@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
return {runtime, server, sender};
- Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(UpsertImmediate, EvWrite) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(ExecSQLUpsertImmediate, EvWrite) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
auto opts = TShardedTableOptions();
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST_QUAD(UpsertPrepared, EvWrite, Volatile) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST_QUAD(ExecSQLUpsertPrepared, EvWrite, Volatile) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteImmediate) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UpsertImmediate) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
auto opts = TShardedTableOptions().Columns({{"key", "Uint32", true, false}, {"value", "Uint32", false, false}});
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
Cout << "========= Send immediate write =========\n";
- const auto writeResult = Write(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ const auto writeResult = Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetOrigin(), shard);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetStep(), 0);
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteImmediateManyColumns) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UpsertImmediateManyColumns) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
auto opts = TShardedTableOptions().Columns({{"key64", "Uint64", true, false}, {"key32", "Uint32", true, false},
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
ui64 txId = 100;
- Cout << "========= Send immediate write =========\n";
+ Cout << "========= Send immediate upsert =========\n";
- Write(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
Cout << "========= Read table =========\n";
@@ -137,16 +137,28 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
"key64 = 5, key32 = 6, value64 = 7, value32 = 8, valueUtf8 = String_9\n"
"key64 = 10, key32 = 11, value64 = 12, value32 = 13, valueUtf8 = String_14\n");
+ Cout << "========= Send immediate delete =========\n";
+ {
+ Delete(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, 1, ++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Read table with 1th row deleted =========\n";
+ {
+ auto tableState = TReadTableState(server, MakeReadTableSettings("/Root/table-1")).All();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableState, "key64 = 5, key32 = 6, value64 = 7, value32 = 8, valueUtf8 = String_9\n"
+ "key64 = 10, key32 = 11, value64 = 12, value32 = 13, valueUtf8 = String_14\n");
+ }
- Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteImmediateHugeKey) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteImmediateBadRequest) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
auto opts = TShardedTableOptions().Columns({{"key", "Utf8", true, false}});
auto [shards, tableId] = CreateShardedTable(server, sender, "/Root", "table-1", opts);
const ui64 shard = shards[0];
- Cout << "========= Send immediate write =========\n";
+ Cout << "========= Send immediate write with huge key=========\n";
TString hugeStringValue(NLimits::MaxWriteKeySize + 1, 'X');
TSerializedCellMatrix matrix({TCell(hugeStringValue.c_str(), hugeStringValue.size())}, 1, 1);
@@ -159,9 +171,71 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetIssues().size(), 1);
UNIT_ASSERT(writeResult.GetIssues(0).message().Contains("Row key size of 1049601 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 1049600"));
+ Cout << "========= Send immediate write with OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED =========\n";
+ {
+ TString stringValue('X');
+ TSerializedCellMatrix matrix({TCell(stringValue.c_str(), stringValue.size())}, 1, 1);
+ auto evWrite = std::make_unique<NKikimr::NEvents::TDataEvents::TEvWrite>(100, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ ui64 payloadIndex = NKikimr::NEvWrite::TPayloadWriter<NKikimr::NEvents::TDataEvents::TEvWrite>(*evWrite).AddDataToPayload(matrix.ReleaseBuffer());
+ auto operation = evWrite->Record.AddOperations();
+ operation->SetType(NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::TOperation::OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED);
+ operation->SetPayloadFormat(NKikimrDataEvents::FORMAT_CELLVEC);
+ operation->SetPayloadIndex(payloadIndex);
+ operation->MutableTableId()->SetOwnerId(tableId.PathId.OwnerId);
+ operation->MutableTableId()->SetTableId(tableId.PathId.LocalPathId);
+ operation->MutableTableId()->SetSchemaVersion(tableId.SchemaVersion);
+ operation->MutableColumnIds()->Add(1);
+ const auto writeResult = Write(runtime, sender, shards[0], std::move(evWrite), NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWriteResult::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetIssues().size(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(writeResult.GetIssues(0).message().Contains("OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED operation is not supported now"));
+ }
- Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(WritePrepared, Volatile) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(DeleteImmediate) {
+ auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
+ auto opts = TShardedTableOptions().Columns({{"key", "Uint32", true, false}, {"value", "Uint32", false, false}});
+ auto [shards, tableId] = CreateShardedTable(server, sender, "/Root", "table-1", opts);
+ const ui64 shard = shards[0];
+ ui64 txId = 100;
+ Cout << "========= Send immediate upsert =========\n";
+ {
+ Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, 3, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Read table =========\n";
+ {
+ auto tableState = TReadTableState(server, MakeReadTableSettings("/Root/table-1")).All();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableState, expectedTableState);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Send immediate delete =========\n";
+ {
+ const auto writeResult = Delete(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, 1, ++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetOrigin(), shard);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetStep(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetOrderId(), txId);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetTxId(), txId);
+ const auto& tableAccessStats = writeResult.GetTxStats().GetTableAccessStats(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableAccessStats.GetTableInfo().GetName(), "/Root/table-1");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableAccessStats.GetEraseRow().GetCount(), 1);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Read table with 1th row deleted =========\n";
+ {
+ auto tableState = TReadTableState(server, MakeReadTableSettings("/Root/table-1")).All();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableState, "key = 2, value = 3\nkey = 4, value = 5\n");
+ }
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(UpsertPrepared, Volatile) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
TShardedTableOptions opts;
@@ -176,7 +250,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
Cout << "========= Send prepare =========\n";
- const auto writeResult = Write(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId,
