits<TWord>; 
+class TBitVector {
+    using TWord = T;
+    using TTraits = TBitSeqTraits<TWord>;
     friend class TReadonlyBitVector<T>;
-    ui64 Size_; 
+    ui64 Size_;
     TVector<TWord> Data_;
-    TBitVector() 
-        : Size_(0) 
-        , Data_(0) 
-    { 
-    } 
-    TBitVector(ui64 size) 
-        : Size_(size) 
-        , Data_(static_cast<size_t>((Size_ + TTraits::ModMask) >> TTraits::DivShift), 0) 
-    { 
-    } 
+    TBitVector()
+        : Size_(0)
+        , Data_(0)
+    {
+    }
+    TBitVector(ui64 size)
+        : Size_(size)
+        , Data_(static_cast<size_t>((Size_ + TTraits::ModMask) >> TTraits::DivShift), 0)
+    {
+    }
     virtual ~TBitVector() = default;
-    void Clear() { 
-        Size_ = 0; 
-        Data_.clear(); 
-    } 
-    void Resize(ui64 size) { 
-        Size_ = size; 
-        Data_.resize((Size_ + TTraits::ModMask) >> TTraits::DivShift); 
-    } 
-    void Swap(TBitVector& other) { 
-        DoSwap(Size_, other.Size_); 
-        DoSwap(Data_, other.Data_); 
-    } 
-    bool Set(ui64 pos) { 
+    void Clear() {
+        Size_ = 0;
+        Data_.clear();
+    }
+    void Resize(ui64 size) {
+        Size_ = size;
+        Data_.resize((Size_ + TTraits::ModMask) >> TTraits::DivShift);
+    }
+    void Swap(TBitVector& other) {
+        DoSwap(Size_, other.Size_);
+        DoSwap(Data_, other.Data_);
+    }
+    bool Set(ui64 pos) {
         Y_ASSERT(pos < Size_);
-        TWord& val = Data_[pos >> TTraits::DivShift]; 
-        if (val & TTraits::BitMask(pos & TTraits::ModMask)) 
-            return false; 
-        val |= TTraits::BitMask(pos & TTraits::ModMask); 
-        return true; 
-    } 
-    bool Test(ui64 pos) const { 
+        TWord& val = Data_[pos >> TTraits::DivShift];
+        if (val & TTraits::BitMask(pos & TTraits::ModMask))
+            return false;
+        val |= TTraits::BitMask(pos & TTraits::ModMask);
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool Test(ui64 pos) const {
         return TTraits::Test(Data(), pos, Size_);
-    } 
-    void Reset(ui64 pos) { 
+    }
+    void Reset(ui64 pos) {
         Y_ASSERT(pos < Size_);
-        Data_[pos >> TTraits::DivShift] &= ~TTraits::BitMask(pos & TTraits::ModMask); 
-    } 
-    TWord Get(ui64 pos, ui8 width, TWord mask) const { 
+        Data_[pos >> TTraits::DivShift] &= ~TTraits::BitMask(pos & TTraits::ModMask);
+    }
+    TWord Get(ui64 pos, ui8 width, TWord mask) const {
         return TTraits::Get(Data(), pos, width, mask, Size_);
-    } 
-    TWord Get(ui64 pos, ui8 width) const { 
-        return Get(pos, width, TTraits::ElemMask(width)); 
-    } 
-    void Set(ui64 pos, TWord value, ui8 width, TWord mask) { 
+    }
+    TWord Get(ui64 pos, ui8 width) const {
+        return Get(pos, width, TTraits::ElemMask(width));
+    }
+    void Set(ui64 pos, TWord value, ui8 width, TWord mask) {
         if (!width)
         Y_ASSERT((pos + width) <= Size_);
-        size_t word = pos >> TTraits::DivShift; 
-        TWord shift1 = pos & TTraits::ModMask; 
-        TWord shift2 = TTraits::NumBits - shift1; 
-        Data_[word] &= ~(mask << shift1); 
-        Data_[word] |= (value & mask) << shift1; 
-        if (shift2 < width) { 
+        size_t word = pos >> TTraits::DivShift;
+        TWord shift1 = pos & TTraits::ModMask;
+        TWord shift2 = TTraits::NumBits - shift1;
