@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@
namespace re2 {
+// Controls the maximum count permitted by GlobalReplace(); -1 is unlimited.
+static int maximum_global_replace_count = -1;
+void RE2::FUZZING_ONLY_set_maximum_global_replace_count(int i) {
+ maximum_global_replace_count = i;
// Maximum number of args we can set
static const int kMaxArgs = 16;
static const int kVecSize = 1+kMaxArgs;
@@ -43,11 +50,11 @@ static const int kVecSize = 1+kMaxArgs;
const int RE2::Options::kDefaultMaxMem; // initialized in re2.h
RE2::Options::Options(RE2::CannedOptions opt)
- : encoding_(opt == RE2::Latin1 ? EncodingLatin1 : EncodingUTF8),
+ : max_mem_(kDefaultMaxMem),
+ encoding_(opt == RE2::Latin1 ? EncodingLatin1 : EncodingUTF8),
posix_syntax_(opt == RE2::POSIX),
longest_match_(opt == RE2::POSIX),
log_errors_(opt != RE2::Quiet),
- max_mem_(kDefaultMaxMem),
@@ -58,11 +65,30 @@ RE2::Options::Options(RE2::CannedOptions opt)
one_line_(false) {
-// static empty objects for use as const references.
-// To avoid global constructors, allocated in RE2::Init().
-static const std::string* empty_string;
-static const std::map<std::string, int>* empty_named_groups;
-static const std::map<int, std::string>* empty_group_names;
+// Empty objects for use as const references.
+// Statically allocating the storage and then
+// lazily constructing the objects (in a once
+// in RE2::Init()) avoids global constructors
+// and the false positives (thanks, Valgrind)
+// about memory leaks at program termination.
+struct EmptyStorage {
+ std::string empty_string;
+ std::map<std::string, int> empty_named_groups;
+ std::map<int, std::string> empty_group_names;
+alignas(EmptyStorage) static char empty_storage[sizeof(EmptyStorage)];
+static inline std::string* empty_string() {
+ return &reinterpret_cast<EmptyStorage*>(empty_storage)->empty_string;
+static inline std::map<std::string, int>* empty_named_groups() {
+ return &reinterpret_cast<EmptyStorage*>(empty_storage)->empty_named_groups;
+static inline std::map<int, std::string>* empty_group_names() {
+ return &reinterpret_cast<EmptyStorage*>(empty_storage)->empty_group_names;
// Converts from Regexp error code to RE2 error code.
// Maybe some day they will diverge. In any event, this
@@ -173,23 +199,23 @@ int RE2::Options::ParseFlags() const {
void RE2::Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options) {
static std::once_flag empty_once;
std::call_once(empty_once, []() {
- empty_string = new std::string;
- empty_named_groups = new std::map<std::string, int>;
- empty_group_names = new std::map<int, std::string>;
+ (void) new (empty_storage) EmptyStorage;
- pattern_.assign(pattern.data(), pattern.size());
+ pattern_ = new std::string(pattern);
entire_regexp_ = NULL;
- error_ = empty_string;
- error_code_ = NoError;
- error_arg_.clear();
- prefix_.clear();
- prefix_foldcase_ = false;
suffix_regexp_ = NULL;
- prog_ = NULL;
+ error_ = empty_string();
+ error_arg_ = empty_string();
num_captures_ = -1;
+ error_code_ = NoError;
+ longest_match_ = options_.longest_match();
is_one_pass_ = false;
+ prefix_foldcase_ = false;
+ prefix_.clear();
+ prog_ = NULL;
rprog_ = NULL;
named_groups_ = NULL;
@@ -197,25 +223,29 @@ void RE2::Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options) {
RegexpStatus status;
entire_regexp_ = Regexp::Parse(
- pattern_,
+ *pattern_,
if (entire_regexp_ == NULL) {
if (options_.log_errors()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing '" << trunc(pattern_) << "': "
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing '" << trunc(*pattern_) << "': "
<< status.Text();
error_ = new std::string(status.Text());
error_code_ = RegexpErrorToRE2(status.code());
- error_arg_ = std::string(status.error_arg());
+ error_arg_ = new std::string(status.error_arg());
+ bool foldcase;
re2::Regexp* suffix;
- if (entire_regexp_->RequiredPrefix(&prefix_, &prefix_foldcase_, &suffix))
+ if (entire_regexp_->RequiredPrefix(&prefix_, &foldcase, &suffix)) {
+ prefix_foldcase_ = foldcase;
suffix_regexp_ = suffix;
- else
+ }
+ else {
suffix_regexp_ = entire_regexp_->Incref();
+ }
// Two thirds of the memory goes to the forward Prog,
// one third to the reverse prog, because the forward
@@ -223,7 +253,7 @@ void RE2::Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options) {
prog_ = suffix_regexp_->CompileToProg(options_.max_mem()*2/3);
if (prog_ == NULL) {
if (options_.log_errors())
- LOG(ERROR) << "Error compiling '" << trunc(pattern_) << "'";
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error compiling '" << trunc(*pattern_) << "'";