+ const auto writeResult = Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId,
Volatile ? NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_VOLATILE_PREPARE : NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_PREPARE);
UNIT_ASSERT_GT(writeResult.GetMinStep(), 0);
@@ -218,7 +292,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(WritePreparedManyTables, Volatile) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(UpsertPreparedManyTables, Volatile) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
TShardedTableOptions opts;
@@ -236,7 +310,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
Cerr << "===== Write prepared to table 1" << Endl;
- const auto writeResult = Write(runtime, sender, tabletId1, tableId1, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId,
+ const auto writeResult = Upsert(runtime, sender, tabletId1, tableId1, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId,
Volatile ? NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_VOLATILE_PREPARE : NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_PREPARE);
minStep1 = writeResult.GetMinStep();
@@ -245,7 +319,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
Cerr << "===== Write prepared to table 2" << Endl;
- const auto writeResult = Write(runtime, sender, tabletId2, tableId2, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_PREPARE);
+ const auto writeResult = Upsert(runtime, sender, tabletId2, tableId2, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_PREPARE);
minStep2 = writeResult.GetMinStep();
maxStep2 = writeResult.GetMaxStep();
@@ -283,7 +357,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
- Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(WritePreparedNoTxCache, Volatile) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(UpsertPreparedNoTxCache, Volatile) {
auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
TShardedTableOptions opts;
@@ -297,7 +371,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
Cout << "========= Send prepare =========\n";
- const auto writeResult = Write(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId,
+ const auto writeResult = Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, txId,
Volatile ? NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_VOLATILE_PREPARE : NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_PREPARE);
minStep = writeResult.GetMinStep();
@@ -322,6 +396,72 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST_TWIN(DeletePrepared, Volatile) {
+ auto [runtime, server, sender] = TestCreateServer();
+ auto opts = TShardedTableOptions().Columns({{"key", "Uint32", true, false}, {"value", "Uint32", false, false}});
+ const TString tableName = "table-1";
+ const auto [shards, tableId] = CreateShardedTable(server, sender, "/Root", tableName, opts);
+ const ui64 shard = shards[0];
+ const ui64 coordinator = ChangeStateStorage(Coordinator, server->GetSettings().Domain);
+ ui64 txId = 100;
+ ui64 minStep, maxStep;
+ Cout << "========= Send immediate upsert =========\n";
+ {
+ Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, 3, txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Read table =========\n";
+ {
+ auto tableState = TReadTableState(server, MakeReadTableSettings("/Root/table-1")).All();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableState, expectedTableState);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Send delete prepare =========\n";
+ {
+ const auto writeResult = Delete(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, 1, ++txId, Volatile ? NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_VOLATILE_PREPARE : NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_PREPARE);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_GT(writeResult.GetMinStep(), 0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_GT(writeResult.GetMaxStep(), writeResult.GetMinStep());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetOrigin(), shard);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetTxId(), txId);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetDomainCoordinators().size(), 1);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetDomainCoordinators(0), coordinator);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetTabletInfo().GetTabletId(), shard);
+ minStep = writeResult.GetMinStep();
+ maxStep = writeResult.GetMaxStep();
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Send propose to coordinator =========\n";
+ {
+ SendProposeToCoordinator(server, shards, minStep, maxStep, txId);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Wait for completed transaction =========\n";
+ {
+ auto writeResult = WaitForWriteCompleted(runtime, sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetOrigin(), shard);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_GE(writeResult.GetStep(), minStep);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_LE(writeResult.GetStep(), maxStep);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetOrderId(), txId);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(writeResult.GetTxId(), txId);
+ const auto& tableAccessStats = writeResult.GetTxStats().GetTableAccessStats(0);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableAccessStats.GetTableInfo().GetName(), "/Root/" + tableName);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableAccessStats.GetEraseRow().GetCount(), 1);
+ }
+ Cout << "========= Read table =========\n";
+ {
+ auto tableState = TReadTableState(server, MakeReadTableSettings("/Root/" + tableName)).All();
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(tableState, "key = 2, value = 3\nkey = 4, value = 5\n");
+ }
+ }
Y_UNIT_TEST(RejectOnChangeQueueOverflow) {
TPortManager pm;
TServerSettings serverSettings(pm.GetPort(2134));
@@ -352,21 +492,21 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataShardWrite) {
Cout << "========= Send immediate write, expecting success =========\n";
- Write(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, ++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
+ Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, ++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(blockedEnqueueRecords.size(), rowCount);
Cout << "========= Send immediate write, expecting overloaded =========\n";
- Write(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, ++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWriteResult::STATUS_OVERLOADED);
+ Upsert(runtime, sender, shard, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount, ++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWriteResult::STATUS_OVERLOADED);
Cout << "========= Send immediate write + OverloadSubscribe, expecting overloaded =========\n";
ui64 secNo = 55;
- auto request = MakeWriteRequest(++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount);
+ auto request = MakeWriteRequest(++txId, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::MODE_IMMEDIATE, NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWrite::TOperation::OPERATION_UPSERT, tableId, opts.Columns_, rowCount);
auto writeResult = Write(runtime, sender, shard, std::move(request), NKikimrDataEvents::TEvWriteResult::STATUS_OVERLOADED);