+        Data_[word] &= ~(mask << shift1);
+        Data_[word] |= (value & mask) << shift1;
+        if (shift2 < width) {
             Data_[word + 1] &= ~(mask >> shift2);
             Data_[word + 1] |= (value & mask) >> shift2;
-        } 
-    } 
-    void Set(ui64 pos, TWord value, ui8 width) { 
-        Set(pos, value, width, TTraits::ElemMask(width)); 
-    } 
-    void Append(TWord value, ui8 width, TWord mask) { 
+        }
+    }
+    void Set(ui64 pos, TWord value, ui8 width) {
+        Set(pos, value, width, TTraits::ElemMask(width));
+    }
+    void Append(TWord value, ui8 width, TWord mask) {
         if (!width)
-        if (Data_.size() * TTraits::NumBits < Size_ + width) { 
-            Data_.push_back(0); 
-        } 
-        Size_ += width; 
-        Set(Size_ - width, value, width, mask); 
-    } 
-    void Append(TWord value, ui8 width) { 
-        Append(value, width, TTraits::ElemMask(width)); 
-    } 
-    size_t Count() const { 
-        size_t count = 0; 
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < Data_.size(); ++i) { 
+        if (Data_.size() * TTraits::NumBits < Size_ + width) {
+            Data_.push_back(0);
+        }
+        Size_ += width;
+        Set(Size_ - width, value, width, mask);
+    }
+    void Append(TWord value, ui8 width) {
+        Append(value, width, TTraits::ElemMask(width));
+    }
+    size_t Count() const {
+        size_t count = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < Data_.size(); ++i) {
             count += (size_t)PopCount(Data_[i]);
-        } 
-        return count; 
-    } 
-    ui64 Size() const { 
-        return Size_; 
-    } 
-    size_t Words() const { 
-        return Data_.size(); 
-    } 
-    const TWord* Data() const { 
+        }
+        return count;
+    }
+    ui64 Size() const {
+        return Size_;
+    }
+    size_t Words() const {
+        return Data_.size();
+    }
+    const TWord* Data() const {
-    } 
+    }
     void Save(IOutputStream* out) const {
-        ::Save(out, Size_); 
-        ::Save(out, Data_); 
-    } 
+        ::Save(out, Size_);
+        ::Save(out, Data_);
+    }
     void Load(IInputStream* inp) {
-        ::Load(inp, Size_); 
-        ::Load(inp, Data_); 
-    } 
-    ui64 Space() const { 
-        return CHAR_BIT * (sizeof(Size_) + 
+        ::Load(inp, Size_);
+        ::Load(inp, Data_);
+    }
+    ui64 Space() const {
+        return CHAR_BIT * (sizeof(Size_) +
                            Data_.size() * sizeof(TWord));
-    } 
+    }
     void Print(IOutputStream& out, size_t truncate = 128) {
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < Data_.size() && i < truncate; ++i) { 
-            for (int j = TTraits::NumBits - 1; j >= 0; --j) { 
-                size_t pos = TTraits::NumBits * i + j; 
-                out << (pos < Size_ && Test(pos) ? '1' : '0'); 
-            } 
-            out << " "; 
-        } 
-        out << Endl; 
-    } 
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < Data_.size() && i < truncate; ++i) {
+            for (int j = TTraits::NumBits - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
+                size_t pos = TTraits::NumBits * i + j;
+                out << (pos < Size_ && Test(pos) ? '1' : '0');
+            }
+            out << " ";
+        }
+        out << Endl;
+    }

