@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-# jwt-cpp
-A header only library for creating and validating json web tokens in c++.
-## Signature algorithms
-As of version 0.2.0 jwt-cpp supports all algorithms defined by the spec. The modular design of jwt-cpp allows one to add additional algorithms without any problems. If you need any feel free to open a pull request.
-For the sake of completeness, here is a list of all supported algorithms:
-* HS256
-* HS384
-* HS512
-* RS256
-* RS384
-* RS512
-* ES256
-* ES384
-* ES512
-* PS256
-* PS384
-* PS512
-## Examples
-Simple example of decoding a token and printing all claims:
-#include <jwt-cpp/jwt.h>
-#include <iostream>
-int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
- std::string token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXUyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMCJ9.AbIJTDMFc7yUa5MhvcP03nJPyCPzZtQcGEp-zWfOkEE";
- auto decoded = jwt::decode(token);
- for(auto& e : decoded.get_payload_claims())
- std::cout << e.first << " = " << e.second.to_json() << std::endl;
-In order to verify a token you first build a verifier and use it to verify a decoded token.
-auto verifier = jwt::verify()
- .allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::hs256{ "secret" })
- .with_issuer("auth0");
-The created verifier is stateless so you can reuse it for different tokens.
-Creating a token (and signing) is equally easy.
-auto token = jwt::create()
- .set_issuer("auth0")
- .set_type("JWS")
- .set_payload_claim("sample", std::string("test"))
- .sign(jwt::algorithm::hs256{"secret"});
-## Contributing
-If you have an improvement or found a bug feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/new) or add the change and create a pull request. If you file a bug please make sure to include as much information about your environment (compiler version, etc.) as possible to help reproduce the issue. If you add a new feature please make sure to also include test cases for it.
-## Dependencies
-In order to use jwt-cpp you need the following tools.
-* libcrypto (openssl or compatible)
-* a compiler supporting at least c++11
-* basic stl support
-In order to build the test cases you also need
-* gtest installed in linker path
-* pthread
-## Troubleshooting
-#### Missing _HMAC amd _EVP_sha256 symbols on Mac
-There seems to exists a problem with the included openssl library of MacOS. Make sure you link to one provided by brew.
-See [here](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/6) for more details.
-#### Building on windows fails with syntax errors
-The header "Windows.h", which is often included in windowsprojects, defines macros for MIN and MAX which screw up std::numeric_limits.
-See [here](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/5) for more details. To fix this do one of the following things:
-* define NOMINMAX, which suppresses this behaviour
-* include this library before you include windows.h
-* place ```#undef max``` and ```#undef min``` before you include this library
+# jwt-cpp
+A header only library for creating and validating json web tokens in c++.
+## Signature algorithms
+As of version 0.2.0 jwt-cpp supports all algorithms defined by the spec. The modular design of jwt-cpp allows one to add additional algorithms without any problems. If you need any feel free to open a pull request.
+For the sake of completeness, here is a list of all supported algorithms:
+* HS256
+* HS384
+* HS512
+* RS256
+* RS384
+* RS512
+* ES256
+* ES384
+* ES512
+* PS256
+* PS384
+* PS512
+## Examples
+Simple example of decoding a token and printing all claims:
+#include <jwt-cpp/jwt.h>
+#include <iostream>
+int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
+ std::string token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXUyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMCJ9.AbIJTDMFc7yUa5MhvcP03nJPyCPzZtQcGEp-zWfOkEE";
+ auto decoded = jwt::decode(token);
+ for(auto& e : decoded.get_payload_claims())
+ std::cout << e.first << " = " << e.second.to_json() << std::endl;
+In order to verify a token you first build a verifier and use it to verify a decoded token.
+auto verifier = jwt::verify()
+ .allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::hs256{ "secret" })
+ .with_issuer("auth0");
+The created verifier is stateless so you can reuse it for different tokens.
+Creating a token (and signing) is equally easy.
+auto token = jwt::create()
+ .set_issuer("auth0")
+ .set_type("JWS")
+ .set_payload_claim("sample", std::string("test"))
+ .sign(jwt::algorithm::hs256{"secret"});
+## Contributing
+If you have an improvement or found a bug feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/new) or add the change and create a pull request. If you file a bug please make sure to include as much information about your environment (compiler version, etc.) as possible to help reproduce the issue. If you add a new feature please make sure to also include test cases for it.
+## Dependencies
+In order to use jwt-cpp you need the following tools.
+* libcrypto (openssl or compatible)
+* a compiler supporting at least c++11
+* basic stl support
+In order to build the test cases you also need
+* gtest installed in linker path
+* pthread
+## Troubleshooting
+#### Missing _HMAC amd _EVP_sha256 symbols on Mac
+There seems to exists a problem with the included openssl library of MacOS. Make sure you link to one provided by brew.
+See [here](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/6) for more details.
+#### Building on windows fails with syntax errors
+The header "Windows.h", which is often included in windowsprojects, defines macros for MIN and MAX which screw up std::numeric_limits.
+See [here](https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/5) for more details. To fix this do one of the following things:
+* define NOMINMAX, which suppresses this behaviour
+* include this library before you include windows.h
+* place ```#undef max``` and ```#undef min``` before you include this library