error_ = new std::string("pattern too large - compile failed");
error_code_ = RE2::ErrorPatternTooLarge;
@@ -249,7 +279,8 @@ re2::Prog* RE2::ReverseProg() const {
re->suffix_regexp_->CompileToReverseProg(re->options_.max_mem() / 3);
if (re->rprog_ == NULL) {
if (re->options_.log_errors())
- LOG(ERROR) << "Error reverse compiling '" << trunc(re->pattern_) << "'";
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error reverse compiling '" << trunc(*re->pattern_)
+ << "'";
// We no longer touch error_ and error_code_ because failing to compile
// the reverse Prog is not a showstopper: falling back to NFA execution
// is fine. More importantly, an RE2 object is supposed to be logically
@@ -261,18 +292,21 @@ re2::Prog* RE2::ReverseProg() const {
RE2::~RE2() {
+ if (group_names_ != empty_group_names())
+ delete group_names_;
+ if (named_groups_ != empty_named_groups())
+ delete named_groups_;
+ delete rprog_;
+ delete prog_;
+ if (error_arg_ != empty_string())
+ delete error_arg_;
+ if (error_ != empty_string())
+ delete error_;
if (suffix_regexp_)
if (entire_regexp_)
- delete prog_;
- delete rprog_;
- if (error_ != empty_string)
- delete error_;
- if (named_groups_ != NULL && named_groups_ != empty_named_groups)
- delete named_groups_;
- if (group_names_ != NULL && group_names_ != empty_group_names)
- delete group_names_;
+ delete pattern_;
int RE2::ProgramSize() const {
@@ -352,7 +386,7 @@ const std::map<std::string, int>& RE2::NamedCapturingGroups() const {
if (re->suffix_regexp_ != NULL)
re->named_groups_ = re->suffix_regexp_->NamedCaptures();
if (re->named_groups_ == NULL)
- re->named_groups_ = empty_named_groups;
+ re->named_groups_ = empty_named_groups();
}, this);
return *named_groups_;
@@ -363,7 +397,7 @@ const std::map<int, std::string>& RE2::CapturingGroupNames() const {
if (re->suffix_regexp_ != NULL)
re->group_names_ = re->suffix_regexp_->CaptureNames();
if (re->group_names_ == NULL)
- re->group_names_ = empty_group_names;
+ re->group_names_ = empty_group_names();
}, this);
return *group_names_;
@@ -439,13 +473,10 @@ int RE2::GlobalReplace(std::string* str,
const char* lastend = NULL;
std::string out;
int count = 0;
- // Iterate just once when fuzzing. Otherwise, we easily get bogged down
- // and coverage is unlikely to improve despite significant expense.
- while (p == str->data()) {
while (p <= ep) {
+ if (maximum_global_replace_count != -1 &&
+ count >= maximum_global_replace_count)
+ break;
if (!re.Match(*str, static_cast<size_t>(p - str->data()),
str->size(), UNANCHORED, vec, nvec))
@@ -686,9 +717,8 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
Prog::Anchor anchor = Prog::kUnanchored;
- Prog::MatchKind kind = Prog::kFirstMatch;
- if (options_.longest_match())
- kind = Prog::kLongestMatch;
+ Prog::MatchKind kind =
+ longest_match_ ? Prog::kLongestMatch : Prog::kFirstMatch;
bool can_one_pass = is_one_pass_ && ncap <= Prog::kMaxOnePassCapture;
bool can_bit_state = prog_->CanBitState();
@@ -720,7 +750,7 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
if (dfa_failed) {
if (options_.log_errors())
LOG(ERROR) << "DFA out of memory: "
- << "pattern length " << pattern_.size() << ", "
+ << "pattern length " << pattern_->size() << ", "
<< "program size " << prog->size() << ", "
<< "list count " << prog->list_count() << ", "
<< "bytemap range " << prog->bytemap_range();
@@ -740,7 +770,7 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
if (dfa_failed) {
if (options_.log_errors())
LOG(ERROR) << "DFA out of memory: "
- << "pattern length " << pattern_.size() << ", "
+ << "pattern length " << pattern_->size() << ", "
<< "program size " << prog_->size() << ", "
<< "list count " << prog_->list_count() << ", "
<< "bytemap range " << prog_->bytemap_range();
@@ -766,7 +796,7 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
if (dfa_failed) {
if (options_.log_errors())
LOG(ERROR) << "DFA out of memory: "
- << "pattern length " << pattern_.size() << ", "
+ << "pattern length " << pattern_->size() << ", "
<< "program size " << prog->size() << ", "
<< "list count " << prog->list_count() << ", "
<< "bytemap range " << prog->bytemap_range();
@@ -809,7 +839,7 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
if (dfa_failed) {
if (options_.log_errors())
LOG(ERROR) << "DFA out of memory: "
- << "pattern length " << pattern_.size() << ", "
+ << "pattern length " << pattern_->size() << ", "
<< "program size " << prog_->size() << ", "
<< "list count " << prog_->list_count() << ", "
<< "bytemap range " << prog_->bytemap_range();