+ 59 - 59

@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-#include "bitvector.h" 
+#include "bitvector.h"
 #include "readonly_bitvector.h"
 #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
 #include <util/memory/blob.h>
 #include <util/stream/buffer.h>
 Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TBitVectorTest) {
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestEmpty) {
-        TBitVector<ui64> v64; 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v64.Size(), 0); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v64.Words(), 0); 
-        TBitVector<ui32> v32(0); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v32.Size(), 0); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v32.Words(), 0); 
-    } 
+        TBitVector<ui64> v64;
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v64.Size(), 0);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v64.Words(), 0);
+        TBitVector<ui32> v32(0);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v32.Size(), 0);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v32.Words(), 0);
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestOneWord) {
-        TBitVector<ui32> v; 
-        v.Append(1, 1); 
-        v.Append(0, 1); 
-        v.Append(1, 3); 
-        v.Append(10, 4); 
-        v.Append(100500, 20); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(0, 1), 1); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(v.Test(0)); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(1, 1), 0); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(2, 3), 1); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(5, 4), 10); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(9, 20), 100500); 
-        v.Reset(0); 
-        v.Set(9, 1234, 15); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(0, 1), 0); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!v.Test(0)); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(9, 15), 1234); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Size(), 29); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Words(), 1); 
-    } 
+        TBitVector<ui32> v;
+        v.Append(1, 1);
+        v.Append(0, 1);
+        v.Append(1, 3);
+        v.Append(10, 4);
+        v.Append(100500, 20);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(0, 1), 1);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(v.Test(0));
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(1, 1), 0);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(2, 3), 1);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(5, 4), 10);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(9, 20), 100500);
+        v.Reset(0);
+        v.Set(9, 1234, 15);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(0, 1), 0);
+        UNIT_ASSERT(!v.Test(0));
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(9, 15), 1234);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Size(), 29);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Words(), 1);
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestManyWords) {
-        static const int BITS = 10; 
-        TBitVector<ui64> v; 
-        for (int i = 0, end = (1 << BITS); i < end; ++i) 
-            v.Append(i, BITS); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Size(), BITS * (1 << BITS)); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Words(), (v.Size() + 63) / 64); 
-        for (int i = 0, end = (1 << BITS); i < end; ++i) 
-            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(i * BITS, BITS), (ui64)i); 
-    } 
+        static const int BITS = 10;
+        TBitVector<ui64> v;
+        for (int i = 0, end = (1 << BITS); i < end; ++i)
+            v.Append(i, BITS);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Size(), BITS * (1 << BITS));
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Words(), (v.Size() + 63) / 64);
+        for (int i = 0, end = (1 << BITS); i < end; ++i)
+            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(i * BITS, BITS), (ui64)i);
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestMaxWordSize) {
-        TBitVector<ui32> v; 
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) 
-            v.Append(i, 32); 
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) 
-            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(i * 32, 32), (ui32)i); 
-        v.Set(10 * 32, 100500, 32); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(10 * 32, 32), 100500); 
-    } 
+        TBitVector<ui32> v;
+        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+            v.Append(i, 32);
+        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(i * 32, 32), (ui32)i);
+        v.Set(10 * 32, 100500, 32);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.Get(10 * 32, 32), 100500);
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestReadonlyVector) {
         TBitVector<ui64> v(100);
@@ -83,4 +83,4 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TBitVectorTest) {
             UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(rv.Test(i), i % 3 == 0);

