@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import dataclasses
+import datetime
import os
import re
import json
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ from operator import attrgetter
from typing import List, Optional, Dict
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, StrictUndefined
from junit_utils import get_property_value, iter_xml_files
+from gh_status import update_pr_comment_text
class TestStatus(Enum):
@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ class TestSummary:
github_srv = os.environ.get("GITHUB_SERVER_URL", "https://github.com")
repo = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPOSITORY", "ydb-platform/ydb")
- footnote_url = f"{github_srv}/{repo}/tree/main/.github/config"
+ footnote_url = f"{github_srv}/{repo}/tree/main/.github/config/muted_ya.txt"
footnote = "[^1]" if add_footnote else f'<sup>[?]({footnote_url} "All mute rules are defined here")</sup>'
@@ -287,18 +289,20 @@ def gen_summary(summary_url_prefix, summary_out_folder, paths):
return summary
-def get_comment_text(pr: PullRequest, summary: TestSummary, build_preset: str, test_history_url: str):
+def get_comment_text(pr: PullRequest, summary: TestSummary, test_history_url: str):
if summary.is_empty:
return [
- f":red_circle: **{build_preset}**: Test run completed, no test results found for commit {pr.head.sha}. "
+ f"Test run completed, no test results found for commit {pr.head.sha}. "
f"Please check build logs."
elif summary.is_failed:
- result = f":red_circle: **{build_preset}**: some tests FAILED"
+ result = f"Some tests failed, follow the links below."
- result = f":green_circle: **{build_preset}**: all tests PASSED"
+ result = f"Tests successful."
- body = [f"{result} for commit {pr.head.sha}."]
+ body = [
+ result
+ ]
if test_history_url:
@@ -309,36 +313,6 @@ def get_comment_text(pr: PullRequest, summary: TestSummary, build_preset: str, t
return body
-def update_pr_comment(run_number: int, pr: PullRequest, summary: TestSummary, build_preset: str, test_history_url: str):
- header = f"<!-- status pr={pr.number}, run={{}} -->"
- header_re = re.compile(header.format(r"(\d+)"))
- comment = body = None
- for c in pr.get_issue_comments():
- if matches := header_re.match(c.body):
- comment = c
- if int(matches[1]) == run_number:
- body = [c.body, "", "---", ""]
- if body is None:
- body = [
- header.format(run_number),
- "> [!NOTE]",
- "> This is an automated comment that will be appended during run.",
- "",
- ]
- body.extend(get_comment_text(pr, summary, build_preset, test_history_url))
- body = "\n".join(body)
- if comment is None:
- pr.create_issue_comment(body)
- else:
- comment.edit(body)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--summary-out-path", required=True)
@@ -364,9 +338,16 @@ def main():
with open(os.environ["GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"]) as fp:
event = json.load(fp)
- run_number = int(os.environ.get("GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER"))
pr = gh.create_from_raw_data(PullRequest, event["pull_request"])
- update_pr_comment(run_number, pr, summary, args.build_preset, args.test_history_url)
+ text = get_comment_text(pr, summary, args.test_history_url)
+ if summary.is_empty | summary.is_failed:
+ color = 'red'
+ else:
+ color = 'green'
+ update_pr_comment_text(pr, args.build_preset, color, text='\n'.join(text), rewrite=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":