@@ -30,7 +30,12 @@ from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.data import (
-from hypothesis.internal.floats import count_between_floats, float_to_int, int_to_float
+from hypothesis.internal.floats import (
+ count_between_floats,
+ float_to_int,
+ int_to_float,
+ sign_aware_lte,
class PreviouslyUnseenBehaviour(HypothesisException):
@@ -184,7 +189,35 @@ def compute_max_children(ir_type, kwargs):
return sum(len(intervals) ** k for k in range(min_size, max_size + 1))
elif ir_type == "float":
- return count_between_floats(kwargs["min_value"], kwargs["max_value"])
+ min_value = kwargs["min_value"]
+ max_value = kwargs["max_value"]
+ smallest_nonzero_magnitude = kwargs["smallest_nonzero_magnitude"]
+ count = count_between_floats(min_value, max_value)
+ # we have two intervals:
+ # a. [min_value, max_value]
+ # b. [-smallest_nonzero_magnitude, smallest_nonzero_magnitude]
+ #
+ # which could be subsets (in either order), overlapping, or disjoint. We
+ # want the interval difference a - b.
+ # next_down because endpoints are ok with smallest_nonzero_magnitude
+ min_point = max(min_value, -flt.next_down(smallest_nonzero_magnitude))
+ max_point = min(max_value, flt.next_down(smallest_nonzero_magnitude))
+ if min_point > max_point:
+ # case: disjoint intervals.
+ return count
+ count -= count_between_floats(min_point, max_point)
+ if sign_aware_lte(min_value, -0.0) and sign_aware_lte(-0.0, max_value):
+ # account for -0.0
+ count += 1
+ if sign_aware_lte(min_value, 0.0) and sign_aware_lte(0.0, max_value):
+ # account for 0.0
+ count += 1
+ return count
raise NotImplementedError(f"unhandled ir_type {ir_type}")
@@ -247,16 +280,30 @@ def all_children(ir_type, kwargs):
min_value = kwargs["min_value"]
max_value = kwargs["max_value"]
+ smallest_nonzero_magnitude = kwargs["smallest_nonzero_magnitude"]
+ # handle zeroes separately so smallest_nonzero_magnitude can think of
+ # itself as a complete interval (instead of a hole at ±0).
+ if sign_aware_lte(min_value, -0.0) and sign_aware_lte(-0.0, max_value):
+ yield -0.0
+ if sign_aware_lte(min_value, 0.0) and sign_aware_lte(0.0, max_value):
+ yield 0.0
if flt.is_negative(min_value):
if flt.is_negative(max_value):
- # if both are negative, have to invert order
- yield from floats_between(max_value, min_value)
+ # case: both negative.
+ max_point = min(max_value, -smallest_nonzero_magnitude)
+ # float_to_int increases as negative magnitude increases, so
+ # invert order.
+ yield from floats_between(max_point, min_value)
- yield from floats_between(-0.0, min_value)
- yield from floats_between(0.0, max_value)
+ # case: straddles midpoint (which is between -0.0 and 0.0).
+ yield from floats_between(-smallest_nonzero_magnitude, min_value)
+ yield from floats_between(smallest_nonzero_magnitude, max_value)
- yield from floats_between(min_value, max_value)
+ # case: both positive.
+ min_point = max(min_value, smallest_nonzero_magnitude)
+ yield from floats_between(min_point, max_value)