+ 23 - 23

@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-#pragma once 
+#pragma once
 #include <util/generic/bitops.h>
-#include <util/generic/typetraits.h> 
+#include <util/generic/typetraits.h>
 #include <util/system/yassert.h>
-template <typename TWord> 
-struct TBitSeqTraits { 
+template <typename TWord>
+struct TBitSeqTraits {
     static constexpr ui8 NumBits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(TWord);
     static constexpr TWord ModMask = static_cast<TWord>(NumBits - 1);
     static constexpr TWord DivShift = MostSignificantBitCT(NumBits);
-    static inline TWord ElemMask(ui8 count) { 
-        // NOTE: Shifting by the type's length is UB, so we need this workaround. 
+    static inline TWord ElemMask(ui8 count) {
+        // NOTE: Shifting by the type's length is UB, so we need this workaround.
         if (Y_LIKELY(count))
-            return TWord(-1) >> (NumBits - count); 
-        return 0; 
-    } 
-    static inline TWord BitMask(ui8 pos) { 
-        return TWord(1) << pos; 
-    } 
-    static size_t NumOfWords(size_t bits) { 
-        return (bits + NumBits - 1) >> DivShift; 
-    } 
+            return TWord(-1) >> (NumBits - count);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    static inline TWord BitMask(ui8 pos) {
+        return TWord(1) << pos;
+    }
+    static size_t NumOfWords(size_t bits) {
+        return (bits + NumBits - 1) >> DivShift;
+    }
     static bool Test(const TWord* data, ui64 pos, ui64 size) {
         Y_ASSERT(pos < size);
         return data[pos >> DivShift] & BitMask(pos & ModMask);
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ struct TBitSeqTraits {
     static_assert(std::is_unsigned<TWord>::value, "Expected std::is_unsigned<T>::value.");
-    static_assert((NumBits & (NumBits - 1)) == 0, "NumBits should be a power of 2."); 
+    static_assert((NumBits & (NumBits - 1)) == 0, "NumBits should be a power of 2.");

+ 8 - 8

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-    bititerator_ut.cpp 
-    bitvector_ut.cpp 
+    bititerator_ut.cpp
+    bitvector_ut.cpp

+ 4 - 4

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ SRCS(

+ 8 - 8

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ struct mem_traits {
 #define MY_14(x) ((ui16)(x) < PACK1LIM ? 1 : 2)
 #define MY_28(x) ((ui32)(x) < PACK2LIM ? MY_14(x) : ((ui32)(x) < PACK3LIM ? 3 : 4))
 #define MY_32(x) ((ui32)(x) < PACK4LIM ? MY_28(x) : 5)
 #define MY_64(x) ((ui64)(x) < PACK4LIM ? MY_28(x) : ((ui64)(x) < PACK6LIM ? ((ui64)(x) < PACK5LIM ? 5 : 6) : ((ui64)(x) < PACK7LIM ? 7 : ((ui64)(x) < PACK8LIM ? 8 : 9))))
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ struct mem_traits {
         (ret) = 5;                    \
     }                                 \
 #define PACK_64(x, buf, how, ret)                             \
     MACRO_BEGIN                                               \
     if ((ui64)(x) < PACK4LIM) {                               \
@@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ struct mem_traits {
         (ret) = 5;                                 \
     }                                              \
 #define UNPACK_32(x, buf, how, ret)            \
     MACRO_BEGIN                                \
     ui8 firstByte = how::get_8(buf);           \
     DO_UNPACK_32(firstByte, x, buf, how, ret); \
 #define DO_UNPACK_64(firstByte, x, buf, how, ret)         \
     MACRO_BEGIN                                           \
     if (firstByte < 0xF0) {                               \
@@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ inline int len_long(const i64& longVal) {
 inline int in_long(i32& longVal, const char* ptrBuf) {
     int ret;
-    UNPACK_32(longVal, ptrBuf, mem_traits, ret); 
+    UNPACK_32(longVal, ptrBuf, mem_traits, ret);
     return ret;
 inline int out_long(const i32& longVal, char* ptrBuf) {
     int ret;
-    PACK_32(longVal, ptrBuf, mem_traits, ret); 
+    PACK_32(longVal, ptrBuf, mem_traits, ret);
     return ret;
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ inline const C* Unpack32(T& x, const C* src) {
     int pkLen = 0;
     const char* c = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(src);
-    UNPACK_32(x, c, mem_traits, pkLen); 
+    UNPACK_32(x, c, mem_traits, pkLen);
     return reinterpret_cast<const C*>(c);
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ inline C* Pack32(const T& x, C* dest) {
     int pkLen = 0;
     char* c = reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest);
-    PACK_32(x, c, mem_traits, pkLen); 
+    PACK_32(x, c, mem_traits, pkLen);
     return reinterpret_cast<C*>(c);

+ 43 - 43

@@ -9,60 +9,60 @@
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestLongs) {
-        i16 x16 = 40; 
-        i64 x64 = 40; 
-        i64 y64; 
+        i16 x16 = 40;
+        i64 x64 = 40;
+        i64 y64;
         TString s;
-        s += Sprintf("x16=0x%x\n", (int)x16); 
+        s += Sprintf("x16=0x%x\n", (int)x16);
         s += Sprintf("LO_8(x16)=0x%x HI_8(x16)=0x%x\n\n", (int)Lo8(x16), (int)Hi8(x16));
-        char buf[100]; 
-        memset(buf, 0, 100); 
+        char buf[100];
+        memset(buf, 0, 100);
         char* p = buf;
-        int l = out_long(x64, buf); 
-        s += Sprintf("x64=0x%" PRIi64 "\n", x64); 
+        int l = out_long(x64, buf);
+        s += Sprintf("x64=0x%" PRIi64 "\n", x64);
         s += Sprintf("LO_32(x64)=0x%" PRIu32 " HI_32(x64)=0x%" PRIu32 "\n", (ui32)Lo32(x64), (ui32)Hi32(x64));
-        s += Sprintf("buf=%s, l=%d: ", buf, l); 
-        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { 
-            s += Sprintf("0x%02x ", buf[i]); 
-        } 
-        s += Sprintf("\n"); 
+        s += Sprintf("buf=%s, l=%d: ", buf, l);
+        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+            s += Sprintf("0x%02x ", buf[i]);
+        }
+        s += Sprintf("\n");
-        p = buf; 
-        in_long(y64, p); 
-        s += Sprintf("x=0x%" PRIi64 " y=0x%" PRIi64 "\n", x64, y64); 
-        if (x64 != y64) { 
-            s += Sprintf("Error: y64 != x64\n"); 
-        } else { 
-            s += Sprintf("OK\n"); 
-        } 
+        p = buf;
+        in_long(y64, p);
+        s += Sprintf("x=0x%" PRIi64 " y=0x%" PRIi64 "\n", x64, y64);
+        if (x64 != y64) {
+            s += Sprintf("Error: y64 != x64\n");
+        } else {
+            s += Sprintf("OK\n");
+        }
         UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Crc<ui64>(, s.size()), 7251624297500315779ULL); // WTF?
-    } 
-    template <typename TSignedInt> 
-    void TestOneValue(TSignedInt value) { 
-        char buffer[sizeof(TSignedInt) + 1]; 
-        auto bytes = out_long(value, buffer); 
-        TSignedInt readValue = 0; 
-        auto readBytes = in_long(readValue, buffer); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(bytes, readBytes); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(bytes, len_long(value)); 
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value, readValue); 
-    } 
-    template <typename TSignedInt> 
-    void TestCornerCasesImpl(int maxPow) { 
-        for (int i = 0; i <= maxPow; ++i) { 
+    }
+    template <typename TSignedInt>
+    void TestOneValue(TSignedInt value) {
+        char buffer[sizeof(TSignedInt) + 1];
+        auto bytes = out_long(value, buffer);
+        TSignedInt readValue = 0;
+        auto readBytes = in_long(readValue, buffer);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(bytes, readBytes);
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(bytes, len_long(value));
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value, readValue);
+    }
+    template <typename TSignedInt>
+    void TestCornerCasesImpl(int maxPow) {
+        for (int i = 0; i <= maxPow; ++i) {
             TestOneValue<TSignedInt>((TSignedInt)(1ull << i));
             TestOneValue<TSignedInt>((TSignedInt)((1ull << i) - 1));
             TestOneValue<TSignedInt>((TSignedInt)((1ull << i) + 1));
-    } 
+    }
     Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCornerCases) {
-        TestCornerCasesImpl<i32>(31); 
-        TestCornerCasesImpl<i64>(63); 
-    } 
+        TestCornerCasesImpl<i32>(31);
+        TestCornerCasesImpl<i64>(63);
+    }

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff